Dodanie wyświetlania trasy od wózka do paczki za pomocą astar

This commit is contained in:
tonywesoly 2022-04-29 02:34:41 +02:00
parent 5a728385d2
commit e8dfdfda68
2 changed files with 138 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ from Truck import Truck
from Global_variables import Global_variables as G_var
from pygame.constants import *
from astar import Pathfinding, State
class Environment:
def __init__(self, window):
@ -25,14 +27,31 @@ class Environment:
self.truck = new_truck
self.moving_truck = Moving_truck(
self.window, self.enviroment_2d, self.truck)
self.astar = Pathfinding(self.enviroment_2d)
def draw_all_elements(self):
for row in self.enviroment_2d:
for field in row:
self.use_astar() # w przyszlosci trzeba przeniesc funkcje w jakies logiczniejsze miejsce np funkcje update()
def use_astar(self):
start_state = State(1,self.truck.x,self.truck.y)
package = self.find_packate()
end_state = State(1,package.x, package.y)
def find_packate(self): #ta funkcja została zrobiona na szybko, może nie być potrzebna w przyszłości kiedy
#ktoś wpadnie na lepsze rozwiązanie
for row in self.enviroment_2d:
for field in row:
if isinstance(field,Package):
return field
return None
def update_truck(self, event):
if event.type == KEYDOWN:
if event.key == K_LEFT:

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@ -1,8 +1,15 @@
from ast import walk
import math
import pygame
from Global_variables import Global_variables as G_var
from Shelf import Shelf
class State:
def __init__(self, direction, x, y):
self.direction = direction # kierunek w ktorym "patrzy wozek"
self.direction = direction # kierunek w ktorym "patrzy wozek"
self.x = x
self.y = y
@ -23,11 +30,13 @@ class State:
class Node:
def __init__(self, action, state, parent):
def __init__(self, state, walkable):
self.state = state
self.action = action # akcja jaką ma wykonać (jedz prawo, lewo, przod)
self.direction = state.direction
self.parent = parent # ojciec wierzchołka
self.walkable = walkable
self.g_cost = 0
self.h_cost = 0
self.parent = None
def get_action(self):
return self.action
@ -38,6 +47,110 @@ class Node:
def get_parent(self):
return self.parent
def f_cost(self):
if self.walkable:
return self.g_cost + self.h_cost
return math.inf
class Pathfinding:
def __init__(self, enviroment_2d):
# self.grid = []
self.grid = [[ # tworze pustej tablicy o wymiarach naszej kraty
for y in range(G_var().DIMENSION_Y)]
for x in range(G_var().DIMENSION_X)
for x in range(G_var().DIMENSION_X): # zapełnianie tablicy obiektami Node
for y in range(G_var().DIMENSION_Y):
is_walkable = True
if isinstance(enviroment_2d[x][y], Shelf):
is_walkable = False
self.grid[x][y] = Node(State(1, x, y), is_walkable)
self.path = []
def succ(self,node): #funckja zwraca sąsiadów noda w argumencie
node_x = node.state.x
node_y = node.state.y
neighbours = []
neighbours_cords = [[1,0],[-1,0],[0,-1],[0,1]]
for cord in neighbours_cords:
neighbour_x = node_x + cord[0]
neighbour_y = node_y + cord[1]
if(neighbour_x >= 0 and neighbour_x < G_var().DIMENSION_X and neighbour_y >= 0 and neighbour_y < G_var().DIMENSION_Y):
return neighbours
def find_path(self, starting_state, target_state): # algorytm wyszukiwania trasy
start_node = self.grid[starting_state.x][starting_state.y]
target_node = self.grid[target_state.x][target_state.y]
fringe = []
explored = []
while len(fringe) > 0:
current_node = fringe[0]
for i in range(1, len(fringe)):
if fringe[i].f_cost() < current_node.f_cost() or (fringe[i].f_cost() == current_node.f_cost() and fringe[i].h_cost < current_node.h_cost):
current_node = fringe[i]
if current_node.state == target_node.state:
path = self.retrace_path(start_node,target_node)
self.path = path
for neighbour in self.succ(current_node):
if not neighbour.walkable or neighbour in explored:
new_movement_cost_to_neighbour = current_node.g_cost + self.get_distance(current_node,neighbour)
if new_movement_cost_to_neighbour < neighbour.g_cost or not neighbour in fringe:
neighbour.g_cost = new_movement_cost_to_neighbour
neighbour.h_cost = self.get_distance(neighbour,target_node)
neighbour.parent = current_node
if not neighbour in fringe:
def get_distance(self, node_a, node_b): # funckja liczy dystans dla odległości między dwoma nodami
dist_x = abs(node_a.state.x - node_b.state.x)
dist_y = abs(node_a.state.y - node_b.state.y)
if dist_x > dist_y:
return 10 * (dist_x - dist_y)
return 10 * (dist_y - dist_x)
def retrace_path(self, start_node, end_node): # funkcja zwraca tablice która ma w sobie wartosci pola parent
# od end_node do start_node
path = []
current_node = end_node
while current_node != start_node:
current_node = current_node.parent
return path
def draw_path(self, window): # rysuję ścieżkę na ekranie
color = (213, 55, 221)
for node in self.path:
node_x = node.state.x
node_y = node.state.y
block = pygame.Rect(
node_x * G_var().RECT_SIZE, node_y *
G_var().RECT_SIZE, G_var().RECT_SIZE, G_var().RECT_SIZE
def cost(node): # funkcja kosztu : ile kosztuje przejechanie przez dane pole
cost = 0
@ -45,6 +158,7 @@ def cost(node): # funkcja kosztu : ile kosztuje przejechanie przez dane pole
cost = cost + 1 + 1
node = node.parent
return cost
def f(goal, node): # funkcja zwracająca sumę funkcji kosztu oraz heurestyki
@ -67,6 +181,6 @@ def print_moves(elem): # zwraca listę ruchów jakie należy wykonać by dotrze
def succ(elem): # funkcja następnika, przypisuje jakie akcje są możliwe do wykonania na danym polu oraz jaki będzie stan (kierunek, położenie) po wykonaniu tej akcji
def graphsearch(explored, fringe, goaltest, istate): # przeszukiwanie grafu wszerz