# Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Device function for replicated training.""" from tensorflow.core.framework import node_def_pb2 from tensorflow.python.framework import device as pydev from tensorflow.python.platform import tf_logging as logging from tensorflow.python.training import server_lib from tensorflow.python.util.tf_export import tf_export STANDARD_PS_OPS = ("Variable", "VariableV2", "AutoReloadVariable", "MutableHashTable", "MutableHashTableV2", "MutableHashTableOfTensors", "MutableHashTableOfTensorsV2", "MutableDenseHashTable", "MutableDenseHashTableV2", "VarHandleOp", "BoostedTreesEnsembleResourceHandleOp", "BoostedTreesQuantileStreamResourceHandleOp", "ResourceConditionalAccumulator", "DecisionTreeResource") class _RoundRobinStrategy: """Returns the next ps task index for placement in round-robin order. This class is not to be used directly by users. See instead `replica_device_setter()` below. """ def __init__(self, num_tasks): """Create a new `_RoundRobinStrategy`. Args: num_tasks: Number of ps tasks to cycle among. """ self._num_tasks = num_tasks self._next_task = 0 def __call__(self, unused_op): """Choose a ps task index for the given `Operation`. Args: unused_op: An `Operation` to be placed on ps. Returns: The next ps task index to use for the `Operation`. Returns the next index, in the range `[offset, offset + num_tasks)`. """ task = self._next_task self._next_task = (self._next_task + 1) % self._num_tasks return task class _ReplicaDeviceChooser: """Class to choose devices for Ops in a replicated training setup. This class is not to be used directly by users. See instead `replica_device_setter()` below. """ def __init__(self, ps_tasks, ps_device, worker_device, merge_devices, ps_ops, ps_strategy): """Create a new `_ReplicaDeviceChooser`. Args: ps_tasks: Number of tasks in the `ps` job. ps_device: String. Name of the `ps` job. worker_device: String. Name of the `worker` job. merge_devices: Boolean. Set to True to allow merging of device specs. ps_ops: List of strings representing `Operation` types that need to be placed on `ps` devices. ps_strategy: A callable invoked for every ps `Operation` (i.e. matched by `ps_ops`), that takes the `Operation` and returns the ps task index to use. """ self._ps_tasks = ps_tasks self._ps_device = ps_device self._worker_device = worker_device self._merge_devices = merge_devices self._ps_ops = ps_ops self._ps_strategy = ps_strategy def device_function(self, op): """Choose a device for `op`. Args: op: an `Operation`. Returns: The device to use for the `Operation`. """ # If we don't return early here, either merge_devices is True, or op.device # is empty (in which case merging is a no-op). So we can always merge below. if not self._merge_devices and op.device: return op.device current_device = pydev.DeviceSpec.from_string(op.device or "") # The ps_device will be used for specified ops (ps_ops) whenever it is # present and ps_tasks is non-zero. However, its task number will only be # set (using ps_strategy) if there is a job field in ps_device that won't be # changed by the job field (if present) in current_device. node_def = op if isinstance(op, node_def_pb2.NodeDef) else op.node_def if self._ps_tasks and self._ps_device and node_def.op in self._ps_ops: ps_device = pydev.DeviceSpec.from_string(self._ps_device) current_job, ps_job = current_device.job, ps_device.job if ps_job and (not current_job or current_job == ps_job): ps_device = ps_device.replace(task=self._ps_strategy(op)) ps_device = ps_device.make_merged_spec(current_device) return ps_device.to_string() worker_device = pydev.DeviceSpec.from_string(self._worker_device or "") worker_device = worker_device.make_merged_spec(current_device) return worker_device.to_string() @tf_export(v1=["train.replica_device_setter"]) def replica_device_setter(ps_tasks=0, ps_device="/job:ps", worker_device="/job:worker", merge_devices=True, cluster=None, ps_ops=None, ps_strategy=None): """Return a `device function` to use when building a Graph for replicas. Device Functions are used in `with tf.device(device_function):` statement to automatically assign devices to `Operation` objects as they are constructed, Device constraints are added from the inner-most context first, working outwards. The merging behavior adds constraints to fields that are yet unset by a more inner context. Currently the fields are (job, task, cpu/gpu). If `cluster` is `None`, and `ps_tasks` is 0, the returned function is a no-op. Otherwise, the value of `ps_tasks` is derived from `cluster`. By default, only Variable ops are placed on ps tasks, and the placement strategy is round-robin over all ps tasks. A custom `ps_strategy` may be used to do more intelligent placement, such as `tf.contrib.training.GreedyLoadBalancingStrategy`. For example, ```python # To build a cluster with two ps jobs on hosts ps0 and ps1, and 3 worker # jobs on hosts worker0, worker1 and worker2. cluster_spec = { "ps": ["ps0:2222", "ps1:2222"], "worker": ["worker0:2222", "worker1:2222", "worker2:2222"]} with tf.compat.v1.device(tf.compat.v1.train.replica_device_setter(cluster=cluster_spec)): # Build your graph v1 = tf.Variable(...) # assigned to /job:ps/task:0 v2 = tf.Variable(...) # assigned to /job:ps/task:1 v3 = tf.Variable(...) # assigned to /job:ps/task:0 # Run compute ``` Args: ps_tasks: Number of tasks in the `ps` job. Ignored if `cluster` is provided. ps_device: String. Device of the `ps` job. If empty no `ps` job is used. Defaults to `ps`. worker_device: String. Device of the `worker` job. If empty no `worker` job is used. merge_devices: `Boolean`. If `True`, merges or only sets a device if the device constraint is completely unset. merges device specification rather than overriding them. cluster: `ClusterDef` proto or `ClusterSpec`. ps_ops: List of strings representing `Operation` types that need to be placed on `ps` devices. If `None`, defaults to `STANDARD_PS_OPS`. ps_strategy: A callable invoked for every ps `Operation` (i.e. matched by `ps_ops`), that takes the `Operation` and returns the ps task index to use. If `None`, defaults to a round-robin strategy across all `ps` devices. Returns: A function to pass to `tf.device()`. Raises: TypeError if `cluster` is not a dictionary or `ClusterDef` protocol buffer, or if `ps_strategy` is provided but not a callable. """ if cluster is not None: if isinstance(cluster, server_lib.ClusterSpec): cluster_spec = cluster.as_dict() else: cluster_spec = server_lib.ClusterSpec(cluster).as_dict() # Get ps_job_name from ps_device by stripping "/job:". ps_job_name = pydev.DeviceSpec.from_string(ps_device).job if ps_job_name not in cluster_spec or cluster_spec[ps_job_name] is None: return None ps_tasks = len(cluster_spec[ps_job_name]) if ps_tasks == 0: return None if ps_ops is None: # TODO(sherrym): Variables in the LOCAL_VARIABLES collection should not be # placed in the parameter server. ps_ops = list(STANDARD_PS_OPS) if not merge_devices: logging.warning( "DEPRECATION: It is recommended to set merge_devices=true in " "replica_device_setter") if ps_strategy is None: ps_strategy = _RoundRobinStrategy(ps_tasks) if not callable(ps_strategy): raise TypeError("ps_strategy must be callable") chooser = _ReplicaDeviceChooser(ps_tasks, ps_device, worker_device, merge_devices, ps_ops, ps_strategy) return chooser.device_function