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# Copyright 2022 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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# ==============================================================================
"""Utilities to convert data buffers to/from DTensor tensors."""
from typing import List
import numpy as np
from tensorflow.dtensor.python import api
from tensorflow.dtensor.python import layout as layout_lib
from tensorflow.python.eager.polymorphic_function import polymorphic_function
from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops_stack
from tensorflow.python.ops import sparse_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import stateless_random_ops
from tensorflow.python.types.core import Tensor, TensorLike # pylint: disable=g-multiple-import
# FIXME(b/262894693): Functions in this file are buggy.
# They do not distinguish between the client-local data and the global view.
def _split(value, splits, axis=0, split_fn=np.split, stack_fn=np.stack):
"""Split `value` into a sharded nparray/tf tensor based on the number of splits.
children = split_fn(value, splits[0], axis=axis)
if len(splits) > 1:
splits = splits[1:]
children = [_split(child, splits, axis + 1) for child in children]
return stack_fn(children)
def to_numpy(tensor: TensorLike) -> np.ndarray:
"""Copy `input` DTensor to an equivalent local numpy array."""
layout = api.fetch_layout(tensor)
if layout.mesh.is_remote():
return np.array([None])
unpacked = [tensor.numpy() for tensor in api.unpack(tensor)]
return unpacked_to_numpy(unpacked, layout)
def unpacked_to_numpy(unpacked: List[TensorLike],
layout: layout_lib.Layout) -> np.ndarray:
"""Heals local Tensor components to a numpy array."""
if len(unpacked) != len(layout.offset_to_shard()):
raise ValueError('Wrong number of component Tensors.')
unravelled = np.ndarray([layout.num_shards(i) for i in range(layout.rank)],
for offset, loc in enumerate(layout.offset_to_shard()):
unravelled[loc] = unpacked[offset]
concat_tensor = np.block(unravelled.tolist())
# np.block can introduce empty initial dimensions, peel these off until
# the output matches the rank of the input tensors.
while concat_tensor.ndim > unpacked[0].ndim:
concat_tensor = np.squeeze(concat_tensor, axis=0)
return concat_tensor
# TODO(feyu): rename to slice.
def unpack(t: TensorLike,
layout: layout_lib.Layout,
stack_fn=np.stack) -> List[TensorLike]:
"""Slice `t` into a flattened list of tensors suitable for `pack`."""
if not layout.rank:
return [t] * layout.mesh.size
sharded_tensor = _split(
t, [layout.num_shards(i) for i in range(layout.rank)],
flattened = [np.ndarray([])] * layout.mesh.size
for offset, shard in enumerate(layout.offset_to_shard()):
flattened[offset] = sharded_tensor[tuple(shard)]
return flattened
def pack_numpy(value: np.ndarray,
layout: layout_lib.Layout,
make_sparse: bool = False) -> Tensor:
assert value is not None
unpacked = unpack(value, layout)
if make_sparse:
return api.pack([sparse_ops.from_dense(t) for t in unpacked], layout)
return api.pack(unpacked, layout)
def pack_tf_tensor(value: Tensor, layout: layout_lib.Layout) -> Tensor:
if value is None:
raise ValueError('pack requires values to be passed in')
unpacked = unpack(
value, layout, split_fn=array_ops.split, stack_fn=array_ops_stack.stack)
return api.pack(unpacked, layout)
def stateless_random_uniform(shape, seed, layout):
"""Creates uniform random tensor with the given layout."""
return api.relayout(
stateless_random_ops.stateless_random_uniform(shape=shape, seed=seed),