"""Equality-constrained quadratic programming solvers."""

from scipy.sparse import (linalg, bmat, csc_matrix)
from math import copysign
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import norm

__all__ = [

# For comparison with the projected CG
def eqp_kktfact(H, c, A, b):
    """Solve equality-constrained quadratic programming (EQP) problem.

    Solve ``min 1/2 x.T H x + x.t c`` subject to ``A x + b = 0``
    using direct factorization of the KKT system.

    H : sparse matrix, shape (n, n)
        Hessian matrix of the EQP problem.
    c : array_like, shape (n,)
        Gradient of the quadratic objective function.
    A : sparse matrix
        Jacobian matrix of the EQP problem.
    b : array_like, shape (m,)
        Right-hand side of the constraint equation.

    x : array_like, shape (n,)
        Solution of the KKT problem.
    lagrange_multipliers : ndarray, shape (m,)
        Lagrange multipliers of the KKT problem.
    n, = np.shape(c)  # Number of parameters
    m, = np.shape(b)  # Number of constraints

    # Karush-Kuhn-Tucker matrix of coefficients.
    # Defined as in Nocedal/Wright "Numerical
    # Optimization" p.452 in Eq. (16.4).
    kkt_matrix = csc_matrix(bmat([[H, A.T], [A, None]]))
    # Vector of coefficients.
    kkt_vec = np.hstack([-c, -b])

    # TODO: Use a symmetric indefinite factorization
    #       to solve the system twice as fast (because
    #       of the symmetry).
    lu = linalg.splu(kkt_matrix)
    kkt_sol = lu.solve(kkt_vec)
    x = kkt_sol[:n]
    lagrange_multipliers = -kkt_sol[n:n+m]

    return x, lagrange_multipliers

def sphere_intersections(z, d, trust_radius,
    """Find the intersection between segment (or line) and spherical constraints.

    Find the intersection between the segment (or line) defined by the
    parametric  equation ``x(t) = z + t*d`` and the ball
    ``||x|| <= trust_radius``.

    z : array_like, shape (n,)
        Initial point.
    d : array_like, shape (n,)
    trust_radius : float
        Ball radius.
    entire_line : bool, optional
        When ``True``, the function returns the intersection between the line
        ``x(t) = z + t*d`` (``t`` can assume any value) and the ball
        ``||x|| <= trust_radius``. When ``False``, the function returns the intersection
        between the segment ``x(t) = z + t*d``, ``0 <= t <= 1``, and the ball.

    ta, tb : float
        The line/segment ``x(t) = z + t*d`` is inside the ball for
        for ``ta <= t <= tb``.
    intersect : bool
        When ``True``, there is a intersection between the line/segment
        and the sphere. On the other hand, when ``False``, there is no
    # Special case when d=0
    if norm(d) == 0:
        return 0, 0, False
    # Check for inf trust_radius
    if np.isinf(trust_radius):
        if entire_line:
            ta = -np.inf
            tb = np.inf
            ta = 0
            tb = 1
        intersect = True
        return ta, tb, intersect

    a = np.dot(d, d)
    b = 2 * np.dot(z, d)
    c = np.dot(z, z) - trust_radius**2
    discriminant = b*b - 4*a*c
    if discriminant < 0:
        intersect = False
        return 0, 0, intersect
    sqrt_discriminant = np.sqrt(discriminant)

    # The following calculation is mathematically
    # equivalent to:
    # ta = (-b - sqrt_discriminant) / (2*a)
    # tb = (-b + sqrt_discriminant) / (2*a)
    # but produce smaller round off errors.
    # Look at Matrix Computation p.97
    # for a better justification.
    aux = b + copysign(sqrt_discriminant, b)
    ta = -aux / (2*a)
    tb = -2*c / aux
    ta, tb = sorted([ta, tb])

    if entire_line:
        intersect = True
        # Checks to see if intersection happens
        # within vectors length.
        if tb < 0 or ta > 1:
            intersect = False
            ta = 0
            tb = 0
            intersect = True
            # Restrict intersection interval
            # between 0 and 1.
            ta = max(0, ta)
            tb = min(1, tb)

    return ta, tb, intersect

def box_intersections(z, d, lb, ub,
    """Find the intersection between segment (or line) and box constraints.

    Find the intersection between the segment (or line) defined by the
    parametric  equation ``x(t) = z + t*d`` and the rectangular box
    ``lb <= x <= ub``.

    z : array_like, shape (n,)
        Initial point.
    d : array_like, shape (n,)
    lb : array_like, shape (n,)
        Lower bounds to each one of the components of ``x``. Used
        to delimit the rectangular box.
    ub : array_like, shape (n, )
        Upper bounds to each one of the components of ``x``. Used
        to delimit the rectangular box.
    entire_line : bool, optional
        When ``True``, the function returns the intersection between the line
        ``x(t) = z + t*d`` (``t`` can assume any value) and the rectangular
        box. When ``False``, the function returns the intersection between the segment
        ``x(t) = z + t*d``, ``0 <= t <= 1``, and the rectangular box.

    ta, tb : float
        The line/segment ``x(t) = z + t*d`` is inside the box for
        for ``ta <= t <= tb``.
    intersect : bool
        When ``True``, there is a intersection between the line (or segment)
        and the rectangular box. On the other hand, when ``False``, there is no
    # Make sure it is a numpy array
    z = np.asarray(z)
    d = np.asarray(d)
    lb = np.asarray(lb)
    ub = np.asarray(ub)
    # Special case when d=0
    if norm(d) == 0:
        return 0, 0, False

    # Get values for which d==0
    zero_d = (d == 0)
    # If the boundaries are not satisfied for some coordinate
    # for which "d" is zero, there is no box-line intersection.
    if (z[zero_d] < lb[zero_d]).any() or (z[zero_d] > ub[zero_d]).any():
        intersect = False
        return 0, 0, intersect
    # Remove values for which d is zero
    not_zero_d = np.logical_not(zero_d)
    z = z[not_zero_d]
    d = d[not_zero_d]
    lb = lb[not_zero_d]
    ub = ub[not_zero_d]

    # Find a series of intervals (t_lb[i], t_ub[i]).
    t_lb = (lb-z) / d
    t_ub = (ub-z) / d
    # Get the intersection of all those intervals.
    ta = max(np.minimum(t_lb, t_ub))
    tb = min(np.maximum(t_lb, t_ub))

    # Check if intersection is feasible
    if ta <= tb:
        intersect = True
        intersect = False
    # Checks to see if intersection happens within vectors length.
    if not entire_line:
        if tb < 0 or ta > 1:
            intersect = False
            ta = 0
            tb = 0
            # Restrict intersection interval between 0 and 1.
            ta = max(0, ta)
            tb = min(1, tb)

    return ta, tb, intersect

def box_sphere_intersections(z, d, lb, ub, trust_radius,
    """Find the intersection between segment (or line) and box/sphere constraints.

    Find the intersection between the segment (or line) defined by the
    parametric  equation ``x(t) = z + t*d``, the rectangular box
    ``lb <= x <= ub`` and the ball ``||x|| <= trust_radius``.

    z : array_like, shape (n,)
        Initial point.
    d : array_like, shape (n,)
    lb : array_like, shape (n,)
        Lower bounds to each one of the components of ``x``. Used
        to delimit the rectangular box.
    ub : array_like, shape (n, )
        Upper bounds to each one of the components of ``x``. Used
        to delimit the rectangular box.
    trust_radius : float
        Ball radius.
    entire_line : bool, optional
        When ``True``, the function returns the intersection between the line
        ``x(t) = z + t*d`` (``t`` can assume any value) and the constraints.
        When ``False``, the function returns the intersection between the segment
        ``x(t) = z + t*d``, ``0 <= t <= 1`` and the constraints.
    extra_info : bool, optional
        When ``True``, the function returns ``intersect_sphere`` and ``intersect_box``.

    ta, tb : float
        The line/segment ``x(t) = z + t*d`` is inside the rectangular box and
        inside the ball for ``ta <= t <= tb``.
    intersect : bool
        When ``True``, there is a intersection between the line (or segment)
        and both constraints. On the other hand, when ``False``, there is no
    sphere_info : dict, optional
        Dictionary ``{ta, tb, intersect}`` containing the interval ``[ta, tb]``
        for which the line intercepts the ball. And a boolean value indicating
        whether the sphere is intersected by the line.
    box_info : dict, optional
        Dictionary ``{ta, tb, intersect}`` containing the interval ``[ta, tb]``
        for which the line intercepts the box. And a boolean value indicating
        whether the box is intersected by the line.
    ta_b, tb_b, intersect_b = box_intersections(z, d, lb, ub,
    ta_s, tb_s, intersect_s = sphere_intersections(z, d,
    ta = np.maximum(ta_b, ta_s)
    tb = np.minimum(tb_b, tb_s)
    if intersect_b and intersect_s and ta <= tb:
        intersect = True
        intersect = False

    if extra_info:
        sphere_info = {'ta': ta_s, 'tb': tb_s, 'intersect': intersect_s}
        box_info = {'ta': ta_b, 'tb': tb_b, 'intersect': intersect_b}
        return ta, tb, intersect, sphere_info, box_info
        return ta, tb, intersect

def inside_box_boundaries(x, lb, ub):
    """Check if lb <= x <= ub."""
    return (lb <= x).all() and (x <= ub).all()

def reinforce_box_boundaries(x, lb, ub):
    """Return clipped value of x"""
    return np.minimum(np.maximum(x, lb), ub)

def modified_dogleg(A, Y, b, trust_radius, lb, ub):
    """Approximately  minimize ``1/2*|| A x + b ||^2`` inside trust-region.

    Approximately solve the problem of minimizing ``1/2*|| A x + b ||^2``
    subject to ``||x|| < Delta`` and ``lb <= x <= ub`` using a modification
    of the classical dogleg approach.

    A : LinearOperator (or sparse matrix or ndarray), shape (m, n)
        Matrix ``A`` in the minimization problem. It should have
        dimension ``(m, n)`` such that ``m < n``.
    Y : LinearOperator (or sparse matrix or ndarray), shape (n, m)
        LinearOperator that apply the projection matrix
        ``Q = A.T inv(A A.T)`` to the vector. The obtained vector
        ``y = Q x`` being the minimum norm solution of ``A y = x``.
    b : array_like, shape (m,)
        Vector ``b``in the minimization problem.
    trust_radius: float
        Trust radius to be considered. Delimits a sphere boundary
        to the problem.
    lb : array_like, shape (n,)
        Lower bounds to each one of the components of ``x``.
        It is expected that ``lb <= 0``, otherwise the algorithm
        may fail. If ``lb[i] = -Inf``, the lower
        bound for the ith component is just ignored.
    ub : array_like, shape (n, )
        Upper bounds to each one of the components of ``x``.
        It is expected that ``ub >= 0``, otherwise the algorithm
        may fail. If ``ub[i] = Inf``, the upper bound for the ith
        component is just ignored.

    x : array_like, shape (n,)
        Solution to the problem.

    Based on implementations described in pp. 885-886 from [1]_.

    .. [1] Byrd, Richard H., Mary E. Hribar, and Jorge Nocedal.
           "An interior point algorithm for large-scale nonlinear
           programming." SIAM Journal on Optimization 9.4 (1999): 877-900.
    # Compute minimum norm minimizer of 1/2*|| A x + b ||^2.
    newton_point = -Y.dot(b)
    # Check for interior point
    if inside_box_boundaries(newton_point, lb, ub)  \
       and norm(newton_point) <= trust_radius:
        x = newton_point
        return x

    # Compute gradient vector ``g = A.T b``
    g = A.T.dot(b)
    # Compute Cauchy point
    # `cauchy_point = g.T g / (g.T A.T A g)``.
    A_g = A.dot(g)
    cauchy_point = -np.dot(g, g) / np.dot(A_g, A_g) * g
    # Origin
    origin_point = np.zeros_like(cauchy_point)

    # Check the segment between cauchy_point and newton_point
    # for a possible solution.
    z = cauchy_point
    p = newton_point - cauchy_point
    _, alpha, intersect = box_sphere_intersections(z, p, lb, ub,
    if intersect:
        x1 = z + alpha*p
        # Check the segment between the origin and cauchy_point
        # for a possible solution.
        z = origin_point
        p = cauchy_point
        _, alpha, _ = box_sphere_intersections(z, p, lb, ub,
        x1 = z + alpha*p

    # Check the segment between origin and newton_point
    # for a possible solution.
    z = origin_point
    p = newton_point
    _, alpha, _ = box_sphere_intersections(z, p, lb, ub,
    x2 = z + alpha*p

    # Return the best solution among x1 and x2.
    if norm(A.dot(x1) + b) < norm(A.dot(x2) + b):
        return x1
        return x2

def projected_cg(H, c, Z, Y, b, trust_radius=np.inf,
                 lb=None, ub=None, tol=None,
                 max_iter=None, max_infeasible_iter=None,
    """Solve EQP problem with projected CG method.

    Solve equality-constrained quadratic programming problem
    ``min 1/2 x.T H x + x.t c``  subject to ``A x + b = 0`` and,
    possibly, to trust region constraints ``||x|| < trust_radius``
    and box constraints ``lb <= x <= ub``.

    H : LinearOperator (or sparse matrix or ndarray), shape (n, n)
        Operator for computing ``H v``.
    c : array_like, shape (n,)
        Gradient of the quadratic objective function.
    Z : LinearOperator (or sparse matrix or ndarray), shape (n, n)
        Operator for projecting ``x`` into the null space of A.
    Y : LinearOperator,  sparse matrix, ndarray, shape (n, m)
        Operator that, for a given a vector ``b``, compute smallest
        norm solution of ``A x + b = 0``.
    b : array_like, shape (m,)
        Right-hand side of the constraint equation.
    trust_radius : float, optional
        Trust radius to be considered. By default, uses ``trust_radius=inf``,
        which means no trust radius at all.
    lb : array_like, shape (n,), optional
        Lower bounds to each one of the components of ``x``.
        If ``lb[i] = -Inf`` the lower bound for the i-th
        component is just ignored (default).
    ub : array_like, shape (n, ), optional
        Upper bounds to each one of the components of ``x``.
        If ``ub[i] = Inf`` the upper bound for the i-th
        component is just ignored (default).
    tol : float, optional
        Tolerance used to interrupt the algorithm.
    max_iter : int, optional
        Maximum algorithm iterations. Where ``max_inter <= n-m``.
        By default, uses ``max_iter = n-m``.
    max_infeasible_iter : int, optional
        Maximum infeasible (regarding box constraints) iterations the
        algorithm is allowed to take.
        By default, uses ``max_infeasible_iter = n-m``.
    return_all : bool, optional
        When ``true``, return the list of all vectors through the iterations.

    x : array_like, shape (n,)
        Solution of the EQP problem.
    info : Dict
        Dictionary containing the following:

            - niter : Number of iterations.
            - stop_cond : Reason for algorithm termination:
                1. Iteration limit was reached;
                2. Reached the trust-region boundary;
                3. Negative curvature detected;
                4. Tolerance was satisfied.
            - allvecs : List containing all intermediary vectors (optional).
            - hits_boundary : True if the proposed step is on the boundary
              of the trust region.

    Implementation of Algorithm 6.2 on [1]_.

    In the absence of spherical and box constraints, for sufficient
    iterations, the method returns a truly optimal result.
    In the presence of those constraints, the value returned is only
    a inexpensive approximation of the optimal value.

    .. [1] Gould, Nicholas IM, Mary E. Hribar, and Jorge Nocedal.
           "On the solution of equality constrained quadratic
            programming problems arising in optimization."
            SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 23.4 (2001): 1376-1395.
    CLOSE_TO_ZERO = 1e-25

    n, = np.shape(c)  # Number of parameters
    m, = np.shape(b)  # Number of constraints

    # Initial Values
    x = Y.dot(-b)
    r = Z.dot(H.dot(x) + c)
    g = Z.dot(r)
    p = -g

    # Store ``x`` value
    if return_all:
        allvecs = [x]
    # Values for the first iteration
    H_p = H.dot(p)
    rt_g = norm(g)**2  # g.T g = r.T Z g = r.T g (ref [1]_ p.1389)

    # If x > trust-region the problem does not have a solution.
    tr_distance = trust_radius - norm(x)
    if tr_distance < 0:
        raise ValueError("Trust region problem does not have a solution.")
    # If x == trust_radius, then x is the solution
    # to the optimization problem, since x is the
    # minimum norm solution to Ax=b.
    elif tr_distance < CLOSE_TO_ZERO:
        info = {'niter': 0, 'stop_cond': 2, 'hits_boundary': True}
        if return_all:
            info['allvecs'] = allvecs
        return x, info

    # Set default tolerance
    if tol is None:
        tol = max(min(0.01 * np.sqrt(rt_g), 0.1 * rt_g), CLOSE_TO_ZERO)
    # Set default lower and upper bounds
    if lb is None:
        lb = np.full(n, -np.inf)
    if ub is None:
        ub = np.full(n, np.inf)
    # Set maximum iterations
    if max_iter is None:
        max_iter = n-m
    max_iter = min(max_iter, n-m)
    # Set maximum infeasible iterations
    if max_infeasible_iter is None:
        max_infeasible_iter = n-m

    hits_boundary = False
    stop_cond = 1
    counter = 0
    last_feasible_x = np.zeros_like(x)
    k = 0
    for i in range(max_iter):
        # Stop criteria - Tolerance : r.T g < tol
        if rt_g < tol:
            stop_cond = 4
        k += 1
        # Compute curvature
        pt_H_p = H_p.dot(p)
        # Stop criteria - Negative curvature
        if pt_H_p <= 0:
            if np.isinf(trust_radius):
                raise ValueError("Negative curvature not allowed "
                                 "for unrestricted problems.")
                # Find intersection with constraints
                _, alpha, intersect = box_sphere_intersections(
                    x, p, lb, ub, trust_radius, entire_line=True)
                # Update solution
                if intersect:
                    x = x + alpha*p
                # Reinforce variables are inside box constraints.
                # This is only necessary because of roundoff errors.
                x = reinforce_box_boundaries(x, lb, ub)
                # Attribute information
                stop_cond = 3
                hits_boundary = True

        # Get next step
        alpha = rt_g / pt_H_p
        x_next = x + alpha*p

        # Stop criteria - Hits boundary
        if np.linalg.norm(x_next) >= trust_radius:
            # Find intersection with box constraints
            _, theta, intersect = box_sphere_intersections(x, alpha*p, lb, ub,
            # Update solution
            if intersect:
                x = x + theta*alpha*p
            # Reinforce variables are inside box constraints.
            # This is only necessary because of roundoff errors.
            x = reinforce_box_boundaries(x, lb, ub)
            # Attribute information
            stop_cond = 2
            hits_boundary = True

        # Check if ``x`` is inside the box and start counter if it is not.
        if inside_box_boundaries(x_next, lb, ub):
            counter = 0
            counter += 1
        # Whenever outside box constraints keep looking for intersections.
        if counter > 0:
            _, theta, intersect = box_sphere_intersections(x, alpha*p, lb, ub,
            if intersect:
                last_feasible_x = x + theta*alpha*p
                # Reinforce variables are inside box constraints.
                # This is only necessary because of roundoff errors.
                last_feasible_x = reinforce_box_boundaries(last_feasible_x,
                                                           lb, ub)
                counter = 0
        # Stop after too many infeasible (regarding box constraints) iteration.
        if counter > max_infeasible_iter:
        # Store ``x_next`` value
        if return_all:

        # Update residual
        r_next = r + alpha*H_p
        # Project residual g+ = Z r+
        g_next = Z.dot(r_next)
        # Compute conjugate direction step d
        rt_g_next = norm(g_next)**2  # g.T g = r.T g (ref [1]_ p.1389)
        beta = rt_g_next / rt_g
        p = - g_next + beta*p
        # Prepare for next iteration
        x = x_next
        g = g_next
        r = g_next
        rt_g = norm(g)**2  # g.T g = r.T Z g = r.T g (ref [1]_ p.1389)
        H_p = H.dot(p)

    if not inside_box_boundaries(x, lb, ub):
        x = last_feasible_x
        hits_boundary = True
    info = {'niter': k, 'stop_cond': stop_cond,
            'hits_boundary': hits_boundary}
    if return_all:
        info['allvecs'] = allvecs
    return x, info