Update on Overleaf.

This commit is contained in:
filipg 2021-10-18 19:37:05 +00:00 committed by node
commit 2f39dd5892
45 changed files with 25926 additions and 0 deletions

ACM-Reference-Format.bst Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

Jenkinsfile vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
pipeline {
agent { label 'tau2013z' }
stages {
stage ('get-autozoil') {
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checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '*/master']], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [[$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: 'autozoil']], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[url: 'https://gitlab.com/filipg/autozoil.git']]])
stage ('build-pdf') {
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sh """
make clean
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archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'stats.txt', fingerprint: true
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group: 'Plot Group',
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exclZero: false,
keepRecords: false,
logarithmic: false,
numBuilds: '',
useDescr: false,
yaxis: '',
yaxisMaximum: '',
yaxisMinimum: ''
stage ('autozoil') {
steps {
sh """
rm -f autozoil.xml
AUTOZOIL_DIR=autozoil make autozoil.xml
post {
always {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'autozoil.xml', fingerprint: true
junit 'autozoil.xml'

Makefile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
SHELL=/bin/bash -O globstar
# Do not edit these values, they should be changed by modifying .cookiecutter.yml
# and re-applying the template
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ifeq ($(LATEX_TEMPLATE),eacl)
ifeq ($(LATEX_TEMPLATE),pw-thesis)
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all: $(PAPER_ID).pdf abstract.txt stats.txt sentences.txt helpers/$(PAPER_ID)-contribution-declaration.pdf
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bibtex $(PAPER_ID)
pdflatex $<
pdflatex $<
# to be copied and pasted as plain text (without LaTeX stuff)
abstract.txt: abstract.tex
cat $< | perl -pne 's/noqa\{[^}]+\}//g' | detex > $@
sentences.txt: $(PAPER_ID).pdf helpers/get-sentences.sh helpers/pdf-to-plain-text.sh helpers/strip-references.pl
bash helpers/get-sentences.sh $< > $@
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curl "https://gonito.net/api/txt/score/$(subst $(space),%20,$*)" -o "$@"
autozoil-log.txt: $(CONTENT_TEX_SOURCES)
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ifeq ($(HAS_SUPPLEMENT),yes)
supplement.zip: the-appendix.pdf
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the-appendix.pdf: the-appendix.tex appendix.tex
pdflatex the-appendix
pdflatex the-appendix
pdflatex the-appendix
ifeq ($(WITH_ARXIV_PACKAGE),yes)
# test whether a paper can be generated from the arxiv package
arxiv-$(PAPER_ID).pdf: arxiv-$(PAPER_ID).tar.gz helpers/generate-pdf-from-arxiv-package.sh
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arxiv-$(PAPER_ID).tar.gz: $(PAPER_ID).tex preamble.tex metadata.tex $(CONTENT_TEX_SOURCES) bibliography.bib $(SCOREFILES) helpers/prepare-arxiv-package.sh helpers/flatten-structure.pl
bash -xe helpers/prepare-arxiv-package.sh $(LATEX_TEMPLATE) $@
ifeq ($(LATEX_TEMPLATE),pw-thesis)
titlepage.pdf: titlepage.tex
xelatex $<
helpers/$(PAPER_ID)-contribution-declaration.pdf: helpers/$(PAPER_ID)-contribution-declaration.tex bibliography.bib
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(cd helpers && biber $(PAPER_ID)-contribution-declaration)
(cd helpers && pdflatex $(PAPER_ID)-contribution-declaration.tex)
helpers/$(PAPER_ID)-contribution-declaration.tex: contributions.yaml helpers/contribution-declaration.tex.tmpl helpers/generate-contribution-declaration.py
(cd helpers && python3 generate-contribution-declaration.py) < $< > $@

README.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# msc-drozdz
Alex Drożdż MSc Thesis
[![pipeline status](https://git.wmi.amu.edu.pl/s468642/msc-drozdz/badges/master/pipeline.svg)](https://git.wmi.amu.edu.pl/s468642/msc-drozdz/commits/master)

abstract-pl.tex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Streszczenie po polsku (dla niektórych szablonów).

abstract.tex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Sample abstract.

acl.bst Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

acmart.cls Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

amuthesis.cls Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,976 @@
\ProvidesClass{amuthesis}[2017/10/01 AMU Thesis]
% ======================================================== %
% Obsługa opcji pakietu %
% ======================================================== %
% Język dokumentu
% Wcięcia pierwszych akapitów w paragrafie
% Logo zamiast nazwy uczelni
% Zamiana numeru i nazwy otoczenia
% Numerowanie wierszy
% Wsparcie dla stron pustych
% Skład jedno- i dwustronny
% Obsłuż nieznane opcje
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% Oprzyj dokument na jednym z zestawów, w zależności
% od statusu opcji 'optpolski'
% Uruchom numerację wierszy, jeśli do klasy przekazano
% opcję 'lineno'
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% Ustal rozmiar dokumentu
% Zapewnij poprawną interakcję wewnątrz pliku PDF
% Obsłuż opis pustych stron
\leftblank{Ta strona jest pusta.}
\leftblank{This page intentionally left blank.}
% Dołącz podstawowe pakiety
% ======================================================== %
% Etykiety %
% ======================================================== %
% ======================================================== %
% Listingi %
% ======================================================== %
% ======================================================== %
% Otoczenia %
% ======================================================== %
\thmnote{ {\the\thm@notefont(#3)}}}
% ======================================================== %
% Konfiguracja i polecenia specjalne %
% ======================================================== %
% Ustawienia składu pionowego
% Zdefiniuj otoczenia dla abstraktów
% Zdefiniuj otoczenie dla dedykacji
% ======================================================== %
% Strona tytułowa %
% ======================================================== %
% Zdefiniuj parametry strony tytułowej
% \firstAuthor
% \secondAuthor
% \thirdAuthor
% \fourthAuthor
% \firstAlbum
% \secondAlbum
% \thirdAlbum
% \fourthAlbum
% Wydział
\facultyM{\emph{[Zdefiniuj wydzia\l{}]}}
\facultyD{\emph{[Zdefiniuj wydzia\l{}]}}
% --- WA --- Wydział Anglistyki
\facultyM{Wydzia\l{} Anglistyki}
\facultyD{Wydzia\l{}u Anglistyki}
% --- WAiK --- Wydział Antropologii i Kulturoznawstwa
\facultyM{Wydzia\l{} Antropologii i Kulturoznawstwa}
\facultyD{Wydzia\l{}u Antropologii i Kulturoznawstwa}
% --- WAr --- Wydział Archeologii
\facultyM{Wydzia\l{} Archeologii}
\facultyD{Wydzia\l{}u Archeologii}
% --- WB --- Wydział Biologii
\facultyM{Wydzia\l{} Biologii}
\facultyD{Wydzia\l{}u Biologii}
% --- WCh --- Wydział Chemii
\facultyM{Wydzia\l{} Chemii}
\facultyD{Wydzia\l{}u Chemii}
% --- WFPiK --- Wydział Filologii Polskiej i Klasycznej
\facultyM{Wydzia\l{} Filologii Polskiej i~Klasycznej}
\facultyD{Wydzia\l{}u Filologii Polskiej i~Klasycznej}
% --- WFi --- Wydział Filozoficzny
\facultyM{Wydzia\l{} Filozoficzny}
\facultyD{Wydzia\l{}u Filolozoficznego}
% --- WF --- Wydział Fizyki
\facultyM{Wydzia\l{} Fizyki}
\facultyD{Wydzia\l{}u Fizyki}
% --- WGSE --- Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki Przestrzennej
\facultyM{Wydzia\l{} Geografii Spo\l{}eczno-Ekonomicznej i~Gospodarki Przestrzennej}
\facultyD{Wydzia\l{}u Geografii Spo\l{}eczno-Ekonomicznej i~Gospodarki Przestrzennej}
% --- WH --- Wydział Historii
\facultyM{Wydzia\l{} Historii}
\facultyD{Wydzia\l{}u Historii}
% --- WMiI --- Wydział Matematyki i Informatyki
\facultyM{Wydzia\l{} Matematyki i~Informatyki}
\facultyD{Wydzia\l{}u Matematyki i~Informatyki}
% --- WNGiG --- Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych
\facultyM{Wydzia\l{} Nauk Geograficznych i~Geologicznych}
\facultyD{Wydzia\l{}u Nauk Geograficznych i~Geologicznych}
% --- WNoS --- Wydział Nauk o Sztuce
\facultyM{Wydzia\l{} Nauk o~Sztuce}
\facultyD{Wydzia\l{}u Nauk o~Sztuce}
% --- WNPiD --- Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa
\facultyM{Wydzia\l{} Nauk Politycznych i~Dziennikarstwa}
\facultyD{Wydzia\l{}u Nauk Politycznych i~Dziennikarstwa}
% --- WN --- Wydział Neofilologii
\facultyM{Wydzia\l{} Neofilologii}
\facultyD{Wydzia\l{}u Neofilologii}
% --- WPiK --- Wydział Psychologii i Kognitywistyki
\facultyM{Wydzia\l{} Psychologii i Kognitywistyki}
\facultyD{Wydzia\l{}u Psychologii i Kognitywistyki}
% --- WPAK --- Wydział Pedagogiczno-Artystyczny w Kaliszu
\facultyM{Wydzia\l{} Pedagogiczno-Artystyczny w~Kaliszu}
\facultyD{Wydzia\l{}u Pedagogiczno-Artystycznego w~Kaliszu}
% --- WPiA --- Wydział Prawa i Administracji
\facultyM{Wydzia\l{} Prawa i~Administracji}
\facultyD{Wydzia\l{}u Prawa i~Administracji}
% --- WS --- Wydział Socjologii
\facultyM{Wydzia\l{} Socjologii}
\facultyD{Wydzia\l{}u Socjologii}
% --- WSE --- Wydział Studiów Edukacyjnych
\facultyM{Wydzia\l{} Studi\'ow Edukacyjnych}
\facultyD{Wydzia\l{}u Studi\'ow Edukacyjnych}
% --- WT --- Wydział Teologiczny
\facultyM{Wydzia\l{} Teologiczny}
\facultyD{Wydzia\l{}u Teologicznego}
% --- IKE --- Instytut Kultury Europejskiej w Gnieźnie
\facultyM{Instytut Kultury Europejskiej w~Gnie\'znie}
\facultyD{Instytutu Kultury Europejskiej w~Gnie\'znie}
% Zdefiniuj polecenie '\maketitle'
Numer albumu: \@firstAlbum\strut\par}%
Numer albumu: \@secondAlbum\strut\par}
Numer albumu: \@thirdAlbum\strut\par}
\noindent Numer albumu: \@fourthAlbum\strut\par}
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu%
Numer albumu: \@firstAlbum\strut\par}%
Numer albumu: \@secondAlbum\strut\par}
Numer albumu: \@thirdAlbum\strut\par}
\noindent Numer albumu: \@fourthAlbum\strut\par}
% Uzależnij kolejność tytułów od wybranego języka
Praca \@type{} na kierunku {\bfseries\@field{}}\\
(specjalno\'s\'c: \@specialty)\\
napisana pod opiek\k{a}\\
% ======================================================== %
% Oświadczenie %
% ======================================================== %
% Zdefiniuj parametry oświadczenia
% Zdefiniuj polecenie '\makestatement'
\vskip 2.5 \baselineskip
\vbox to 6 \baselineskip{%
\vskip 1.5 \baselineskip O\'swiadczenie\par%
Ja, ni\.zej %
\if@stmaleFirstAuthor podpisany \else podpisana \fi %
{\bfseries\@firstAuthor}, %
\if@stmaleFirstAuthor student \else studentka \fi %
\@facultyD{} Uniwersytetu im.~Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu o\'swiadczam, \.ze przedk\l{}adan\k{a} prac\k{e} dyplomow\k{a} pt. %
\emph{\@title} %
\if@stmaleFirstAuthor napisa\l{}em \else napisa\l{}am \fi %
samodzielnie. Oznacza to, \.ze przy pisaniu pracy, poza niezb\k{e}dnymi konsultacjami, nie %
\if@stmaleFirstAuthor korzysta\l{}em \else korzysta\l{}am \fi %
z pomocy innych os\'ob, a~w~szczeg\'olno\'sci nie %
\if@stmaleFirstAuthor zleca\l{}em \else zleca\l{}am \fi %
opracowania rozprawy lub jej cz\k{e}\'sci innym osobom, ani nie %
\if@stmaleFirstAuthor odpisywa\l{}em \else odpisywa\l{}am \fi %
tej rozprawy lub jej cz\k{e}\'sci od innych os\'ob. O\'swiadczam r\'ownie\.z, \.ze egzemplarz pracy dyplomowej w~wersji drukowanej jest ca\l{}kowicie zgodny z~egzemplarzem pracy dyplomowej w~wersji elektronicznej. Jednocze\'snie przyjmuj\k{e} do wiadomo\'sci, \.ze przypisanie sobie, w~pracy dyplomowej, autorstwa istotnego fragmentu lub innych element\'ow cudzego utworu lub ustalenia naukowego stanowi podstaw\k{e} stwierdzenia niewa\.zno\'sci post\k{e}powania w~sprawie nadania tytu\l{}u zawodowego.\par%
{[\texttt{\uppercase{\@stread}}]} & wyra\.zam zgod\k{e} na udost\k{e}pnianie mojej pracy w czytelni Archiwum UAM\\[1ex]
{[\texttt{\uppercase{\@stprotect}}]} & wyra\.zam zgod\k{e} na udost\k{e}pnianie mojej pracy w zakresie koniecznym do ochrony mojego prawa do autorstwa lub praw os\'ob trzecich\\
% Statement of second person.
\vskip 2.5 \baselineskip
\vbox to 6 \baselineskip{%
\vskip 1.5 \baselineskip O\'swiadczenie\par%
Ja, ni\.zej %
\if@stmaleSecondAuthor podpisany \else podpisana \fi %
{\bfseries\@secondAuthor}, %
\if@stmaleSecondAuthor student \else studentka \fi %
\@facultyD{} Uniwersytetu im.~Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu o\'swiadczam, \.ze przedk\l{}adan\k{a} prac\k{e} dyplomow\k{a} pt. %
\emph{\@title} %
\if@stmaleSecondAuthor napisa\l{}em \else napisa\l{}am \fi %
samodzielnie. Oznacza to, \.ze przy pisaniu pracy, poza niezb\k{e}dnymi konsultacjami, nie %
\if@stmaleSecondAuthor korzysta\l{}em \else korzysta\l{}am \fi %
z pomocy innych os\'ob, a~w~szczeg\'olno\'sci nie %
\if@stmaleSecondAuthor zleca\l{}em \else zleca\l{}am \fi %
opracowania rozprawy lub jej cz\k{e}\'sci innym osobom, ani nie %
\if@stmaleSecondAuthor odpisywa\l{}em \else odpisywa\l{}am \fi %
tej rozprawy lub jej cz\k{e}\'sci od innych os\'ob. O\'swiadczam r\'ownie\.z, \.ze egzemplarz pracy dyplomowej w~wersji drukowanej jest ca\l{}kowicie zgodny z~egzemplarzem pracy dyplomowej w~wersji elektronicznej. Jednocze\'snie przyjmuj\k{e} do wiadomo\'sci, \.ze przypisanie sobie, w~pracy dyplomowej, autorstwa istotnego fragmentu lub innych element\'ow cudzego utworu lub ustalenia naukowego stanowi podstaw\k{e} stwierdzenia niewa\.zno\'sci post\k{e}powania w~sprawie nadania tytu\l{}u zawodowego.\par%
{[\texttt{\uppercase{\@stread}}]} & wyra\.zam zgod\k{e} na udost\k{e}pnianie mojej pracy w czytelni Archiwum UAM\\[1ex]
{[\texttt{\uppercase{\@stprotect}}]} & wyra\.zam zgod\k{e} na udost\k{e}pnianie mojej pracy w zakresie koniecznym do ochrony mojego prawa do autorstwa lub praw os\'ob trzecich\\
% Statement of third person.
\vskip 2.5 \baselineskip
\vbox to 6 \baselineskip{%
\vskip 1.5 \baselineskip O\'swiadczenie\par%
Ja, ni\.zej %
\if@stmaleThirdAuthor podpisany \else podpisana \fi %
{\bfseries\@thirdAuthor}, %
\if@stmaleThirdAuthor student \else studentka \fi %
\@facultyD{} Uniwersytetu im.~Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu o\'swiadczam, \.ze przedk\l{}adan\k{a} prac\k{e} dyplomow\k{a} pt. %
\emph{\@title} %
\if@stmaleThirdAuthor napisa\l{}em \else napisa\l{}am \fi %
samodzielnie. Oznacza to, \.ze przy pisaniu pracy, poza niezb\k{e}dnymi konsultacjami, nie %
\if@stmaleThirdAuthor korzysta\l{}em \else korzysta\l{}am \fi %
z pomocy innych os\'ob, a~w~szczeg\'olno\'sci nie %
\if@stmaleThirdAuthor zleca\l{}em \else zleca\l{}am \fi %
opracowania rozprawy lub jej cz\k{e}\'sci innym osobom, ani nie %
\if@stmaleThirdAuthor odpisywa\l{}em \else odpisywa\l{}am \fi %
tej rozprawy lub jej cz\k{e}\'sci od innych os\'ob. O\'swiadczam r\'ownie\.z, \.ze egzemplarz pracy dyplomowej w~wersji drukowanej jest ca\l{}kowicie zgodny z~egzemplarzem pracy dyplomowej w~wersji elektronicznej. Jednocze\'snie przyjmuj\k{e} do wiadomo\'sci, \.ze przypisanie sobie, w~pracy dyplomowej, autorstwa istotnego fragmentu lub innych element\'ow cudzego utworu lub ustalenia naukowego stanowi podstaw\k{e} stwierdzenia niewa\.zno\'sci post\k{e}powania w~sprawie nadania tytu\l{}u zawodowego.\par%
{[\texttt{\uppercase{\@stread}}]} & wyra\.zam zgod\k{e} na udost\k{e}pnianie mojej pracy w czytelni Archiwum UAM\\[1ex]
{[\texttt{\uppercase{\@stprotect}}]} & wyra\.zam zgod\k{e} na udost\k{e}pnianie mojej pracy w zakresie koniecznym do ochrony mojego prawa do autorstwa lub praw os\'ob trzecich\\
% Statement of fourth person.
\vskip 2.5 \baselineskip
\vbox to 6 \baselineskip{%
\vskip 1.5 \baselineskip O\'swiadczenie\par%
Ja, ni\.zej %
\if@stmaleFourthAuthor podpisany \else podpisana \fi %
{\bfseries\@fourthAuthor}, %
\if@stmaleFourthAuthor student \else studentka \fi %
\@facultyD{} Uniwersytetu im.~Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu o\'swiadczam, \.ze przedk\l{}adan\k{a} prac\k{e} dyplomow\k{a} pt. %
\emph{\@title} %
\if@stmaleFourthAuthor napisa\l{}em \else napisa\l{}am \fi %
samodzielnie. Oznacza to, \.ze przy pisaniu pracy, poza niezb\k{e}dnymi konsultacjami, nie %
\if@stmaleFourthAuthor korzysta\l{}em \else korzysta\l{}am \fi %
z pomocy innych os\'ob, a~w~szczeg\'olno\'sci nie %
\if@stmaleFourthAuthor zleca\l{}em \else zleca\l{}am \fi %
opracowania rozprawy lub jej cz\k{e}\'sci innym osobom, ani nie %
\if@stmaleFourthAuthor odpisywa\l{}em \else odpisywa\l{}am \fi %
tej rozprawy lub jej cz\k{e}\'sci od innych os\'ob. O\'swiadczam r\'ownie\.z, \.ze egzemplarz pracy dyplomowej w~wersji drukowanej jest ca\l{}kowicie zgodny z~egzemplarzem pracy dyplomowej w~wersji elektronicznej. Jednocze\'snie przyjmuj\k{e} do wiadomo\'sci, \.ze przypisanie sobie, w~pracy dyplomowej, autorstwa istotnego fragmentu lub innych element\'ow cudzego utworu lub ustalenia naukowego stanowi podstaw\k{e} stwierdzenia niewa\.zno\'sci post\k{e}powania w~sprawie nadania tytu\l{}u zawodowego.\par%
{[\texttt{\uppercase{\@stread}}]} & wyra\.zam zgod\k{e} na udost\k{e}pnianie mojej pracy w czytelni Archiwum UAM\\[1ex]
{[\texttt{\uppercase{\@stprotect}}]} & wyra\.zam zgod\k{e} na udost\k{e}pnianie mojej pracy w zakresie koniecznym do ochrony mojego prawa do autorstwa lub praw os\'ob trzecich\\
% ======================================================== %
% Definicje poleceń hierarchicznych %
% ======================================================== %
% Rozdziały
\vskip 3 \baselineskip
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\vskip 1.5 \baselineskip#2\par%
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% Paragrafy
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\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\thesection.~\hskip 0.25em #2}%
\textsc{\thesection.~\hskip 0.25em #2}\par%
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\thesection~\hskip 1em #2}%
\textsc{\thesection~\hskip 1em #2}\par%
% Podparagrafy
\vskip 2 \baselineskip
\vbox to 1 \baselineskip{%
\vbox to 1 \baselineskip{%
\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{\thesubsection.~\hskip 0.25em #2}%
\textbf{\thesubsection.~\hskip 0.25em #2}\par%
\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{\thesubsection~\hskip 1em #2}%
\textbf{\thesubsection~\hskip 1em #2}\par%
% ======================================================== %
% Paginy %
% ======================================================== %
\markboth{\ifnum\value{chapter}>0\chaptername~\thechapter{}.~ \fi#1}{}}

autozoil-extras.tex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@

autozoil-via-docker.sh Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
docker run -v $(pwd):/link -it loxygen/autozoil /opt/autozoil/autozoil --locale pl_PL /link/main.tex --alt-log-file /link/msc-drozdz.log

bibliography.bib Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
% here the bibliographic entry for the paper itself should be given,
% used for generating declarations
author="MSc Title",
title="Alex Drożdż",
title = "{GE}val: Tool for Debugging {NLP} Datasets and Models",
author = "Grali{\'n}ski, Filip and
Wr{\'o}blewska, Anna and
Stanis{\l}awek, Tomasz and
Grabowski, Kamil and
G{\'o}recki, Tomasz",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2019 ACL Workshop BlackboxNLP: Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Networks for NLP",
month = aug,
year = "2019",
address = "Florence, Italy",
publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
url = "https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W19-4826",
pages = "254--262",
abstract = "This paper presents a simple but general and effective method to debug the output of machine learning (ML) supervised models, including neural networks. The algorithm looks for features that lower the evaluation metric in such a way that it cannot be ascribed to chance (as measured by their p-values). Using this method {--} implemented as MLEval tool {--} you can find: (1) anomalies in test sets, (2) issues in preprocessing, (3) problems in the ML model itself. It can give you an insight into what can be improved in the datasets and/or the model. The same method can be used to compare ML models or different versions of the same model. We present the tool, the theory behind it and use cases for text-based models of various types.",
@incollection {gonito2016,
title = {Gonito.net -- Open Platform for Research Competition, Cooperation and Reproducibility},
author = "Grali{\'n}ski, Filip and Jaworski, Rafa{\l} and Borchmann, {\L}ukasz and Wierzcho{\'n}, Piotr",
editor = "Branco, António and Calzolari , Nicoletta and Choukri, Khalid",
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4REAL Workshop: Workshop on Research Results Reproducibility and Resources Citation in Science and Technology of Language},
year = "2016",
pages = "13-20"

build.sh Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#!/bin/bash -xe
make autozoil-log.txt

coling2020.sty Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
% File coling2018.sty
% This is the LaTeX style file for Coling 2018. It is identical to
% the style file for Coling 2016.
% This is the LaTeX style file for Coling 2016. It is identical to
% the style file for Coling 2014.
% This is the LaTeX style file for Coling 2014. It is nearly identical to
% the style file for ACL 2014.
% Changes made: switched to single column format and removed margin around
% abtract
% This is the LaTeX style file for ACL 2014. It is nearly identical to
% the style files for ACL 2013, EACL 2006, ACL2005, ACL 2002, ACL
% 2001, ACL 2000, EACL 95 and EACL 99.
% Changes made include: adapt layout to A4 and centimeters, widen abstract
% This is the LaTeX style file for ACL 2000. It is nearly identical to the
% style files for EACL 95 and EACL 99. Minor changes include editing the
% instructions to reflect use of \documentclass rather than \documentstyle
% and removing the white space before the title on the first page
% -- John Chen, June 29, 2000
% To convert from submissions prepared using the style file aclsub.sty
% prepared for the ACL 2000 conference, proceed as follows:
% 1) Remove submission-specific information: \whichsession, \id,
% \wordcount, \otherconferences, \area, \keywords
% 2) \summary should be removed. The summary material should come
% after \maketitle and should be in the ``abstract'' environment
% 3) Check all citations. This style should handle citations correctly
% and also allows multiple citations separated by semicolons.
% 4) Check figures and examples. Because the final format is double-
% column, some adjustments may have to be made to fit text in the column
% or to choose full-width (\figure*} figures.
% 5) Change the style reference from aclsub to acl2000, and be sure
% this style file is in your TeX search path
% This is the LaTeX style file for EACL-95. It is identical to the
% style file for ANLP '94 except that the margins are adjusted for A4
% paper. -- abney 13 Dec 94
% The ANLP '94 style file is a slightly modified
% version of the style used for AAAI and IJCAI, using some changes
% prepared by Fernando Pereira and others and some minor changes
% by Paul Jacobs.
% Papers prepared using the aclsub.sty file and acl.bst bibtex style
% should be easily converted to final format using this style.
% (1) Submission information (\wordcount, \subject, and \makeidpage)
% should be removed.
% (2) \summary should be removed. The summary material should come
% after \maketitle and should be in the ``abstract'' environment
% (between \begin{abstract} and \end{abstract}).
% (3) Check all citations. This style should handle citations correctly
% and also allows multiple citations separated by semicolons.
% (4) Check figures and examples. Because the final format is double-
% column, some adjustments may have to be made to fit text in the column
% or to choose full-width (\figure*} figures.
% Place this in a file called aclap.sty in the TeX search path.
% (Placing it in the same directory as the paper should also work.)
% Prepared by Peter F. Patel-Schneider, liberally using the ideas of
% other style hackers, including Barbara Beeton.
% This style is NOT guaranteed to work. It is provided in the hope
% that it will make the preparation of papers easier.
% There are undoubtably bugs in this style. If you make bug fixes,
% improvements, etc. please let me know. My e-mail address is:
% pfps@research.att.com
% Papers are to be prepared using the ``acl'' bibliography style,
% as follows:
% \documentclass[11pt]{article}
% \usepackage{acl2000}
% \title{Title}
% \author{Author 1 \and Author 2 \\ Address line \\ Address line \And
% Author 3 \\ Address line \\ Address line}
% \begin{document}
% ...
% \bibliography{bibliography-file}
% \bibliographystyle{acl}
% \end{document}
% Author information can be set in various styles:
% For several authors from the same institution:
% \author{Author 1 \and ... \and Author n \\
% Address line \\ ... \\ Address line}
% if the names do not fit well on one line use
% Author 1 \\ {\bf Author 2} \\ ... \\ {\bf Author n} \\
% For authors from different institutions:
% \author{Author 1 \\ Address line \\ ... \\ Address line
% \And ... \And
% Author n \\ Address line \\ ... \\ Address line}
% To start a seperate ``row'' of authors use \AND, as in
% \author{Author 1 \\ Address line \\ ... \\ Address line
% \AND
% Author 2 \\ Address line \\ ... \\ Address line \And
% Author 3 \\ Address line \\ ... \\ Address line}
% If the title and author information does not fit in the area allocated,
% place \setlength\titlebox{<new height>} right after
% \usepackage{coling2018}
% where <new height> can be something larger than 5cm
\typeout{Conference Style for COLING 2020 -- prepared 29 Sep. 2019}
% NOTE: Some laser printers have a serious problem printing TeX output.
% These printing devices, commonly known as ``write-white'' laser
% printers, tend to make characters too light. To get around this
% problem, a darker set of fonts must be created for these devices.
% A4 modified by Eneko; again modified by Alexander for 5cm titlebox
\setlength{\paperwidth}{21cm} % A4
\setlength{\paperheight}{29.7cm}% A4
\flushbottom \sloppy
% We're never going to need a table of contents, so just flush it to
% save space --- suggested by drstrip@sandia-2
% Footnote without marker for copyright/licence statement
% Code taken from
% http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/30720/footnote-without-a-marker
% which claims to have taken it, in turn, from
% http://help-csli.stanford.edu/tex/latex-footnotes.shtml#unnumber
% Note the comment that there may be numbering problems if
% you are using the hyperref package.
% Code taken from
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/124410/hyperref-modifies-bibliography-style-of-acl-style-files
% which fixes incorrect bibliography styles when using the hyperref package
% Avoiding common accidental de-anonymization issue. --MM
\bf Anonymous COLING submission
% Title stuff, taken from deproc.
\def\@makefnmark{\hbox to 0pt{$^{\@thefnmark}$\hss}}
\@maketitle \@thanks
\let\maketitle\relax \let\@maketitle\relax
\def\@maketitle{\vbox to \titlebox{\hsize\textwidth
\linewidth\hsize \vskip 0.125in minus 0.125in \centering
{\Large\bf \@title \par} \vskip 0.2in plus 1fil minus 0.1in
{\def\and{\unskip\enspace{\rm and}\enspace}%
\def\And{\end{tabular}\hss \egroup \hskip 1in plus 2fil
\hbox to 0pt\bgroup\hss \begin{tabular}[t]{c}\bf}%
\def\AND{\end{tabular}\hss\egroup \hfil\hfil\egroup
\vskip 0.25in plus 1fil minus 0.125in
\hbox to \linewidth\bgroup\large \hfil\hfil
\hbox to 0pt\bgroup\hss \begin{tabular}[t]{c}\bf}
\hbox to \linewidth\bgroup\large \hfil\hfil
\hbox to 0pt\bgroup\hss \outauthor
\vskip 0.3in plus 2fil minus 0.1in
% margins for abstract
{\centerline{\large\bf Abstract}%
% Abstract}\vspace{0.5ex}\begin{quote}}{\par\end{quote}\vskip 1ex}
% bibliography
\labelwidth\leftmargini \advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
\topsep 1pt plus 2pt minus 1pt
\parsep 0.25ex plus 1pt \itemsep 0.25ex plus 1pt}
\list {[\arabic{enumi}]}{\settowidth\labelwidth{[#1]}\leftmargin\labelwidth
\def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus .33em minus -.07em}
% most of cite format is from aclsub.sty by SMS
% don't box citations, separate with ; and a space
% also, make the penalty between citations negative: a good place to break
% changed comma back to semicolon pj 2/1/90
% \def\@citex[#1]#2{\if@filesw\immediate\write\@auxout{\string\citation{#2}}\fi
% \def\@citea{}\@cite{\@for\@citeb:=#2\do
% {\@citea\def\@citea{;\penalty\@citeseppen\ }\@ifundefined
% {b@\@citeb}{{\bf ?}\@warning
% {Citation `\@citeb' on page \thepage \space undefined}}%
% {\csname b@\@citeb\endcsname}}}{#1}}
% don't box citations, separate with ; and a space
% Replaced for multiple citations (pj)
% don't box citations and also add space, semicolon between multiple citations
{\@citea\def\@citea{; }\@ifundefined
{b@\@citeb}{{\bf ?}\@warning
{Citation `\@citeb' on page \thepage \space undefined}}%
{\csname b@\@citeb\endcsname}}}{#1}}
% Allow short (name-less) citations, when used in
% conjunction with a bibliography style that creates labels like
% \citename{<names>, }<year>
\def\cite{\def\citename##1{##1, }\@internalcite}
\def\newcite{\def\citename##1{{\frenchspacing##1} (}\@internalciteb}
% Macros for \newcite, which leaves name in running text, and is
% otherwise like \shortcite.
{\@citea\def\@citea{;\penalty\@m\ }\@ifundefined
{b@\@citeb}{{\bf ?}\@warning
{Citation `\@citeb' on page \thepage \space undefined}}%
{\csname b@\@citeb\endcsname}}}{#1}}
\def\@internalciteb{\@ifnextchar [{\@tempswatrue\@citexb}{\@tempswafalse\@citexb[]}}
\def\@newcite#1#2{{#1\if@tempswa, #2\fi)}}
%%% More changes made by SMS (originals in latex.tex)
% Use parentheses instead of square brackets in the text.
\def\@cite#1#2{({#1\if@tempswa , #2\fi})}
% Don't put a label in the bibliography at all. Just use the unlabeled format
% instead.
\def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus .33em minus -.07em}
% Allow for a bibliography of sources of attested examples
\section*{Sources of Attested Examples\@mkboth
{Sources of Attested Examples}{Sources of Attested Examples}}\list
\def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus .33em minus -.07em}
{ \def\protect##1{\string ##1\space}\immediate
\def\@bibitem#1{\item\if@filesw \immediate\write\@auxout
% sections with less space
\def\section{\@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}{-2.0ex plus
-0.5ex minus -.2ex}{1.5ex plus 0.3ex minus .2ex}{\large\bf\raggedright}}
\def\subsection{\@startsection{subsection}{2}{\z@}{-1.8ex plus
-0.5ex minus -.2ex}{0.8ex plus .2ex}{\normalsize\bf\raggedright}}
%% changed by KO to - values to get teh initial parindent right
\def\subsubsection{\@startsection{subsubsection}{3}{\z@}{-1.5ex plus
-0.5ex minus -.2ex}{0.5ex plus .2ex}{\normalsize\bf\raggedright}}
\def\paragraph{\@startsection{paragraph}{4}{\z@}{1.5ex plus
0.5ex minus .2ex}{-1em}{\normalsize\bf}}
\def\subparagraph{\@startsection{subparagraph}{5}{\parindent}{1.5ex plus
0.5ex minus .2ex}{-1em}{\normalsize\bf}}
% Footnotes
\footnotesep 6.65pt %
\skip\footins 9pt plus 4pt minus 2pt
\def\footnoterule{\kern-3pt \hrule width 5pc \kern 2.6pt }
% Lists and paragraphs
\parindent 1em
\topsep 4pt plus 1pt minus 2pt
\partopsep 1pt plus 0.5pt minus 0.5pt
\itemsep 2pt plus 1pt minus 0.5pt
\parsep 2pt plus 1pt minus 0.5pt
\leftmargin 2em \leftmargini\leftmargin \leftmarginii 2em
\leftmarginiii 1.5em \leftmarginiv 1.0em \leftmarginv .5em \leftmarginvi .5em
\labelwidth\leftmargini\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep \labelsep 5pt
\topsep 2pt plus 1pt minus 0.5pt
\parsep 1pt plus 0.5pt minus 0.5pt
\itemsep \parsep}
\topsep 1pt plus 0.5pt minus 0.5pt
\parsep \z@ \partopsep 0.5pt plus 0pt minus 0.5pt
\itemsep \topsep}
\abovedisplayskip 7pt plus2pt minus5pt%
\belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip
\abovedisplayshortskip 0pt plus3pt%
\belowdisplayshortskip 4pt plus3pt minus3pt%
% Less leading in most fonts (due to the narrow columns)
% The choices were between 1-pt and 1.5-pt leading

config.tex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
% In this file some settings are passed from cookiecutter to LaTeX.
% Do not edit this file, but rather change .cookiecutter.yml and
% re-apply the template.
% whether an appendix was created
% whether the appendix will actually be shown;
% note: in some template, the appendix cannot be rendered,
% you can use this conditional to change the content of your paper
% (for instance, to remove parts like "see Appendix")

contributions.yaml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# This is in YAML format so we can easily generate
# contribution declarations to be signed by the authors.
title: MSc Title
- author: Alex Drożdż
level: 1
- did this
- did that
- author: Józef Igrekowski
level: 1
- did something else
- author: Adam Abacki
- did something else

Binary file not shown.

cup_logo.eps Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

extract-score-files.pl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
use strict;
my %found = ();
for my $filepath (@ARGV) {
open(my $ih, '<', $filepath);
binmode($ih, ':utf8');
while (my $line=<$ih>) {
while ($line =~ m<\\gonito(?:barescore|score|entry)\{([^\}]+)\}>g) {
$found{$1} = 1;
print join(" ", map { "scores/${_}.txt" } map { s/ /\\ /g; $_} sort keys %found);

extras.tex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: "msc-drozdz"
%%% End:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
\usepackage[total={170mm,277mm}, left=20mm, top=10mm]{geometry}
{\bf Declaration}
I hereby declare that the contribution to the following paper:
\noindent is correctly characterized in the table below{% if nb_of_levels == 0 %}.{% elif nb_of_levels == 1 %} ({{ level_symbols[0] }} denotes equal contributions).{% else %} ({% for lix in range(nb_of_levels) %}{% if lix == nb_of_levels - 1 %}{} and {{ level_symbols[lix] }}{} denote groups of equal contributions).{% elif lix == 0 %}{{ level_symbols[lix] }}{% else %}, {{ level_symbols[lix] }}{% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}
Contributor & Description of main tasks \\
{% for author in data['authors'] %}
{{ author['author'] }}{% if 'level' in author %}{{level_symbols[author['level']-1]}}{% endif %}
\begin{minipage} [t] {0.6\textwidth}
{% for citem in author['contributions'] %}
\item {{citem}}
{% endfor %}
\end{minipage} \\
{% if loop.index == loop.length %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
\vskip 0.8cm
{% for author in data['authors'] %}
{{ author['author'] }}
{% if loop.index == loop.length %}
{% elif loop.index % 4 == 0 %}
\\ \addlinespace[0.5cm]
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# Flatten file structure (needed for an arxiv package)
use utf8;
use strict;
binmode(STDIN, ':utf8');
binmode(STDOUT, ':utf8');
my $subdir_regexp = qr{(?:figures|images)};
sub fix_subdirs {
my ($p) = @_;
$p =~ s{/}{-}g;
return $p;
while (my $line=<>) {
$line =~ s<\\graphicspath\{(\s*)\{${subdir_regexp}/\}(\s*)><\\graphicspath\{$1\{.\}$2>;
$line =~ s<(\\includegraphics[^{}]*?\{)./${subdir_regexp}/><${1}./>g;
$line =~ s<(\\includegraphics[^{}]*?\{)([^\.][^{}]+/)><"$1".fix_subdirs($2)>ge;
$line =~ s<\\input\{inputs/><\\input\{inputs->g;
$line =~ s<\\minput\{scores/\#1\.txt\}><\\minput{scores-#1.txt}>g;
print $line;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import yaml
import sys
import os
import datetime
from jinja2 import FileSystemLoader, Environment, PackageLoader, select_autoescape
env = Environment(
contributions = yaml.safe_load(sys.stdin)
tday = datetime.date.today()
ftday = tday.strftime('%B %d, %Y')
level_symbols = [
nb_of_levels = len(set((c['level'] for c in contributions['authors'] if 'level' in c)))
template = env.get_template("contribution-declaration.tex.tmpl")
print(template.render(tday=ftday, data=contributions, level_symbols=level_symbols, nb_of_levels=nb_of_levels))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
#!/bin/bash -xe
gentmpdir=$(mktemp -d 2>/dev/null || mktemp -d -t 'gentmpdir')
cp "$arxiv_package" "$gentmpdir/"
cd "$gentmpdir"
tar xvf "$arxiv_package"
for f in *
if [[ -d "$f" ]]
echo >&2 "Unexpected directory: '$f'"
exit 1
pdflatex "$main_source_file"
pdflatex "$main_source_file"
pdflatex "$main_source_file"
cd -
cp "$gentmpdir/ms.pdf" "$target_pdf"

helpers/get-sentences.sh Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
bash helpers/pdf-to-plain-text.sh "$1" | perl helpers/strip-references.pl | perl -pne 'chomp $_; $_.=" "' | python3 -m syntok.segmenter

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
pdftotext "$1" - | fgrep -v 'Confidential Review Copy' | grep -P -v '^(ACL 2020 Submission \*\*\*\. Confidential Review Copy\. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE\.|Anonymous ACL submission|Abstract|Results|Conclusions|https?://\S+)\s*$' | grep '[^[:space:]]' | egrep '[a-zA-Z]{2}' | perl -pne 's/\f//g;' | uniq

View File

@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
#!/bin/bash -xe
if command -v arxiv_latex_cleaner > /dev/null 2>/dev/null;
echo >&2 "Please install arxiv_latex_cleaner"
echo >&2 " git clone https://github.com/google-research/arxiv-latex-cleaner"
echo >&2 " cd arxiv_latex_cleaner"
echo >&2 " python3 setup.py install"
echo >&2 " (you might need to install zlib1g-dev and libjpeg8-dev packages first)"
exit 1
packtmpdir=$(mktemp -d 2>/dev/null || mktemp -d -t 'packtmpdir')
mkdir -p "$packtmpdir/project"
for f in "$@"
if [[ -r "$project_dir/$f" ]]
echo >&2 "The file '$f' will be overwritten. Something is wrong!!!"
exit 1
cp "$@" "$project_dir/"
if [[ -d "$subdir" ]]
find $subdir -type f | while read f
nf=$(echo "$f" | perl -pne 's{^[^/]+/}{}; s{/}{-}')
if [[ "$f" == *.tex ]]
perl helpers/flatten-structure.pl < "$f" > "$dst"
cp $f $dst
handle_subdir images
handle_subdir figures
handle_subdir scores
handle_subdir inputs
for latex_file in *.tex
if [[ "$latex_file" == "$arxiv_main_file" ]]
echo >&2 "Your repo cannot contain '$arxiv_main_file' file."
echo >&2 "This file is restricted for arxiv purposes"
exit 1
if [[ "$latex_file" == "msc-drozdz.tex" ]]
perl helpers/flatten-structure.pl < "$latex_file" > "$target_file"
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copy_to_project acmart.cls ACM-Reference-Format.bst
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elif [[ "$latex_template" == "poleval" ]]
copy_to_project poleval.bst poleval.cls
echo >&2 "Unknown template '$latex_template'!!!"
exit 1
copy_to_project bibliography.bib
perl -pne 's/^\s*\\usepackage\{xurl\}$//' -i "$project_dir/other-extras.tex"
(cd "$project_dir" && pdflatex "$main_source_file" && bibtex "$main_source" && rm "${main_source}.pdf")
arxiv_latex_cleaner "$project_dir" --commands_to_delete '\todo'
perl -pne 's/\\bibliography\{bibliography\}/\\bibliography\{ms\}/' -i "$project_arxiv_dir/$main_source_file"
(cd "$project_arxiv_dir" && tar zvcf "$heredir/$package_file" .)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
#!/bin/bash -e
echo "Setting up interoperability with Overleaf..."
echo "Note that you need ability to clone repos from Overleaf."
original_git_url=$(git remote get-url origin)
echo "Make sure $original_git_url exists at your git server."
echo "It should be created as en empty repo, *uncheck* option"
echo "'Initialize repository with a README' or similar."
echo ""
echo "Press ENTER to start"
here_dir=$(basename $PWD)
make source-pack
echo ""
echo "Go to Overleaf, click New Project / Upload Project,"
echo "then upload $source_pack from here ($(pwd)/$source_pack)"
echo ""
echo "When it is uploaded, click Menu / Git, copy the URL"
echo "(something like https://git.overleaf.com/123456789ec0830001af836f),"
echo "paste here and press ENTER"
overleaf_git_id=$(basename $overleaf_git_url)
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mv $here_dir ${here_dir}-backup
git clone $overleaf_git_url $here_dir
cd $here_dir
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git remote set-url origin $original_git_url
git config credential.helper "cache --timeout=10000000"
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cookiecutter https://git.wmi.amu.edu.pl/filipg/paper-cutter.git --checkout 4.7.0 --output-dir .. --config-file .cookiecutter.yml --no-input --overwrite-if-exists
git add --all
git commit -m 'Bring back all the files'
perl -pne 's{OVERLEAF_GIT_URL=}{OVERLEAF_GIT_URL='$overleaf_git_url'}' -i helpers/vars
git add helpers/vars
git commit -m 'Set vars'
git push overleaf master
git push origin master
cd ..
echo "DONE"
echo "Left ${backup_dir}, now type 'cd ..' and you can remove it"

helpers/stats.sh Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
here_dir=$(dirname "$0")
echo $here_dir
if [[ "$pdf_file" == "" ]]
>&2 echo "no file given"
exit 1
pages=$(pdfinfo "$1" | perl -ne 'print "$1\n" if /Pages:\s+(\d+)/')
chars=$(bash $here_dir/pdf-to-plain-text.sh "$1" | wc -m)
spages=$(echo "scale=1; $chars / 1800.0" | bc)
echo "$pages $chars $spages"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
use strict;
my @previously_skipped = ();
my $was_reference = 0;
while (my $line=<STDIN>) {
chomp $line;
if ($line =~ /^References$/) {
if ($was_reference) {
for my $pline (@previously_skipped) {
print "$pline\n";
@previously_skipped = ();
} else {
$was_reference = 1;
if ($was_reference) {
push @previously_skipped, $line;
} else {
print "$line\n";

helpers/synchro.sh Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
#!/bin/bash -xe
. helpers/vars
if [[ "$OVERLEAF_GIT_URL" == "" ]]
>&2 echo "Please set OVERLEAF_GIT_URL in `helpers/vars`"
exit 1
if [[ -e .git && ! -z "$(git status --untracked-files=no --porcelain)" ]]; then
>&2 echo "Uncommited changes, commit your changes first"
exit 1
git remote add overleaf "$OVERLEAF_GIT_URL" || git remote set-url overleaf "$OVERLEAF_GIT_URL"
git config credential.helper "cache --timeout=10000000"
git pull origin master
git pull overleaf master
git push overleaf master
git push origin master

helpers/vars Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# to be included with .

install-hooks.sh Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#!/bin/bash -xe
cp hooks/pre-push .git/hooks/pre-push
chmod 700 .git/hooks/pre-push

keywords-pl.tex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
jedno słowo kluczowe, inne słowo kluczowe

keywords.tex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
some keyword, another keyword

main.tex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
This is a~sample paper~\cite{gonito2016}.
See the experiments described \bycite{gonito2016}.
Please put your content here.
Gonito submission should be referenced like this
\footnote{Reference codes to repositories stored at
Gonito.net~\cite{gonito2016} are given in curly brackets. Such a~repository may be also accessed by going
to \url{http://gonito.net/q} and entering the code there.}

metadata.tex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
% --- Autorzy prac
% --- --- Imię i nazwisko
% --- --- Numer albumu
% --- --- Płeć (M/K)
\firstAuthor{ Alex Drożdż }
\firstAlbum{ 468642 }
%\secondAuthor{Autor Drugi}
%\thirdAuthor{Autor Trzeci}
%\fourthAuthor{Autor Czwarty}
% --- Tytuł pracy (w języku polskim i angielskim)
\titlePL{ MSc Title }
\titleEN{My thesis}
% --- Typ pracy (inżynierska, licencjacka, magisterska)
% --- Wydział (wykaz skrótów):
% --- --- WA --- Wydział Anglistyki
% --- --- WAiK --- Wydział Antropologii i Kulturoznawstwa
% --- --- WAr --- Wydział Archeologii
% --- --- WB --- Wydział Biologii
% --- --- WCh --- Wydział Chemii
% --- --- WFPiK --- Wydział Filologii Polskiej i Klasycznej
% --- --- WFi --- Wydział Filozoficzny
% --- --- WF --- Wydział Fizyki
% --- --- WGSE --- Wydział Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki Przestrzennej
% --- --- WH --- Wydział Historii
% --- --- WMiI --- Wydział Matematyki i Informatyki
% --- --- WNGiG --- Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych
% --- --- WNoS --- Wydział Nauk o Sztuce
% --- --- WNPiD --- Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa
% --- --- WN --- Wydział Neofilologii
% --- --- WPiK --- Wydział Psychologii i Kognitywistyki
% --- --- WPAK --- Wydział Pedagogiczno-Artystyczny w Kaliszu
% --- --- WPiA --- Wydział Prawa i Administracji
% --- --- WS --- Wydział Socjologii
% --- --- WSE --- Wydział Studiów Edukacyjnych
% --- --- WT --- Wydział Teologiczny
% --- --- IKE --- Instytut Kultury Europejskiej w Gnieźnie
% --- Kierunek (w mianowniku)
\field{ informatyka }
% --- Specjalność (w formie mianownikowej)
% --- (ustaw puste, jeśli bez specjalności)
\specialty{ aaa }
% --- Promotor (w dopełniaczu)
\supervisor{ prof. UAM Filip Graliński }
% --- Data złożenia pracy (Miasto, miesiąc rok)
\date{Poznań, grudzień 2020}
% --- Zgoda na udostępnienie pracy w czytelni (TAK/NIE)
% --- Zgoda na udostępnienie pracy w zakresie ochrony (TAK/NIE)
% --- Data podpisania oświadczenia (Miasto, data)
\stdate{Poznań, \today{} r.}

msc-drozdz.tex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
% [paper-cutter clarifications]
% DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE (unless you know what you are doing).
% Na podstawie https://github.com/bprzybylski/amuthesis/blob/master/thesis.tex
% Zdefiniuj kodowanie pliku źródłowego (domyślnie utf8)
% ======================================================== %
% Dodatkowe pakiety wykorzystywane w pracy %
% ======================================================== %
% ---------------------- PREAMBLE PART ------------------------------
% ======================================================== %
% Zasadnicza część dokumentu %
% ======================================================== %
% Strona tytułowa
% Oświadczenie
% Blok abstraktu w języku polskim
\paragraph{Słowa kluczowe:} klasa
% Blok abstraktu w języku angielskim
\paragraph{Keywords:} klasa
% Opcjonalny blok dedykacji
Tu możesz umieścić swoją dedykację.
% Spis treści
% ======================================================== %
% Właściwa część pracy %
% ======================================================== %

nle.cls Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

nlelike.bst Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

other-extras.tex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
% various custom definitions
% so that footnotes in tables would work
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/109467/footnote-in-tabular-environment
% for better typesetting of URLs
% input without unwanted end-of-line characters
\ifhmode\ifnum\lastnodetype=11 \unskip\fi\fi}
% Gonito stuff
% Format a reference to a Gonito submission
% A bare score from Gonito
% A score from Gonito along with a reference
\newcommand{\gonitoscore}[1]{\gonitobarescore{#1} \gonitoref{#1}}
% A reference and a score as two cells in a table
\newcommand{\gonitoentry}[1]{\gonitoref{#1} & \minput{scores/#1.txt}}
% A reference and a score as two cells in a table, the score will be
% marked as the best (typeset in bold)
\newcommand{\gonitobestentry}[1]{\gonitoref{#1} & \textbf{\minput{scores/#1.txt}}}

preamble.tex Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
% extra packages and definitions

run-gitlab-runner.sh Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
if [[ "$TEMPLATE_REPO_URL" == "" ]]
echo >&2 "Set the TEMPLATE_REPO_URL variable!"
exit 1
echo 'gitlab-runner launched locally does not handle `include` directives.'
echo 'THIS IS AN UGLY WORK-AROUND FOR https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/issues/3327'
template_version=$(grep -P "^\s*ref:\s*'[0-9.]+'\s*$" .gitlab-ci.yml | grep -o -P '[0-9.]+')
cookiecutter_paper_dir=`mktemp -d -t run-gitlab-runner.XXXXXXXXXXX`
(cd $cookiecutter_paper_dir && git clone ${TEMPLATE_REPO_DIR} -b $template_version)
new_gitlab_ci_yml=`mktemp -t new-gitlab-ci-yml.XXXXXXXXX`
perl -ne 'print if 1../THIS IS AN UGLY WORK-AROUND/' < .gitlab-ci.yml > $new_gitlab_ci_yml
cat ${cookiecutter_paper_dir}/cookiecutter-*-paper/main.yml >> $new_gitlab_ci_yml
cp $new_gitlab_ci_yml .gitlab-ci.yml
current_commit=`git rev-parse HEAD`
# committing the manufactured .gitlab-ci.yml for a moment
git add .gitlab-ci.yml
gitlab-runner exec docker "$@"
# going back to the original commit
git reset --hard $current_commit

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

uam-logo.pdf Normal file

Binary file not shown.