2024-05-26 19:49:15 +02:00

1155 lines
39 KiB

from datetime import (
import re
import numpy as np
import pytest
from pandas._libs.tslibs import iNaT
from pandas._libs.tslibs.ccalendar import (
from pandas._libs.tslibs.np_datetime import OutOfBoundsDatetime
from pandas._libs.tslibs.parsing import DateParseError
from pandas._libs.tslibs.period import INVALID_FREQ_ERR_MSG
from pandas import (
import pandas._testing as tm
bday_msg = "Period with BDay freq is deprecated"
class TestPeriodDisallowedFreqs:
"freq, freq_msg",
(offsets.BYearBegin(), "BYearBegin"),
(offsets.YearBegin(2), "YearBegin"),
(offsets.QuarterBegin(startingMonth=12), "QuarterBegin"),
(offsets.BusinessMonthEnd(2), "BusinessMonthEnd"),
def test_offsets_not_supported(self, freq, freq_msg):
# GH#55785
msg = re.escape(f"{freq} is not supported as period frequency")
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Period(year=2014, freq=freq)
def test_custom_business_day_freq_raises(self):
# GH#52534
msg = "C is not supported as period frequency"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Period("2023-04-10", freq="C")
msg = f"{offsets.CustomBusinessDay().base} is not supported as period frequency"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Period("2023-04-10", freq=offsets.CustomBusinessDay())
def test_invalid_frequency_error_message(self):
msg = "WOM-1MON is not supported as period frequency"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Period("2012-01-02", freq="WOM-1MON")
def test_invalid_frequency_period_error_message(self):
msg = "for Period, please use 'M' instead of 'ME'"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Period("2012-01-02", freq="ME")
class TestPeriodConstruction:
def test_from_td64nat_raises(self):
# GH#44507
td = NaT.to_numpy("m8[ns]")
msg = "Value must be Period, string, integer, or datetime"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Period(td, freq="D")
def test_construction(self):
i1 = Period("1/1/2005", freq="M")
i2 = Period("Jan 2005")
assert i1 == i2
# GH#54105 - Period can be confusingly instantiated with lowercase freq
# TODO: raise in the future an error when passing lowercase freq
i1 = Period("2005", freq="Y")
i2 = Period("2005")
assert i1 == i2
i4 = Period("2005", freq="M")
assert i1 != i4
i1 = Period.now(freq="Q")
i2 = Period(datetime.now(), freq="Q")
assert i1 == i2
# Pass in freq as a keyword argument sometimes as a test for
# https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/53369
i1 = Period.now(freq="D")
i2 = Period(datetime.now(), freq="D")
i3 = Period.now(offsets.Day())
assert i1 == i2
assert i1 == i3
i1 = Period("1982", freq="min")
msg = "'MIN' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version."
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match=msg):
i2 = Period("1982", freq="MIN")
assert i1 == i2
i1 = Period(year=2005, month=3, day=1, freq="D")
i2 = Period("3/1/2005", freq="D")
assert i1 == i2
i3 = Period(year=2005, month=3, day=1, freq="d")
assert i1 == i3
i1 = Period("2007-01-01 09:00:00.001")
expected = Period(datetime(2007, 1, 1, 9, 0, 0, 1000), freq="ms")
assert i1 == expected
expected = Period("2007-01-01 09:00:00.001", freq="ms")
assert i1 == expected
i1 = Period("2007-01-01 09:00:00.00101")
expected = Period(datetime(2007, 1, 1, 9, 0, 0, 1010), freq="us")
assert i1 == expected
expected = Period("2007-01-01 09:00:00.00101", freq="us")
assert i1 == expected
msg = "Must supply freq for ordinal value"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
msg = "Invalid frequency: X"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Period("2007-1-1", freq="X")
def test_tuple_freq_disallowed(self):
# GH#34703 tuple freq disallowed
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="pass as a string instead"):
Period("1982", freq=("Min", 1))
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="pass as a string instead"):
Period("2006-12-31", ("w", 1))
def test_construction_from_timestamp_nanos(self):
# GH#46811 don't drop nanos from Timestamp
ts = Timestamp("2022-04-20 09:23:24.123456789")
per = Period(ts, freq="ns")
# should losslessly round-trip, not lose the 789
rt = per.to_timestamp()
assert rt == ts
# same thing but from a datetime64 object
dt64 = ts.asm8
per2 = Period(dt64, freq="ns")
rt2 = per2.to_timestamp()
assert rt2.asm8 == dt64
def test_construction_bday(self):
# Biz day construction, roll forward if non-weekday
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match=bday_msg):
i1 = Period("3/10/12", freq="B")
i2 = Period("3/10/12", freq="D")
assert i1 == i2.asfreq("B")
i2 = Period("3/11/12", freq="D")
assert i1 == i2.asfreq("B")
i2 = Period("3/12/12", freq="D")
assert i1 == i2.asfreq("B")
i3 = Period("3/10/12", freq="b")
assert i1 == i3
i1 = Period(year=2012, month=3, day=10, freq="B")
i2 = Period("3/12/12", freq="B")
assert i1 == i2
def test_construction_quarter(self):
i1 = Period(year=2005, quarter=1, freq="Q")
i2 = Period("1/1/2005", freq="Q")
assert i1 == i2
i1 = Period(year=2005, quarter=3, freq="Q")
i2 = Period("9/1/2005", freq="Q")
assert i1 == i2
i1 = Period("2005Q1")
i2 = Period(year=2005, quarter=1, freq="Q")
i3 = Period("2005q1")
assert i1 == i2
assert i1 == i3
i1 = Period("05Q1")
assert i1 == i2
lower = Period("05q1")
assert i1 == lower
i1 = Period("1Q2005")
assert i1 == i2
lower = Period("1q2005")
assert i1 == lower
i1 = Period("1Q05")
assert i1 == i2
lower = Period("1q05")
assert i1 == lower
i1 = Period("4Q1984")
assert i1.year == 1984
lower = Period("4q1984")
assert i1 == lower
def test_construction_month(self):
expected = Period("2007-01", freq="M")
i1 = Period("200701", freq="M")
assert i1 == expected
i1 = Period("200701", freq="M")
assert i1 == expected
i1 = Period(200701, freq="M")
assert i1 == expected
i1 = Period(ordinal=200701, freq="M")
assert i1.year == 18695
i1 = Period(datetime(2007, 1, 1), freq="M")
i2 = Period("200701", freq="M")
assert i1 == i2
i1 = Period(date(2007, 1, 1), freq="M")
i2 = Period(datetime(2007, 1, 1), freq="M")
i3 = Period(np.datetime64("2007-01-01"), freq="M")
i4 = Period("2007-01-01 00:00:00", freq="M")
i5 = Period("2007-01-01 00:00:00.000", freq="M")
assert i1 == i2
assert i1 == i3
assert i1 == i4
assert i1 == i5
def test_period_constructor_offsets(self):
assert Period("1/1/2005", freq=offsets.MonthEnd()) == Period(
"1/1/2005", freq="M"
assert Period("2005", freq=offsets.YearEnd()) == Period("2005", freq="Y")
assert Period("2005", freq=offsets.MonthEnd()) == Period("2005", freq="M")
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match=bday_msg):
assert Period("3/10/12", freq=offsets.BusinessDay()) == Period(
"3/10/12", freq="B"
assert Period("3/10/12", freq=offsets.Day()) == Period("3/10/12", freq="D")
assert Period(
year=2005, quarter=1, freq=offsets.QuarterEnd(startingMonth=12)
) == Period(year=2005, quarter=1, freq="Q")
assert Period(
year=2005, quarter=2, freq=offsets.QuarterEnd(startingMonth=12)
) == Period(year=2005, quarter=2, freq="Q")
assert Period(year=2005, month=3, day=1, freq=offsets.Day()) == Period(
year=2005, month=3, day=1, freq="D"
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match=bday_msg):
assert Period(year=2012, month=3, day=10, freq=offsets.BDay()) == Period(
year=2012, month=3, day=10, freq="B"
expected = Period("2005-03-01", freq="3D")
assert Period(year=2005, month=3, day=1, freq=offsets.Day(3)) == expected
assert Period(year=2005, month=3, day=1, freq="3D") == expected
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match=bday_msg):
assert Period(year=2012, month=3, day=10, freq=offsets.BDay(3)) == Period(
year=2012, month=3, day=10, freq="3B"
assert Period(200701, freq=offsets.MonthEnd()) == Period(200701, freq="M")
i1 = Period(ordinal=200701, freq=offsets.MonthEnd())
i2 = Period(ordinal=200701, freq="M")
assert i1 == i2
assert i1.year == 18695
assert i2.year == 18695
i1 = Period(datetime(2007, 1, 1), freq="M")
i2 = Period("200701", freq="M")
assert i1 == i2
i1 = Period(date(2007, 1, 1), freq="M")
i2 = Period(datetime(2007, 1, 1), freq="M")
i3 = Period(np.datetime64("2007-01-01"), freq="M")
i4 = Period("2007-01-01 00:00:00", freq="M")
i5 = Period("2007-01-01 00:00:00.000", freq="M")
assert i1 == i2
assert i1 == i3
assert i1 == i4
assert i1 == i5
i1 = Period("2007-01-01 09:00:00.001")
expected = Period(datetime(2007, 1, 1, 9, 0, 0, 1000), freq="ms")
assert i1 == expected
expected = Period("2007-01-01 09:00:00.001", freq="ms")
assert i1 == expected
i1 = Period("2007-01-01 09:00:00.00101")
expected = Period(datetime(2007, 1, 1, 9, 0, 0, 1010), freq="us")
assert i1 == expected
expected = Period("2007-01-01 09:00:00.00101", freq="us")
assert i1 == expected
def test_invalid_arguments(self):
msg = "Must supply freq for datetime value"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
msg = "Value must be Period, string, integer, or datetime"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Period(1.6, freq="D")
msg = "Ordinal must be an integer"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Period(ordinal=1.6, freq="D")
msg = "Only value or ordinal but not both should be given but not both"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Period(ordinal=2, value=1, freq="D")
msg = "If value is None, freq cannot be None"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
msg = '^Given date string "-2000" not likely a datetime$'
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Period("-2000", "Y")
msg = "day is out of range for month"
with pytest.raises(DateParseError, match=msg):
Period("0", "Y")
msg = "Unknown datetime string format, unable to parse"
with pytest.raises(DateParseError, match=msg):
Period("1/1/-2000", "Y")
def test_constructor_corner(self):
expected = Period("2007-01", freq="2M")
assert Period(year=2007, month=1, freq="2M") == expected
assert Period(None) is NaT
p = Period("2007-01-01", freq="D")
result = Period(p, freq="Y")
exp = Period("2007", freq="Y")
assert result == exp
def test_constructor_infer_freq(self):
p = Period("2007-01-01")
assert p.freq == "D"
p = Period("2007-01-01 07")
assert p.freq == "h"
p = Period("2007-01-01 07:10")
assert p.freq == "min"
p = Period("2007-01-01 07:10:15")
assert p.freq == "s"
p = Period("2007-01-01 07:10:15.123")
assert p.freq == "ms"
# We see that there are 6 digits after the decimal, so get microsecond
# even though they are all zeros.
p = Period("2007-01-01 07:10:15.123000")
assert p.freq == "us"
p = Period("2007-01-01 07:10:15.123400")
assert p.freq == "us"
def test_multiples(self):
result1 = Period("1989", freq="2Y")
result2 = Period("1989", freq="Y")
assert result1.ordinal == result2.ordinal
assert result1.freqstr == "2Y-DEC"
assert result2.freqstr == "Y-DEC"
assert result1.freq == offsets.YearEnd(2)
assert result2.freq == offsets.YearEnd()
assert (result1 + 1).ordinal == result1.ordinal + 2
assert (1 + result1).ordinal == result1.ordinal + 2
assert (result1 - 1).ordinal == result2.ordinal - 2
assert (-1 + result1).ordinal == result2.ordinal - 2
@pytest.mark.parametrize("month", MONTHS)
def test_period_cons_quarterly(self, month):
# bugs in scikits.timeseries
freq = f"Q-{month}"
exp = Period("1989Q3", freq=freq)
assert "1989Q3" in str(exp)
stamp = exp.to_timestamp("D", how="end")
p = Period(stamp, freq=freq)
assert p == exp
stamp = exp.to_timestamp("3D", how="end")
p = Period(stamp, freq=freq)
assert p == exp
@pytest.mark.parametrize("month", MONTHS)
def test_period_cons_annual(self, month):
# bugs in scikits.timeseries
freq = f"Y-{month}"
exp = Period("1989", freq=freq)
stamp = exp.to_timestamp("D", how="end") + timedelta(days=30)
p = Period(stamp, freq=freq)
assert p == exp + 1
assert isinstance(p, Period)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("day", DAYS)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("num", range(10, 17))
def test_period_cons_weekly(self, num, day):
daystr = f"2011-02-{num}"
freq = f"W-{day}"
result = Period(daystr, freq=freq)
expected = Period(daystr, freq="D").asfreq(freq)
assert result == expected
assert isinstance(result, Period)
def test_parse_week_str_roundstrip(self):
# GH#50803
per = Period("2017-01-23/2017-01-29")
assert per.freq.freqstr == "W-SUN"
per = Period("2017-01-24/2017-01-30")
assert per.freq.freqstr == "W-MON"
msg = "Could not parse as weekly-freq Period"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
# not 6 days apart
def test_period_from_ordinal(self):
p = Period("2011-01", freq="M")
res = Period._from_ordinal(p.ordinal, freq=p.freq)
assert p == res
assert isinstance(res, Period)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("freq", ["Y", "M", "D", "h"])
def test_construct_from_nat_string_and_freq(self, freq):
per = Period("NaT", freq=freq)
assert per is NaT
per = Period("NaT", freq="2" + freq)
assert per is NaT
per = Period("NaT", freq="3" + freq)
assert per is NaT
def test_period_cons_nat(self):
p = Period("nat", freq="W-SUN")
assert p is NaT
p = Period(iNaT, freq="D")
assert p is NaT
p = Period(iNaT, freq="3D")
assert p is NaT
p = Period(iNaT, freq="1D1h")
assert p is NaT
p = Period("NaT")
assert p is NaT
p = Period(iNaT)
assert p is NaT
def test_period_cons_mult(self):
p1 = Period("2011-01", freq="3M")
p2 = Period("2011-01", freq="M")
assert p1.ordinal == p2.ordinal
assert p1.freq == offsets.MonthEnd(3)
assert p1.freqstr == "3M"
assert p2.freq == offsets.MonthEnd()
assert p2.freqstr == "M"
result = p1 + 1
assert result.ordinal == (p2 + 3).ordinal
assert result.freq == p1.freq
assert result.freqstr == "3M"
result = p1 - 1
assert result.ordinal == (p2 - 3).ordinal
assert result.freq == p1.freq
assert result.freqstr == "3M"
msg = "Frequency must be positive, because it represents span: -3M"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Period("2011-01", freq="-3M")
msg = "Frequency must be positive, because it represents span: 0M"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Period("2011-01", freq="0M")
def test_period_cons_combined(self):
p = [
Period("2011-01", freq="1D1h"),
Period("2011-01", freq="1h1D"),
Period("2011-01", freq="h"),
Period(ordinal=1, freq="1D1h"),
Period(ordinal=1, freq="1h1D"),
Period(ordinal=1, freq="h"),
for p1, p2, p3 in p:
assert p1.ordinal == p3.ordinal
assert p2.ordinal == p3.ordinal
assert p1.freq == offsets.Hour(25)
assert p1.freqstr == "25h"
assert p2.freq == offsets.Hour(25)
assert p2.freqstr == "25h"
assert p3.freq == offsets.Hour()
assert p3.freqstr == "h"
result = p1 + 1
assert result.ordinal == (p3 + 25).ordinal
assert result.freq == p1.freq
assert result.freqstr == "25h"
result = p2 + 1
assert result.ordinal == (p3 + 25).ordinal
assert result.freq == p2.freq
assert result.freqstr == "25h"
result = p1 - 1
assert result.ordinal == (p3 - 25).ordinal
assert result.freq == p1.freq
assert result.freqstr == "25h"
result = p2 - 1
assert result.ordinal == (p3 - 25).ordinal
assert result.freq == p2.freq
assert result.freqstr == "25h"
msg = "Frequency must be positive, because it represents span: -25h"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Period("2011-01", freq="-1D1h")
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Period("2011-01", freq="-1h1D")
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Period(ordinal=1, freq="-1D1h")
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Period(ordinal=1, freq="-1h1D")
msg = "Frequency must be positive, because it represents span: 0D"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Period("2011-01", freq="0D0h")
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Period(ordinal=1, freq="0D0h")
# You can only combine together day and intraday offsets
msg = "Invalid frequency: 1W1D"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Period("2011-01", freq="1W1D")
msg = "Invalid frequency: 1D1W"
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Period("2011-01", freq="1D1W")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("day", ["1970/01/01 ", "2020-12-31 ", "1981/09/13 "])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("hour", ["00:00:00", "00:00:01", "23:59:59", "12:00:59"])
"sec_float, expected",
(".000000001", 1),
(".000000999", 999),
(".123456789", 789),
(".999999999", 999),
(".999999000", 0),
# Test femtoseconds, attoseconds, picoseconds are dropped like Timestamp
(".999999001123", 1),
(".999999001123456", 1),
(".999999001123456789", 1),
def test_period_constructor_nanosecond(self, day, hour, sec_float, expected):
# GH 34621
assert Period(day + hour + sec_float).start_time.nanosecond == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize("hour", range(24))
def test_period_large_ordinal(self, hour):
# Issue #36430
# Integer overflow for Period over the maximum timestamp
p = Period(ordinal=2562048 + hour, freq="1h")
assert p.hour == hour
class TestPeriodMethods:
def test_round_trip(self):
p = Period("2000Q1")
new_p = tm.round_trip_pickle(p)
assert new_p == p
def test_hash(self):
assert hash(Period("2011-01", freq="M")) == hash(Period("2011-01", freq="M"))
assert hash(Period("2011-01-01", freq="D")) != hash(Period("2011-01", freq="M"))
assert hash(Period("2011-01", freq="3M")) != hash(Period("2011-01", freq="2M"))
assert hash(Period("2011-01", freq="M")) != hash(Period("2011-02", freq="M"))
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# to_timestamp
def test_to_timestamp_mult(self):
p = Period("2011-01", freq="M")
assert p.to_timestamp(how="S") == Timestamp("2011-01-01")
expected = Timestamp("2011-02-01") - Timedelta(1, "ns")
assert p.to_timestamp(how="E") == expected
p = Period("2011-01", freq="3M")
assert p.to_timestamp(how="S") == Timestamp("2011-01-01")
expected = Timestamp("2011-04-01") - Timedelta(1, "ns")
assert p.to_timestamp(how="E") == expected
"ignore:Period with BDay freq is deprecated:FutureWarning"
def test_to_timestamp(self):
p = Period("1982", freq="Y")
start_ts = p.to_timestamp(how="S")
aliases = ["s", "StarT", "BEGIn"]
for a in aliases:
assert start_ts == p.to_timestamp("D", how=a)
# freq with mult should not affect to the result
assert start_ts == p.to_timestamp("3D", how=a)
end_ts = p.to_timestamp(how="E")
aliases = ["e", "end", "FINIsH"]
for a in aliases:
assert end_ts == p.to_timestamp("D", how=a)
assert end_ts == p.to_timestamp("3D", how=a)
from_lst = ["Y", "Q", "M", "W", "B", "D", "h", "Min", "s"]
def _ex(p):
if p.freq == "B":
return p.start_time + Timedelta(days=1, nanoseconds=-1)
return Timestamp((p + p.freq).start_time._value - 1)
for fcode in from_lst:
p = Period("1982", freq=fcode)
result = p.to_timestamp().to_period(fcode)
assert result == p
assert p.start_time == p.to_timestamp(how="S")
assert p.end_time == _ex(p)
# Frequency other than daily
p = Period("1985", freq="Y")
result = p.to_timestamp("h", how="end")
expected = Timestamp(1986, 1, 1) - Timedelta(1, "ns")
assert result == expected
result = p.to_timestamp("3h", how="end")
assert result == expected
result = p.to_timestamp("min", how="end")
expected = Timestamp(1986, 1, 1) - Timedelta(1, "ns")
assert result == expected
result = p.to_timestamp("2min", how="end")
assert result == expected
result = p.to_timestamp(how="end")
expected = Timestamp(1986, 1, 1) - Timedelta(1, "ns")
assert result == expected
expected = datetime(1985, 1, 1)
result = p.to_timestamp("h", how="start")
assert result == expected
result = p.to_timestamp("min", how="start")
assert result == expected
result = p.to_timestamp("s", how="start")
assert result == expected
result = p.to_timestamp("3h", how="start")
assert result == expected
result = p.to_timestamp("5s", how="start")
assert result == expected
def test_to_timestamp_business_end(self):
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match=bday_msg):
per = Period("1990-01-05", "B") # Friday
result = per.to_timestamp("B", how="E")
expected = Timestamp("1990-01-06") - Timedelta(nanoseconds=1)
assert result == expected
"ts, expected",
("1970-01-01 00:00:00", 0),
("1970-01-01 00:00:00.000001", 1),
("1970-01-01 00:00:00.00001", 10),
("1970-01-01 00:00:00.499", 499000),
("1999-12-31 23:59:59.999", 999000),
("1999-12-31 23:59:59.999999", 999999),
("2050-12-31 23:59:59.5", 500000),
("2050-12-31 23:59:59.500001", 500001),
("2050-12-31 23:59:59.123456", 123456),
@pytest.mark.parametrize("freq", [None, "us", "ns"])
def test_to_timestamp_microsecond(self, ts, expected, freq):
# GH 24444
result = Period(ts).to_timestamp(freq=freq).microsecond
assert result == expected
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# Rendering: __repr__, strftime, etc
("Jan-2000", None, "2000-01", "M"),
("2000-12-15", None, "2000-12-15", "D"),
"2000-12-15 13:45:26.123456789",
"2000-12-15 13:45:26.123456789",
("2000-12-15 13:45:26.123456789", "us", "2000-12-15 13:45:26.123456", "us"),
("2000-12-15 13:45:26.123456", None, "2000-12-15 13:45:26.123456", "us"),
("2000-12-15 13:45:26.123456789", "ms", "2000-12-15 13:45:26.123", "ms"),
("2000-12-15 13:45:26.123", None, "2000-12-15 13:45:26.123", "ms"),
("2000-12-15 13:45:26", "s", "2000-12-15 13:45:26", "s"),
("2000-12-15 13:45:26", "min", "2000-12-15 13:45", "min"),
("2000-12-15 13:45:26", "h", "2000-12-15 13:00", "h"),
("2000-12-15", "Y", "2000", "Y-DEC"),
("2000-12-15", "Q", "2000Q4", "Q-DEC"),
("2000-12-15", "M", "2000-12", "M"),
("2000-12-15", "W", "2000-12-11/2000-12-17", "W-SUN"),
("2000-12-15", "D", "2000-12-15", "D"),
("2000-12-15", "B", "2000-12-15", "B"),
"ignore:Period with BDay freq is deprecated:FutureWarning"
def test_repr(self, str_ts, freq, str_res, str_freq):
p = Period(str_ts, freq=freq)
assert str(p) == str_res
assert repr(p) == f"Period('{str_res}', '{str_freq}')"
def test_repr_nat(self):
p = Period("nat", freq="M")
assert repr(NaT) in repr(p)
def test_strftime(self):
# GH#3363
p = Period("2000-1-1 12:34:12", freq="s")
res = p.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
assert res == "2000-01-01 12:34:12"
assert isinstance(res, str)
class TestPeriodProperties:
"""Test properties such as year, month, weekday, etc...."""
@pytest.mark.parametrize("freq", ["Y", "M", "D", "h"])
def test_is_leap_year(self, freq):
# GH 13727
p = Period("2000-01-01 00:00:00", freq=freq)
assert p.is_leap_year
assert isinstance(p.is_leap_year, bool)
p = Period("1999-01-01 00:00:00", freq=freq)
assert not p.is_leap_year
p = Period("2004-01-01 00:00:00", freq=freq)
assert p.is_leap_year
p = Period("2100-01-01 00:00:00", freq=freq)
assert not p.is_leap_year
def test_quarterly_negative_ordinals(self):
p = Period(ordinal=-1, freq="Q-DEC")
assert p.year == 1969
assert p.quarter == 4
assert isinstance(p, Period)
p = Period(ordinal=-2, freq="Q-DEC")
assert p.year == 1969
assert p.quarter == 3
assert isinstance(p, Period)
p = Period(ordinal=-2, freq="M")
assert p.year == 1969
assert p.month == 11
assert isinstance(p, Period)
def test_freq_str(self):
i1 = Period("1982", freq="Min")
assert i1.freq == offsets.Minute()
assert i1.freqstr == "min"
"ignore:Period with BDay freq is deprecated:FutureWarning"
def test_period_deprecated_freq(self):
cases = {
"M": ["MTH", "MONTH", "MONTHLY", "Mth", "month", "monthly"],
"D": ["DAY", "DLY", "DAILY", "Day", "Dly", "Daily"],
"h": ["HR", "HOUR", "HRLY", "HOURLY", "hr", "Hour", "HRly"],
"min": ["minute", "MINUTE", "MINUTELY", "minutely"],
"s": ["sec", "SEC", "SECOND", "SECONDLY", "second"],
"ms": ["MILLISECOND", "MILLISECONDLY", "millisecond"],
"us": ["MICROSECOND", "MICROSECONDLY", "microsecond"],
"ns": ["NANOSECOND", "NANOSECONDLY", "nanosecond"],
for exp, freqs in cases.items():
for freq in freqs:
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Period("2016-03-01 09:00", freq=freq)
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Period(ordinal=1, freq=freq)
# check supported freq-aliases still works
p1 = Period("2016-03-01 09:00", freq=exp)
p2 = Period(ordinal=1, freq=exp)
assert isinstance(p1, Period)
assert isinstance(p2, Period)
def _period_constructor(bound, offset):
return Period(
second=bound.second + offset,
@pytest.mark.parametrize("bound, offset", [(Timestamp.min, -1), (Timestamp.max, 1)])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("period_property", ["start_time", "end_time"])
def test_outer_bounds_start_and_end_time(self, bound, offset, period_property):
# GH #13346
period = TestPeriodProperties._period_constructor(bound, offset)
with pytest.raises(OutOfBoundsDatetime, match="Out of bounds nanosecond"):
getattr(period, period_property)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("bound, offset", [(Timestamp.min, -1), (Timestamp.max, 1)])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("period_property", ["start_time", "end_time"])
def test_inner_bounds_start_and_end_time(self, bound, offset, period_property):
# GH #13346
period = TestPeriodProperties._period_constructor(bound, -offset)
expected = period.to_timestamp().round(freq="s")
assert getattr(period, period_property).round(freq="s") == expected
expected = (bound - offset * Timedelta(1, unit="s")).floor("s")
assert getattr(period, period_property).floor("s") == expected
def test_start_time(self):
freq_lst = ["Y", "Q", "M", "D", "h", "min", "s"]
xp = datetime(2012, 1, 1)
for f in freq_lst:
p = Period("2012", freq=f)
assert p.start_time == xp
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match=bday_msg):
assert Period("2012", freq="B").start_time == datetime(2012, 1, 2)
assert Period("2012", freq="W").start_time == datetime(2011, 12, 26)
def test_end_time(self):
p = Period("2012", freq="Y")
def _ex(*args):
return Timestamp(Timestamp(datetime(*args)).as_unit("ns")._value - 1)
xp = _ex(2013, 1, 1)
assert xp == p.end_time
p = Period("2012", freq="Q")
xp = _ex(2012, 4, 1)
assert xp == p.end_time
p = Period("2012", freq="M")
xp = _ex(2012, 2, 1)
assert xp == p.end_time
p = Period("2012", freq="D")
xp = _ex(2012, 1, 2)
assert xp == p.end_time
p = Period("2012", freq="h")
xp = _ex(2012, 1, 1, 1)
assert xp == p.end_time
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match=bday_msg):
p = Period("2012", freq="B")
xp = _ex(2012, 1, 3)
assert xp == p.end_time
p = Period("2012", freq="W")
xp = _ex(2012, 1, 2)
assert xp == p.end_time
# Test for GH 11738
p = Period("2012", freq="15D")
xp = _ex(2012, 1, 16)
assert xp == p.end_time
p = Period("2012", freq="1D1h")
xp = _ex(2012, 1, 2, 1)
assert xp == p.end_time
p = Period("2012", freq="1h1D")
xp = _ex(2012, 1, 2, 1)
assert xp == p.end_time
def test_end_time_business_friday(self):
# GH#34449
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match=bday_msg):
per = Period("1990-01-05", "B")
result = per.end_time
expected = Timestamp("1990-01-06") - Timedelta(nanoseconds=1)
assert result == expected
def test_anchor_week_end_time(self):
def _ex(*args):
return Timestamp(Timestamp(datetime(*args)).as_unit("ns")._value - 1)
p = Period("2013-1-1", "W-SAT")
xp = _ex(2013, 1, 6)
assert p.end_time == xp
def test_properties_annually(self):
# Test properties on Periods with annually frequency.
a_date = Period(freq="Y", year=2007)
assert a_date.year == 2007
def test_properties_quarterly(self):
# Test properties on Periods with daily frequency.
qedec_date = Period(freq="Q-DEC", year=2007, quarter=1)
qejan_date = Period(freq="Q-JAN", year=2007, quarter=1)
qejun_date = Period(freq="Q-JUN", year=2007, quarter=1)
for x in range(3):
for qd in (qedec_date, qejan_date, qejun_date):
assert (qd + x).qyear == 2007
assert (qd + x).quarter == x + 1
def test_properties_monthly(self):
# Test properties on Periods with daily frequency.
m_date = Period(freq="M", year=2007, month=1)
for x in range(11):
m_ival_x = m_date + x
assert m_ival_x.year == 2007
if 1 <= x + 1 <= 3:
assert m_ival_x.quarter == 1
elif 4 <= x + 1 <= 6:
assert m_ival_x.quarter == 2
elif 7 <= x + 1 <= 9:
assert m_ival_x.quarter == 3
elif 10 <= x + 1 <= 12:
assert m_ival_x.quarter == 4
assert m_ival_x.month == x + 1
def test_properties_weekly(self):
# Test properties on Periods with daily frequency.
w_date = Period(freq="W", year=2007, month=1, day=7)
assert w_date.year == 2007
assert w_date.quarter == 1
assert w_date.month == 1
assert w_date.week == 1
assert (w_date - 1).week == 52
assert w_date.days_in_month == 31
assert Period(freq="W", year=2012, month=2, day=1).days_in_month == 29
def test_properties_weekly_legacy(self):
# Test properties on Periods with daily frequency.
w_date = Period(freq="W", year=2007, month=1, day=7)
assert w_date.year == 2007
assert w_date.quarter == 1
assert w_date.month == 1
assert w_date.week == 1
assert (w_date - 1).week == 52
assert w_date.days_in_month == 31
exp = Period(freq="W", year=2012, month=2, day=1)
assert exp.days_in_month == 29
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Period(freq="WK", year=2007, month=1, day=7)
def test_properties_daily(self):
# Test properties on Periods with daily frequency.
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match=bday_msg):
b_date = Period(freq="B", year=2007, month=1, day=1)
assert b_date.year == 2007
assert b_date.quarter == 1
assert b_date.month == 1
assert b_date.day == 1
assert b_date.weekday == 0
assert b_date.dayofyear == 1
assert b_date.days_in_month == 31
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match=bday_msg):
assert Period(freq="B", year=2012, month=2, day=1).days_in_month == 29
d_date = Period(freq="D", year=2007, month=1, day=1)
assert d_date.year == 2007
assert d_date.quarter == 1
assert d_date.month == 1
assert d_date.day == 1
assert d_date.weekday == 0
assert d_date.dayofyear == 1
assert d_date.days_in_month == 31
assert Period(freq="D", year=2012, month=2, day=1).days_in_month == 29
def test_properties_hourly(self):
# Test properties on Periods with hourly frequency.
h_date1 = Period(freq="h", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0)
h_date2 = Period(freq="2h", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0)
for h_date in [h_date1, h_date2]:
assert h_date.year == 2007
assert h_date.quarter == 1
assert h_date.month == 1
assert h_date.day == 1
assert h_date.weekday == 0
assert h_date.dayofyear == 1
assert h_date.hour == 0
assert h_date.days_in_month == 31
assert (
Period(freq="h", year=2012, month=2, day=1, hour=0).days_in_month == 29
def test_properties_minutely(self):
# Test properties on Periods with minutely frequency.
t_date = Period(freq="Min", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0)
assert t_date.quarter == 1
assert t_date.month == 1
assert t_date.day == 1
assert t_date.weekday == 0
assert t_date.dayofyear == 1
assert t_date.hour == 0
assert t_date.minute == 0
assert t_date.days_in_month == 31
assert (
Period(freq="D", year=2012, month=2, day=1, hour=0, minute=0).days_in_month
== 29
def test_properties_secondly(self):
# Test properties on Periods with secondly frequency.
s_date = Period(
freq="Min", year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0
assert s_date.year == 2007
assert s_date.quarter == 1
assert s_date.month == 1
assert s_date.day == 1
assert s_date.weekday == 0
assert s_date.dayofyear == 1
assert s_date.hour == 0
assert s_date.minute == 0
assert s_date.second == 0
assert s_date.days_in_month == 31
assert (
freq="Min", year=2012, month=2, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0
== 29
class TestPeriodComparisons:
def test_sort_periods(self):
jan = Period("2000-01", "M")
feb = Period("2000-02", "M")
mar = Period("2000-03", "M")
periods = [mar, jan, feb]
correctPeriods = [jan, feb, mar]
assert sorted(periods) == correctPeriods
def test_period_immutable():
# see gh-17116
msg = "not writable"
per = Period("2014Q1")
with pytest.raises(AttributeError, match=msg):
per.ordinal = 14
freq = per.freq
with pytest.raises(AttributeError, match=msg):
per.freq = 2 * freq
def test_small_year_parsing():
per1 = Period("0001-01-07", "D")
assert per1.year == 1
assert per1.day == 7
def test_negone_ordinals():
freqs = ["Y", "M", "Q", "D", "h", "min", "s"]
period = Period(ordinal=-1, freq="D")
for freq in freqs:
for freq in freqs:
period = Period(ordinal=-1, freq=freq)
assert period.year == 1969
with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, match=bday_msg):
period = Period(ordinal=-1, freq="B")
period = Period(ordinal=-1, freq="W")