Created by PLY version 3.11 ( Grammar Rule 0 S' -> command Rule 1 command -> operate NUMBER article Rule 2 article -> attribute article Rule 3 attribute -> COLOR Rule 4 attribute -> MATERIAL Rule 5 attribute -> SIZE Rule 6 article -> KIND Rule 7 operate -> OPERATE Terminals, with rules where they appear COLOR : 3 KIND : 6 MATERIAL : 4 NUMBER : 1 OPERATE : 7 SIZE : 5 error : Nonterminals, with rules where they appear article : 1 2 attribute : 2 command : 0 operate : 1 Parsing method: LALR state 0 (0) S' -> . command (1) command -> . operate NUMBER article (7) operate -> . OPERATE OPERATE shift and go to state 3 command shift and go to state 1 operate shift and go to state 2 state 1 (0) S' -> command . state 2 (1) command -> operate . NUMBER article NUMBER shift and go to state 4 state 3 (7) operate -> OPERATE . NUMBER reduce using rule 7 (operate -> OPERATE .) state 4 (1) command -> operate NUMBER . article (2) article -> . attribute article (6) article -> . KIND (3) attribute -> . COLOR (4) attribute -> . MATERIAL (5) attribute -> . SIZE KIND shift and go to state 7 COLOR shift and go to state 8 MATERIAL shift and go to state 9 SIZE shift and go to state 10 article shift and go to state 5 attribute shift and go to state 6 state 5 (1) command -> operate NUMBER article . $end reduce using rule 1 (command -> operate NUMBER article .) state 6 (2) article -> attribute . article (2) article -> . attribute article (6) article -> . KIND (3) attribute -> . COLOR (4) attribute -> . MATERIAL (5) attribute -> . SIZE KIND shift and go to state 7 COLOR shift and go to state 8 MATERIAL shift and go to state 9 SIZE shift and go to state 10 attribute shift and go to state 6 article shift and go to state 11 state 7 (6) article -> KIND . $end reduce using rule 6 (article -> KIND .) state 8 (3) attribute -> COLOR . KIND reduce using rule 3 (attribute -> COLOR .) COLOR reduce using rule 3 (attribute -> COLOR .) MATERIAL reduce using rule 3 (attribute -> COLOR .) SIZE reduce using rule 3 (attribute -> COLOR .) state 9 (4) attribute -> MATERIAL . KIND reduce using rule 4 (attribute -> MATERIAL .) COLOR reduce using rule 4 (attribute -> MATERIAL .) MATERIAL reduce using rule 4 (attribute -> MATERIAL .) SIZE reduce using rule 4 (attribute -> MATERIAL .) state 10 (5) attribute -> SIZE . KIND reduce using rule 5 (attribute -> SIZE .) COLOR reduce using rule 5 (attribute -> SIZE .) MATERIAL reduce using rule 5 (attribute -> SIZE .) SIZE reduce using rule 5 (attribute -> SIZE .) state 11 (2) article -> attribute article . $end reduce using rule 2 (article -> attribute article .)