2024-05-26 19:49:15 +02:00

637 lines
21 KiB

import pytest
import textwrap
from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal, assert_equal, assert_raises
import numpy as np
from numpy.f2py.tests import util
class TestCharacterString(util.F2PyTest):
# options = ['--debug-capi', '--build-dir', '/tmp/test-build-f2py']
suffix = '.f90'
fprefix = 'test_character_string'
length_list = ['1', '3', 'star']
code = ''
for length in length_list:
fsuffix = length
clength = dict(star='(*)').get(length, length)
code += textwrap.dedent(f"""
subroutine {fprefix}_input_{fsuffix}(c, o, n)
character*{clength}, intent(in) :: c
integer n
!f2py integer, depend(c), intent(hide) :: n = slen(c)
integer*1, dimension(n) :: o
!f2py intent(out) o
o = transfer(c, o)
end subroutine {fprefix}_input_{fsuffix}
subroutine {fprefix}_output_{fsuffix}(c, o, n)
character*{clength}, intent(out) :: c
integer n
integer*1, dimension(n), intent(in) :: o
!f2py integer, depend(o), intent(hide) :: n = len(o)
c = transfer(o, c)
end subroutine {fprefix}_output_{fsuffix}
subroutine {fprefix}_array_input_{fsuffix}(c, o, m, n)
integer m, i, n
character*{clength}, intent(in), dimension(m) :: c
!f2py integer, depend(c), intent(hide) :: m = len(c)
!f2py integer, depend(c), intent(hide) :: n = f2py_itemsize(c)
integer*1, dimension(m, n), intent(out) :: o
do i=1,m
o(i, :) = transfer(c(i), o(i, :))
end do
end subroutine {fprefix}_array_input_{fsuffix}
subroutine {fprefix}_array_output_{fsuffix}(c, o, m, n)
character*{clength}, intent(out), dimension(m) :: c
integer n
integer*1, dimension(m, n), intent(in) :: o
!f2py character(f2py_len=n) :: c
!f2py integer, depend(o), intent(hide) :: m = len(o)
!f2py integer, depend(o), intent(hide) :: n = shape(o, 1)
do i=1,m
c(i) = transfer(o(i, :), c(i))
end do
end subroutine {fprefix}_array_output_{fsuffix}
subroutine {fprefix}_2d_array_input_{fsuffix}(c, o, m1, m2, n)
integer m1, m2, i, j, n
character*{clength}, intent(in), dimension(m1, m2) :: c
!f2py integer, depend(c), intent(hide) :: m1 = len(c)
!f2py integer, depend(c), intent(hide) :: m2 = shape(c, 1)
!f2py integer, depend(c), intent(hide) :: n = f2py_itemsize(c)
integer*1, dimension(m1, m2, n), intent(out) :: o
do i=1,m1
do j=1,m2
o(i, j, :) = transfer(c(i, j), o(i, j, :))
end do
end do
end subroutine {fprefix}_2d_array_input_{fsuffix}
@pytest.mark.parametrize("length", length_list)
def test_input(self, length):
fsuffix = {'(*)': 'star'}.get(length, length)
f = getattr(self.module, self.fprefix + '_input_' + fsuffix)
a = {'1': 'a', '3': 'abc', 'star': 'abcde' * 3}[length]
assert_array_equal(f(a), np.array(list(map(ord, a)), dtype='u1'))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("length", length_list[:-1])
def test_output(self, length):
fsuffix = length
f = getattr(self.module, self.fprefix + '_output_' + fsuffix)
a = {'1': 'a', '3': 'abc'}[length]
assert_array_equal(f(np.array(list(map(ord, a)), dtype='u1')),
@pytest.mark.parametrize("length", length_list)
def test_array_input(self, length):
fsuffix = length
f = getattr(self.module, self.fprefix + '_array_input_' + fsuffix)
a = np.array([{'1': 'a', '3': 'abc', 'star': 'abcde' * 3}[length],
{'1': 'A', '3': 'ABC', 'star': 'ABCDE' * 3}[length],
], dtype='S')
expected = np.array([[c for c in s] for s in a], dtype='u1')
assert_array_equal(f(a), expected)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("length", length_list)
def test_array_output(self, length):
fsuffix = length
f = getattr(self.module, self.fprefix + '_array_output_' + fsuffix)
expected = np.array(
[{'1': 'a', '3': 'abc', 'star': 'abcde' * 3}[length],
{'1': 'A', '3': 'ABC', 'star': 'ABCDE' * 3}[length]], dtype='S')
a = np.array([[c for c in s] for s in expected], dtype='u1')
assert_array_equal(f(a), expected)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("length", length_list)
def test_2d_array_input(self, length):
fsuffix = length
f = getattr(self.module, self.fprefix + '_2d_array_input_' + fsuffix)
a = np.array([[{'1': 'a', '3': 'abc', 'star': 'abcde' * 3}[length],
{'1': 'A', '3': 'ABC', 'star': 'ABCDE' * 3}[length]],
[{'1': 'f', '3': 'fgh', 'star': 'fghij' * 3}[length],
{'1': 'F', '3': 'FGH', 'star': 'FGHIJ' * 3}[length]]],
expected = np.array([[[c for c in item] for item in row] for row in a],
dtype='u1', order='F')
assert_array_equal(f(a), expected)
class TestCharacter(util.F2PyTest):
# options = ['--debug-capi', '--build-dir', '/tmp/test-build-f2py']
suffix = '.f90'
fprefix = 'test_character'
code = textwrap.dedent(f"""
subroutine {fprefix}_input(c, o)
character, intent(in) :: c
integer*1 o
!f2py intent(out) o
o = transfer(c, o)
end subroutine {fprefix}_input
subroutine {fprefix}_output(c, o)
character :: c
integer*1, intent(in) :: o
!f2py intent(out) c
c = transfer(o, c)
end subroutine {fprefix}_output
subroutine {fprefix}_input_output(c, o)
character, intent(in) :: c
character o
!f2py intent(out) o
o = c
end subroutine {fprefix}_input_output
subroutine {fprefix}_inout(c, n)
character :: c, n
!f2py intent(in) n
!f2py intent(inout) c
c = n
end subroutine {fprefix}_inout
function {fprefix}_return(o) result (c)
character :: c
character, intent(in) :: o
c = transfer(o, c)
end function {fprefix}_return
subroutine {fprefix}_array_input(c, o)
character, intent(in) :: c(3)
integer*1 o(3)
!f2py intent(out) o
integer i
do i=1,3
o(i) = transfer(c(i), o(i))
end do
end subroutine {fprefix}_array_input
subroutine {fprefix}_2d_array_input(c, o)
character, intent(in) :: c(2, 3)
integer*1 o(2, 3)
!f2py intent(out) o
integer i, j
do i=1,2
do j=1,3
o(i, j) = transfer(c(i, j), o(i, j))
end do
end do
end subroutine {fprefix}_2d_array_input
subroutine {fprefix}_array_output(c, o)
character :: c(3)
integer*1, intent(in) :: o(3)
!f2py intent(out) c
do i=1,3
c(i) = transfer(o(i), c(i))
end do
end subroutine {fprefix}_array_output
subroutine {fprefix}_array_inout(c, n)
character :: c(3), n(3)
!f2py intent(in) n(3)
!f2py intent(inout) c(3)
do i=1,3
c(i) = n(i)
end do
end subroutine {fprefix}_array_inout
subroutine {fprefix}_2d_array_inout(c, n)
character :: c(2, 3), n(2, 3)
!f2py intent(in) n(2, 3)
!f2py intent(inout) c(2. 3)
integer i, j
do i=1,2
do j=1,3
c(i, j) = n(i, j)
end do
end do
end subroutine {fprefix}_2d_array_inout
function {fprefix}_array_return(o) result (c)
character, dimension(3) :: c
character, intent(in) :: o(3)
do i=1,3
c(i) = o(i)
end do
end function {fprefix}_array_return
function {fprefix}_optional(o) result (c)
character, intent(in) :: o
!f2py character o = "a"
character :: c
c = o
end function {fprefix}_optional
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", ['c', 'S1'])
def test_input(self, dtype):
f = getattr(self.module, self.fprefix + '_input')
assert_equal(f(np.array('a', dtype=dtype)), ord('a'))
assert_equal(f(np.array(b'a', dtype=dtype)), ord('a'))
assert_equal(f(np.array(['a'], dtype=dtype)), ord('a'))
assert_equal(f(np.array('abc', dtype=dtype)), ord('a'))
assert_equal(f(np.array([['a']], dtype=dtype)), ord('a'))
def test_input_varia(self):
f = getattr(self.module, self.fprefix + '_input')
assert_equal(f('a'), ord('a'))
assert_equal(f(b'a'), ord(b'a'))
assert_equal(f(''), 0)
assert_equal(f(b''), 0)
assert_equal(f(b'\0'), 0)
assert_equal(f('ab'), ord('a'))
assert_equal(f(b'ab'), ord('a'))
assert_equal(f(['a']), ord('a'))
assert_equal(f(np.array(b'a')), ord('a'))
assert_equal(f(np.array([b'a'])), ord('a'))
a = np.array('a')
assert_equal(f(a), ord('a'))
a = np.array(['a'])
assert_equal(f(a), ord('a'))
except IndexError as msg:
if not str(msg).endswith(' got 0-list'):
raise SystemError(f'{f.__name__} should have failed on empty list')
except TypeError as msg:
if not str(msg).endswith(' got int instance'):
raise SystemError(f'{f.__name__} should have failed on int value')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", ['c', 'S1', 'U1'])
def test_array_input(self, dtype):
f = getattr(self.module, self.fprefix + '_array_input')
assert_array_equal(f(np.array(['a', 'b', 'c'], dtype=dtype)),
np.array(list(map(ord, 'abc')), dtype='i1'))
assert_array_equal(f(np.array([b'a', b'b', b'c'], dtype=dtype)),
np.array(list(map(ord, 'abc')), dtype='i1'))
def test_array_input_varia(self):
f = getattr(self.module, self.fprefix + '_array_input')
assert_array_equal(f(['a', 'b', 'c']),
np.array(list(map(ord, 'abc')), dtype='i1'))
assert_array_equal(f([b'a', b'b', b'c']),
np.array(list(map(ord, 'abc')), dtype='i1'))
f(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
except ValueError as msg:
if not str(msg).endswith(
'th dimension must be fixed to 3 but got 4'):
raise SystemError(
f'{f.__name__} should have failed on wrong input')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", ['c', 'S1', 'U1'])
def test_2d_array_input(self, dtype):
f = getattr(self.module, self.fprefix + '_2d_array_input')
a = np.array([['a', 'b', 'c'],
['d', 'e', 'f']], dtype=dtype, order='F')
expected = a.view(np.uint32 if dtype == 'U1' else np.uint8)
assert_array_equal(f(a), expected)
def test_output(self):
f = getattr(self.module, self.fprefix + '_output')
assert_equal(f(ord(b'a')), b'a')
assert_equal(f(0), b'\0')
def test_array_output(self):
f = getattr(self.module, self.fprefix + '_array_output')
assert_array_equal(f(list(map(ord, 'abc'))),
np.array(list('abc'), dtype='S1'))
def test_input_output(self):
f = getattr(self.module, self.fprefix + '_input_output')
assert_equal(f(b'a'), b'a')
assert_equal(f('a'), b'a')
assert_equal(f(''), b'\0')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", ['c', 'S1'])
def test_inout(self, dtype):
f = getattr(self.module, self.fprefix + '_inout')
a = np.array(list('abc'), dtype=dtype)
f(a, 'A')
assert_array_equal(a, np.array(list('Abc'), dtype=a.dtype))
f(a[1:], 'B')
assert_array_equal(a, np.array(list('ABc'), dtype=a.dtype))
a = np.array(['abc'], dtype=dtype)
f(a, 'A')
assert_array_equal(a, np.array(['Abc'], dtype=a.dtype))
def test_inout_varia(self):
f = getattr(self.module, self.fprefix + '_inout')
a = np.array('abc', dtype='S3')
f(a, 'A')
assert_array_equal(a, np.array('Abc', dtype=a.dtype))
a = np.array(['abc'], dtype='S3')
f(a, 'A')
assert_array_equal(a, np.array(['Abc'], dtype=a.dtype))
f('abc', 'A')
except ValueError as msg:
if not str(msg).endswith(' got 3-str'):
raise SystemError(f'{f.__name__} should have failed on str value')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", ['c', 'S1'])
def test_array_inout(self, dtype):
f = getattr(self.module, self.fprefix + '_array_inout')
n = np.array(['A', 'B', 'C'], dtype=dtype, order='F')
a = np.array(['a', 'b', 'c'], dtype=dtype, order='F')
f(a, n)
assert_array_equal(a, n)
a = np.array(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], dtype=dtype)
f(a[1:], n)
assert_array_equal(a, np.array(['a', 'A', 'B', 'C'], dtype=dtype))
a = np.array([['a', 'b', 'c']], dtype=dtype, order='F')
f(a, n)
assert_array_equal(a, np.array([['A', 'B', 'C']], dtype=dtype))
a = np.array(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], dtype=dtype, order='F')
f(a, n)
except ValueError as msg:
if not str(msg).endswith(
'th dimension must be fixed to 3 but got 4'):
raise SystemError(
f'{f.__name__} should have failed on wrong input')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", ['c', 'S1'])
def test_2d_array_inout(self, dtype):
f = getattr(self.module, self.fprefix + '_2d_array_inout')
n = np.array([['A', 'B', 'C'],
['D', 'E', 'F']],
dtype=dtype, order='F')
a = np.array([['a', 'b', 'c'],
['d', 'e', 'f']],
dtype=dtype, order='F')
f(a, n)
assert_array_equal(a, n)
def test_return(self):
f = getattr(self.module, self.fprefix + '_return')
assert_equal(f('a'), b'a')
@pytest.mark.skip('fortran function returning array segfaults')
def test_array_return(self):
f = getattr(self.module, self.fprefix + '_array_return')
a = np.array(list('abc'), dtype='S1')
assert_array_equal(f(a), a)
def test_optional(self):
f = getattr(self.module, self.fprefix + '_optional')
assert_equal(f(), b"a")
assert_equal(f(b'B'), b"B")
class TestMiscCharacter(util.F2PyTest):
# options = ['--debug-capi', '--build-dir', '/tmp/test-build-f2py']
suffix = '.f90'
fprefix = 'test_misc_character'
code = textwrap.dedent(f"""
subroutine {fprefix}_gh18684(x, y, m)
character(len=5), dimension(m), intent(in) :: x
character*5, dimension(m), intent(out) :: y
integer i, m
!f2py integer, intent(hide), depend(x) :: m = f2py_len(x)
do i=1,m
y(i) = x(i)
end do
end subroutine {fprefix}_gh18684
subroutine {fprefix}_gh6308(x, i)
integer i
!f2py check(i>=0 && i<12) i
character*5 name, x
common name(12)
name(i + 1) = x
end subroutine {fprefix}_gh6308
subroutine {fprefix}_gh4519(x)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: x(:)
!f2py intent(out) x
integer :: i
! Uncomment for debug printing:
!do i=1, size(x)
! print*, "x(",i,")=", x(i)
!end do
end subroutine {fprefix}_gh4519
pure function {fprefix}_gh3425(x) result (y)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: x
character(len=len(x)) :: y
integer :: i
do i = 1, len(x)
j = iachar(x(i:i))
if (j>=iachar("a") .and. j<=iachar("z") ) then
y(i:i) = achar(j-32)
y(i:i) = x(i:i)
end do
end function {fprefix}_gh3425
subroutine {fprefix}_character_bc_new(x, y, z)
character, intent(in) :: x
character, intent(out) :: y
!f2py character, depend(x) :: y = x
!f2py character, dimension((x=='a'?1:2)), depend(x), intent(out) :: z
character, dimension(*) :: z
!f2py character, optional, check(x == 'a' || x == 'b') :: x = 'a'
!f2py callstatement (*f2py_func)(&x, &y, z)
!f2py callprotoargument character*, character*, character*
if (y.eq.x) then
y = x
y = 'e'
z(1) = 'c'
end subroutine {fprefix}_character_bc_new
subroutine {fprefix}_character_bc_old(x, y, z)
character, intent(in) :: x
character, intent(out) :: y
!f2py character, depend(x) :: y = x[0]
!f2py character, dimension((*x=='a'?1:2)), depend(x), intent(out) :: z
character, dimension(*) :: z
!f2py character, optional, check(*x == 'a' || x[0] == 'b') :: x = 'a'
!f2py callstatement (*f2py_func)(x, y, z)
!f2py callprotoargument char*, char*, char*
if (y.eq.x) then
y = x
y = 'e'
z(1) = 'c'
end subroutine {fprefix}_character_bc_old
def test_gh18684(self):
# Test character(len=5) and character*5 usages
f = getattr(self.module, self.fprefix + '_gh18684')
x = np.array(["abcde", "fghij"], dtype='S5')
y = f(x)
assert_array_equal(x, y)
def test_gh6308(self):
# Test character string array in a common block
f = getattr(self.module, self.fprefix + '_gh6308')
assert_equal(self.module._BLNK_.name.dtype, np.dtype('S5'))
assert_equal(len(self.module._BLNK_.name), 12)
f("abcde", 0)
assert_equal(self.module._BLNK_.name[0], b"abcde")
f("12345", 5)
assert_equal(self.module._BLNK_.name[5], b"12345")
def test_gh4519(self):
# Test array of assumed length strings
f = getattr(self.module, self.fprefix + '_gh4519')
for x, expected in [
('a', dict(shape=(), dtype=np.dtype('S1'))),
('text', dict(shape=(), dtype=np.dtype('S4'))),
(np.array(['1', '2', '3'], dtype='S1'),
dict(shape=(3,), dtype=np.dtype('S1'))),
(['1', '2', '34'],
dict(shape=(3,), dtype=np.dtype('S2'))),
(['', ''], dict(shape=(2,), dtype=np.dtype('S1')))]:
r = f(x)
for k, v in expected.items():
assert_equal(getattr(r, k), v)
def test_gh3425(self):
# Test returning a copy of assumed length string
f = getattr(self.module, self.fprefix + '_gh3425')
# f is equivalent to bytes.upper
assert_equal(f('abC'), b'ABC')
assert_equal(f(''), b'')
assert_equal(f('abC12d'), b'ABC12D')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("state", ['new', 'old'])
def test_character_bc(self, state):
f = getattr(self.module, self.fprefix + '_character_bc_' + state)
c, a = f()
assert_equal(c, b'a')
assert_equal(len(a), 1)
c, a = f(b'b')
assert_equal(c, b'b')
assert_equal(len(a), 2)
assert_raises(Exception, lambda: f(b'c'))
class TestStringScalarArr(util.F2PyTest):
sources = [util.getpath("tests", "src", "string", "scalar_string.f90")]
def test_char(self):
for out in (self.module.string_test.string,
expected = ()
assert out.shape == expected
expected = '|S8'
assert out.dtype == expected
def test_char_arr(self):
for out in (self.module.string_test.strarr,
expected = (5,7)
assert out.shape == expected
expected = '|S12'
assert out.dtype == expected
class TestStringAssumedLength(util.F2PyTest):
sources = [util.getpath("tests", "src", "string", "gh24008.f")]
def test_gh24008(self):
self.module.greet("joe", "bob")
class TestStringOptionalInOut(util.F2PyTest):
sources = [util.getpath("tests", "src", "string", "gh24662.f90")]
def test_gh24662(self):
a = np.array('hi', dtype='S32')
assert "output string" in a.tobytes().decode()
with pytest.raises(Exception):
aa = "Hi"
class TestNewCharHandling(util.F2PyTest):
# from v1.24 onwards, gh-19388
sources = [
util.getpath("tests", "src", "string", "gh25286.pyf"),
util.getpath("tests", "src", "string", "gh25286.f90")
module_name = "_char_handling_test"
def test_gh25286(self):
info = self.module.charint('T')
assert info == 2
class TestBCCharHandling(util.F2PyTest):
# SciPy style, "incorrect" bindings with a hook
sources = [
util.getpath("tests", "src", "string", "gh25286_bc.pyf"),
util.getpath("tests", "src", "string", "gh25286.f90")
module_name = "_char_handling_test"
def test_gh25286(self):
info = self.module.charint('T')
assert info == 2