format 224 classinstance 128023 class_ref 128023 // Klient name "" xyz 29 4 2005 life_line_z 2000 classinstance 128151 class_ref 128131 // Bankomat name "" xyz 159 4 2005 life_line_z 2000 classinstance 128279 class_ref 129667 // Wplata name "" xyz 332 4 2005 life_line_z 2000 classinstance 128407 class_ref 130435 // Komunikat name "" xyz 445 4 2005 life_line_z 2000 fragment 134423 "kwota != kwotaOblicz" xyzwh 10 401 2025 574 182 end durationcanvas 128919 classinstance_ref 128023 // :Klient xyzwh 48 83 2010 11 96 end durationcanvas 129047 classinstance_ref 128151 // :Bankomat xyzwh 191 83 2010 11 25 end durationcanvas 130071 classinstance_ref 128151 // :Bankomat xyzwh 191 150 2010 11 28 end durationcanvas 130583 classinstance_ref 128279 // :Wplata xyzwh 355 162 2010 11 195 overlappingdurationcanvas 131351 xyzwh 361 235 2020 11 117 end end durationcanvas 130839 classinstance_ref 128151 // :Bankomat xyzwh 191 200 2010 11 59 end durationcanvas 131607 classinstance_ref 128407 // :Komunikat xyzwh 478 339 2010 11 31 end durationcanvas 131991 classinstance_ref 128151 // :Bankomat xyzwh 191 359 2010 11 25 end durationcanvas 132247 classinstance_ref 128023 // :Klient xyzwh 48 367 2010 11 25 end durationcanvas 132887 classinstance_ref 128279 // :Wplata xyzwh 355 451 2010 11 40 end durationcanvas 133015 classinstance_ref 128151 // :Bankomat xyzwh 191 446 2010 11 30 end durationcanvas 133271 classinstance_ref 128023 // :Klient xyzwh 48 451 2010 11 25 end durationcanvas 133527 classinstance_ref 128407 // :Komunikat xyzwh 478 473 2010 11 36 end durationcanvas 133911 classinstance_ref 128151 // :Bankomat xyzwh 191 492 2010 11 25 end durationcanvas 134167 classinstance_ref 128023 // :Klient xyzwh 48 504 2010 11 25 end lostfoundmsgsupport 131735 xyz 364 341 2025 lostfoundmsgsupport 133655 xyz 356 475 2020 msg 129175 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 128919 to durationcanvas_ref 129047 yz 83 2015 explicitmsg "wklada gotowke" show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default label_xy 70 66 msg 130199 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 128919 to durationcanvas_ref 130071 yz 150 2015 explicitmsg "zatwerdz()" show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default label_xy 95 134 msg 130967 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 130583 to durationcanvas_ref 130839 yz 201 2015 explicitmsg "oblicz()" show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default label_xy 225 185 msg 131095 return from durationcanvas_ref 130071 to durationcanvas_ref 130583 yz 167 3005 explicitmsg "return(stan:Bool)" show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default label_xy 217 151 msg 131223 return from durationcanvas_ref 130839 to durationcanvas_ref 130583 yz 241 2015 explicitmsg "return(kwotaOblicz:int)" show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default label_xy 213 226 reflexivemsg 131479 synchronous to durationcanvas_ref 131351 yz 235 2025 explicitmsg "poruwnajKwoty(kwota:int,kwotaOblcz:int)" show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default label_xy 273 210 msg 131863 found_synchronous from lostfoundmsgsupport_ref 131735 to durationcanvas_ref 131607 yz 339 2025 explicitmsg "Komunikat: zatwerdzenieTranzakcji" stereotype "<>" xyz 391 355 3000 show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default label_xy 323 323 msg 132119 return from durationcanvas_ref 131607 to durationcanvas_ref 131991 yz 359 3005 explicitmsg "komunikat" show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default label_xy 310 343 msg 132375 return from durationcanvas_ref 131991 to durationcanvas_ref 132247 yz 367 3010 explicitmsg "komunikat" show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default label_xy 95 351 msg 133143 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 132887 to durationcanvas_ref 133015 yz 451 2015 explicitmsg "odajGotowke()" show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default label_xy 237 435 msg 133399 synchronous from durationcanvas_ref 133015 to durationcanvas_ref 133271 yz 451 2020 explicitmsg "odebranie" show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default label_xy 97 435 msg 133783 found_synchronous from lostfoundmsgsupport_ref 133655 to durationcanvas_ref 133527 yz 473 2020 explicitmsg "komunikat: Kwota nie poprawna" stereotype "<>" xyz 387 489 3000 show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default label_xy 329 457 msg 134039 return from durationcanvas_ref 133527 to durationcanvas_ref 133911 yz 492 3005 explicitmsg "komunikat" show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default label_xy 310 476 msg 134295 return from durationcanvas_ref 133911 to durationcanvas_ref 134167 yz 504 3010 explicitmsg "komunikat" show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default label_xy 95 488 end