2024-05-26 19:49:15 +02:00

394 lines
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/* Copyright 2022 The OpenXLA Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_set.h"
#include "absl/status/statusor.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "absl/types/span.h"
#include "xla/client/executable_build_options.h"
#include "xla/hlo/ir/hlo_module.h"
#include "xla/pjrt/compile_options.pb.h"
#include "xla/pjrt/executable_metadata.pb.h"
#include "xla/pjrt/execute_options.pb.h"
#include "xla/pjrt/pjrt_common.h"
#include "xla/service/compiler.h"
#include "xla/service/hlo.pb.h"
#include "xla/service/hlo_cost_analysis.h"
#include "xla/shape.h"
#include "xla/status.h"
#include "xla/statusor.h"
#include "xla/util.h"
#include "xla/xla_data.pb.h"
namespace xla {
// Provides configuration for implementations that support compile and execute
// spanning multiple slices. A slice is a set of devices connected by dedicated
// high speed interconnect. Connectivity between slices is typically over data
// center networks. Concrete implementations of MultiSliceConfig contain
// environment specific information to enable communication between devices on
// different slices. Passed as options during compile and execute.
// Implementations that do not support this are allowed to pass nullptr.
class MultiSliceConfig {
virtual ~MultiSliceConfig();
// Returns the total number of slices.
virtual int32_t NumSlices() const = 0;
// Returns the SliceID at this host - an integer in [0, NumSlices)
virtual int32_t SliceId() const = 0;
// Returns the number of devices on each slice indexed by SliceId.
virtual absl::flat_hash_map<int32_t, int32_t> NumDevicesPerSlice() const = 0;
// Returns a serialized proto representing MultiSliceConfig.
virtual std::string Serialize() const = 0;
struct CompileOptions {
// The layouts of the arguments that the computation should expect.
std::optional<std::vector<Shape>> argument_layouts;
// If true, the supplied computation expects its arguments to be wrapped in a
// tuple and passed as a single parameter.
bool parameter_is_tupled_arguments = false;
// XLA's compilation time options.
ExecutableBuildOptions executable_build_options;
// If true, the executable can be run on any device. May only be true if
// !executable_build_options.has_device_assignment(), so only applies to
// single-device executables. Beware: on GPUs, sometimes an executable
// compiled for one device doesn't run on another.
bool compile_portable_executable = false;
// XLA compilation profile version.
int64_t profile_version = 0;
// Set multi_slice_config to trigger compilation for DCN connected multi
// slice operation.
const MultiSliceConfig* multi_slice_config = nullptr;
// Key-value string pairs, parsed in order to set miscellaneous options,
// overriding if appropriate.
using OptionOverride = std::variant<std::string, bool, int64_t, double>;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, OptionOverride>> env_option_overrides;
std::optional<xla::Compiler::TargetConfig> target_config;
// Used to indicate the precision configuration.
PrecisionConfig::Precision matrix_unit_operand_precision =
// Applies env_option_overrides to executable_build_options.debug_options().
Status ApplyAllOptionOverrides();
// Applies a single option to executable_build_options.debug_options().
Status ApplyOption(const std::string& key, const OptionOverride& value);
Status ApplyOptionFromString(const tsl::protobuf::FieldDescriptor* field,
const std::string& value);
static StatusOr<
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, CompileOptions::OptionOverride>>>
const google::protobuf::Map<std::string, xla::OptionOverrideProto>&
void SerializeEnvOptionOverrides(
google::protobuf::Map<std::string, xla::OptionOverrideProto>*
output_env_option_overrides) const;
// Serialize the CompileOptions into a CompileOptionsProto.
StatusOr<CompileOptionsProto> ToProto() const;
// Deserialize the CompileOptionsProto into a CompileOptions.
static StatusOr<CompileOptions> FromProto(const CompileOptionsProto& proto);
struct LoadOptions {
// Origin of the subslice of the target topology to run computation on.
struct ComputationOrigin {
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
int z = 0;
std::optional<ComputationOrigin> computation_origin;
// multi_slice_config to associate with the executable during load of a multi
// slice operation.
const MultiSliceConfig* multi_slice_config = nullptr;
class ExecuteContext {
virtual ~ExecuteContext() = default;
struct PjRtTransferMetadata {
// May be invalid if
// ExecuteOptions::use_major_to_minor_data_layout_for_callbacks is true for
// this execution.
Shape device_shape;
class PjRtChunk;
class CopyToDeviceStream;
struct SendCallback {
int64_t channel_id;
// The callback for retrieving the send value. It will be invoked once for
// each invocation of the corresponding Send op in the HLO program (So it can
// be invoked multiple times if it is in a loop). Currently there is no
// guarantee that the callback here will be invoked in the same order as their
// corresponding HLO Send ops. The callback can also return errors to indicate
// the execution should fail.
// IMPORTANT: the implementation might NOT signal the error to the execution,
// and the execution will run to completion with UNDEFINED DATA returned by
// the callback. If there is any potential control flow that depends on the
// value of the returned data, an error return is unsafe.
// TODO(chky): Currently the callback invocation order may not be consistent
// with the HLO send op invocation order, due to limitations in some PjRt
// implementation. Consider making it strictly the same order as HLO program.
std::function<Status(const PjRtTransferMetadata& metadata, PjRtChunk chunk,
size_t total_size_in_bytes, bool done)>
struct RecvCallback {
int64_t channel_id;
// The callback for feeding the recv value. It will be invoked once for each
// invocation of the corresponding Recv op in the HLO program (So it can be
// invoked multiple times if it is in a loop). Currently there is no
// guarantee that the callback here will be invoked in the same order as their
// corresponding HLO Recv ops.
std::function<void(const PjRtTransferMetadata& metadata,
std::unique_ptr<CopyToDeviceStream> stream)>
struct ExecuteOptions {
// If true, the client must pass a single PjRtBuffer which contains all of
// the arguments as a single XLA tuple, otherwise each argument must be
// passed in its own PjRtBuffer. May only be true if the executable was
// compiled with parameter_is_tupled_arguments==true.
bool arguments_are_tupled = false;
// If true, the computation must return a tuple, which will be destructured
// into its elements.
bool untuple_result = false;
// If non-zero, identifies this execution as part of a potentially
// multi-device launch. This can be used to detect scheduling errors, e.g. if
// multi-host programs are launched in different orders on different hosts,
// the launch IDs may be used by the runtime to detect the mismatch.
int32_t launch_id = 0;
// If non-null, an opaque context passed to an execution that may be used to
// supply additional arguments to a derived class of PjRtExecutable.
const ExecuteContext* context = nullptr;
// If true, check that the PjRtBuffer argument shapes match the compiled
// shapes. Otherwise, any shape with the right size on device may be passed.
bool strict_shape_checking = true;
// Set multi_slice_config when the computation spans multiple slices. The
// config should match what was used during compilation to generate this
// executable.
const MultiSliceConfig* multi_slice_config = nullptr;
// The send/recv callbacks for PjRt execution. The first level span is for
// multi-device parallel execution, the second level vector contains the
// callbacks for all send/recv ops in the executable. These callbacks can be
// stateful and the user code is responsible for managing the states here.
// These callbacks must outlive the execution.
absl::Span<const std::vector<SendCallback>> send_callbacks;
absl::Span<const std::vector<RecvCallback>> recv_callbacks;
// If true, send callbacks are passed PjRtChunks in major-to-minor layout, and
// recv functions should pass major-to-minor chunks to
// CopyToDeviceStream::AddChunk.
// If false, send callbacks are passed PjRtChunks in the on-device layout
// specified in the PjRtTransferMetadata, and recv functions should similarly
// pass device-layout chunks to CopyToDeviceStream::AddChunk.
bool use_major_to_minor_data_layout_for_callbacks = false;
// The `execution_mode` decides whether the execution will be invoked in the
// caller thread or launched to a separate thread. By default, the
// implementation may choose either strategy or use a heuristic to decide.
// Currently it is only applied to CPU implementations
enum class ExecutionMode { kDefault = 0, kSynchronous, kAsynchronous };
ExecutionMode execution_mode = ExecutionMode::kDefault;
// A set of indices denoting the input buffers that should not be donated.
// An input buffer may be non-donable, for example, if it is referenced more
// than once. Since such runtime information is not available at compile time,
// the compiler might mark the input as `may-alias`, which could lead PjRt to
// donate the input buffer when it should not. By defining this set of
// indices, a higher-level PjRt caller can instruct PjRtClient not to donate
// specific input buffers.
absl::flat_hash_set<int> non_donatable_input_indices;
absl::StatusOr<ExecuteOptionsProto> ToProto() const;
static absl::StatusOr<ExecuteOptions> FromProto(
const ExecuteOptionsProto& proto);
// Static device memory usage for a compiled program.
// The on-device memory needed to run an executable is at least
// generated_code_size_in_bytes
// + argument_size_in_bytes + output_size_in_bytes - alias_size_in_bytes
// + temp_size_in_bytes.
struct CompiledMemoryStats {
int64_t generated_code_size_in_bytes = 0;
int64_t argument_size_in_bytes = 0;
int64_t output_size_in_bytes = 0;
// How much argument is reused for output.
int64_t alias_size_in_bytes = 0;
int64_t temp_size_in_bytes = 0;
std::string serialized_hlo_proto = "";
std::string DebugString() const;
CompiledMemoryStatsProto ToProto() {
CompiledMemoryStatsProto proto;
return proto;
static CompiledMemoryStats FromProto(const CompiledMemoryStatsProto& proto) {
CompiledMemoryStats stats;
stats.generated_code_size_in_bytes = proto.generated_code_size_in_bytes();
stats.argument_size_in_bytes = proto.argument_size_in_bytes();
stats.output_size_in_bytes = proto.alias_size_in_bytes();
stats.alias_size_in_bytes = proto.alias_size_in_bytes();
stats.temp_size_in_bytes = proto.temp_size_in_bytes();
stats.serialized_hlo_proto = proto.hlo_proto().SerializeAsString();
return stats;
class PjRtExecutable {
virtual ~PjRtExecutable() = default;
virtual int num_replicas() const = 0;
virtual int num_partitions() const = 0;
virtual int64_t SizeOfGeneratedCodeInBytes() const = 0;
// Unique name for this executable, e.g., HloModule name.
virtual absl::string_view name() const = 0;
// Return an HloModule (optimized) per partition.
virtual StatusOr<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<HloModule>>> GetHloModules()
const = 0;
// Returns an output Shape per program, the size should be equal to
// `GetHloModules()`.
virtual StatusOr<std::vector<Shape>> GetOutputShapes() const;
// Returns a list of element types for each output, the size of the outer list
// should be equal to `GetHloModules()`.
virtual StatusOr<std::vector<std::vector<PrimitiveType>>>
GetOutputElementTypes() const;
// Returns a list of dimensions for each output, the size of the outer list
// should be equal to `GetHloModules()`.
virtual StatusOr<std::vector<std::vector<DimensionVector>>>
GetOutputDimensions() const;
// Returns the layout of each input parameter.
virtual StatusOr<std::vector<Layout>> GetParameterLayouts() const;
// Returns the layout of each output.
virtual StatusOr<std::vector<Layout>> GetOutputLayouts() const;
// Returns a list of lists of memory kind strings for output. The returned
// value is `[num_programs, num_output]`. The size of the outer list should be
// equal to `GetHloModules()`. Under SPMD, one can use
// `GetOutputMemoryKinds().front()`.
virtual StatusOr<std::vector<std::vector<absl::string_view>>>
GetOutputMemoryKinds() const = 0;
// Returns a list of parameter OpSharding protos.
virtual std::optional<std::vector<OpSharding>> GetParameterShardings() const;
// Returns a list of output OpSharding protos.
virtual std::optional<std::vector<OpSharding>> GetOutputShardings() const;
// Return memory stats that allow callers to estimate device memory usage
// when running this executable.
virtual StatusOr<CompiledMemoryStats> GetCompiledMemoryStats() const {
return Unimplemented("Retrieving CompiledMemoryStats is not supported.");
// Returns named values for cost properties of this executable (such as
// operations, size of input/outputs, and run time estimate). Properties may
// differ for different platforms.
virtual StatusOr<absl::flat_hash_map<std::string, PjRtValueType>>
GetCostAnalysis() const = 0;
// Serialize this executable into a string and return the value.
virtual StatusOr<std::string> SerializeExecutable() const {
return Unimplemented("Serializing executable is not supported.");
// Return a fingerprint of this executable.
virtual StatusOr<std::string> FingerprintExecutable() const {
return Unimplemented("Fingerprinting executable is not supported.");
virtual StatusOr<struct CompileOptions> GetCompileOptions() const {
return Unimplemented("CompileOptions not available.");
class PjRtExecutableUtil {
static StatusOr<absl::flat_hash_map<std::string, PjRtValueType>>
RunHloCostAnalysis(const PjRtExecutable& executable,
HloCostAnalysis* hlo_cost_analysis);
static StatusOr<absl::flat_hash_map<std::string, PjRtValueType>>
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<xla::HloModule>>& hlo_modules,
HloCostAnalysis* hlo_cost_analysis);
} // namespace xla