import queue import threading import multiprocessing import numpy as np import pytest from numpy.random import random from numpy.testing import ( assert_array_almost_equal, assert_array_equal, assert_allclose ) from pytest import raises as assert_raises import scipy.fft as fft def fft1(x): L = len(x) phase = -2j*np.pi*(np.arange(L)/float(L)) phase = np.arange(L).reshape(-1, 1) * phase return np.sum(x*np.exp(phase), axis=1) class TestFFTShift: def test_fft_n(self): assert_raises(ValueError, fft.fft, [1, 2, 3], 0) class TestFFT1D: def test_identity(self): maxlen = 512 x = random(maxlen) + 1j*random(maxlen) xr = random(maxlen) for i in range(1,maxlen): assert_array_almost_equal(fft.ifft(fft.fft(x[0:i])), x[0:i], decimal=12) assert_array_almost_equal(fft.irfft(fft.rfft(xr[0:i]),i), xr[0:i], decimal=12) def test_fft(self): x = random(30) + 1j*random(30) expect = fft1(x) assert_array_almost_equal(expect, fft.fft(x)) assert_array_almost_equal(expect, fft.fft(x, norm="backward")) assert_array_almost_equal(expect / np.sqrt(30), fft.fft(x, norm="ortho")) assert_array_almost_equal(expect / 30, fft.fft(x, norm="forward")) def test_ifft(self): x = random(30) + 1j*random(30) assert_array_almost_equal(x, fft.ifft(fft.fft(x))) for norm in ["backward", "ortho", "forward"]: assert_array_almost_equal( x, fft.ifft(fft.fft(x, norm=norm), norm=norm)) def test_fft2(self): x = random((30, 20)) + 1j*random((30, 20)) expect = fft.fft(fft.fft(x, axis=1), axis=0) assert_array_almost_equal(expect, fft.fft2(x)) assert_array_almost_equal(expect, fft.fft2(x, norm="backward")) assert_array_almost_equal(expect / np.sqrt(30 * 20), fft.fft2(x, norm="ortho")) assert_array_almost_equal(expect / (30 * 20), fft.fft2(x, norm="forward")) def test_ifft2(self): x = random((30, 20)) + 1j*random((30, 20)) expect = fft.ifft(fft.ifft(x, axis=1), axis=0) assert_array_almost_equal(expect, fft.ifft2(x)) assert_array_almost_equal(expect, fft.ifft2(x, norm="backward")) assert_array_almost_equal(expect * np.sqrt(30 * 20), fft.ifft2(x, norm="ortho")) assert_array_almost_equal(expect * (30 * 20), fft.ifft2(x, norm="forward")) def test_fftn(self): x = random((30, 20, 10)) + 1j*random((30, 20, 10)) expect = fft.fft(fft.fft(fft.fft(x, axis=2), axis=1), axis=0) assert_array_almost_equal(expect, fft.fftn(x)) assert_array_almost_equal(expect, fft.fftn(x, norm="backward")) assert_array_almost_equal(expect / np.sqrt(30 * 20 * 10), fft.fftn(x, norm="ortho")) assert_array_almost_equal(expect / (30 * 20 * 10), fft.fftn(x, norm="forward")) def test_ifftn(self): x = random((30, 20, 10)) + 1j*random((30, 20, 10)) expect = fft.ifft(fft.ifft(fft.ifft(x, axis=2), axis=1), axis=0) assert_array_almost_equal(expect, fft.ifftn(x)) assert_array_almost_equal(expect, fft.ifftn(x, norm="backward")) assert_array_almost_equal(fft.ifftn(x) * np.sqrt(30 * 20 * 10), fft.ifftn(x, norm="ortho")) assert_array_almost_equal(expect * (30 * 20 * 10), fft.ifftn(x, norm="forward")) def test_rfft(self): x = random(29) for n in [x.size, 2*x.size]: for norm in [None, "backward", "ortho", "forward"]: assert_array_almost_equal( fft.fft(x, n=n, norm=norm)[:(n//2 + 1)], fft.rfft(x, n=n, norm=norm)) assert_array_almost_equal(fft.rfft(x, n=n) / np.sqrt(n), fft.rfft(x, n=n, norm="ortho")) def test_irfft(self): x = random(30) assert_array_almost_equal(x, fft.irfft(fft.rfft(x))) for norm in ["backward", "ortho", "forward"]: assert_array_almost_equal( x, fft.irfft(fft.rfft(x, norm=norm), norm=norm)) def test_rfft2(self): x = random((30, 20)) expect = fft.fft2(x)[:, :11] assert_array_almost_equal(expect, fft.rfft2(x)) assert_array_almost_equal(expect, fft.rfft2(x, norm="backward")) assert_array_almost_equal(expect / np.sqrt(30 * 20), fft.rfft2(x, norm="ortho")) assert_array_almost_equal(expect / (30 * 20), fft.rfft2(x, norm="forward")) def test_irfft2(self): x = random((30, 20)) assert_array_almost_equal(x, fft.irfft2(fft.rfft2(x))) for norm in ["backward", "ortho", "forward"]: assert_array_almost_equal( x, fft.irfft2(fft.rfft2(x, norm=norm), norm=norm)) def test_rfftn(self): x = random((30, 20, 10)) expect = fft.fftn(x)[:, :, :6] assert_array_almost_equal(expect, fft.rfftn(x)) assert_array_almost_equal(expect, fft.rfftn(x, norm="backward")) assert_array_almost_equal(expect / np.sqrt(30 * 20 * 10), fft.rfftn(x, norm="ortho")) assert_array_almost_equal(expect / (30 * 20 * 10), fft.rfftn(x, norm="forward")) def test_irfftn(self): x = random((30, 20, 10)) assert_array_almost_equal(x, fft.irfftn(fft.rfftn(x))) for norm in ["backward", "ortho", "forward"]: assert_array_almost_equal( x, fft.irfftn(fft.rfftn(x, norm=norm), norm=norm)) def test_hfft(self): x = random(14) + 1j*random(14) x_herm = np.concatenate((random(1), x, random(1))) x = np.concatenate((x_herm, x[::-1].conj())) expect = fft.fft(x) assert_array_almost_equal(expect, fft.hfft(x_herm)) assert_array_almost_equal(expect, fft.hfft(x_herm, norm="backward")) assert_array_almost_equal(expect / np.sqrt(30), fft.hfft(x_herm, norm="ortho")) assert_array_almost_equal(expect / 30, fft.hfft(x_herm, norm="forward")) def test_ihfft(self): x = random(14) + 1j*random(14) x_herm = np.concatenate((random(1), x, random(1))) x = np.concatenate((x_herm, x[::-1].conj())) assert_array_almost_equal(x_herm, fft.ihfft(fft.hfft(x_herm))) for norm in ["backward", "ortho", "forward"]: assert_array_almost_equal( x_herm, fft.ihfft(fft.hfft(x_herm, norm=norm), norm=norm)) def test_hfft2(self): x = random((30, 20)) assert_array_almost_equal(x, fft.hfft2(fft.ihfft2(x))) for norm in ["backward", "ortho", "forward"]: assert_array_almost_equal( x, fft.hfft2(fft.ihfft2(x, norm=norm), norm=norm)) def test_ihfft2(self): x = random((30, 20)) expect = fft.ifft2(x)[:, :11] assert_array_almost_equal(expect, fft.ihfft2(x)) assert_array_almost_equal(expect, fft.ihfft2(x, norm="backward")) assert_array_almost_equal(expect * np.sqrt(30 * 20), fft.ihfft2(x, norm="ortho")) assert_array_almost_equal(expect * (30 * 20), fft.ihfft2(x, norm="forward")) def test_hfftn(self): x = random((30, 20, 10)) assert_array_almost_equal(x, fft.hfftn(fft.ihfftn(x))) for norm in ["backward", "ortho", "forward"]: assert_array_almost_equal( x, fft.hfftn(fft.ihfftn(x, norm=norm), norm=norm)) def test_ihfftn(self): x = random((30, 20, 10)) expect = fft.ifftn(x)[:, :, :6] assert_array_almost_equal(expect, fft.ihfftn(x)) assert_array_almost_equal(expect, fft.ihfftn(x, norm="backward")) assert_array_almost_equal(expect * np.sqrt(30 * 20 * 10), fft.ihfftn(x, norm="ortho")) assert_array_almost_equal(expect * (30 * 20 * 10), fft.ihfftn(x, norm="forward")) @pytest.mark.parametrize("op", [fft.fftn, fft.ifftn, fft.rfftn, fft.irfftn, fft.hfftn, fft.ihfftn]) def test_axes(self, op): x = random((30, 20, 10)) axes = [(0, 1, 2), (0, 2, 1), (1, 0, 2), (1, 2, 0), (2, 0, 1), (2, 1, 0)] for a in axes: op_tr = op(np.transpose(x, a)) tr_op = np.transpose(op(x, axes=a), a) assert_array_almost_equal(op_tr, tr_op) @pytest.mark.parametrize("op", [fft.fft2, fft.ifft2, fft.rfft2, fft.irfft2, fft.hfft2, fft.ihfft2, fft.fftn, fft.ifftn, fft.rfftn, fft.irfftn, fft.hfftn, fft.ihfftn]) def test_axes_subset_with_shape(self, op): x = random((16, 8, 4)) axes = [(0, 1, 2), (0, 2, 1), (1, 2, 0)] for a in axes: # different shape on the first two axes shape = tuple([2*x.shape[ax] if ax in a[:2] else x.shape[ax] for ax in range(x.ndim)]) # transform only the first two axes op_tr = op(np.transpose(x, a), s=shape[:2], axes=(0, 1)) tr_op = np.transpose(op(x, s=shape[:2], axes=a[:2]), a) assert_array_almost_equal(op_tr, tr_op) def test_all_1d_norm_preserving(self): # verify that round-trip transforms are norm-preserving x = random(30) x_norm = np.linalg.norm(x) n = x.size * 2 func_pairs = [(fft.fft, fft.ifft), (fft.rfft, fft.irfft), # hfft: order so the first function takes x.size samples # (necessary for comparison to x_norm above) (fft.ihfft, fft.hfft), ] for forw, back in func_pairs: for n in [x.size, 2*x.size]: for norm in ['backward', 'ortho', 'forward']: tmp = forw(x, n=n, norm=norm) tmp = back(tmp, n=n, norm=norm) assert_array_almost_equal(x_norm, np.linalg.norm(tmp)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [np.half, np.single, np.double, np.longdouble]) def test_dtypes(self, dtype): # make sure that all input precisions are accepted x = random(30).astype(dtype) assert_array_almost_equal(fft.ifft(fft.fft(x)), x) assert_array_almost_equal(fft.irfft(fft.rfft(x)), x) assert_array_almost_equal(fft.hfft(fft.ihfft(x), len(x)), x) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "dtype", [np.float32, np.float64, np.longfloat, np.complex64, np.complex128, np.longcomplex]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("order", ["F", 'non-contiguous']) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "fft", [fft.fft, fft.fft2, fft.fftn, fft.ifft, fft.ifft2, fft.ifftn]) def test_fft_with_order(dtype, order, fft): # Check that FFT/IFFT produces identical results for C, Fortran and # non contiguous arrays rng = np.random.RandomState(42) X = rng.rand(8, 7, 13).astype(dtype, copy=False) if order == 'F': Y = np.asfortranarray(X) else: # Make a non contiguous array Y = X[::-1] X = np.ascontiguousarray(X[::-1]) if fft.__name__.endswith('fft'): for axis in range(3): X_res = fft(X, axis=axis) Y_res = fft(Y, axis=axis) assert_array_almost_equal(X_res, Y_res) elif fft.__name__.endswith(('fft2', 'fftn')): axes = [(0, 1), (1, 2), (0, 2)] if fft.__name__.endswith('fftn'): axes.extend([(0,), (1,), (2,), None]) for ax in axes: X_res = fft(X, axes=ax) Y_res = fft(Y, axes=ax) assert_array_almost_equal(X_res, Y_res) else: raise ValueError class TestFFTThreadSafe: threads = 16 input_shape = (800, 200) def _test_mtsame(self, func, *args): def worker(args, q): q.put(func(*args)) q = queue.Queue() expected = func(*args) # Spin off a bunch of threads to call the same function simultaneously t = [threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(args, q)) for i in range(self.threads)] [x.start() for x in t] [x.join() for x in t] # Make sure all threads returned the correct value for i in range(self.threads): assert_array_equal(q.get(timeout=5), expected, 'Function returned wrong value in multithreaded context') def test_fft(self): a = np.ones(self.input_shape, dtype=np.complex128) self._test_mtsame(fft.fft, a) def test_ifft(self): a = np.full(self.input_shape, 1+0j) self._test_mtsame(fft.ifft, a) def test_rfft(self): a = np.ones(self.input_shape) self._test_mtsame(fft.rfft, a) def test_irfft(self): a = np.full(self.input_shape, 1+0j) self._test_mtsame(fft.irfft, a) def test_hfft(self): a = np.ones(self.input_shape, np.complex64) self._test_mtsame(fft.hfft, a) def test_ihfft(self): a = np.ones(self.input_shape) self._test_mtsame(fft.ihfft, a) @pytest.mark.parametrize("func", [fft.fft, fft.ifft, fft.rfft, fft.irfft]) def test_multiprocess(func): # Test that fft still works after fork (gh-10422) with multiprocessing.Pool(2) as p: res =, [np.ones(100) for _ in range(4)]) expect = func(np.ones(100)) for x in res: assert_allclose(x, expect) class TestIRFFTN: def test_not_last_axis_success(self): ar, ai = np.random.random((2, 16, 8, 32)) a = ar + 1j*ai axes = (-2,) # Should not raise error fft.irfftn(a, axes=axes)