Machine learning
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# don't import any costly modules
import sys
import os
is_pypy = '__pypy__' in sys.builtin_module_names
def warn_distutils_present():
if 'distutils' not in sys.modules:
if is_pypy and sys.version_info < (3, 7):
# PyPy for 3.6 unconditionally imports distutils, so bypass the warning
import warnings
"Distutils was imported before Setuptools, but importing Setuptools "
"also replaces the `distutils` module in `sys.modules`. This may lead "
"to undesirable behaviors or errors. To avoid these issues, avoid "
"using distutils directly, ensure that setuptools is installed in the "
"traditional way (e.g. not an editable install), and/or make sure "
"that setuptools is always imported before distutils."
def clear_distutils():
if 'distutils' not in sys.modules:
import warnings
warnings.warn("Setuptools is replacing distutils.")
mods = [
for name in sys.modules
if name == "distutils" or name.startswith("distutils.")
for name in mods:
del sys.modules[name]
def enabled():
Allow selection of distutils by environment variable.
which = os.environ.get('SETUPTOOLS_USE_DISTUTILS', 'local')
return which == 'local'
def ensure_local_distutils():
import importlib
# With the DistutilsMetaFinder in place,
# perform an import to cause distutils to be
# loaded from setuptools._distutils. Ref #2906.
with shim():
# check that submodules load as expected
core = importlib.import_module('distutils.core')
assert '_distutils' in core.__file__, core.__file__
assert 'setuptools._distutils.log' not in sys.modules
def do_override():
Ensure that the local copy of distutils is preferred over stdlib.
for more motivation.
if enabled():
class _TrivialRe:
def __init__(self, *patterns):
self._patterns = patterns
def match(self, string):
return all(pat in string for pat in self._patterns)
class DistutilsMetaFinder:
def find_spec(self, fullname, path, target=None):
# optimization: only consider top level modules and those
# found in the CPython test suite.
if path is not None and not fullname.startswith('test.'):
method_name = 'spec_for_{fullname}'.format(**locals())
method = getattr(self, method_name, lambda: None)
return method()
def spec_for_distutils(self):
if self.is_cpython():
import importlib
import importlib.util
mod = importlib.import_module('setuptools._distutils')
except Exception:
# There are a couple of cases where setuptools._distutils
# may not be present:
# - An older Setuptools without a local distutils is
# taking precedence. Ref #2957.
# - Path manipulation during sitecustomize removes
# setuptools from the path but only after the hook
# has been loaded. Ref #2980.
# In either case, fall back to stdlib behavior.
class DistutilsLoader(
def create_module(self, spec):
mod.__name__ = 'distutils'
return mod
def exec_module(self, module):
return importlib.util.spec_from_loader(
'distutils', DistutilsLoader(), origin=mod.__file__
def is_cpython():
Suppress supplying distutils for CPython (build and tests).
Ref #2965 and #3007.
return os.path.isfile('pybuilddir.txt')
def spec_for_pip(self):
Ensure stdlib distutils when running under pip.
See pypa/pip#8761 for rationale.
if self.pip_imported_during_build():
self.spec_for_distutils = lambda: None
def pip_imported_during_build(cls):
Detect if pip is being imported in a build script. Ref #2355.
import traceback
return any(
cls.frame_file_is_setup(frame) for frame, line in traceback.walk_stack(None)
def frame_file_is_setup(frame):
Return True if the indicated frame suggests a file.
# some frames may not have __file__ (#2940)
return frame.f_globals.get('__file__', '').endswith('')
def spec_for_sensitive_tests(self):
Ensure stdlib distutils when running select tests under CPython.
self.spec_for_distutils = lambda: None
sensitive_tests = (
if sys.version_info < (3, 10)
else [
for name in DistutilsMetaFinder.sensitive_tests:
DISTUTILS_FINDER = DistutilsMetaFinder()
def add_shim():
DISTUTILS_FINDER in sys.meta_path or insert_shim()
class shim:
def __enter__(self):
def __exit__(self, exc, value, tb):
def insert_shim():
sys.meta_path.insert(0, DISTUTILS_FINDER)
def remove_shim():
except ValueError:
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import _virtualenv
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"""Patches that are applied at runtime to the virtual environment"""
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import sys
VIRTUALENV_PATCH_FILE = os.path.join(__file__)
def patch_dist(dist):
Distutils allows user to configure some arguments via a configuration file:
Some of this arguments though don't make sense in context of the virtual environment files, let's fix them up.
# we cannot allow some install config as that would get packages installed outside of the virtual environment
old_parse_config_files = dist.Distribution.parse_config_files
def parse_config_files(self, *args, **kwargs):
result = old_parse_config_files(self, *args, **kwargs)
install = self.get_option_dict("install")
if "prefix" in install: # the prefix governs where to install the libraries
install["prefix"] = VIRTUALENV_PATCH_FILE, os.path.abspath(sys.prefix)
for base in ("purelib", "platlib", "headers", "scripts", "data"):
key = "install_{}".format(base)
if key in install: # do not allow global configs to hijack venv paths
install.pop(key, None)
return result
dist.Distribution.parse_config_files = parse_config_files
# Import hook that patches some modules to ignore configuration values that break package installation in case
# of virtual environments.
_DISTUTILS_PATCH = "distutils.dist", "setuptools.dist"
if sys.version_info > (3, 4):
class _Finder:
"""A meta path finder that allows patching the imported distutils modules"""
fullname = None
# lock[0] is threading.Lock(), but initialized lazily to avoid importing threading very early at startup,
# because there are gevent-based applications that need to be first to import threading by themselves.
# See for details.
lock = []
def find_spec(self, fullname, path, target=None): # noqa: U100
if fullname in _DISTUTILS_PATCH and self.fullname is None:
# initialize lock[0] lazily
if len(self.lock) == 0:
import threading
lock = threading.Lock()
# there is possibility that two threads T1 and T2 are simultaneously running into find_spec,
# observing .lock as empty, and further going into hereby initialization. However due to the GIL,
# list.append() operation is atomic and this way only one of the threads will "win" to put the lock
# - that every thread will use - into .lock[0].
from functools import partial
from importlib.util import find_spec
with self.lock[0]:
self.fullname = fullname
spec = find_spec(fullname, path)
if spec is not None:
is_new_api = hasattr(spec.loader, "exec_module")
func_name = "exec_module" if is_new_api else "load_module"
old = getattr(spec.loader, func_name)
func = self.exec_module if is_new_api else self.load_module
if old is not func:
setattr(spec.loader, func_name, partial(func, old))
except AttributeError:
pass # C-Extension loaders are r/o such as zipimporter with <python 3.7
return spec
self.fullname = None
def exec_module(old, module):
if module.__name__ in _DISTUTILS_PATCH:
def load_module(old, name):
module = old(name)
if module.__name__ in _DISTUTILS_PATCH:
return module
sys.meta_path.insert(0, _Finder())
from imp import find_module
from pkgutil import ImpImporter, ImpLoader
class _VirtualenvImporter(object, ImpImporter):
def __init__(self, path=None):
ImpImporter.__init__(self, path)
def find_module(self, fullname, path=None):
if fullname in _DISTUTILS_PATCH:
return _VirtualenvLoader(fullname, *find_module(fullname.split(".")[-1], path))
except ImportError:
return None
class _VirtualenvLoader(object, ImpLoader):
def __init__(self, fullname, file, filename, etc):
ImpLoader.__init__(self, fullname, file, filename, etc)
def load_module(self, fullname):
module = super(_VirtualenvLoader, self).load_module(fullname)
module.__loader__ = None # distlib fallback
return module
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from ._version import version as __version__
except ImportError:
__version__ = 'unknown'
__all__ = ['easter', 'parser', 'relativedelta', 'rrule', 'tz',
'utils', 'zoneinfo']
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Common code used in multiple modules.
class weekday(object):
__slots__ = ["weekday", "n"]
def __init__(self, weekday, n=None):
self.weekday = weekday
self.n = n
def __call__(self, n):
if n == self.n:
return self
return self.__class__(self.weekday, n)
def __eq__(self, other):
if self.weekday != other.weekday or self.n != other.n:
return False
except AttributeError:
return False
return True
def __hash__(self):
return hash((
def __ne__(self, other):
return not (self == other)
def __repr__(self):
s = ("MO", "TU", "WE", "TH", "FR", "SA", "SU")[self.weekday]
if not self.n:
return s
return "%s(%+d)" % (s, self.n)
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:et
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# coding: utf-8
# file generated by setuptools_scm
# don't change, don't track in version control
version = '2.8.2'
version_tuple = (2, 8, 2)
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@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module offers a generic Easter computing method for any given year, using
Western, Orthodox or Julian algorithms.
import datetime
def easter(year, method=EASTER_WESTERN):
This method was ported from the work done by GM Arts,
on top of the algorithm by Claus Tondering, which was
based in part on the algorithm of Ouding (1940), as
quoted in "Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical
Almanac", P. Kenneth Seidelmann, editor.
This algorithm implements three different Easter
calculation methods:
1. Original calculation in Julian calendar, valid in
dates after 326 AD
2. Original method, with date converted to Gregorian
calendar, valid in years 1583 to 4099
3. Revised method, in Gregorian calendar, valid in
years 1583 to 4099 as well
These methods are represented by the constants:
The default method is method 3.
More about the algorithm may be found at:
`GM Arts: Easter Algorithms <>`_
`The Calendar FAQ: Easter <>`_
if not (1 <= method <= 3):
raise ValueError("invalid method")
# g - Golden year - 1
# c - Century
# h - (23 - Epact) mod 30
# i - Number of days from March 21 to Paschal Full Moon
# j - Weekday for PFM (0=Sunday, etc)
# p - Number of days from March 21 to Sunday on or before PFM
# (-6 to 28 methods 1 & 3, to 56 for method 2)
# e - Extra days to add for method 2 (converting Julian
# date to Gregorian date)
y = year
g = y % 19
e = 0
if method < 3:
# Old method
i = (19*g + 15) % 30
j = (y + y//4 + i) % 7
if method == 2:
# Extra dates to convert Julian to Gregorian date
e = 10
if y > 1600:
e = e + y//100 - 16 - (y//100 - 16)//4
# New method
c = y//100
h = (c - c//4 - (8*c + 13)//25 + 19*g + 15) % 30
i = h - (h//28)*(1 - (h//28)*(29//(h + 1))*((21 - g)//11))
j = (y + y//4 + i + 2 - c + c//4) % 7
# p can be from -6 to 56 corresponding to dates 22 March to 23 May
# (later dates apply to method 2, although 23 May never actually occurs)
p = i - j + e
d = 1 + (p + 27 + (p + 6)//40) % 31
m = 3 + (p + 26)//30
return, int(m), int(d))
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from ._parser import parse, parser, parserinfo, ParserError
from ._parser import UnknownTimezoneWarning
from ._parser import __doc__
from .isoparser import isoparser, isoparse
__all__ = ['parse', 'parser', 'parserinfo',
'isoparse', 'isoparser',
# Deprecate portions of the private interface so that downstream code that
# is improperly relying on it is given *some* notice.
def __deprecated_private_func(f):
from functools import wraps
import warnings
msg = ('{name} is a private function and may break without warning, '
'it will be moved and or renamed in future versions.')
msg = msg.format(name=f.__name__)
def deprecated_func(*args, **kwargs):
warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning)
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return deprecated_func
def __deprecate_private_class(c):
import warnings
msg = ('{name} is a private class and may break without warning, '
'it will be moved and or renamed in future versions.')
msg = msg.format(name=c.__name__)
class private_class(c):
__doc__ = c.__doc__
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning)
super(private_class, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
private_class.__name__ = c.__name__
return private_class
from ._parser import _timelex, _resultbase
from ._parser import _tzparser, _parsetz
_timelex = __deprecate_private_class(_timelex)
_tzparser = __deprecate_private_class(_tzparser)
_resultbase = __deprecate_private_class(_resultbase)
_parsetz = __deprecated_private_func(_parsetz)
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module offers a parser for ISO-8601 strings
It is intended to support all valid date, time and datetime formats per the
ISO-8601 specification.
..versionadded:: 2.7.0
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, time, date
import calendar
from dateutil import tz
from functools import wraps
import re
import six
__all__ = ["isoparse", "isoparser"]
def _takes_ascii(f):
def func(self, str_in, *args, **kwargs):
# If it's a stream, read the whole thing
str_in = getattr(str_in, 'read', lambda: str_in)()
# If it's unicode, turn it into bytes, since ISO-8601 only covers ASCII
if isinstance(str_in, six.text_type):
# ASCII is the same in UTF-8
str_in = str_in.encode('ascii')
except UnicodeEncodeError as e:
msg = 'ISO-8601 strings should contain only ASCII characters'
six.raise_from(ValueError(msg), e)
return f(self, str_in, *args, **kwargs)
return func
class isoparser(object):
def __init__(self, sep=None):
:param sep:
A single character that separates date and time portions. If
``None``, the parser will accept any single character.
For strict ISO-8601 adherence, pass ``'T'``.
if sep is not None:
if (len(sep) != 1 or ord(sep) >= 128 or sep in '0123456789'):
raise ValueError('Separator must be a single, non-numeric ' +
'ASCII character')
sep = sep.encode('ascii')
self._sep = sep
def isoparse(self, dt_str):
Parse an ISO-8601 datetime string into a :class:`datetime.datetime`.
An ISO-8601 datetime string consists of a date portion, followed
optionally by a time portion - the date and time portions are separated
by a single character separator, which is ``T`` in the official
standard. Incomplete date formats (such as ``YYYY-MM``) may *not* be
combined with a time portion.
Supported date formats are:
- ``YYYY``
- ``YYYY-MM`` or ``YYYYMM``
- ``YYYY-MM-DD`` or ``YYYYMMDD``
- ``YYYY-Www`` or ``YYYYWww`` - ISO week (day defaults to 0)
- ``YYYY-Www-D`` or ``YYYYWwwD`` - ISO week and day
The ISO week and day numbering follows the same logic as
Supported time formats are:
- ``hh``
- ``hh:mm`` or ``hhmm``
- ``hh:mm:ss`` or ``hhmmss``
- ``hh:mm:ss.ssssss`` (Up to 6 sub-second digits)
Midnight is a special case for `hh`, as the standard supports both
00:00 and 24:00 as a representation. The decimal separator can be
either a dot or a comma.
.. caution::
Support for fractional components other than seconds is part of the
ISO-8601 standard, but is not currently implemented in this parser.
Supported time zone offset formats are:
- `Z` (UTC)
- `±HH:MM`
- `±HHMM`
- `±HH`
Offsets will be represented as :class:`` objects,
with the exception of UTC, which will be represented as
:class:``. Time zone offsets equivalent to UTC (such
as `+00:00`) will also be represented as :class:``.
:param dt_str:
A string or stream containing only an ISO-8601 datetime string
Returns a :class:`datetime.datetime` representing the string.
Unspecified components default to their lowest value.
.. warning::
As of version 2.7.0, the strictness of the parser should not be
considered a stable part of the contract. Any valid ISO-8601 string
that parses correctly with the default settings will continue to
parse correctly in future versions, but invalid strings that
currently fail (e.g. ``2017-01-01T00:00+00:00:00``) are not
guaranteed to continue failing in future versions if they encode
a valid date.
.. versionadded:: 2.7.0
components, pos = self._parse_isodate(dt_str)
if len(dt_str) > pos:
if self._sep is None or dt_str[pos:pos + 1] == self._sep:
components += self._parse_isotime(dt_str[pos + 1:])
raise ValueError('String contains unknown ISO components')
if len(components) > 3 and components[3] == 24:
components[3] = 0
return datetime(*components) + timedelta(days=1)
return datetime(*components)
def parse_isodate(self, datestr):
Parse the date portion of an ISO string.
:param datestr:
The string portion of an ISO string, without a separator
Returns a :class:`` object
components, pos = self._parse_isodate(datestr)
if pos < len(datestr):
raise ValueError('String contains unknown ISO ' +
'components: {!r}'.format(datestr.decode('ascii')))
return date(*components)
def parse_isotime(self, timestr):
Parse the time portion of an ISO string.
:param timestr:
The time portion of an ISO string, without a separator
Returns a :class:`datetime.time` object
components = self._parse_isotime(timestr)
if components[0] == 24:
components[0] = 0
return time(*components)
def parse_tzstr(self, tzstr, zero_as_utc=True):
Parse a valid ISO time zone string.
See :func:`isoparser.isoparse` for details on supported formats.
:param tzstr:
A string representing an ISO time zone offset
:param zero_as_utc:
Whether to return :class:`` for zero-offset zones
Returns :class:`` for offsets and
:class:`` for ``Z`` and (if ``zero_as_utc`` is
specified) offsets equivalent to UTC.
return self._parse_tzstr(tzstr, zero_as_utc=zero_as_utc)
# Constants
_DATE_SEP = b'-'
_TIME_SEP = b':'
_FRACTION_REGEX = re.compile(b'[\\.,]([0-9]+)')
def _parse_isodate(self, dt_str):
return self._parse_isodate_common(dt_str)
except ValueError:
return self._parse_isodate_uncommon(dt_str)
def _parse_isodate_common(self, dt_str):
len_str = len(dt_str)
components = [1, 1, 1]
if len_str < 4:
raise ValueError('ISO string too short')
# Year
components[0] = int(dt_str[0:4])
pos = 4
if pos >= len_str:
return components, pos
has_sep = dt_str[pos:pos + 1] == self._DATE_SEP
if has_sep:
pos += 1
# Month
if len_str - pos < 2:
raise ValueError('Invalid common month')
components[1] = int(dt_str[pos:pos + 2])
pos += 2
if pos >= len_str:
if has_sep:
return components, pos
raise ValueError('Invalid ISO format')
if has_sep:
if dt_str[pos:pos + 1] != self._DATE_SEP:
raise ValueError('Invalid separator in ISO string')
pos += 1
# Day
if len_str - pos < 2:
raise ValueError('Invalid common day')
components[2] = int(dt_str[pos:pos + 2])
return components, pos + 2
def _parse_isodate_uncommon(self, dt_str):
if len(dt_str) < 4:
raise ValueError('ISO string too short')
# All ISO formats start with the year
year = int(dt_str[0:4])
has_sep = dt_str[4:5] == self._DATE_SEP
pos = 4 + has_sep # Skip '-' if it's there
if dt_str[pos:pos + 1] == b'W':
# YYYY-?Www-?D?
pos += 1
weekno = int(dt_str[pos:pos + 2])
pos += 2
dayno = 1
if len(dt_str) > pos:
if (dt_str[pos:pos + 1] == self._DATE_SEP) != has_sep:
raise ValueError('Inconsistent use of dash separator')
pos += has_sep
dayno = int(dt_str[pos:pos + 1])
pos += 1
base_date = self._calculate_weekdate(year, weekno, dayno)
if len(dt_str) - pos < 3:
raise ValueError('Invalid ordinal day')
ordinal_day = int(dt_str[pos:pos + 3])
pos += 3
if ordinal_day < 1 or ordinal_day > (365 + calendar.isleap(year)):
raise ValueError('Invalid ordinal day' +
' {} for year {}'.format(ordinal_day, year))
base_date = date(year, 1, 1) + timedelta(days=ordinal_day - 1)
components = [base_date.year, base_date.month,]
return components, pos
def _calculate_weekdate(self, year, week, day):
Calculate the day of corresponding to the ISO year-week-day calendar.
This function is effectively the inverse of
:param year:
The year in the ISO calendar
:param week:
The week in the ISO calendar - range is [1, 53]
:param day:
The day in the ISO calendar - range is [1 (MON), 7 (SUN)]
Returns a :class:``
if not 0 < week < 54:
raise ValueError('Invalid week: {}'.format(week))
if not 0 < day < 8: # Range is 1-7
raise ValueError('Invalid weekday: {}'.format(day))
# Get week 1 for the specific year:
jan_4 = date(year, 1, 4) # Week 1 always has January 4th in it
week_1 = jan_4 - timedelta(days=jan_4.isocalendar()[2] - 1)
# Now add the specific number of weeks and days to get what we want
week_offset = (week - 1) * 7 + (day - 1)
return week_1 + timedelta(days=week_offset)
def _parse_isotime(self, timestr):
len_str = len(timestr)
components = [0, 0, 0, 0, None]
pos = 0
comp = -1
if len_str < 2:
raise ValueError('ISO time too short')
has_sep = False
while pos < len_str and comp < 5:
comp += 1
if timestr[pos:pos + 1] in b'-+Zz':
# Detect time zone boundary
components[-1] = self._parse_tzstr(timestr[pos:])
pos = len_str
if comp == 1 and timestr[pos:pos+1] == self._TIME_SEP:
has_sep = True
pos += 1
elif comp == 2 and has_sep:
if timestr[pos:pos+1] != self._TIME_SEP:
raise ValueError('Inconsistent use of colon separator')
pos += 1
if comp < 3:
# Hour, minute, second
components[comp] = int(timestr[pos:pos + 2])
pos += 2
if comp == 3:
# Fraction of a second
frac = self._FRACTION_REGEX.match(timestr[pos:])
if not frac:
us_str =[:6] # Truncate to microseconds
components[comp] = int(us_str) * 10**(6 - len(us_str))
pos += len(
if pos < len_str:
raise ValueError('Unused components in ISO string')
if components[0] == 24:
# Standard supports 00:00 and 24:00 as representations of midnight
if any(component != 0 for component in components[1:4]):
raise ValueError('Hour may only be 24 at 24:00:00.000')
return components
def _parse_tzstr(self, tzstr, zero_as_utc=True):
if tzstr == b'Z' or tzstr == b'z':
return tz.UTC
if len(tzstr) not in {3, 5, 6}:
raise ValueError('Time zone offset must be 1, 3, 5 or 6 characters')
if tzstr[0:1] == b'-':
mult = -1
elif tzstr[0:1] == b'+':
mult = 1
raise ValueError('Time zone offset requires sign')
hours = int(tzstr[1:3])
if len(tzstr) == 3:
minutes = 0
minutes = int(tzstr[(4 if tzstr[3:4] == self._TIME_SEP else 3):])
if zero_as_utc and hours == 0 and minutes == 0:
return tz.UTC
if minutes > 59:
raise ValueError('Invalid minutes in time zone offset')
if hours > 23:
raise ValueError('Invalid hours in time zone offset')
return tz.tzoffset(None, mult * (hours * 60 + minutes) * 60)
isoparse = DEFAULT_ISOPARSER.isoparse
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@ -0,0 +1,599 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import datetime
import calendar
import operator
from math import copysign
from six import integer_types
from warnings import warn
from ._common import weekday
MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA, SU = weekdays = tuple(weekday(x) for x in range(7))
__all__ = ["relativedelta", "MO", "TU", "WE", "TH", "FR", "SA", "SU"]
class relativedelta(object):
The relativedelta type is designed to be applied to an existing datetime and
can replace specific components of that datetime, or represents an interval
of time.
It is based on the specification of the excellent work done by M.-A. Lemburg
in his
`mx.DateTime <>`_ extension.
However, notice that this type does *NOT* implement the same algorithm as
his work. Do *NOT* expect it to behave like mx.DateTime's counterpart.
There are two different ways to build a relativedelta instance. The
first one is passing it two date/datetime classes::
relativedelta(datetime1, datetime2)
The second one is passing it any number of the following keyword arguments::
year, month, day, hour, minute, second, microsecond:
Absolute information (argument is singular); adding or subtracting a
relativedelta with absolute information does not perform an arithmetic
operation, but rather REPLACES the corresponding value in the
original datetime with the value(s) in relativedelta.
years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, microseconds:
Relative information, may be negative (argument is plural); adding
or subtracting a relativedelta with relative information performs
the corresponding arithmetic operation on the original datetime value
with the information in the relativedelta.
One of the weekday instances (MO, TU, etc) available in the
relativedelta module. These instances may receive a parameter N,
specifying the Nth weekday, which could be positive or negative
(like MO(+1) or MO(-2)). Not specifying it is the same as specifying
+1. You can also use an integer, where 0=MO. This argument is always
relative e.g. if the calculated date is already Monday, using MO(1)
or MO(-1) won't change the day. To effectively make it absolute, use
it in combination with the day argument (e.g. day=1, MO(1) for first
Monday of the month).
Will add given days to the date found, if year is a leap
year, and the date found is post 28 of february.
yearday, nlyearday:
Set the yearday or the non-leap year day (jump leap days).
These are converted to day/month/leapdays information.
There are relative and absolute forms of the keyword
arguments. The plural is relative, and the singular is
absolute. For each argument in the order below, the absolute form
is applied first (by setting each attribute to that value) and
then the relative form (by adding the value to the attribute).
The order of attributes considered when this relativedelta is
added to a datetime is:
1. Year
2. Month
3. Day
4. Hours
5. Minutes
6. Seconds
7. Microseconds
Finally, weekday is applied, using the rule described above.
For example
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta, MO
>>> dt = datetime(2018, 4, 9, 13, 37, 0)
>>> delta = relativedelta(hours=25, day=1, weekday=MO(1))
>>> dt + delta
datetime.datetime(2018, 4, 2, 14, 37)
First, the day is set to 1 (the first of the month), then 25 hours
are added, to get to the 2nd day and 14th hour, finally the
weekday is applied, but since the 2nd is already a Monday there is
no effect.
def __init__(self, dt1=None, dt2=None,
years=0, months=0, days=0, leapdays=0, weeks=0,
hours=0, minutes=0, seconds=0, microseconds=0,
year=None, month=None, day=None, weekday=None,
yearday=None, nlyearday=None,
hour=None, minute=None, second=None, microsecond=None):
if dt1 and dt2:
# datetime is a subclass of date. So both must be date
if not (isinstance(dt1, and
raise TypeError("relativedelta only diffs datetime/date")
# We allow two dates, or two datetimes, so we coerce them to be
# of the same type
if (isinstance(dt1, datetime.datetime) !=
isinstance(dt2, datetime.datetime)):
if not isinstance(dt1, datetime.datetime):
dt1 = datetime.datetime.fromordinal(dt1.toordinal())
elif not isinstance(dt2, datetime.datetime):
dt2 = datetime.datetime.fromordinal(dt2.toordinal())
self.years = 0
self.months = 0
self.days = 0
self.leapdays = 0
self.hours = 0
self.minutes = 0
self.seconds = 0
self.microseconds = 0
self.year = None
self.month = None
|||| = None
self.weekday = None
self.hour = None
self.minute = None
self.second = None
self.microsecond = None
self._has_time = 0
# Get year / month delta between the two
months = (dt1.year - dt2.year) * 12 + (dt1.month - dt2.month)
# Remove the year/month delta so the timedelta is just well-defined
# time units (seconds, days and microseconds)
dtm = self.__radd__(dt2)
# If we've overshot our target, make an adjustment
if dt1 < dt2:
compare =
increment = 1
compare =
increment = -1
while compare(dt1, dtm):
months += increment
dtm = self.__radd__(dt2)
# Get the timedelta between the "months-adjusted" date and dt1
delta = dt1 - dtm
self.seconds = delta.seconds + delta.days * 86400
self.microseconds = delta.microseconds
# Check for non-integer values in integer-only quantities
if any(x is not None and x != int(x) for x in (years, months)):
raise ValueError("Non-integer years and months are "
"ambiguous and not currently supported.")
# Relative information
self.years = int(years)
self.months = int(months)
self.days = days + weeks * 7
self.leapdays = leapdays
self.hours = hours
self.minutes = minutes
self.seconds = seconds
self.microseconds = microseconds
# Absolute information
self.year = year
self.month = month
|||| = day
self.hour = hour
self.minute = minute
self.second = second
self.microsecond = microsecond
if any(x is not None and int(x) != x
for x in (year, month, day, hour,
minute, second, microsecond)):
# For now we'll deprecate floats - later it'll be an error.
warn("Non-integer value passed as absolute information. " +
"This is not a well-defined condition and will raise " +
"errors in future versions.", DeprecationWarning)
if isinstance(weekday, integer_types):
self.weekday = weekdays[weekday]
self.weekday = weekday
yday = 0
if nlyearday:
yday = nlyearday
elif yearday:
yday = yearday
if yearday > 59:
self.leapdays = -1
if yday:
ydayidx = [31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212,
243, 273, 304, 334, 366]
for idx, ydays in enumerate(ydayidx):
if yday <= ydays:
self.month = idx+1
if idx == 0:
|||| = yday
|||| = yday-ydayidx[idx-1]
raise ValueError("invalid year day (%d)" % yday)
def _fix(self):
if abs(self.microseconds) > 999999:
s = _sign(self.microseconds)
div, mod = divmod(self.microseconds * s, 1000000)
self.microseconds = mod * s
self.seconds += div * s
if abs(self.seconds) > 59:
s = _sign(self.seconds)
div, mod = divmod(self.seconds * s, 60)
self.seconds = mod * s
self.minutes += div * s
if abs(self.minutes) > 59:
s = _sign(self.minutes)
div, mod = divmod(self.minutes * s, 60)
self.minutes = mod * s
self.hours += div * s
if abs(self.hours) > 23:
s = _sign(self.hours)
div, mod = divmod(self.hours * s, 24)
self.hours = mod * s
self.days += div * s
if abs(self.months) > 11:
s = _sign(self.months)
div, mod = divmod(self.months * s, 12)
self.months = mod * s
self.years += div * s
if (self.hours or self.minutes or self.seconds or self.microseconds
or self.hour is not None or self.minute is not None or
self.second is not None or self.microsecond is not None):
self._has_time = 1
self._has_time = 0
def weeks(self):
return int(self.days / 7.0)
def weeks(self, value):
self.days = self.days - (self.weeks * 7) + value * 7
def _set_months(self, months):
self.months = months
if abs(self.months) > 11:
s = _sign(self.months)
div, mod = divmod(self.months * s, 12)
self.months = mod * s
self.years = div * s
self.years = 0
def normalized(self):
Return a version of this object represented entirely using integer
values for the relative attributes.
>>> relativedelta(days=1.5, hours=2).normalized()
relativedelta(days=+1, hours=+14)
Returns a :class:`dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta` object.
# Cascade remainders down (rounding each to roughly nearest microsecond)
days = int(self.days)
hours_f = round(self.hours + 24 * (self.days - days), 11)
hours = int(hours_f)
minutes_f = round(self.minutes + 60 * (hours_f - hours), 10)
minutes = int(minutes_f)
seconds_f = round(self.seconds + 60 * (minutes_f - minutes), 8)
seconds = int(seconds_f)
microseconds = round(self.microseconds + 1e6 * (seconds_f - seconds))
# Constructor carries overflow back up with call to _fix()
return self.__class__(years=self.years, months=self.months,
days=days, hours=hours, minutes=minutes,
seconds=seconds, microseconds=microseconds,
leapdays=self.leapdays, year=self.year,
weekday=self.weekday, hour=self.hour,
minute=self.minute, second=self.second,
def __add__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, relativedelta):
return self.__class__(years=other.years + self.years,
months=other.months + self.months,
days=other.days + self.days,
hours=other.hours + self.hours,
minutes=other.minutes + self.minutes,
seconds=other.seconds + self.seconds,
microseconds=(other.microseconds +
leapdays=other.leapdays or self.leapdays,
year=(other.year if other.year is not None
else self.year),
month=(other.month if other.month is not None
else self.month),
day=( if is not None
weekday=(other.weekday if other.weekday is not None
else self.weekday),
hour=(other.hour if other.hour is not None
else self.hour),
minute=(other.minute if other.minute is not None
else self.minute),
second=(other.second if other.second is not None
else self.second),
microsecond=(other.microsecond if other.microsecond
is not None else
if isinstance(other, datetime.timedelta):
return self.__class__(years=self.years,
days=self.days + other.days,
seconds=self.seconds + other.seconds,
microseconds=self.microseconds |