from contextlib import suppress
from collections import Counter
from typing import NamedTuple

import numpy as np
from . import is_scalar_nan

def _unique(values, *, return_inverse=False, return_counts=False):
    """Helper function to find unique values with support for python objects.

    Uses pure python method for object dtype, and numpy method for
    all other dtypes.

    values : ndarray
        Values to check for unknowns.

    return_inverse : bool, default=False
        If True, also return the indices of the unique values.

    return_counts : bool, default=False
        If True, also return the number of times each unique item appears in

    unique : ndarray
        The sorted unique values.

    unique_inverse : ndarray
        The indices to reconstruct the original array from the unique array.
        Only provided if `return_inverse` is True.

    unique_counts : ndarray
        The number of times each of the unique values comes up in the original
        array. Only provided if `return_counts` is True.
    if values.dtype == object:
        return _unique_python(
            values, return_inverse=return_inverse, return_counts=return_counts
    # numerical
    return _unique_np(
        values, return_inverse=return_inverse, return_counts=return_counts

def _unique_np(values, return_inverse=False, return_counts=False):
    """Helper function to find unique values for numpy arrays that correctly
    accounts for nans. See `_unique` documentation for details."""
    uniques = np.unique(
        values, return_inverse=return_inverse, return_counts=return_counts

    inverse, counts = None, None

    if return_counts:
        *uniques, counts = uniques

    if return_inverse:
        *uniques, inverse = uniques

    if return_counts or return_inverse:
        uniques = uniques[0]

    # np.unique will have duplicate missing values at the end of `uniques`
    # here we clip the nans and remove it from uniques
    if uniques.size and is_scalar_nan(uniques[-1]):
        nan_idx = np.searchsorted(uniques, np.nan)
        uniques = uniques[: nan_idx + 1]
        if return_inverse:
            inverse[inverse > nan_idx] = nan_idx

        if return_counts:
            counts[nan_idx] = np.sum(counts[nan_idx:])
            counts = counts[: nan_idx + 1]

    ret = (uniques,)

    if return_inverse:
        ret += (inverse,)

    if return_counts:
        ret += (counts,)

    return ret[0] if len(ret) == 1 else ret

class MissingValues(NamedTuple):
    """Data class for missing data information"""

    nan: bool
    none: bool

    def to_list(self):
        """Convert tuple to a list where None is always first."""
        output = []
        if self.none:
        if self.nan:
        return output

def _extract_missing(values):
    """Extract missing values from `values`.

    values: set
        Set of values to extract missing from.

    output: set
        Set with missing values extracted.

    missing_values: MissingValues
        Object with missing value information.
    missing_values_set = {
        value for value in values if value is None or is_scalar_nan(value)

    if not missing_values_set:
        return values, MissingValues(nan=False, none=False)

    if None in missing_values_set:
        if len(missing_values_set) == 1:
            output_missing_values = MissingValues(nan=False, none=True)
            # If there is more than one missing value, then it has to be
            # float('nan') or np.nan
            output_missing_values = MissingValues(nan=True, none=True)
        output_missing_values = MissingValues(nan=True, none=False)

    # create set without the missing values
    output = values - missing_values_set
    return output, output_missing_values

class _nandict(dict):
    """Dictionary with support for nans."""

    def __init__(self, mapping):
        for key, value in mapping.items():
            if is_scalar_nan(key):
                self.nan_value = value

    def __missing__(self, key):
        if hasattr(self, "nan_value") and is_scalar_nan(key):
            return self.nan_value
        raise KeyError(key)

def _map_to_integer(values, uniques):
    """Map values based on its position in uniques."""
    table = _nandict({val: i for i, val in enumerate(uniques)})
    return np.array([table[v] for v in values])

def _unique_python(values, *, return_inverse, return_counts):
    # Only used in `_uniques`, see docstring there for details
        uniques_set = set(values)
        uniques_set, missing_values = _extract_missing(uniques_set)

        uniques = sorted(uniques_set)
        uniques = np.array(uniques, dtype=values.dtype)
    except TypeError:
        types = sorted(t.__qualname__ for t in set(type(v) for v in values))
        raise TypeError(
            "Encoders require their input to be uniformly "
            f"strings or numbers. Got {types}"
    ret = (uniques,)

    if return_inverse:
        ret += (_map_to_integer(values, uniques),)

    if return_counts:
        ret += (_get_counts(values, uniques),)

    return ret[0] if len(ret) == 1 else ret

def _encode(values, *, uniques, check_unknown=True):
    """Helper function to encode values into [0, n_uniques - 1].

    Uses pure python method for object dtype, and numpy method for
    all other dtypes.
    The numpy method has the limitation that the `uniques` need to
    be sorted. Importantly, this is not checked but assumed to already be
    the case. The calling method needs to ensure this for all non-object

    values : ndarray
        Values to encode.
    uniques : ndarray
        The unique values in `values`. If the dtype is not object, then
        `uniques` needs to be sorted.
    check_unknown : bool, default=True
        If True, check for values in `values` that are not in `unique`
        and raise an error. This is ignored for object dtype, and treated as
        True in this case. This parameter is useful for
        _BaseEncoder._transform() to avoid calling _check_unknown()

    encoded : ndarray
        Encoded values
    if values.dtype.kind in "OUS":
            return _map_to_integer(values, uniques)
        except KeyError as e:
            raise ValueError(f"y contains previously unseen labels: {str(e)}")
        if check_unknown:
            diff = _check_unknown(values, uniques)
            if diff:
                raise ValueError(f"y contains previously unseen labels: {str(diff)}")
        return np.searchsorted(uniques, values)

def _check_unknown(values, known_values, return_mask=False):
    Helper function to check for unknowns in values to be encoded.

    Uses pure python method for object dtype, and numpy method for
    all other dtypes.

    values : array
        Values to check for unknowns.
    known_values : array
        Known values. Must be unique.
    return_mask : bool, default=False
        If True, return a mask of the same shape as `values` indicating
        the valid values.

    diff : list
        The unique values present in `values` and not in `know_values`.
    valid_mask : boolean array
        Additionally returned if ``return_mask=True``.

    valid_mask = None

    if values.dtype.kind in "OUS":
        values_set = set(values)
        values_set, missing_in_values = _extract_missing(values_set)

        uniques_set = set(known_values)
        uniques_set, missing_in_uniques = _extract_missing(uniques_set)
        diff = values_set - uniques_set

        nan_in_diff = missing_in_values.nan and not missing_in_uniques.nan
        none_in_diff = missing_in_values.none and not missing_in_uniques.none

        def is_valid(value):
            return (
                value in uniques_set
                or missing_in_uniques.none
                and value is None
                or missing_in_uniques.nan
                and is_scalar_nan(value)

        if return_mask:
            if diff or nan_in_diff or none_in_diff:
                valid_mask = np.array([is_valid(value) for value in values])
                valid_mask = np.ones(len(values), dtype=bool)

        diff = list(diff)
        if none_in_diff:
        if nan_in_diff:
        unique_values = np.unique(values)
        diff = np.setdiff1d(unique_values, known_values, assume_unique=True)
        if return_mask:
            if diff.size:
                valid_mask = np.in1d(values, known_values)
                valid_mask = np.ones(len(values), dtype=bool)

        # check for nans in the known_values
        if np.isnan(known_values).any():
            diff_is_nan = np.isnan(diff)
            if diff_is_nan.any():
                # removes nan from valid_mask
                if diff.size and return_mask:
                    is_nan = np.isnan(values)
                    valid_mask[is_nan] = 1

                # remove nan from diff
                diff = diff[~diff_is_nan]
        diff = list(diff)

    if return_mask:
        return diff, valid_mask
    return diff

class _NaNCounter(Counter):
    """Counter with support for nan values."""

    def __init__(self, items):

    def _generate_items(self, items):
        """Generate items without nans. Stores the nan counts separately."""
        for item in items:
            if not is_scalar_nan(item):
                yield item
            if not hasattr(self, "nan_count"):
                self.nan_count = 0
            self.nan_count += 1

    def __missing__(self, key):
        if hasattr(self, "nan_count") and is_scalar_nan(key):
            return self.nan_count
        raise KeyError(key)

def _get_counts(values, uniques):
    """Get the count of each of the `uniques` in `values`.

    The counts will use the order passed in by `uniques`. For non-object dtypes,
    `uniques` is assumed to be sorted and `np.nan` is at the end.
    if values.dtype.kind in "OU":
        counter = _NaNCounter(values)
        output = np.zeros(len(uniques), dtype=np.int64)
        for i, item in enumerate(uniques):
            with suppress(KeyError):
                output[i] = counter[item]
        return output

    unique_values, counts = _unique_np(values, return_counts=True)

    # Recorder unique_values based on input: `uniques`
    uniques_in_values = np.isin(uniques, unique_values, assume_unique=True)
    if np.isnan(unique_values[-1]) and np.isnan(uniques[-1]):
        uniques_in_values[-1] = True

    unique_valid_indices = np.searchsorted(unique_values, uniques[uniques_in_values])
    output = np.zeros_like(uniques, dtype=np.int64)
    output[uniques_in_values] = counts[unique_valid_indices]
    return output