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/* Copyright 2022 The OpenXLA Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
#include <any>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/status/statusor.h"
#include "xla/mlir/runtime/transforms/jit_compiler.h"
#include "xla/runtime/async_values_cache.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
#include "xla/runtime/constraints.h"
#include "tsl/concurrency/async_value_ref.h"
#include "tsl/concurrency/chain.h"
namespace xla {
namespace runtime {
// JitExecutable owns a default executable compiled from the MLIR module (if
// operands constraints allow that), and orchestrates on-demand re-compilation
// for specific argument ranks, shapes or values depending on the operands
// constraints.
class JitExecutable {
using UserData = std::any;
// XLA program can be specialized and recompiled at runtime to the concrete
// input shapes and sometimes values (e.g. reduction dimension).
enum class Specialization {
// Recompile specialized executables when needed.
// Completely disable specialized executables (always call default
// executable).
// Always use specialized executables, and never call default executable
// (only required for getting reproducible results in benchmarks).
struct Options {
// What level of specialization is enabled at runtime.
Specialization specialization = Specialization::kAlways;
// Options for the XLA runtime JitCompiler.
JitCompiler::Options compiler;
// We use `llvm::unique_function` to represent compilation task because it
// allows to capture move-only values.
using CompilationTask = llvm::unique_function<void()>;
// Compilation task runner called at runtime when specialization compilation
// is required with the `TaskFunction` that does the compilation, and updates
// the internal state of the `JitExecutable`. This runner can be used by the
// caller to offload compilation task to the specialized thread pool and
// add tracing events (e.g. add Tensorflow profiler tracing). Task runner must
// call the `TaskFunction`, otherwise it will lead to deadlock.
// Caller can pass arbitrary user data to the `GetExecutable` method, and it
// will be passed to the runner if recompilation is required. It is guaranteed
// that the runner will be called in the same thread as `GetExecutable`.
using CompilationTaskRunner =
llvm::unique_function<void(size_t, absl::Span<const ArgumentConstraint>,
ArgumentsRef, CompilationTask, UserData)>;
// Inline compilation task runner runs compilation task in the caller thread.
static void InlineCompilationTaskRunner(
size_t num_specializations,
absl::Span<const ArgumentConstraint> constraints, ArgumentsRef arguments,
CompilationTask task, UserData user_data);
// TODO(ezhulenev): Currently exported functions must be defined explicitly by
// the user. It should be possible to define exported functions implicitly by
// having `rt.export` operations in the compiled module, and export new
// functions while running compilation pipeline. Also `Executable` potentially
// might have more exported functions than the `JitExecutable` that
// instantiated it. Consider adding "private" exported functions, that are not
// visible through the `Executable` API (e.g. function references might be
// passed to custom calls, but they should not be visible to the client).
static absl::StatusOr<JitExecutable> Instantiate(
std::string_view mlir_module, Options opts,
absl::Span<const std::string_view> exported,
std::string_view memory_region_name = "",
CompilationTaskRunner runner = InlineCompilationTaskRunner);
static absl::StatusOr<JitExecutable> Instantiate(
std::string_view mlir_module, std::string_view exported, Options opts,
std::string_view memory_region_name = "",
CompilationTaskRunner runner = InlineCompilationTaskRunner) {
return Instantiate(mlir_module, opts, {exported}, memory_region_name,
// Returns default executable that accepts all compatible operands
// (operands rank and all static dimensions should match the operands).
tsl::AsyncValuePtr<Executable> DefaultExecutable() const;
// Returns an executable that may be specialized for the arguments. Can return
// default executable if no specialization is required, or if the specialized
// executable is not yet available.
// Caller can pass arbitrary data via the `user_data` argument, and it will be
// available to the compilation task runner. This can be used for tracing,
// e.g. to track what user-level requests triggered recompilation.
// Returns an error if the arguments do not match the expected function
// signature and specialization is not possible (without trying to compile).
// If specialization is disabled, returns the default executable without
// checking the arguments (the default executable itself will check arguments
// when called).
// Async values holding compilation results (executables) cached in the
// JitExecutable, and successive calls with the same arguments are cheap (the
// definition of "same" depend on the argument type specialization and chosen
// hash function, e.g. shaped arguments compared using their symbolic shape).
// If compilation fails, then the returned async value will hold a compilation
// error message. Compilation errors are never retried.
// Note: This function never falls back on the default executable if
// specialization compilation fails.
// TODO(ezhulenev): Add support for specifying exported function ordinal,
// currently this will always specialize exported function with ordinal 0.
absl::StatusOr<tsl::AsyncValuePtr<Executable>> GetExecutable(
ArgumentsRef arguments, UserData user_data = {},
const SpecializationListener* listener = nullptr);
// Returns an async value that becomes ready when all executables owned by
// this JitExecutable are compiled (no pending compilation tasks).
tsl::AsyncValueRef<tsl::Chain> AllExecutablesCompiled() const;
// JitExecutable is move-only type.
JitExecutable(const JitExecutable&) = delete;
JitExecutable(JitExecutable&&) = default;
std::string_view mlir_module() { return mlir_module_; }
unsigned num_functions() const { return functions_.size(); }
// JitExecutable defines multiple exported functions that could be compiled
// into the executable. At run time they are referenced by their ordinal, so
// that we don't depend on expensive by-name lookup on the hot path. Function
// ordinal is defined by its index in the `functions_` vector.
// TODO(ezhulenev): Today when JitExecutable instantiates specialized
// executable via call to `GetExecutable` it can only specialize the function
// with ordinal 0. It should be possible to specialize multiple functions, and
// select which functions should be compiled at all.
struct Function {
Function(std::string_view name, FunctionType signature,
absl::Span<const ArgumentConstraint> constraints);
Function(const Function&) = delete;
Function(Function&&) = default;
// Exported function name.
std::string name;
// Signature of the exported function.
// This function signature is allowed to have operands and results types
// without a well-defined ABI (e.g. it can have tensors when compiled module
// defined in Tensorflow dialect), and it corresponds to the executable
// definition in one of the high level dialects (e.g. Tensorflow or mHLO).
// When compiled module prepared for execution, function operands and
// results are mapped to the types with well-defined ABI (e.g. tensors
// mapped to memrefs). See `runtime_signature` documentation in the
// `Executable::Function` type.
FunctionType signature;
// Exported function arguments constraints after resolving them using the
// statically known information in the function signature. If constraint
// specified by the argument attribute known to be statically satisfied by
// the argument type (e.g. rank constraint with an operand of statically
// known rank), then the constraint value for that operand will be updated
// to `kResolved`.
llvm::SmallVector<ArgumentConstraint> constraints;
// True if any of the arguments has `ArgumentConstraint::kValue` constraint.
bool has_value_constraints;
// Symbolic shape resolver assigns symbolic dimensions to runtime operands
// based on the exported function signature.
SymbolicShapesResolver symbolic_shapes_resolver;
JitExecutable(std::string_view mlir_module, Options opts,
std::vector<Function> functions,
std::optional<Executable> default_executable,
std::string_view memory_region_name,
CompilationTaskRunner runner);
std::string mlir_module_;
Options opts_;
// Functions exported by this jit executable, indexed by function ordinal.
std::vector<Function> functions_;
// Default executable that was not specialized to any of the arguments.
AsyncValueRef<Executable> default_executable_;
bool has_default_executable_;
// Name of the memory region where JIT'ed code is compiled to.
// This allows profilers to correctly label JIT-executed code.
// Note: this feature might only be available on some platforms, e.g. Linux.
std::string memory_region_name_;
// A custom runner for compiling specializations.
CompilationTaskRunner runner_;
// Executables specialized for the arguments shapes or/and values.
using Specializations = AsyncValuesCache<llvm::hash_code, Executable>;
std::unique_ptr<Specializations> specializations_;
} // namespace runtime
} // namespace xla