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# Copyright 2022 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
"""Python definitions for `Mesh` and `Layout`."""
import collections
import functools
import itertools
from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Union
import numpy as np
from tensorflow.dtensor.proto import layout_pb2
from tensorflow.python import _pywrap_dtensor_device
from tensorflow.python.framework import device as tf_device
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor
from tensorflow.python.util.tf_export import tf_export
# UNSHARDED indicates a tensor dimension is not sharded over any mesh dimension.
UNSHARDED = 'unsharded'
MATCH = 'match'
v1=[]).export_constant(__name__, 'UNSHARDED')
'experimental.dtensor.MATCH', v1=[]).export_constant(__name__, 'MATCH')
MeshDimension = collections.namedtuple('MeshDimension', ['name', 'size'])
def _compute_mesh_strides(shape: List[int]) -> List[int]:
strides = [1]
for idx, dim_size in enumerate(reversed(shape[1:])):
strides.append(strides[idx] * dim_size)
return strides
@tf_export('experimental.dtensor.Mesh', v1=[])
class Mesh(_pywrap_dtensor_device.Mesh):
"""Represents a Mesh configuration over a certain list of Mesh Dimensions.
A mesh consists of named dimensions with sizes, which describe how a set of
devices are arranged. Defining tensor layouts in terms of mesh dimensions
allows us to efficiently determine the communication required when computing
an operation with tensors of different layouts.
A mesh provides information not only about the placement of the tensors but
also the topology of the underlying devices. For example, we can group 8 TPUs
as a 1-D array for data parallelism or a `2x4` grid for (2-way) data
parallelism and (4-way) model parallelism.
Refer to [DTensor Concepts](https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/dtensor_overview)
for in depth discussion and examples.
Note: the utilities `dtensor.create_mesh` and
`dtensor.create_distributed_mesh` provide a simpler API to create meshes for
single- or multi-client use cases.
def __init__(
dim_names: List[str],
global_device_ids: np.ndarray,
local_device_ids: List[int],
local_devices: List[Union[tf_device.DeviceSpec, str]],
mesh_name: str = '',
global_devices: Optional[List[Union[tf_device.DeviceSpec, str]]] = None,
use_xla_spmd: bool = USE_XLA_SPMD,
"""Builds a Mesh.
The `dim_names` and `global_device_ids` arguments describe the dimension
names and shape for the mesh.
For example,
dim_names = ('x', 'y'),
global_device_ids = [[0, 1],
[2, 3],
[4, 5]]
defines a 2D mesh of shape 3x2. A reduction over the 'x' dimension will
reduce across columns (0, 2, 4) and (1, 3, 5), and a reduction over the 'y'
dimension reduces across rows.
Note: the utilities `dtensor.create_mesh` and
`dtensor.create_distributed_mesh` provide a simpler API to create meshes for
single- or multi-client use cases.
dim_names: A list of strings indicating dimension names.
global_device_ids: An ndarray of global device IDs is used to compose
DeviceSpecs describing the mesh. The shape of this array determines the
size of each mesh dimension. Values in this array should increment
sequentially from 0. This argument is the same for every DTensor client.
local_device_ids: A list of local device IDs equal to a subset of values
in global_device_ids. They indicate the position of local devices in the
global mesh. Different DTensor clients must contain distinct
local_device_ids contents. All local_device_ids from all DTensor clients
must cover every element in global_device_ids.
local_devices: The list of devices hosted locally. The elements correspond
1:1 to those of local_device_ids.
mesh_name: The name of the mesh. Currently, this is rarely used, and is
mostly used to indicate whether it is a CPU, GPU, or TPU-based mesh.
global_devices (optional): The list of global devices. Set when multiple
device meshes are in use.
use_xla_spmd (optional): Boolean when True, will use XLA SPMD instead of
DTensor SPMD.
# Check if input args are valid.
if not isinstance(global_device_ids, np.ndarray):
raise ValueError('Variable global_device_ids must be an ndarray.')
if global_device_ids.size == 0:
raise ValueError('Variable global_device_ids must be non-empty.')
flat_global_device_ids = global_device_ids.flatten()
# global_device_ids are expected to be consecutive numbers.
# LINT.IfChange
distance = flat_global_device_ids[0]
if any(
(gid - i != distance) for i, gid in enumerate(flat_global_device_ids)):
raise ValueError('global_device_ids must sequentially increase: %s' %
# LINT.ThenChange(//tensorflow/dtensor/cc/dtensor_device.cc)
# TODO(b/242201545): This class is only for args type transformation for
# exported C++ Mesh class after the unification is complete. Any other
# logics should reside in the C++ layer, including validation checks, shall
# go to C++.
if len(dim_names) != global_device_ids.ndim:
raise ValueError(
'Number of mesh dimensions does not match number of dimension names.')
if not isinstance(local_device_ids, list):
raise ValueError('Variable local_device_ids must be a list of integers.')
if not isinstance(local_devices, list):
raise ValueError('Variable local_devices must be a list of DeviceSpecs.')
if global_devices and not isinstance(global_devices, list):
raise ValueError('Variable global_devices must be a list of DeviceSpecs.')
if not local_devices and not global_devices:
raise ValueError('Empty list of devices not allowed.')
# Transform args format for C++ Mesh constructor
global_device_ids_flatten = global_device_ids.flatten()
global_device_ids_shape = global_device_ids.shape
def to_str(d) -> str:
if isinstance(d, tf_device.DeviceSpec):
return d.to_string()
return d
def to_spec(d) -> tf_device.DeviceSpec:
if not isinstance(d, tf_device.DeviceSpec):
return tf_device.DeviceSpec.from_string(d)
return d
local_devices_str = [to_str(d) for d in local_devices]
local_devices_spec = [to_spec(d) for d in local_devices]
if not global_devices:
global_devices = []
global_devices_str = [to_str(d) for d in global_devices]
global_devices_spec = [to_spec(d) for d in global_devices]
local_devices_set = set(local_devices_spec)
local_device_only_contains_host_cpu = (
len(local_devices_set) == 1 and
list(local_devices_set)[0].device_type == 'CPU')
if not local_device_only_contains_host_cpu and len(local_devices) != len(
raise ValueError('Duplicate devices found in mesh specification %s.' %
[d for d in local_devices if local_devices.count(d) > 1])
if len(local_device_ids) != len(local_devices):
raise ValueError(
'Variable local_device_ids does not have same size as local_devices.')
if len(local_device_ids) > len(np.ravel(global_device_ids)):
raise ValueError('Cannot have more local than gobal device IDs.')
device_types = set([device.device_type for device in local_devices_spec])
if not device_types:
device_types = set([device.device_type for device in global_devices_spec])
if None in device_types:
raise ValueError('device_type is required')
if len(device_types) > 1:
raise ValueError('Devices containing multiple device_types : %s' %
device_type = device_types.pop()
if use_xla_spmd and device_type != 'TPU':
raise ValueError('XLA SPMD is not currently not supported for %s mesh.' %
def _new_object(cls, *args, **kwargs):
# Need to explicitly invoke the base class __init__ because
# Mesh.__init__ overrode it with a different signature.
self = _pywrap_dtensor_device.Mesh.__new__(cls)
super().__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
return self
def global_device_ids(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Returns a global device list as an array."""
return np.array(super().global_device_ids(), dtype=np.int64).reshape(
def __getitem__(self, dim_name: str) -> MeshDimension:
return MeshDimension(name=dim_name, size=self.dim_size(dim_name))
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.as_proto().SerializeToString(deterministic=True))
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'Mesh.from_string({self.to_string()})'
# TODO(panzf): change to pybind11 pickle implementation in the last step
def __reduce__(self):
return Mesh.from_string, (self.to_string(),)
# TODO(b/242201545): implement this in Mesh C++ class
def coords(self, device_idx: int) -> tensor.Tensor:
"""Converts the device index into a tensor of mesh coordinates."""
strides = ops.convert_to_tensor(self.strides)
shape = ops.convert_to_tensor(self.shape())
return (device_idx // strides) % shape
def from_proto(cls, proto: layout_pb2.MeshProto) -> 'Mesh':
"""Construct a mesh instance from input `proto`."""
return cls._new_object(mesh_proto=proto)
def from_string(cls, mesh_str: str) -> 'Mesh':
return cls._new_object(mesh_str=mesh_str)
def from_device(cls, device: str) -> 'Mesh':
"""Constructs a single device mesh from a device string."""
return cls._new_object(single_device=device)
def _from_mesh(cls, mesh: _pywrap_dtensor_device.Mesh):
"""Creates a copy from an existing pywrap mesh object."""
return cls._new_object(mesh=mesh)
def _host_mesh(self) -> 'Mesh':
return Mesh._from_mesh(super().host_mesh())
def host_mesh(self) -> 'Mesh':
"""Returns a host mesh."""
# TODO(b/242201545): Find a way to get the super class to return correct
# typed objects.
return self._host_mesh
# TODO(b/242201545): implement this in Mesh C++ class
def local_device_locations(self) -> List[Dict[str, int]]:
"""Returns a list of local device locations.
A device location is a dictionary from dimension names to indices on those
mapping = self.unravel_index()
return [mapping[device_id] for device_id in self.local_device_ids()]
# TODO(b/242201545): implement this in Mesh C++ class
def strides(self) -> List[int]:
"""Returns the strides tensor array for this mesh.
If the mesh shape is `[a, b, c, d]`, then the strides array can be computed
as `[b*c*d, c*d, d, 1]`. This array can be useful in computing local device
offsets given a device ID. Using the same example, the device coordinates of
the mesh can be computed as:
[(device_id / (b*c*d)) % a,
(device_id / (c*d)) % b,
(device_id / (d)) % c,
(device_id) % d]
This is the same as `(device_id // mesh.strides) % mesh.shape`.
The mesh strides as an integer tensor.
return _compute_mesh_strides(self.shape())
# TODO(b/242201545): implement this in Mesh C++ class
def unravel_index(self):
"""Returns a dictionary from device ID to {dim_name: dim_index}.
For example, for a 3x2 mesh, return this:
{ 0: {'x': 0, 'y', 0},
1: {'x': 0, 'y', 1},
2: {'x': 1, 'y', 0},
3: {'x': 1, 'y', 1},
4: {'x': 2, 'y', 0},
5: {'x': 2, 'y', 1} }
idx_ranges = [range(self.dim_size(dim_name)) for dim_name in self.dim_names]
mesh_pos = itertools.product(*idx_ranges)
mapping = {}
for device_id, device_pos in enumerate(mesh_pos):
device_loc = {}
for dim_name, dim_index in zip(self.dim_names, device_pos):
device_loc[dim_name] = dim_index
mapping[device_id] = device_loc
return mapping
LayoutType = _pywrap_dtensor_device.LayoutType
# TODO(hthu): Consider making this class immutable.
@tf_export('experimental.dtensor.Layout', v1=[])
class Layout(_pywrap_dtensor_device.Layout):
"""Represents the layout information of a DTensor.
A layout describes how a distributed tensor is partitioned across a mesh (and
thus across devices). For each axis of the tensor, the corresponding
sharding spec indicates which dimension of the mesh it is sharded over. A
special sharding spec `UNSHARDED` indicates that axis is replicated on
all the devices of that mesh.
Refer to [DTensor Concepts](https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/dtensor_overview)
for in depth discussion and examples.
For example, let's consider a 1-D mesh:
Mesh(["TPU:0", "TPU:1", "TPU:2", "TPU:3", "TPU:4", "TPU:5"], [("x", 6)])
This mesh arranges 6 TPU devices into a 1-D array. `Layout([UNSHARDED], mesh)`
is a layout for rank-1 tensor which is replicated on the 6 devices.
For another example, let's consider a 2-D mesh:
Mesh(["TPU:0", "TPU:1", "TPU:2", "TPU:3", "TPU:4", "TPU:5"],
[("x", 3), ("y", 2)])
This mesh arranges 6 TPU devices into a `3x2` 2-D array.
`Layout(["x", UNSHARDED], mesh)` is a layout for rank-2 tensor whose first
axis is sharded on mesh dimension "x" and the second axis is replicated. If we
place `np.arange(6).reshape((3, 2))` using this layout, the individual
components tensors would look like:
Device | Component
TPU:0 [[0, 1]]
TPU:1 [[0, 1]]
TPU:2 [[2, 3]]
TPU:3 [[2, 3]]
TPU:4 [[4, 5]]
TPU:5 [[4, 5]]
def __init__(self, sharding_specs: List[str], mesh: Mesh):
"""Builds a Layout from a list of dimension names and a Mesh.
sharding_specs: List of sharding specifications, each corresponding to a
tensor axis. Each specification (dim_sharding) can either be a mesh
dimension or the special value UNSHARDED.
mesh: A mesh configuration for the Tensor.
A valid Layout built with given layout & mesh.
# Validate mesh
if not isinstance(mesh, Mesh):
raise ValueError('mesh is not a valid Mesh object.')
# Validate sharding spec
for _, dim_sharding in enumerate(sharding_specs):
# If special value no need to check for uniqueness, just skip.
if dim_sharding == UNSHARDED or dim_sharding == MATCH:
# Check dim_sharding is unique.
if sharding_specs.count(dim_sharding) > 1:
raise ValueError(
('Mesh dimension {mesh_dim} was repeated in sharding ' +
'specification {sharding_specs}. Mesh dimensions must be unique ' +
'in a layout.').format(
mesh_dim=dim_sharding, sharding_specs=sharding_specs))
# Check dim_sharding is mesh dimension.
if dim_sharding not in mesh:
raise ValueError(
('{dim_sharding}: A dimension sharding must either be a ' +
'valid mesh dimension or UNSHARDED.').format(
type=LayoutType.STATIC, sharding_specs=sharding_specs, mesh=mesh
def _new_object(cls, *args, **kwargs):
# Need to explicitly invoke the base class __init__ because
# Layout.__init__ overrode it with a different signature.
self = _pywrap_dtensor_device.Layout.__new__(cls)
super().__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
return self
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'Layout.from_string({self.to_string()})'
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.as_proto().SerializeToString(deterministic=True))
# TODO(panzf): change to pybind11 pickle implementation in the last step
def __reduce__(self):
return Layout.from_string, (self.to_string(),)
def mesh(self):
return Mesh._from_mesh(mesh=super().mesh) # pylint: disable=protected-access
def shape(self):
return self.mesh.shape()
def batch_sharded(
cls, mesh: Mesh, batch_dim: str, rank: int, axis: int = 0
) -> 'Layout':
"""Returns a layout sharded on batch dimension."""
return cls._new_object(
# Watchout for the different ordering.
# TODO(b/242201545): Move this to C++ / find the corresponding function there.
def delete(self, dims: List[int]) -> 'Layout':
"""Returns the layout with the give dimensions deleted."""
if not isinstance(dims, list):
dims = [dims]
new_specs = [
spec for i, spec in enumerate(self.sharding_specs) if i not in dims
return Layout(new_specs, self.mesh)
def from_proto(cls, layout_proto: layout_pb2.LayoutProto) -> 'Layout':
"""Creates an instance from a LayoutProto."""
return cls._new_object(layout_proto=layout_proto)
def from_string(cls, layout_str: str) -> 'Layout':
"""Creates an instance from a human-readable string."""
return cls._new_object(layout_str=layout_str)
def to_parted(self) -> 'Layout':
"""Returns a "parted" layout from a static layout.
A parted layout contains axes that are treated as independent by most of
SPMD expanders.
FIXME(b/285905569): The exact semantics is still being investigated.
return Layout._new_object(layout=super().to_parted())
def inner_sharded(cls, mesh: Mesh, inner_dim: str, rank: int) -> 'Layout':
"""Returns a layout sharded on inner dimension."""
return cls.batch_sharded(mesh, inner_dim, rank, axis=rank - 1)
def from_single_device_mesh(cls, mesh: Mesh) -> 'Layout':
"""Constructs a single device layout from a single device mesh."""
return cls._new_object(mesh=mesh)
def from_device(cls, device: str) -> 'Layout':
"""Constructs a single device layout from a single device mesh."""
return cls.from_single_device_mesh(Mesh.from_device(device))
# TODO(b/242201545): Move this to C++ / find the corresponding function there.
def offset_to_shard(self):
"""Mapping from offset in a flattened list to shard index."""
unravel_index = self.mesh.unravel_index()
locations = [None] * self.mesh.size
for offset, mesh_loc in unravel_index.items():
loc = []
for dim_sharding in self.sharding_specs:
if dim_sharding == UNSHARDED:
locations[offset] = tuple(loc)
return locations
# TODO(b/242201545): Move this to C++ / find the corresponding function there.
def offset_tuple_to_global_index(self, offset_tuple):
"""Mapping from offset to index in global tensor."""
index = 0
for i, o in enumerate(offset_tuple):
m = 1
for x in range(i + 1, self.rank):
m = m * self.num_shards(x)
index = index + m * o
return index
def replicated(cls, mesh: Mesh, rank: int) -> 'Layout':
"""Returns a replicated layout of rank `rank`."""
return cls._new_object(mesh=mesh, rank=rank)