bfs działający

This commit is contained in:
Weranda 2023-05-03 13:29:17 +02:00
parent b7cf4c914f
commit 61d7ab2fe3
5 changed files with 72 additions and 75 deletions

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@ -230,6 +230,3 @@ class Agent(pygame.sprite.Sprite):, (370,780))
# brakuje schematu przeszukiwania

View File

@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ class Game:
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
mouse_presses = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()
if mouse_presses[0]:
def map(self): # tworzenie mapy
@ -82,63 +82,60 @@ class Game:
open_queue = []
close_queue = []
wall_cells = []
enemy_cells = []
def search_in_breadth_first_approach(self):
print("x is: ", self.agent.x, "y is: ", self.agent.y)
def bfs(self):
print("x: ", self.agent.x, "y: ", self.agent.y)
goal_cell = self.get_cell_number(self.flower.x,self.flower.y)
# tutaj dodaje się cel agenta
goal_cell = self.get_cell_number(448,128)
path = []
processing = True
find_path = False
while processing: # main loop
while processing: # główna pętla
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
if len(self.open_queue) > 0 :
current_node_cell = self.open_queue.pop(0) # remove and get first element of open_queue
current_node_cell = self.open_queue.pop(0)
# check if this cell allready processed
if(current_node_cell in self.close_queue):
print("current cell number is: ", current_node_cell)
print("goal cell/s is/are at: ", goal_cell)
print("Aktualna kratka: ", current_node_cell)
print("Cel znajduje się na kratce: ", goal_cell)
# cheking for goal
if (current_node_cell == goal_cell):
# add the goal cell to close queue too, this is helpfull to find the path
found_goal_cell = current_node_cell
print("goal found, now find the path from close_queue, close_queue is:", self.close_queue)
print("Znaleziono cel, szukanie drogi z odwiedzonych węzłów, kolejka odwiedzonych:", self.close_queue)
processing = False
find_path = True
self.clock.tick(2) # stay some time here without closing the windoew
# goal not found, continue processing
child_node_cells = self.get_child_nodes(current_node_cell) # find possible child cells nodes to process
self.close_queue.append(current_node_cell) # putting the processed node to closed queue
# add child nodes to open queue only if they are already not in both open_queue and close_queue
print("childe nodes: ", child_node_cells)
child_node_cells = self.get_child_nodes(current_node_cell)
print("Sąsiedzi: ", child_node_cells)
for child_node in child_node_cells:
if child_node not in self.open_queue and child_node not in self.close_queue:
self.open_queue.append(child_node) # add children to END OF THE OPEN QUEUE (BFS)
print("open queue: ", self.open_queue, "open_queue length: ", len(self.open_queue), "\n")
print("Kolejka: ", self.open_queue, "\n")
print("no nodes to processe, open_queue length: ", len(self.open_queue), ", open queue: ",self. open_queue)
print("closed queue (processed nodes) : ", self.close_queue)
print("Brak nowych węzłów, kolejka: ",self. open_queue)
print("Odwiedzone : ", self.close_queue)
return self.close_queue
dead_end_nodes = []
while find_path:
path.append(self.close_queue[0]) # put the agent starting cell to path.
for i in range(len(self.close_queue) -1):
from_cell = path[-1]
@ -147,22 +144,20 @@ class Game:
if to_cell in dead_end_nodes:
if self.verify_to_cell_is_navigatable_from_from_cell(from_cell, to_cell):
if self.verify_move(from_cell, to_cell):
if path[-1] == found_goal_cell:
find_path = False
# a dead end has occured, start finding path avoiding this dead end cell
path = [] # to start again
path = []
print("path: ", path)
print("Droga: ", path)
def get_cell_number(self,x, y):
def get_cell_number(self,x, y): #zamienia koordynaty na numer kratki
cell_number = None
cell_number =(x // TILE_SIZE) + (NUM_ROWS * (( y// TILE_SIZE)))
return cell_number
@ -187,83 +182,88 @@ class Game:
return children
def get_up_cell(self,cell_number):
cell_row_number = cell_number // NUM_ROWS # current row number of agent
if (cell_row_number - 1 < 0): # above /up row number of agent
cell_row_number = cell_number // NUM_ROWS
if (cell_row_number - 1 < 0):
return None
return (cell_number - NUM_ROWS)
def get_right_cell(self,cell_number):
cell_column_number = cell_number % NUM_ROWS # current column number of agent
cell_column_number = cell_number % NUM_ROWS
if (cell_column_number + 1 >= NUM_ROWS):
# current cell is at the right edge, so no rigth child / right cell available
return None
return (cell_number + 1) # else return next cell number
return (cell_number + 1)
def get_down_cell(self,cell_number):
cell_row_number = cell_number // NUM_ROWS # current row number of agent
if (cell_row_number + 1 >= NUM_ROWS): # down / next row number of agent
cell_row_number = cell_number // NUM_ROWS
if (cell_row_number + 1 >= NUM_ROWS):
return None
return (cell_number + NUM_ROWS)
def get_left_cell(self,cell_number):
cell_column_number = cell_number % NUM_ROWS # current column number of agent
cell_column_number = cell_number % NUM_ROWS
if (cell_column_number - 1 < 0):
# current cell is at the left edge, so no left child / right cell available
return None
return (cell_number - 1) # else return previous cell number
return (cell_number - 1)
def verify_to_cell_is_navigatable_from_from_cell(self,from_cell, to_cell):
if (to_cell in self.wall_cells or to_cell in self.enemy_cells): # if to_cell is a wall cell, return False
def verify_move(self,from_cell, to_cell): #sprawdzenie czy ruch jest poprawny czyt. czy następna kratka to przeszkoda lub mob
if (to_cell in self.wall_cells or to_cell in self.enemy_cells):
return False
if(from_cell + 1 == to_cell): # check to_cell is the right cell
if(from_cell + 1 == to_cell):
return True
if(from_cell - 1 == to_cell): # check to_cell is the left cell
if(from_cell - 1 == to_cell):
return True
if(from_cell - NUM_ROWS == to_cell): # check to_cell is the top / up cell
if(from_cell - NUM_ROWS == to_cell):
return True
if(from_cell + NUM_ROWS == to_cell): # check to_cell is the down / bottom cell
if(from_cell + NUM_ROWS == to_cell):
return True
return False # Else not navigatable, return False
# trzeba poprawić poruszanie się agenta, sam bfs działa dobrze raczej
return False
def move_agent(self,path):
for cell_to_move in path:
x, y = self.get_top_left_cordinates_given_cell_number(cell_to_move)
print("moving to cell : ", cell_to_move, " of cordinates x: ", x, ", y: ", y, ", line_width: ", TILE_SIZE)
if x > self.agent.x and y == self.agent.y:
self.agent.direction = 0
if x == self.agent.x and y > self.agent.y:
self.agent.direction = 1
if x < self.agent.x and y == self.agent.y:
self.agent.direction = 2
if x == self.agent.x and y < self.agent.y:
self.agent.direction = 3
if self.agent.direction==0:
self.agent.x += TILE_SIZE
if self.agent.direction==1:
self.agent.y += TILE_SIZE
if self.agent.direction==2:
self.agent.x -= TILE_SIZE
if self.agent.direction==3:
self.agent.y -= TILE_SIZE
x, y = self.get_coordinates(cell_to_move)
print("Ruch do kratki : ", cell_to_move, " z x: ", x, ", y: ", y, ", agent.x: ", self.agent.rect.x, ", agent.y: ", self.agent.rect.y)
if x > self.agent.rect.x:
self.agent.direction = 0
elif y > self.agent.rect.y:
self.agent.direction = 1
elif x < self.agent.rect.x:
self.agent.direction = 2
elif y < self.agent.rect.y:
self.agent.direction = 3
if self.agent.direction==0:
print("DIRECTION: "+self.agent.AGENT_IMAGES[self.agent.direction])
self.agent.x_change += TILE_SIZE
elif self.agent.direction==1:
print("DIRECTION: "+self.agent.AGENT_IMAGES[self.agent.direction])
self.agent.y_change += TILE_SIZE
elif self.agent.direction==2:
print("DIRECTION: "+self.agent.AGENT_IMAGES[self.agent.direction])
self.agent.x_change -= TILE_SIZE
elif self.agent.direction==3:
print("DIRECTION: "+self.agent.AGENT_IMAGES[self.agent.direction])
self.agent.y_change -= TILE_SIZE
print("moved agent attributes: agent.x: ", self.agent.x, ", agent.y: ", self.agent.y)
print("Położenie agenta: agent.x: ", self.agent.rect.x, ", agent.y: ", self.agent.rect.y)
def get_top_left_cordinates_given_cell_number(self,cell_to_move):
cell_row_number = cell_to_move // NUM_ROWS # cell row number
cell_column_number = cell_to_move % NUM_ROWS # cell column number
def get_coordinates(self,cell_to_move): #zamienia numer kratki na koordynaty
cell_row_number = cell_to_move // NUM_ROWS
cell_column_number = cell_to_move % NUM_ROWS
y = cell_row_number * TILE_SIZE
x = cell_column_number * TILE_SIZE