Saving result as csv, upgraded program structure, visualisation implemented

This commit is contained in:
Piotr Kopycki 2022-01-05 11:54:54 +01:00
parent 8cbb72de73
commit 93331fc4b6
3 changed files with 232 additions and 61 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
import numpy as np
import skfuzzy as fuzz
from skfuzzy import control as ctrl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from read_data import get_leagues_data
import pandas as pd
@ -157,7 +159,7 @@ def defineRules():
global teamsCfL_min_level, teamsCfL_mid_level, teamsCfL_max_level
global score_tragic, score_bad, score_moderate, score_good, score_best, unv_score
# OR
# OR zmienić na AND (bo Or wybija wysokie wartości)
active_rule1 = np.fmax(clubs_some_level,
@ -239,18 +241,170 @@ def defineRules():
score_activation = fuzz.interp_membership(unv_score, aggregated_rules, score) # for plot
return score_activation
class LeagueController:
clubs = None
goals = None
avgValue = None
players = None
teamsChL = None
teamsEuL = None
teamsCfL = None
score = None
rule1 = None
rule2 = None
rule3 = None
rule4 = None
rule5 = None
league_ctrl = None
league_system = None
def __init__(self):
# Universes for variables
self.clubs = ctrl.Antecedent(np.arange(2, 31, 1), 'clubs')
self.goals = ctrl.Antecedent(np.arange(0.99, 5.01, 0.01), 'goals')
self.avgValue = ctrl.Antecedent(np.arange(0.01, 500.01, 0.01), 'avgValue')
self.players = ctrl.Antecedent(np.arange(0, 101, 1), 'players')
self.teamsChL = ctrl.Antecedent(np.arange(0, 6, 1), 'teamsChL')
self.teamsEuL = ctrl.Antecedent(np.arange(0, 6, 1), 'teamsEuL')
self.teamsCfL = ctrl.Antecedent(np.arange(0, 6, 1), 'teamsCfL')
# Result score universum
self.score = ctrl.Consequent(np.arange(0, 101, 1), 'score')
# Membership Functions
# trimf - triangular function
# trapmf - trapezoidal function
self.clubs['few'] = fuzz.trapmf(self.clubs.universe, [2, 2, 5, 8])
self.clubs['some'] = fuzz.trapmf(self.clubs.universe, [3, 6, 9, 12])
self.clubs['several'] = fuzz.trapmf(self.clubs.universe, [8, 11, 15, 18])
self.clubs['many'] = fuzz.trapmf(self.clubs.universe, [15, 18, 30, 30])
self.goals['few'] = fuzz.trapmf(self.goals.universe, [1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
self.goals['moderate'] = fuzz.trimf(self.goals.universe, [2.5, 3.0, 3.5])
self.goals['many'] = fuzz.trapmf(self.goals.universe, [3.0, 3.5, 5.0, 5.0])
self.avgValue['vpoor'] = fuzz.trapmf(self.avgValue.universe, [0.01, 0.01, 1.0, 2.0])
self.avgValue['poor'] = fuzz.trimf(self.avgValue.universe, [1.0, 5.0, 15.0])
self.avgValue['mpoor'] = fuzz.trimf(self.avgValue.universe, [7.5, 20.0, 50.0])
self.avgValue['moderate'] = fuzz.trimf(self.avgValue.universe, [20.0, 50.0, 100.0])
self.avgValue['mrich'] = fuzz.trimf(self.avgValue.universe, [50.0, 100.0, 175.0])
self.avgValue['rich'] = fuzz.trimf(self.avgValue.universe, [150.0, 200.0, 275.0])
self.avgValue['vrich'] = fuzz.trapmf(self.avgValue.universe, [200.0, 300.0, 500.0, 500.0])
self.players['none'] = fuzz.trimf(self.players.universe, [0, 0, 1])
self.players['few'] = fuzz.trapmf(self.players.universe, [1, 5, 10, 15])
self.players['moderate'] = fuzz.trapmf(self.players.universe, [10, 15, 20, 25])
self.players['many'] = fuzz.trapmf(self.players.universe, [20, 25, 100, 100])
self.teamsChL['min'] = fuzz.trapmf(self.teamsChL.universe, [0, 0, 1, 2])
self.teamsChL['mid'] = fuzz.trapmf(self.teamsChL.universe, [1, 2, 3, 4])
self.teamsChL['max'] = fuzz.trapmf(self.teamsChL.universe, [3, 4, 5, 5])
self.teamsEuL['min'] = fuzz.trimf(self.teamsEuL.universe, [0, 0, 1])
self.teamsEuL['mid'] = fuzz.trimf(self.teamsEuL.universe, [0, 1, 2])
self.teamsEuL['max'] = fuzz.trapmf(self.teamsEuL.universe, [1, 2, 5, 5])
self.teamsCfL['min'] = fuzz.trapmf(self.teamsCfL.universe, [0, 0, 1, 2])
self.teamsCfL['mid'] = fuzz.trimf(self.teamsCfL.universe, [1, 2, 3])
self.teamsCfL['max'] = fuzz.trapmf(self.teamsCfL.universe, [2, 3, 5, 5])
self.score['tragic'] = fuzz.trapmf(self.score.universe, [0, 0, 15, 25])
self.score['bad'] = fuzz.trapmf(self.score.universe, [15, 25, 35, 45])
self.score['moderate'] = fuzz.trapmf(self.score.universe, [35, 45, 55, 65])
self.score['good'] = fuzz.trapmf(self.score.universe, [55, 65, 75, 85])
self.score['best'] = fuzz.trapmf(self.score.universe, [75, 85, 100, 100])
# FuzzyRules
self.rule1 = ctrl.Rule(self.clubs['some'] | self.clubs['few'] | self.goals['few'] | self.avgValue['mpoor'] | self.avgValue['poor'] | self.avgValue['vpoor'] | self.players['none'] | self.teamsChL['min'] | self.teamsEuL['min'] | self.teamsCfL['max'] | self.teamsCfL['mid'], self.score['tragic'])
self.rule2 = ctrl.Rule(self.clubs['several'] | self.clubs['some'] | self.clubs['few'] | self.goals['moderate'] | self.goals['few'] | self.avgValue['moderate'] | self.avgValue['mpoor'] | self.avgValue['poor'] | self.players['few'] | self.players['none'] | self.teamsChL['min'] | self.teamsEuL['min'] | self.teamsCfL['max'] | self.teamsCfL['mid'], self.score['bad'])
self.rule3 = ctrl.Rule(self.clubs['several'] | self.clubs['some'] | self.goals['moderate'] | self.avgValue['mrich'] | self.avgValue['moderate'] | self.avgValue['mpoor'] | self.players['moderate'] | self.players['few'] | self.teamsChL['mid'] | self.teamsChL['min'] | self.teamsEuL['mid'] | self.teamsEuL['min'] | self.teamsCfL['max'] | self.teamsCfL['mid'], self.score['moderate'])
self.rule4 = ctrl.Rule(self.clubs['many'] | self.clubs['several'] | self.goals['many'] | self.goals['moderate'] | self.avgValue['vrich'] | self.avgValue['rich'] | self.avgValue['mrich'] | self.players['many'] | self.players['moderate'] | self.teamsChL['mid'] | self.teamsEuL['mid'] | self.teamsCfL['mid'], self.score['good'])
self.rule5 = ctrl.Rule(self.clubs['many'] | self.goals['many'] | self.avgValue['vrich'] | self.players['many'] | self.teamsChL['max'] | self.teamsEuL['max'] | self.teamsCfL['min'], self.score['best'])
self.league_ctrl = ctrl.ControlSystem([self.rule1, self.rule2, self.rule3, self.rule4, self.rule5])
self.league_system = ctrl.ControlSystemSimulation(self.league_ctrl)
def getScore(self, values):
self.league_system.input['clubs'] = values['clubs']
self.league_system.input['goals'] = values['goalsPerMatch']
self.league_system.input['avgValue'] = values['avgMarketValueInMln']
self.league_system.input['players'] = values['famousPlayers']
self.league_system.input['teamsChL'] = values['teamsInChampionsLeague']
self.league_system.input['teamsEuL'] = values['teamsInEuropaLeague']
self.league_system.input['teamsCfL'] = values['teamsInConferenceLeague']
return self.league_system.output['score']
def displayMembershipFunctionPlot(self, function_id):
if function_id == 0:
elif function_id == 1:
elif function_id == 2:
elif function_id == 3:
elif function_id == 4:
elif function_id == 5:
elif function_id == 6:
elif function_id == 7:
def displayRulePlot(self, rule_id):
if rule_id == 1:
elif rule_id == 2:
elif rule_id == 3:
elif rule_id == 4:
elif rule_id == 5:
def displayControllerResultPlot(self):
if __name__ == "__main__":
league_name_col = []
league_score_col = []
# initFuzzyMembershipFunctions()
controller = LeagueController()
data_source = None
function_rule_result = None
function_id = None
rule_id = None
view_plot = None
data_save = None
while not(data_source == '1' or data_source == '2'):
data_source = input('Wpisz 1 by wczytać dane z pliku lub 2 by wpisać dane z konsoli:\n')
if data_source == '1':
leagues_data = get_leagues_data('leagues.csv')
for league in leagues_data:
result = defineRules()
#result = defineRules()
result = controller.getScore(league)
print(f"{league['leagueName']} score is: {result}")
data_save = input('Wpisz 1 by zapisać dane do pliku lub dowolny klawisz żeby kontynuować:\n')
if data_save == '1':
file_name = input('Podaj nazwę pliku:\n')
file_name += ".csv"
d = {'League':league_name_col,'Score':league_score_col}
df = pd.DataFrame(d)
df.to_csv(file_name, index=False)
print('Wyniki zostały zapisane w pliku csv w folderze programu')
league = {'leagueName': input('Podaj nazwę ligi:\n'), 'country': input('Podaj kraj ligi:\n'),
'clubs': input('Podaj liczbę klubów grających w lidze:\n'),
@ -260,8 +414,24 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
'teamsInEuropaLeague': input('Podaj liczbę klubów grających w Lidze Europy:\n'),
'teamsInConferenceLeague': input('Podaj liczbę klubów grających w Lidze Konferencji:\n'),
'famousPlayers': input('Podaj liczbę sławnych piłkarzy:\n')}
result = defineRules()
# activateFuzzyMembershipFunctions(league)
# result = defineRules()
result = controller.getScore(league)
print(f"{league['leagueName']} score is: {result}")
view_plot = input('Wpisz 1 jeżeli chcesz obejrzeć wykresy funkcji i reguł dla ostatnio sprawdzanej ligi lub dowolny klawisz żeby kontynuować:\n')
if view_plot == '1':
while (function_rule_result != '0'):
function_rule_result = input('Wybierz rodzaj wykresu:\n1 - wykresy funkcji przynależności\n2 - wykresy reguł\n3 - wykres wyniku kontrolera\n0 - skończ wizualizację\n')
if function_rule_result == "1":
while (function_id != '8'):
function_id = input('Wybierz funkcje przynależności:\n0 - funkcje punktów atrakcyjności ligi\n1 - funkcje klubów w lidze\n2 - funkcje średniej ilości golów\n3 - funkcje średniej wartości rynkowej\n4 - funkcje ilości słynnych zawodników\n5 - funkcje drużyn w lidze mistrzów\n6 - funkcję drużyn w lidze europy\n7 - funkcję drużyn w lidze konfederacji\n8 - powrót do poprzedniego menu\n')
if function_id == "0" or function_id == "1" or function_id == "2" or function_id == "3" or function_id == "4" or function_id == "5" or function_id == "6" or function_id == "7":
elif function_rule_result == "2":
while (rule_id != '6'):
rule_id = input('Wybierz regułę:\n1 - reguła dla tragicznych lig\n2 - reguła dla słabych lig\n3 - reguła dla przeciętnych lig\n4 - reguła dla dobrych lig\n5 - reguła dla najlepszych lig\n6 - powrót do poprzedniego menu\n')
if rule_id == "1" or rule_id == "2" or rule_id == "3" or rule_id == "4" or rule_id == "5":
elif function_rule_result == "3":

View File

@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
Premier League score is, 1.0
LaLiga score is, 1.0
Serie A score is, 1.0
Bundesliga score is, 1.0
Ligue 1 score is, 0.6926977372958362
Liga Bwin score is, 1.0
Eredivisie score is, 1.0
Bundesliga score is, 0.5057471264367834
Premiership score is, 0.5057471264367834
Premier Liga score is, 0.8734130372900716
Premier Liga score is, 0.8734130372900716
Super liga Srbije score is, 0.7140096618357546
Jupiler Pro League score is, 1.0
Super League score is, 1.0
Protathlima Cyta score is, 0.5057471264367834
1.HNL score is, 0.5403828197945835
Fortuna Liga score is, 0.8734130372900716
Super Lig score is, 1.0
Super League 1 score is, 0.5057471264367834
Superligaen score is, 0.5057471264367834
Eliteserien score is, 0.8434674958254214
Ligat ha'Al score is, 0.5057471264367834
Allsvenskan score is, 0.7140096618357546
efbet Liga score is, 0.5057471264367834
Premyer Liqa score is, 0.97034078807242
Liga 1 score is, 0.7140096618357546
Ekstraklasa score is, 1.0
NB I. score is, 0.9248363528865283
Fortuna Liga score is, 0.5057471264367834
Premier Liga score is, 0.5057471264367834
Prva Liga score is, 0.6908378245957848
Vysheyshaya Liga score is, 0.7140096618357546
Divizia Nationala score is, 0.8463231347289373
A Lyga score is, 0.6908378245957848
Premijer Liga score is, 0.5057471264367834
Veikkausliiga score is, 0.5057471264367834
BGL Ligue score is, 1.0
Virsliga score is, 0.5321408915795232
BKT Superliga e Kosovës score is, 0.5057471264367834
Premier Division score is, 0.6908378245957848
Premiership score is, 0.5057471264367834
Kategoria Superiore score is, 0.6908378245957848
Bardzragujn khumb score is, 0.6908378245957848
Betri-deildin score is, 1.0
Premium Liiga score is, 1.0
Premier League score is, 0.5057471264367834
Crystalbet Erovnuli Liga score is, 0.6908378245957848
Prva liga score is, 0.5057471264367834
Cymru Premier score is, 0.5057471264367834
Gibraltar National League score is, 1.0
Pepsi Max deild score is, 0.5057471264367834
1. CFL score is, 0.6908378245957848
Primera Divisió score is, 0.5057471264367834
Camp. Sammarinese score is, 0.5057471264367834
1 Premier League score is 1.0
2 LaLiga score is 1.0
3 Serie A score is 1.0
4 Bundesliga score is 1.0
5 Ligue 1 score is 0.6926977372958362
6 Liga Bwin score is 1.0
7 Eredivisie score is 1.0
8 Bundesliga score is 0.5057471264367834
9 Premiership score is 0.5057471264367834
10 Premier Liga score is 0.8734130372900716
11 Premier Liga score is 0.8734130372900716
12 Super liga Srbije score is 0.7140096618357546
13 Jupiler Pro League score is 1.0
14 Super League score is 1.0
15 Protathlima Cyta score is 0.5057471264367834
16 1.HNL score is 0.5403828197945835
17 Fortuna Liga score is 0.8734130372900716
18 Super Lig score is 1.0
19 Super League 1 score is 0.5057471264367834
20 Superligaen score is 0.5057471264367834
21 Eliteserien score is 0.8434674958254214
22 Ligat ha'Al score is 0.5057471264367834
23 Allsvenskan score is 0.7140096618357546
24 efbet Liga score is 0.5057471264367834
25 Premyer Liqa score is 0.97034078807242
26 Liga 1 score is 0.7140096618357546
27 Ekstraklasa score is 1.0
28 NB I. score is 0.9248363528865283
29 Fortuna Liga score is 0.5057471264367834
30 Premier Liga score is 0.5057471264367834
31 Prva Liga score is 0.6908378245957848
32 Vysheyshaya Liga score is 0.7140096618357546
33 Divizia Nationala score is 0.8463231347289373
34 A Lyga score is 0.6908378245957848
35 Premijer Liga score is 0.5057471264367834
36 Veikkausliiga score is 0.5057471264367834
37 BGL Ligue score is 1.0
38 Virsliga score is 0.5321408915795232
39 BKT Superliga e Kosovës score is 0.5057471264367834
40 Premier Division score is 0.6908378245957848
41 Premiership score is 0.5057471264367834
42 Kategoria Superiore score is 0.6908378245957848
43 Bardzragujn khumb score is 0.6908378245957848
44 Betri-deildin score is 1.0
45 Premium Liiga score is 1.0
46 Premier League score is 0.5057471264367834
47 Crystalbet Erovnuli Liga score is 0.6908378245957848
48 Prva liga score is 0.5057471264367834
49 Cymru Premier score is 0.5057471264367834
50 Gibraltar National League score is 1.0
51 Pepsi Max deild score is 0.5057471264367834
52 1. CFL score is 0.6908378245957848
53 Primera Divisió score is 0.5057471264367834
54 Camp. Sammarinese score is 0.5057471264367834

res3.csv Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
Premier League,61.025119126510795
Serie A,60.40382819794585
Ligue 1,58.07302262704164
Liga Bwin,50.0
Premier Liga,43.734130372900715
Premier Liga,43.734130372900715
Super liga Srbije,42.14850588590407
Jupiler Pro League,50.0
Super League,45.29147855530481
Protathlima Cyta,40.057471264367834
Fortuna Liga,43.734130372900715
Super Lig,50.0
Super League 1,40.057471264367834
Ligat ha'Al,40.057471264367834
efbet Liga,40.057471264367834
Premyer Liqa,35.30248317573896
Liga 1,42.14850588590407
NB I.,44.24836352886529
Fortuna Liga,40.057471264367834
Premier Liga,40.057471264367834
Prva Liga,38.10204081632655
Vysheyshaya Liga,42.14850588590407
Divizia Nationala,43.47289117836451
A Lyga,38.10204081632655
Premijer Liga,40.057471264367834
BGL Ligue,47.32523094688215
BKT Superliga e Kosovës,40.057471264367834
Premier Division,38.10204081632655
Kategoria Superiore,38.10204081632655
Bardzragujn khumb,38.10204081632655
Premium Liiga,46.40917191914804
Premier League,40.057471264367834
Crystalbet Erovnuli Liga,38.10204081632655
Prva liga,40.057471264367834
Cymru Premier,40.057471264367834
Gibraltar National League,50.0
Pepsi Max deild,40.057471264367834
1. CFL,38.10204081632655
Primera Divisió,40.057471264367834
Camp. Sammarinese,40.057471264367834
1 League Score
2 Premier League 61.025119126510795
3 LaLiga 56.15575447570333
4 Serie A 60.40382819794585
5 Bundesliga 60.30366482401773
6 Ligue 1 58.07302262704164
7 Liga Bwin 50.0
8 Eredivisie 50.0
9 Bundesliga 40.057471264367834
10 Premiership 40.057471264367834
11 Premier Liga 43.734130372900715
12 Premier Liga 43.734130372900715
13 Super liga Srbije 42.14850588590407
14 Jupiler Pro League 50.0
15 Super League 45.29147855530481
16 Protathlima Cyta 40.057471264367834
17 1.HNL 39.596171802054165
18 Fortuna Liga 43.734130372900715
19 Super Lig 50.0
20 Super League 1 40.057471264367834
21 Superligaen 40.057471264367834
22 Eliteserien 43.44018053492688
23 Ligat ha'Al 40.057471264367834
24 Allsvenskan 42.14850588590407
25 efbet Liga 40.057471264367834
26 Premyer Liqa 35.30248317573896
27 Liga 1 42.14850588590407
28 Ekstraklasa 50.0
29 NB I. 44.24836352886529
30 Fortuna Liga 40.057471264367834
31 Premier Liga 40.057471264367834
32 Prva Liga 38.10204081632655
33 Vysheyshaya Liga 42.14850588590407
34 Divizia Nationala 43.47289117836451
35 A Lyga 38.10204081632655
36 Premijer Liga 40.057471264367834
37 Veikkausliiga 40.057471264367834
38 BGL Ligue 47.32523094688215
39 Virsliga 40.33120598591547
40 BKT Superliga e Kosovës 40.057471264367834
41 Premier Division 38.10204081632655
42 Premiership 40.057471264367834
43 Kategoria Superiore 38.10204081632655
44 Bardzragujn khumb 38.10204081632655
45 Betri-deildin 50.0
46 Premium Liiga 46.40917191914804
47 Premier League 40.057471264367834
48 Crystalbet Erovnuli Liga 38.10204081632655
49 Prva liga 40.057471264367834
50 Cymru Premier 40.057471264367834
51 Gibraltar National League 50.0
52 Pepsi Max deild 40.057471264367834
53 1. CFL 38.10204081632655
54 Primera Divisió 40.057471264367834
55 Camp. Sammarinese 40.057471264367834