2023-06-02 12:51:02 +02:00

291 lines
8.7 KiB

Test the func_inspect module.
# Author: Gael Varoquaux <gael dot varoquaux at normalesup dot org>
# Copyright (c) 2009 Gael Varoquaux
# License: BSD Style, 3 clauses.
import functools
from joblib.func_inspect import filter_args, get_func_name, get_func_code
from joblib.func_inspect import _clean_win_chars, format_signature
from joblib.memory import Memory
from joblib.test.common import with_numpy
from joblib.testing import fixture, parametrize, raises
# Module-level functions and fixture, for tests
def f(x, y=0):
def g(x):
def h(x, y=0, *args, **kwargs):
def i(x=1):
def j(x, y, **kwargs):
def k(*args, **kwargs):
def m1(x, *, y):
def m2(x, *, y, z=3):
def cached_func(tmpdir_factory):
# Create a Memory object to test decorated functions.
# We should be careful not to call the decorated functions, so that
# cache directories are not created in the temp dir.
cachedir = tmpdir_factory.mktemp("joblib_test_func_inspect")
mem = Memory(cachedir.strpath)
def cached_func_inner(x):
return x
return cached_func_inner
class Klass(object):
def f(self, x):
return x
# Tests
[(f, [[], (1, )], {'x': 1, 'y': 0}),
(f, [['x'], (1, )], {'y': 0}),
(f, [['y'], (0, )], {'x': 0}),
(f, [['y'], (0, ), {'y': 1}], {'x': 0}),
(f, [['x', 'y'], (0, )], {}),
(f, [[], (0,), {'y': 1}], {'x': 0, 'y': 1}),
(f, [['y'], (), {'x': 2, 'y': 1}], {'x': 2}),
(g, [[], (), {'x': 1}], {'x': 1}),
(i, [[], (2, )], {'x': 2})])
def test_filter_args(func, args, filtered_args):
assert filter_args(func, *args) == filtered_args
def test_filter_args_method():
obj = Klass()
assert filter_args(obj.f, [], (1, )) == {'x': 1, 'self': obj}
[(h, [[], (1, )],
{'x': 1, 'y': 0, '*': [], '**': {}}),
(h, [[], (1, 2, 3, 4)],
{'x': 1, 'y': 2, '*': [3, 4], '**': {}}),
(h, [[], (1, 25), {'ee': 2}],
{'x': 1, 'y': 25, '*': [], '**': {'ee': 2}}),
(h, [['*'], (1, 2, 25), {'ee': 2}],
{'x': 1, 'y': 2, '**': {'ee': 2}})])
def test_filter_varargs(func, args, filtered_args):
assert filter_args(func, *args) == filtered_args
test_filter_kwargs_extra_params = [
(m1, [[], (1,), {'y': 2}], {'x': 1, 'y': 2}),
(m2, [[], (1,), {'y': 2}], {'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': 3})
[(k, [[], (1, 2), {'ee': 2}],
{'*': [1, 2], '**': {'ee': 2}}),
(k, [[], (3, 4)],
{'*': [3, 4], '**': {}})] +
def test_filter_kwargs(func, args, filtered_args):
assert filter_args(func, *args) == filtered_args
def test_filter_args_2():
assert (filter_args(j, [], (1, 2), {'ee': 2}) ==
{'x': 1, 'y': 2, '**': {'ee': 2}})
ff = functools.partial(f, 1)
# filter_args has to special-case partial
assert filter_args(ff, [], (1, )) == {'*': [1], '**': {}}
assert filter_args(ff, ['y'], (1, )) == {'*': [1], '**': {}}
@parametrize('func,funcname', [(f, 'f'), (g, 'g'),
(cached_func, 'cached_func')])
def test_func_name(func, funcname):
# Check that we are not confused by decoration
# here testcase 'cached_func' is the function itself
assert get_func_name(func)[1] == funcname
def test_func_name_on_inner_func(cached_func):
# Check that we are not confused by decoration
# here testcase 'cached_func' is the 'cached_func_inner' function
# returned by 'cached_func' fixture
assert get_func_name(cached_func)[1] == 'cached_func_inner'
def test_func_inspect_errors():
# Check that func_inspect is robust and will work on weird objects
assert get_func_name('a'.lower)[-1] == 'lower'
assert get_func_code('a'.lower)[1:] == (None, -1)
ff = lambda x: x
assert get_func_name(ff, win_characters=False)[-1] == '<lambda>'
assert get_func_code(ff)[1] == __file__.replace('.pyc', '.py')
# Simulate a function defined in __main__
ff.__module__ = '__main__'
assert get_func_name(ff, win_characters=False)[-1] == '<lambda>'
assert get_func_code(ff)[1] == __file__.replace('.pyc', '.py')
def func_with_kwonly_args(a, b, *, kw1='kw1', kw2='kw2'):
def func_with_signature(a: int, b: int) -> None:
def test_filter_args_edge_cases():
assert (
filter_args(func_with_kwonly_args, [], (1, 2),
{'kw1': 3, 'kw2': 4}) ==
{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'kw1': 3, 'kw2': 4})
# filter_args doesn't care about keyword-only arguments so you
# can pass 'kw1' into *args without any problem
with raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
filter_args(func_with_kwonly_args, [], (1, 2, 3), {'kw2': 2})
excinfo.match("Keyword-only parameter 'kw1' was passed as positional "
assert (
filter_args(func_with_kwonly_args, ['b', 'kw2'], (1, 2),
{'kw1': 3, 'kw2': 4}) ==
{'a': 1, 'kw1': 3})
assert (filter_args(func_with_signature, ['b'], (1, 2)) == {'a': 1})
def test_bound_methods():
""" Make sure that calling the same method on two different instances
of the same class does resolv to different signatures.
a = Klass()
b = Klass()
assert filter_args(a.f, [], (1, )) != filter_args(b.f, [], (1, ))
[(ValueError, 'ignore_lst must be a list of parameters to ignore',
f, ['bar', (None, )]),
(ValueError, r'Ignore list: argument \'(.*)\' is not defined',
g, [['bar'], (None, )]),
(ValueError, 'Wrong number of arguments',
h, [[]])])
def test_filter_args_error_msg(exception, regex, func, args):
""" Make sure that filter_args returns decent error messages, for the
sake of the user.
with raises(exception) as excinfo:
filter_args(func, *args)
def test_filter_args_no_kwargs_mutation():
"""None-regression test against 0.12.0 changes.
Make sure filter args doesn't mutate the kwargs dict that gets passed in.
kwargs = {'x': 0}
filter_args(g, [], [], kwargs)
assert kwargs == {'x': 0}
def test_clean_win_chars():
string = r'C:\foo\bar\main.py'
mangled_string = _clean_win_chars(string)
for char in ('\\', ':', '<', '>', '!'):
assert char not in mangled_string
[(g, [list(range(5))], {}, 'g([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])'),
(k, [1, 2, (3, 4)], {'y': True}, 'k(1, 2, (3, 4), y=True)')])
def test_format_signature(func, args, kwargs, sgn_expected):
# Test signature formatting.
path, sgn_result = format_signature(func, *args, **kwargs)
assert sgn_result == sgn_expected
def test_format_signature_long_arguments():
shortening_threshold = 1500
# shortening gets it down to 700 characters but there is the name
# of the function in the signature and a few additional things
# like dots for the ellipsis
shortening_target = 700 + 10
arg = 'a' * shortening_threshold
_, signature = format_signature(h, arg)
assert len(signature) < shortening_target
nb_args = 5
args = [arg for _ in range(nb_args)]
_, signature = format_signature(h, *args)
assert len(signature) < shortening_target * nb_args
kwargs = {str(i): arg for i, arg in enumerate(args)}
_, signature = format_signature(h, **kwargs)
assert len(signature) < shortening_target * nb_args
_, signature = format_signature(h, *args, **kwargs)
assert len(signature) < shortening_target * 2 * nb_args
def test_format_signature_numpy():
""" Test the format signature formatting with numpy.
def test_special_source_encoding():
from joblib.test.test_func_inspect_special_encoding import big5_f
func_code, source_file, first_line = get_func_code(big5_f)
assert first_line == 5
assert "def big5_f():" in func_code
assert "test_func_inspect_special_encoding" in source_file
def _get_code():
from joblib.test.test_func_inspect_special_encoding import big5_f
return get_func_code(big5_f)[0]
def test_func_code_consistency():
from joblib.parallel import Parallel, delayed
codes = Parallel(n_jobs=2)(delayed(_get_code)() for _ in range(5))
assert len(set(codes)) == 1