added more API requests and getting dates

This commit is contained in:
K4RP4T 2024-05-26 00:18:03 +02:00
parent 56c2235925
commit 6c2b12c89b
4 changed files with 82 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ This project makes use of the following dependencies (specified in `profun.cabal
* http-client-tls (for API requests)
* http-conduit (for API requests)
* aeson (JSON parsing)
* Chart
* Chart-diagrams
* Chart (for generating plot)
* Chart-diagrams (for generating plot)
* bytestring (for ByteString type)
* utf8-string (for conversion from String to ByteString)
* time (for getting date)

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@ -3,16 +3,46 @@ import Network.HTTP.Simple
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import Plot
import Data.ByteString.UTF8 (fromString) --to convert acquired API key to ByteString
import Data.Time
data WhichDay = Yesterday | Today | Tomorrow
deriving (Show, Eq)
main :: IO ()
main = do
apiKey <- getWeatherKey
let todayRequest = apiRequestBuilder apiKey "today"
response <- httpJSON todayRequest :: IO (Response ())
generatePlot 20 100 25 --example
putStrLn $ show todayRequest
putStrLn $ show $ getResponseStatusCode response
putStrLn "Enter a city name: "
city <- getLine
let cityRequest = apiRequestCity apiKey city
cityResponse <- httpLBS cityRequest
if getResponseBody cityResponse == "[]"
then error "City not found!"
else do
currentDate <- getCurrentDate
let yesterdayDate = formatDate $ addDays (-1) currentDate
let todayDate = formatDate currentDate
let tomorrowDate = formatDate $ addDays 1 currentDate
let yesterdayRequest = apiRequestBuilder apiKey Yesterday city yesterdayDate
yesterdayResponse <- httpLBS yesterdayRequest
putStrLn $ show yesterdayRequest
putStrLn $ show $ getResponseStatusCode yesterdayResponse
let todayRequest = apiRequestBuilder apiKey Today city todayDate
todayResponse <- httpLBS todayRequest
putStrLn $ show todayRequest
putStrLn $ show $ getResponseStatusCode todayResponse
let tomorrowRequest = apiRequestBuilder apiKey Tomorrow city tomorrowDate
tomorrowResponse <- httpLBS tomorrowRequest
putStrLn $ show tomorrowRequest
putStrLn $ show $ getResponseStatusCode tomorrowResponse
--apiResponse <- httpJSON "" :: IO (Response ()) -- specifying type as httpJSON return value is ambigious
@ -24,16 +54,49 @@ getWeatherKey = do
Just a -> return a
Nothing -> error "API key not set in environmental variables!" -- exception thrown (but not handled) per project requirement
apiRequestBuilder :: String -> String -> Request
apiRequestBuilder apiKey day =
apiRequestCity :: String -> String -> Request
apiRequestCity apiKey city =
setRequestHost ""
$ setRequestPath path
$ setRequestPath "/v1/search.json"
$ setRequestMethod "GET"
$ setRequestQueryString [("q", Just "Poznan"), ("key", Just (fromString apiKey))]
$ setRequestQueryString [("key", Just (fromString apiKey)), ("q", Just (fromString city))]
$ setRequestPort 443
$ setRequestSecure True
$ defaultRequest
where path
| day == "yesterday" = "/v1/"
| day == "tomorrow" = "/v1/"
| otherwise = "/v1/current.json"
apiRequestBuilder :: String -> WhichDay -> String -> String -> Request
apiRequestBuilder apiKey day city date =
setRequestHost ""
$ setRequestPath path
$ setRequestMethod "GET"
$ setRequestQueryString query
$ setRequestPort 443
$ setRequestSecure True
$ defaultRequest
where {
| day == Yesterday = "/v1/history.json"
| day == Today = "/v1/current.json"
| day == Tomorrow = "/v1/forecast.json"
| otherwise = error "Invalid day argument!";
| day == Yesterday = [("key", Just (fromString apiKey)), ("q", Just (fromString city)), ("dt", Just (fromString date))]
| day == Today = [("key", Just (fromString apiKey)), ("q", Just (fromString city))]
| day == Tomorrow = [("key", Just (fromString apiKey)), ("q", Just (fromString city)), ("dt", Just (fromString date)), ("days", Just (fromString "1"))]
| otherwise = error "Invalid day argument!";
getCurrentDate :: IO Day
getCurrentDate = do
currentTime <- getCurrentTime
timeZone <- getCurrentTimeZone
let localTime = utcToLocalTime timeZone currentTime
let currentDate = localDay localTime
return currentDate
formatDate :: Day -> String
formatDate date = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%d" date

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@ -72,7 +72,8 @@ executable profun
Chart-diagrams ^>=1.9.5,
aeson ^>=,
bytestring ^>=,
utf8-string ^>=1.0.2
utf8-string ^>=1.0.2,
time ^>=1.12.2
-- Directories containing source files.
hs-source-dirs: app