20 KiB
20 KiB
Lemmatize glossary
TODO: train test split glossary
import time
import pandas as pd
import spacy
spacy_nlp_en = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
spacy_nlp_pl = spacy.load("pl_core_news_sm")
glossary = pd.read_csv('kompendium.tsv', sep='\t', header=None, names=['source', 'result'])
source_lemmatized = []
for word in glossary['source']:
temp = []
for token in spacy_nlp_en(word):
source_lemmatized.append(' '.join(temp).replace(' - ', '-').replace(' ’', '’').replace(' / ', '/').replace(' ( ', '(').replace(' ) ', ')'))
result_lemmatized = []
for word in glossary['result']:
temp = []
for token in spacy_nlp_pl(word):
result_lemmatized.append(' '.join(temp).replace(' - ', '-').replace(' ’', '’').replace(' / ', '/').replace(' ( ', '(').replace(' ) ', ')'))
glossary['source_lem'] = source_lemmatized
glossary['result_lem'] = result_lemmatized
glossary = glossary[['source', 'source_lem', 'result', 'result_lem']]
source | result | result_lem | |
source_lem | |||
aaofi | aaofi | organizacja rachunkowości i audytu dla islamsk... | organizacja rachunkowość i audyt dla islamski ... |
aca | aca | członek stowarzyszenia dyplomowanych biegłych ... | członek stowarzyszenie dyplomowany biegły rewi... |
acca | acca | stowarzyszenie dyplomowanych biegłych rewidentów | stowarzyszenie dyplomowany biegły rewident |
abacus | abacus | liczydło | liczydło |
abandonment cost | abandonment costs | koszty zaniechania | koszt zaniechanie |
... | ... | ... | ... |
ytd | ytd | od początku roku | od początek rok |
year-end | year-end | koniec roku | koniec rok |
year-to-date | year-to-date | od początku roku | od początek rok |
zog | zog | zero wzrostu kosztów ogólnych | zero wzrost koszt ogólny |
zero overhead growth | zero overhead growth | zero wzrostu kosztów ogólnych | zero wzrost koszt ogólny |
1197 rows × 3 columns
glossary.to_csv('kompendium_lem.tsv', sep='\t')
Lemmatize corpus
dev_path = 'mt-summit-corpora/dev/dev'
skip_chars = ''',./!?'''
with open(dev_path + '.en', 'r') as file:
file_lemmatized = []
for line in file:
temp = []
for token in spacy_nlp_en(line):
file_lemmatized.append(' '.join([x for x in temp if x not in skip_chars]).replace(' - ', '-').replace(' ’', '’').replace(' / ', '/').replace(' ( ', '(').replace(' ) ', ')'))
with open(dev_path + '.pl', 'r') as file:
file_pl_lemmatized = []
for line in file:
temp = []
for token in spacy_nlp_pl(line):
file_pl_lemmatized.append(' '.join([x for x in temp if x not in skip_chars]).replace(' - ', '-').replace(' ’', '’').replace(' / ', '/').replace(' ( ', '(').replace(' ) ', ')'))
in the course of the control the control audit firm shall fulfil the responsibility refer to in article 114 on date and in form specify by the controller w czas trwanie kontrola kontrolowany firma audytorski wypełnia obowiązek o których mowa w art 114 w ter-mina i forma wskazany przez osoba kontrolującą
Inject glossary
!!! Obsolete !!!
import spacy
from spaczz.matcher import FuzzyMatcher
glossary = pd.read_csv('kompendium_lem.tsv', sep='\t', header=0, index_col=0)
bad_words = ['ocf', 'toc', 'vas', 'vat']
train_glossary = glossary.iloc[[x for x in range(len(glossary)) if x % 6 != 0]]
nlp = spacy.blank("en")
matcher = FuzzyMatcher(nlp.vocab)
for word in train_glossary['source_lem']:
if word not in bad_words:
matcher.add(word, [nlp(word)])
en = []
translation_line_counts = []
for line_id, line in enumerate(file_lemmatized):
doc = nlp(line)
matches = matcher(doc)
not_injected = 0
for match_id, start, end, ratio in matches:
if ratio > 90:
not_injected += 1
en.append(''.join(doc[:end].text + ' ' + train_glossary.loc[lambda df: df['source_lem'] == match_id]['result'].astype(str).values.flatten() + ' ' + doc[end:].text))
if not_injected == 0:
not_injected = 1
import copy
tlcs = copy.deepcopy(translation_line_counts)
translations = pd.read_csv(dev_path + '.pl', sep='\t', header=None, names=['text'])
with open(dev_path + '.injected.pl', 'w') as file_pl:
for trans in translations.iterrows():
for _ in range(tlcs.pop(0)):
file_pl.write(trans[1]['text'] + '\n')
with open(dev_path + '.injected.en', 'w') as file_en:
for line in en:
Inject glossary Polish crosscheck
import spacy
from spaczz.matcher import FuzzyMatcher
# glossary
glossary = pd.read_csv('kompendium_lem.tsv', sep='\t', header=0, index_col=0)
train_glossary = glossary.iloc[[x for x in range(len(glossary)) if x % 6 != 0]]
# add rules to English matcher
nlp = spacy.blank("en")
matcher = FuzzyMatcher(nlp.vocab)
for word in train_glossary['source_lem']:
matcher.add(word, [nlp(word)])
# add rules to Polish matcher
nlp_pl = spacy.blank("pl")
matcher_pl = FuzzyMatcher(nlp_pl.vocab)
for word, word_id in zip(train_glossary['result_lem'], train_glossary['source_lem']):
matcher_pl.add(word, [nlp_pl(word)])
en = []
translation_line_counts = []
for line_id in range(len(file_lemmatized)):
doc = nlp(file_lemmatized[line_id])
matches = matcher(doc)
not_injected = 0
for match_id, start, end, ratio in matches:
if ratio > 90:
doc_pl = nlp_pl(file_pl_lemmatized[line_id])
matches_pl = matcher_pl(doc_pl)
for match_id_pl, start_pl, end_pl, ratio_pl in matches_pl:
if match_id_pl == glossary[glossary['source_lem'] == match_id].values[0][3]:
not_injected += 1
en.append(''.join(doc[:end].text + ' ' + train_glossary.loc[lambda df: df['source_lem'] == match_id]['result'].astype(str).values.flatten() + ' ' + doc[end:].text))
if not_injected == 0:
not_injected = 1
import copy
tlcs = copy.deepcopy(translation_line_counts)
translations = pd.read_csv(dev_path + '.pl', sep='\t', header=None, names=['text'])
translations['id'] = [x for x in range(len(translations))]
ctr = 0
sentence = ''
with open(dev_path + '.injected.crossvalidated.en', 'w') as file_en:
with open(dev_path + '.injected.crossvalidated.pl', 'w') as file_pl:
for i in range(len(en)):
if i > 0:
if en[i-1] != en[i]:
if ctr == 0:
sentence = translations.iloc[0]
translations.drop(sentence['id'], inplace=True)
sentence = sentence['text']
ctr = tlcs.pop(0)
file_pl.write(sentence + '\n')
ctr = ctr - 1
ctr = tlcs.pop(0) - 1
sentence = translations.iloc[0]
translations.drop(sentence['id'], inplace=True)
sentence = sentence['text']
file_pl.write(sentence + '\n')
Inject glossary Polish crosscheck fast?
import time
import spacy
from spaczz.matcher import FuzzyMatcher
# glossary
glossary = pd.read_csv('kompendium_lem.tsv', sep='\t', header=0, index_col=0)
train_glossary = glossary.iloc[[x for x in range(len(glossary)) if x % 6 != 0]]
# add rules to English matcher
nlp = spacy.blank("en")
matcher = FuzzyMatcher(nlp.vocab)
for word in train_glossary['source_lem']:
matcher.add(word, [nlp(word)])
# add rules to Polish matcher
nlp_pl = spacy.blank("pl")
matcher_pl = FuzzyMatcher(nlp_pl.vocab)
for word, word_id in zip(train_glossary['result_lem'], train_glossary['source_lem']):
matcher_pl.add(word, [nlp_pl(word)])
start_time = time.time_ns()
en = []
injection_counter = 0
for line_id in range(len(file_lemmatized)):
doc = nlp(file_lemmatized[line_id])
matches = matcher(nlp(file_lemmatized[line_id]))
not_injected = True
if len(matches) > 0:
match_id, _, end, ratio = sorted(matches, key=lambda x: len(x[0]), reverse=True)[0]
if ratio > 90:
matches_pl = matcher_pl(nlp_pl(file_pl_lemmatized[line_id]))
for match_id_pl, _, _, _ in matches_pl:
if match_id_pl == glossary[glossary['source_lem'] == match_id].values[0][3]:
not_injected = False
injection_counter += 1
en.append(''.join(doc[:end].text + ' ' + train_glossary.loc[lambda df: df['source_lem'] == match_id]['result'].astype(str).values.flatten() + ' ' + doc[end:].text))
if not_injected:
stop = time.time_ns()
timex = (stop - start_time) / 1000000000
print(f'took {timex} injected {injection_counter} words. rate {len(file_lemmatized)/timex} sen/s')
took 152.213599056 injected 63 words. rate 6.569715230451229 sen/s
import copy
tlcs = copy.deepcopy(translation_line_counts)
translations = pd.read_csv(dev_path + '.pl', sep='\t', header=None, names=['text'])
translations['id'] = [x for x in range(len(translations))]
ctr = 0
sentence = ''
with open(dev_path + '.injected.crossvalidated.en', 'w') as file_en:
with open(dev_path + '.injected.crossvalidated.pl', 'w') as file_pl:
for i in range(len(en)):
if i > 0:
if en[i-1] != en[i]:
if ctr == 0:
sentence = translations.iloc[0]
translations.drop(sentence['id'], inplace=True)
sentence = sentence['text']
ctr = tlcs.pop(0)
file_pl.write(sentence + '\n')
ctr = ctr - 1
ctr = tlcs.pop(0) - 1
sentence = translations.iloc[0]
translations.drop(sentence['id'], inplace=True)
sentence = sentence['text']
file_pl.write(sentence + '\n')