pipeline { agent none /* parameters { string(defaultValue: '6000', description: 'numbers of data entries to keep in train.csv', name: 'CUTOFF', trim: true) } */ stages { stage('copy files') { agent any steps { sh ''' cp ./lab1/script.sh . cp ./lab1/python_script.py . cp ./lab3/Dockerfile . cp ./lab3/requirements.txt . ''' } } /* stage('sh: Shell Script') { steps { withEnv(["KAGGLE_USERNAME=${params.KAGGLE_USERNAME}", "KAGGLE_KEY=${params.KAGGLE_KEY}" ]) { sh ''' chmod +x ./lab2/script-zadanie-2-4.sh ./lab2/script-zadanie-2-4.sh chmod +x ./lab2/script-zadanie-2-4-cutoff.sh''' sh "./lab2/script-zadanie-2-4-cutoff.sh ${params.CUTOFF}" } } } */ stage('docker') { agent { dockerfile true } stages { stage('test') { steps { sh 'cat /etc/issue' } } stage('actual') { steps { sh './script.sh' } } stage('archive artifacts') { steps { archiveArtifacts 'train.csv' archiveArtifacts 'test.csv' archiveArtifacts 'valid.csv' } } } } } }