node { checkout scm def dockerimage ="titanic-image") dockerimage.inside { stage('Preparation') { properties([ parameters([ string( defaultValue: 'wiktorbombola', description: 'Kaggle username', name: 'KAGGLE_USERNAME', trim: false ), password( defaultValue: '', description: 'Kaggle token taken from kaggle.json file, as described in', name: 'KAGGLE_KEY' ), string( defaultValue: '500', description: 'Number of head lines to be taken from test file', name: 'CUTOFF', trim: false) ]) ]) } stage('Build') { withEnv(["KAGGLE_USERNAME=${params.KAGGLE_USERNAME}", "KAGGLE_KEY=${params.KAGGLE_KEY}", "CUTOFF=${params.CUTOFF}"]) { sh "./ ${CUTOFF}" } } stage('artifacts') { echo 'saving artifacts' archiveArtifacts 'output.csv' } } }