817 lines
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817 lines
26 KiB
timezone conversion
cimport cython
from cpython.datetime cimport (
from cython cimport Py_ssize_t
import numpy as np
import pytz
cimport numpy as cnp
from numpy cimport (
from pandas._libs.tslibs.dtypes cimport (
from pandas._libs.tslibs.nattype cimport NPY_NAT
from pandas._libs.tslibs.np_datetime cimport (
from pandas._libs.tslibs.timezones cimport (
cdef const int64_t[::1] _deltas_placeholder = np.array([], dtype=np.int64)
cdef class Localizer:
# cdef:
# tzinfo tz
# bint use_utc, use_fixed, use_tzlocal, use_dst, use_pytz
# ndarray trans
# Py_ssize_t ntrans
# const int64_t[::1] deltas
# int64_t delta
# int64_t* tdata
def __cinit__(self, tzinfo tz, NPY_DATETIMEUNIT creso):
self.tz = tz
self._creso = creso
self.use_utc = self.use_tzlocal = self.use_fixed = False
self.use_dst = self.use_pytz = False
self.ntrans = -1 # placeholder
self.delta = -1 # placeholder
self.deltas = _deltas_placeholder
self.tdata = NULL
if is_utc(tz) or tz is None:
self.use_utc = True
elif is_tzlocal(tz) or is_zoneinfo(tz):
self.use_tzlocal = True
trans, deltas, typ = get_dst_info(tz)
# NB: using floordiv here is implicitly assuming we will
# never see trans or deltas that are not an integer number
# of seconds.
# TODO: avoid these np.array calls
trans = np.array(trans) // 1_000
deltas = np.array(deltas) // 1_000
elif creso == NPY_DATETIMEUNIT.NPY_FR_ms:
trans = np.array(trans) // 1_000_000
deltas = np.array(deltas) // 1_000_000
elif creso == NPY_DATETIMEUNIT.NPY_FR_s:
trans = np.array(trans) // 1_000_000_000
deltas = np.array(deltas) // 1_000_000_000
raise NotImplementedError(creso)
self.trans = trans
self.ntrans = self.trans.shape[0]
self.deltas = deltas
if typ != "pytz" and typ != "dateutil":
# static/fixed; in this case we know that len(delta) == 1
self.use_fixed = True
self.delta = deltas[0]
self.use_dst = True
if typ == "pytz":
self.use_pytz = True
self.tdata = <int64_t*>cnp.PyArray_DATA(trans)
cdef int64_t utc_val_to_local_val(
self, int64_t utc_val, Py_ssize_t* pos, bint* fold=NULL
) except? -1:
if self.use_utc:
return utc_val
elif self.use_tzlocal:
return utc_val + _tz_localize_using_tzinfo_api(
utc_val, self.tz, to_utc=False, creso=self._creso, fold=fold
elif self.use_fixed:
return utc_val + self.delta
pos[0] = bisect_right_i8(self.tdata, utc_val, self.ntrans) - 1
if fold is not NULL:
fold[0] = _infer_dateutil_fold(
utc_val, self.trans, self.deltas, pos[0]
return utc_val + self.deltas[pos[0]]
cdef int64_t tz_localize_to_utc_single(
int64_t val,
tzinfo tz,
object ambiguous=None,
object nonexistent=None,
) except? -1:
"""See tz_localize_to_utc.__doc__"""
int64_t delta
int64_t[::1] deltas
if val == NPY_NAT:
return val
elif is_utc(tz) or tz is None:
# TODO: test with non-nano
return val
elif is_tzlocal(tz):
return val - _tz_localize_using_tzinfo_api(val, tz, to_utc=True, creso=creso)
elif is_fixed_offset(tz):
_, deltas, _ = get_dst_info(tz)
delta = deltas[0]
# TODO: de-duplicate with Localizer.__init__
delta = delta // 1000
elif creso == NPY_DATETIMEUNIT.NPY_FR_ms:
delta = delta // 1_000_000
elif creso == NPY_DATETIMEUNIT.NPY_FR_s:
delta = delta // 1_000_000_000
return val - delta
return tz_localize_to_utc(
np.array([val], dtype="i8"),
def tz_localize_to_utc(
ndarray[int64_t] vals,
tzinfo tz,
object ambiguous=None,
object nonexistent=None,
Localize tzinfo-naive i8 to given time zone (using pytz). If
there are ambiguities in the values, raise AmbiguousTimeError.
vals : ndarray[int64_t]
tz : tzinfo or None
ambiguous : str, bool, or arraylike
When clocks moved backward due to DST, ambiguous times may arise.
For example in Central European Time (UTC+01), when going from 03:00
DST to 02:00 non-DST, 02:30:00 local time occurs both at 00:30:00 UTC
and at 01:30:00 UTC. In such a situation, the `ambiguous` parameter
dictates how ambiguous times should be handled.
- 'infer' will attempt to infer fall dst-transition hours based on
- bool-ndarray where True signifies a DST time, False signifies a
non-DST time (note that this flag is only applicable for ambiguous
times, but the array must have the same length as vals)
- bool if True, treat all vals as DST. If False, treat them as non-DST
- 'NaT' will return NaT where there are ambiguous times
nonexistent : {None, "NaT", "shift_forward", "shift_backward", "raise", \
How to handle non-existent times when converting wall times to UTC
creso : NPY_DATETIMEUNIT, default NPY_FR_ns
localized : ndarray[int64_t]
ndarray[uint8_t, cast=True] ambiguous_array
Py_ssize_t i, n = vals.shape[0]
Py_ssize_t delta_idx_offset, delta_idx
int64_t v, left, right, val, new_local, remaining_mins
int64_t first_delta, delta
int64_t shift_delta = 0
ndarray[int64_t] result_a, result_b, dst_hours
int64_t[::1] result
bint is_zi = False
bint infer_dst = False, is_dst = False, fill = False
bint shift_forward = False, shift_backward = False
bint fill_nonexist = False
str stamp
Localizer info = Localizer(tz, creso=creso)
int64_t pph = periods_per_day(creso) // 24
int64_t pps = periods_per_second(creso)
npy_datetimestruct dts
# Vectorized version of DstTzInfo.localize
if info.use_utc:
return vals.copy()
# silence false-positive compiler warning
ambiguous_array = np.empty(0, dtype=bool)
if isinstance(ambiguous, str):
if ambiguous == "infer":
infer_dst = True
elif ambiguous == "NaT":
fill = True
elif isinstance(ambiguous, bool):
is_dst = True
if ambiguous:
ambiguous_array = np.ones(len(vals), dtype=bool)
ambiguous_array = np.zeros(len(vals), dtype=bool)
elif hasattr(ambiguous, "__iter__"):
is_dst = True
if len(ambiguous) != len(vals):
raise ValueError("Length of ambiguous bool-array must be "
"the same size as vals")
ambiguous_array = np.asarray(ambiguous, dtype=bool)
if nonexistent == "NaT":
fill_nonexist = True
elif nonexistent == "shift_forward":
shift_forward = True
elif nonexistent == "shift_backward":
shift_backward = True
elif PyDelta_Check(nonexistent):
from .timedeltas import delta_to_nanoseconds
shift_delta = delta_to_nanoseconds(nonexistent, reso=creso)
elif nonexistent not in ("raise", None):
msg = ("nonexistent must be one of {'NaT', 'raise', 'shift_forward', "
"shift_backwards} or a timedelta object")
raise ValueError(msg)
result = cnp.PyArray_EMPTY(vals.ndim, vals.shape, cnp.NPY_INT64, 0)
if info.use_tzlocal and not is_zoneinfo(tz):
for i in range(n):
v = vals[i]
if v == NPY_NAT:
result[i] = NPY_NAT
result[i] = v - _tz_localize_using_tzinfo_api(
v, tz, to_utc=True, creso=creso
return result.base # to return underlying ndarray
elif info.use_fixed:
delta = info.delta
for i in range(n):
v = vals[i]
if v == NPY_NAT:
result[i] = NPY_NAT
result[i] = v - delta
return result.base # to return underlying ndarray
# Determine whether each date lies left of the DST transition (store in
# result_a) or right of the DST transition (store in result_b)
if is_zoneinfo(tz):
is_zi = True
result_a, result_b =_get_utc_bounds_zoneinfo(
vals, tz, creso=creso
result_a, result_b =_get_utc_bounds(
vals, info.tdata, info.ntrans, info.deltas, creso=creso
# silence false-positive compiler warning
dst_hours = np.empty(0, dtype=np.int64)
if infer_dst:
dst_hours = _get_dst_hours(vals, result_a, result_b, creso=creso)
# Pre-compute delta_idx_offset that will be used if we go down non-existent
# paths.
# Shift the delta_idx by if the UTC offset of
# the target tz is greater than 0 and we're moving forward
# or vice versa
first_delta = info.deltas[0]
if (shift_forward or shift_delta > 0) and first_delta > 0:
delta_idx_offset = 1
elif (shift_backward or shift_delta < 0) and first_delta < 0:
delta_idx_offset = 1
delta_idx_offset = 0
for i in range(n):
val = vals[i]
left = result_a[i]
right = result_b[i]
if val == NPY_NAT:
# TODO: test with non-nano
result[i] = val
elif left != NPY_NAT and right != NPY_NAT:
if left == right:
# TODO: test with non-nano
result[i] = left
if infer_dst and dst_hours[i] != NPY_NAT:
# TODO: test with non-nano
result[i] = dst_hours[i]
elif is_dst:
if ambiguous_array[i]:
result[i] = left
result[i] = right
elif fill:
# TODO: test with non-nano; parametrize test_dt_round_tz_ambiguous
result[i] = NPY_NAT
stamp = _render_tstamp(val, creso=creso)
raise pytz.AmbiguousTimeError(
f"Cannot infer dst time from {stamp}, try using the "
"'ambiguous' argument"
elif left != NPY_NAT:
result[i] = left
elif right != NPY_NAT:
# TODO: test with non-nano
result[i] = right
# Handle nonexistent times
if shift_forward or shift_backward or shift_delta != 0:
# Shift the nonexistent time to the closest existing time
remaining_mins = val % pph
if shift_delta != 0:
# Validate that we don't relocalize on another nonexistent
# time
if -1 < shift_delta + remaining_mins < pph:
raise ValueError(
"The provided timedelta will relocalize on a "
f"nonexistent time: {nonexistent}"
new_local = val + shift_delta
elif shift_forward:
new_local = val + (pph - remaining_mins)
# Subtract 1 since the beginning hour is _inclusive_ of
# nonexistent times
new_local = val - remaining_mins - 1
if is_zi:
# use the same construction as in _get_utc_bounds_zoneinfo
pandas_datetime_to_datetimestruct(new_local, creso, &dts)
extra = (dts.ps // 1000) * (pps // 1_000_000_000)
dt = datetime_new(dts.year, dts.month, dts.day, dts.hour,
dts.min, dts.sec, dts.us, None)
if shift_forward or shift_delta > 0:
dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=tz, fold=1)
dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=tz, fold=0)
dt = dt.astimezone(utc_stdlib)
dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=None)
result[i] = pydatetime_to_dt64(dt, &dts, creso) + extra
delta_idx = bisect_right_i8(info.tdata, new_local, info.ntrans)
delta_idx = delta_idx - delta_idx_offset
result[i] = new_local - info.deltas[delta_idx]
elif fill_nonexist:
result[i] = NPY_NAT
stamp = _render_tstamp(val, creso=creso)
raise pytz.NonExistentTimeError(stamp)
return result.base # .base to get underlying ndarray
cdef Py_ssize_t bisect_right_i8(int64_t *data, int64_t val, Py_ssize_t n):
# Caller is responsible for checking n > 0
# This looks very similar to local_search_right in the ndarray.searchsorted
# implementation.
Py_ssize_t pivot, left = 0, right = n
# edge cases
if val > data[n - 1]:
return n
# Caller is responsible for ensuring 'val >= data[0]'. This is
# ensured by the fact that 'data' comes from get_dst_info where data[0]
# is *always* NPY_NAT+1. If that ever changes, we will need to restore
# the following disabled check.
# if val < data[0]:
# return 0
while left < right:
pivot = left + (right - left) // 2
if data[pivot] <= val:
left = pivot + 1
right = pivot
return left
cdef str _render_tstamp(int64_t val, NPY_DATETIMEUNIT creso):
""" Helper function to render exception messages"""
from pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps import Timestamp
ts = Timestamp._from_value_and_reso(val, creso, None)
return str(ts)
cdef _get_utc_bounds(
ndarray vals,
int64_t* tdata,
Py_ssize_t ntrans,
const int64_t[::1] deltas,
# Determine whether each date lies left of the DST transition (store in
# result_a) or right of the DST transition (store in result_b)
ndarray result_a, result_b
Py_ssize_t i, n = vals.size
int64_t val, v_left, v_right
Py_ssize_t isl, isr, pos_left, pos_right
int64_t ppd = periods_per_day(creso)
result_a = cnp.PyArray_EMPTY(vals.ndim, vals.shape, cnp.NPY_INT64, 0)
result_b = cnp.PyArray_EMPTY(vals.ndim, vals.shape, cnp.NPY_INT64, 0)
for i in range(n):
# This loops resembles the "Find the two best possibilities" block
# in pytz's DstTZInfo.localize method.
result_a[i] = NPY_NAT
result_b[i] = NPY_NAT
val = vals[i]
if val == NPY_NAT:
# TODO: be careful of overflow in val-ppd
isl = bisect_right_i8(tdata, val - ppd, ntrans) - 1
if isl < 0:
isl = 0
v_left = val - deltas[isl]
pos_left = bisect_right_i8(tdata, v_left, ntrans) - 1
# timestamp falls to the left side of the DST transition
if v_left + deltas[pos_left] == val:
result_a[i] = v_left
# TODO: be careful of overflow in val+ppd
isr = bisect_right_i8(tdata, val + ppd, ntrans) - 1
if isr < 0:
isr = 0
v_right = val - deltas[isr]
pos_right = bisect_right_i8(tdata, v_right, ntrans) - 1
# timestamp falls to the right side of the DST transition
if v_right + deltas[pos_right] == val:
result_b[i] = v_right
return result_a, result_b
cdef _get_utc_bounds_zoneinfo(ndarray vals, tz, NPY_DATETIMEUNIT creso):
For each point in 'vals', find the UTC time that it corresponds to if
with fold=0 and fold=1. In non-ambiguous cases, these will match.
vals : ndarray[int64_t]
tz : ZoneInfo
Py_ssize_t i, n = vals.size
npy_datetimestruct dts
datetime dt, rt, left, right, aware, as_utc
int64_t val, pps = periods_per_second(creso)
ndarray result_a, result_b
result_a = cnp.PyArray_EMPTY(vals.ndim, vals.shape, cnp.NPY_INT64, 0)
result_b = cnp.PyArray_EMPTY(vals.ndim, vals.shape, cnp.NPY_INT64, 0)
for i in range(n):
val = vals[i]
if val == NPY_NAT:
result_a[i] = NPY_NAT
result_b[i] = NPY_NAT
pandas_datetime_to_datetimestruct(val, creso, &dts)
# casting to pydatetime drops nanoseconds etc, which we will
# need to re-add later as 'extra'
extra = (dts.ps // 1000) * (pps // 1_000_000_000)
dt = datetime_new(dts.year, dts.month, dts.day, dts.hour,
dts.min, dts.sec, dts.us, None)
aware = dt.replace(tzinfo=tz)
as_utc = aware.astimezone(utc_stdlib)
rt = as_utc.astimezone(tz)
if aware != rt:
# AFAICT this means that 'aware' is non-existent
# TODO: better way to check this?
# mail.python.org/archives/list/datetime-sig@python.org/
# thread/57Y3IQAASJOKHX4D27W463XTZIS2NR3M/
result_a[i] = NPY_NAT
left = as_utc.replace(tzinfo=None)
result_a[i] = pydatetime_to_dt64(left, &dts, creso) + extra
aware = dt.replace(fold=1, tzinfo=tz)
as_utc = aware.astimezone(utc_stdlib)
rt = as_utc.astimezone(tz)
if aware != rt:
result_b[i] = NPY_NAT
right = as_utc.replace(tzinfo=None)
result_b[i] = pydatetime_to_dt64(right, &dts, creso) + extra
return result_a, result_b
cdef ndarray[int64_t] _get_dst_hours(
# vals, creso only needed here to potential render an exception message
const int64_t[:] vals,
ndarray[int64_t] result_a,
ndarray[int64_t] result_b,
Py_ssize_t i, n = vals.shape[0]
ndarray[uint8_t, cast=True] mismatch
ndarray[int64_t] delta, dst_hours
ndarray[intp_t] switch_idxs, trans_idx, grp, a_idx, b_idx, one_diff
list trans_grp
intp_t switch_idx
int64_t left, right
dst_hours = cnp.PyArray_EMPTY(result_a.ndim, result_a.shape, cnp.NPY_INT64, 0)
dst_hours[:] = NPY_NAT
mismatch = cnp.PyArray_ZEROS(result_a.ndim, result_a.shape, cnp.NPY_BOOL, 0)
for i in range(n):
left = result_a[i]
right = result_b[i]
# Get the ambiguous hours (given the above, these are the hours
# where result_a != result_b and neither of them are NAT)
if left != right and left != NPY_NAT and right != NPY_NAT:
mismatch[i] = 1
trans_idx = mismatch.nonzero()[0]
if trans_idx.size == 1:
# see test_tz_localize_to_utc_ambiguous_infer
stamp = _render_tstamp(vals[trans_idx[0]], creso=creso)
raise pytz.AmbiguousTimeError(
f"Cannot infer dst time from {stamp} as there "
"are no repeated times"
# Split the array into contiguous chunks (where the difference between
# indices is 1). These are effectively dst transitions in different
# years which is useful for checking that there is not an ambiguous
# transition in an individual year.
if trans_idx.size > 0:
one_diff = np.where(np.diff(trans_idx) != 1)[0] + 1
trans_grp = np.array_split(trans_idx, one_diff)
# Iterate through each day, if there are no hours where the
# delta is negative (indicates a repeat of hour) the switch
# cannot be inferred
for grp in trans_grp:
delta = np.diff(result_a[grp])
if grp.size == 1 or np.all(delta > 0):
# see test_tz_localize_to_utc_ambiguous_infer
stamp = _render_tstamp(vals[grp[0]], creso=creso)
raise pytz.AmbiguousTimeError(stamp)
# Find the index for the switch and pull from a for dst and b
# for standard
switch_idxs = (delta <= 0).nonzero()[0]
if switch_idxs.size > 1:
# see test_tz_localize_to_utc_ambiguous_infer
raise pytz.AmbiguousTimeError(
f"There are {switch_idxs.size} dst switches when "
"there should only be 1."
switch_idx = switch_idxs[0] + 1
# Pull the only index and adjust
a_idx = grp[:switch_idx]
b_idx = grp[switch_idx:]
dst_hours[grp] = np.hstack((result_a[a_idx], result_b[b_idx]))
return dst_hours
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Timezone Conversion
cpdef int64_t tz_convert_from_utc_single(
int64_t utc_val, tzinfo tz, NPY_DATETIMEUNIT creso=NPY_DATETIMEUNIT.NPY_FR_ns
) except? -1:
Convert the val (in i8) from UTC to tz
This is a single value version of tz_convert_from_utc.
utc_val : int64
tz : tzinfo
creso : NPY_DATETIMEUNIT, default NPY_FR_ns
converted: int64
Localizer info = Localizer(tz, creso=creso)
Py_ssize_t pos
# Note: caller is responsible for ensuring utc_val != NPY_NAT
return info.utc_val_to_local_val(utc_val, &pos)
# OSError may be thrown by tzlocal on windows at or close to 1970-01-01
# see https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/pull/37591#issuecomment-720628241
cdef int64_t _tz_localize_using_tzinfo_api(
int64_t val,
tzinfo tz,
bint to_utc=True,
bint* fold=NULL,
) except? -1:
Convert the i8 representation of a datetime from a general-case timezone to
UTC, or vice-versa using the datetime/tzinfo API.
Private, not intended for use outside of tslibs.tzconversion.
val : int64_t
tz : tzinfo
to_utc : bint
True if converting _to_ UTC, False if going the other direction.
fold : bint*, default NULL
pointer to fold: whether datetime ends up in a fold or not
after adjustment.
Only passed with to_utc=False.
delta : int64_t
Value to add when converting from utc, subtract when converting to utc.
Sets fold by pointer
npy_datetimestruct dts
datetime dt
int64_t delta
timedelta td
int64_t pps = periods_per_second(creso)
pandas_datetime_to_datetimestruct(val, creso, &dts)
# datetime_new is cython-optimized constructor
if not to_utc:
# tz.utcoffset only makes sense if datetime
# is _wall time_, so if val is a UTC timestamp convert to wall time
dt = _astimezone(dts, tz)
if fold is not NULL:
# NB: fold is only passed with to_utc=False
fold[0] = dt.fold
dt = datetime_new(dts.year, dts.month, dts.day, dts.hour,
dts.min, dts.sec, dts.us, None)
td = tz.utcoffset(dt)
delta = int(td.total_seconds() * pps)
return delta
cdef datetime _astimezone(npy_datetimestruct dts, tzinfo tz):
Optimized equivalent to:
dt = datetime(dts.year, dts.month, dts.day, dts.hour,
dts.min, dts.sec, dts.us, utc_stdlib)
dt = dt.astimezone(tz)
Derived from the datetime.astimezone implementation at
NB: we are assuming tz is not None.
datetime result
result = datetime_new(dts.year, dts.month, dts.day, dts.hour,
dts.min, dts.sec, dts.us, tz)
return tz.fromutc(result)
# NB: relies on dateutil internals, subject to change.
cdef bint _infer_dateutil_fold(
int64_t value,
const int64_t[::1] trans,
const int64_t[::1] deltas,
Py_ssize_t pos,
Infer _TSObject fold property from value by assuming 0 and then setting
to 1 if necessary.
value : int64_t
trans : ndarray[int64_t]
ndarray of offset transition points in nanoseconds since epoch.
deltas : int64_t[:]
array of offsets corresponding to transition points in trans.
pos : Py_ssize_t
Position of the last transition point before taking fold into account.
Due to daylight saving time, one wall clock time can occur twice
when shifting from summer to winter time; fold describes whether the
datetime-like corresponds to the first (0) or the second time (1)
the wall clock hits the ambiguous time
.. [1] "PEP 495 - Local Time Disambiguation"
bint fold = 0
int64_t fold_delta
if pos > 0:
fold_delta = deltas[pos - 1] - deltas[pos]
if value - fold_delta < trans[pos]:
fold = 1
return fold