92 lines
3.6 KiB
92 lines
3.6 KiB
format 224
classinstance 133379 class_ref 128131 // Bankomat
name "" xyz 259 7 2000 life_line_z 2000
classinstance 133507 class_ref 128023 // Klient
drawing_mode actor name "" xyz 59 7 2000 life_line_z 2000
fragment 133635 "wystarczajacaIloscSrodkow = false"
xyzwh 27 402.5 2000 767 168
classinstance 133763 class_ref 128003 // Karta
name "" xyz 678 8 2000 life_line_z 2000
classinstance 133891 class_ref 129795 // Przelew
name "" xyz 753 7 2000 life_line_z 2000
classinstance 134019 class_ref 153475 // ObslugaTransakcji
name "" xyz 475 8 2005 life_line_z 2000
durationcanvas 134147 classinstance_ref 133379 // :Bankomat
xyzwh 285 439 2010 11 65
durationcanvas 134275 classinstance_ref 134019 // :ObslugaTransakcji
xyzwh 520 115 2010 11 142
durationcanvas 134403 classinstance_ref 133507 // :Klient
xyzwh 70 98 2010 11 40
durationcanvas 134531 classinstance_ref 133763 // :Karta
xyzwh 697 133 2010 11 72
durationcanvas 134659 classinstance_ref 133891 // :Przelew
xyzwh 774 246 2010 11 49
durationcanvas 134787 classinstance_ref 133379 // :Bankomat
xyzwh 285 103 2010 11 230
durationcanvas 134915 classinstance_ref 133507 // :Klient
xyzwh 70 456 2010 11 62
durationcanvas 136323 classinstance_ref 134019 // :ObslugaTransakcji
xyzwh 520 414 2010 11 64
msg 135043 return
from durationcanvas_ref 134275
to durationcanvas_ref 134787
yz 203 2020 explicitmsg "return wystarczajacaIloscSrodkow: boolean"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
label_xy 307 192
msg 135171 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 134787
to durationcanvas_ref 134275
yz 121 2015 explicitmsg "dodajKwotePrzelewu()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
args "kwota"
label_xy 321 111
msg 135299 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 134275
to durationcanvas_ref 134531
yz 133 2020 explicitmsg "pobierzIloscSrodkow()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
label_xy 548 122
msg 135427 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 134275
to durationcanvas_ref 134659
yz 246 2015 explicitmsg "dodajKwotePrzelewu()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
args "kwota"
label_xy 538 235
msg 135555 return
from durationcanvas_ref 134147
to durationcanvas_ref 134915
yz 471 2015 explicitmsg "powtorzProbe"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
label_xy 116 460
msg 135683 synchronous
from durationcanvas_ref 134403
to durationcanvas_ref 134787
yz 103 2015 explicitmsg "wprowadzKwotePrzelewu()"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
args "kwota: wartosc"
label_xy 84 91
msg 135811 return
from durationcanvas_ref 134531
to durationcanvas_ref 134275
yz 169 2015 explicitmsg "return dostepneSrodki: wartosc"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
label_xy 547 158
msg 136451 return
from durationcanvas_ref 136323
to durationcanvas_ref 134147
yz 455 2015 explicitmsg "return wystarczajacaIloscSrodkow"
show_full_operations_definition default show_class_of_operation default drawing_language default show_context_mode default
label_xy 303 444