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2023-06-02 12:51:02 +02:00
Test the consistency of the groupby API, both internally and with other pandas objects.
import inspect
import pytest
from pandas import (
from pandas.core.groupby.generic import (
def test_frame_consistency(request, groupby_func):
# GH#48028
if groupby_func in ("first", "last"):
msg = "first and last are entirely different between frame and groupby"
if groupby_func in ("cumcount",):
msg = "DataFrame has no such method"
if groupby_func == "ngroup":
assert not hasattr(DataFrame, groupby_func)
frame_method = getattr(DataFrame, groupby_func)
gb_method = getattr(DataFrameGroupBy, groupby_func)
result = set(inspect.signature(gb_method).parameters)
if groupby_func == "size":
# "size" is a method on GroupBy but property on DataFrame:
expected = {"self"}
expected = set(inspect.signature(frame_method).parameters)
# Exclude certain arguments from result and expected depending on the operation
# Some of these may be purposeful inconsistencies between the APIs
exclude_expected, exclude_result = set(), set()
if groupby_func in ("any", "all"):
exclude_expected = {"kwargs", "bool_only", "axis"}
elif groupby_func in ("count",):
exclude_expected = {"numeric_only", "axis"}
elif groupby_func in ("nunique",):
exclude_expected = {"axis"}
elif groupby_func in ("max", "min"):
exclude_expected = {"axis", "kwargs", "skipna"}
exclude_result = {"min_count", "engine", "engine_kwargs"}
elif groupby_func in ("mean", "std", "sum", "var"):
exclude_expected = {"axis", "kwargs", "skipna"}
exclude_result = {"engine", "engine_kwargs"}
elif groupby_func in ("median", "prod", "sem"):
exclude_expected = {"axis", "kwargs", "skipna"}
elif groupby_func in ("backfill", "bfill", "ffill", "pad"):
exclude_expected = {"downcast", "inplace", "axis"}
elif groupby_func in ("cummax", "cummin"):
exclude_expected = {"skipna", "args"}
exclude_result = {"numeric_only"}
elif groupby_func in ("cumprod", "cumsum"):
exclude_expected = {"skipna"}
elif groupby_func in ("pct_change",):
exclude_expected = {"kwargs"}
exclude_result = {"axis"}
elif groupby_func in ("rank",):
exclude_expected = {"numeric_only"}
elif groupby_func in ("quantile",):
exclude_expected = {"method", "axis"}
# Ensure excluded arguments are actually in the signatures
assert result & exclude_result == exclude_result
assert expected & exclude_expected == exclude_expected
result -= exclude_result
expected -= exclude_expected
assert result == expected
def test_series_consistency(request, groupby_func):
# GH#48028
if groupby_func in ("first", "last"):
msg = "first and last are entirely different between Series and groupby"
if groupby_func in ("cumcount", "corrwith"):
msg = "Series has no such method"
if groupby_func == "ngroup":
assert not hasattr(Series, groupby_func)
series_method = getattr(Series, groupby_func)
gb_method = getattr(SeriesGroupBy, groupby_func)
result = set(inspect.signature(gb_method).parameters)
if groupby_func == "size":
# "size" is a method on GroupBy but property on Series
expected = {"self"}
expected = set(inspect.signature(series_method).parameters)
# Exclude certain arguments from result and expected depending on the operation
# Some of these may be purposeful inconsistencies between the APIs
exclude_expected, exclude_result = set(), set()
if groupby_func in ("any", "all"):
exclude_expected = {"kwargs", "bool_only", "axis"}
elif groupby_func in ("diff",):
exclude_result = {"axis"}
elif groupby_func in ("max", "min"):
exclude_expected = {"axis", "kwargs", "skipna"}
exclude_result = {"min_count", "engine", "engine_kwargs"}
elif groupby_func in ("mean", "std", "sum", "var"):
exclude_expected = {"axis", "kwargs", "skipna"}
exclude_result = {"engine", "engine_kwargs"}
elif groupby_func in ("median", "prod", "sem"):
exclude_expected = {"axis", "kwargs", "skipna"}
elif groupby_func in ("backfill", "bfill", "ffill", "pad"):
exclude_expected = {"downcast", "inplace", "axis"}
elif groupby_func in ("cummax", "cummin"):
exclude_expected = {"skipna", "args"}
exclude_result = {"numeric_only"}
elif groupby_func in ("cumprod", "cumsum"):
exclude_expected = {"skipna"}
elif groupby_func in ("pct_change",):
exclude_expected = {"kwargs"}
exclude_result = {"axis"}
elif groupby_func in ("rank",):
exclude_expected = {"numeric_only"}
elif groupby_func in ("idxmin", "idxmax"):
exclude_expected = {"args", "kwargs"}
elif groupby_func in ("quantile",):
exclude_result = {"numeric_only"}
# Ensure excluded arguments are actually in the signatures
assert result & exclude_result == exclude_result
assert expected & exclude_expected == exclude_expected
result -= exclude_result
expected -= exclude_expected
assert result == expected