import pygame from config import * from agent import * from map_add_ons import * from mobs import * #from unknown_mob import * #unknown mob from bfs import * from heapq import * from nn import * class Game: def __init__(self): pygame.init() self.state =[-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1] self.SCREEN = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT)) self.running = True self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.BACKGROUND_IMG= pygame.image.load("./pozostale_zdjecia/podloze.jpg") self.BACKGROUND = pygame.transform.scale(self.BACKGROUND_IMG,(64,64)) self.LVL_ICON_PNG = pygame.image.load("./pozostale_zdjecia/lvl_icon.png") self.LVL_ICON = pygame.transform.scale(self.LVL_ICON_PNG,(24,24)) pygame.display.set_caption('Gra-SI') self.bfs = Bfs(self) self.nn = NeuralN() def new(self): # tworzy siÄ™ nowa sesja grania self.all_sprites = pygame.sprite.LayeredUpdates() self.rock_sprites = pygame.sprite.LayeredUpdates() self.grass_sprites = pygame.sprite.LayeredUpdates() self.archer_orks = pygame.sprite.LayeredUpdates() self.infantry_orks = pygame.sprite.LayeredUpdates() #self.infantry_orks2 = pygame.sprite.LayeredUpdates() self.sauronL = pygame.sprite.LayeredUpdates() = pygame.sprite.LayeredUpdates() self.little_rock_sprites = pygame.sprite.LayeredUpdates() #self.unknown_mobs = pygame.sprite.LayeredUpdates() #unknown mob self.agent = Agent(self,1,1) self.archer_ork = Archer_ork(self,10,10) self.bfs.enemy_cells.append(self.bfs.get_cell_number(self.archer_ork.x,self.archer_ork.y)) self.infantry_ork = Infantry_ork(self,10,4) self.bfs.enemy_cells.append(self.bfs.get_cell_number(self.infantry_ork.x,self.infantry_ork.y)) #self.infantry_ork2 = Infantry_ork2(self,6,3) #self.bfs.enemy_cells.append(self.bfs.get_cell_number(self.infantry_ork2.x,self.infantry_ork2.y)) self.sauron = Sauron(self, 1, 10) self.bfs.enemy_cells.append(self.bfs.get_cell_number(self.sauron.x,self.sauron.y)) self.flower = Health_flower(self, 8,2) #self.unknown_mob = Unknown_mob(self,8,8) #unknown mob self.grass = Grass(self,0,2) self.grass = Grass(self,1,2) self.grass = Grass(self,0,3) self.grass = Grass(self,1,3) self.grass = Grass(self,0,4) self.grass = Grass(self,1,4) cost_cell_1000=[13,26,27,40] for y in range(5): self.rock = Rocks(self,3,y) self.bfs.wall_cells.append(self.bfs.get_cell_number(self.rock.x,self.rock.y)) ''' for i in range(10): x = random.randint(0,12) y = random.randint(0,11) self.grass = Grass(self,x,y) self.grass_cells.append(self.bfs.get_cell_number(self.grass.x,self.grass.y)) for y in range(5,8): self.little_rocks = Little_Rocks(self,4,y) ''' def update(self): self.all_sprites.update() def events(self): for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: self.running = False pygame.quit() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mouse_presses = pygame.mouse.get_pressed() if mouse_presses[0]: #self.bfs.bfs(self.bfs.get_cell_number(self.flower.x,self.flower.y)) x = self.sauron.x y = self.sauron.y mob_image = self.sauron.SAURON_IMG while True: prediction = self.prediction_road(x,y,mob_image) if prediction == "SAURON": x = self.infantry_ork.x y = self.infantry_ork.y mob_image = self.infantry_ork.INFANTRY_ORK_IMG prediction = self.prediction_road(x,y,mob_image) if prediction == "ORK_INFANTRY": self.bfs.bfs(self.bfs.get_cell_number(x,y)) x = self.archer_ork.x y = self.archer_ork.y mob_image = self.archer_ork.ARCHER_ORK_IMG prediction = self.prediction_road(x,y,mob_image) if prediction == "ORK_ARCHER": self.bfs.bfs(self.bfs.get_cell_number(x,y)) x = self.sauron.x y = self.sauron.y mob_image = self.sauron.SAURON_IMG def prediction_road(self,x,y,mob_image): mob_goal = (self.bfs.get_cell_number(x,y)) if self.bfs.get_up_cell(mob_goal) == None: goal = self.bfs.get_down_cell(mob_goal) else: goal = self.bfs.get_up_cell(mob_goal) self.bfs.bfs(goal) prediction = self.nn.predict(mob_image) return prediction def map(self): # tworzenie mapy self.clock.tick(FRAMERATE) for x in range(0, WIDTH, TILE_SIZE): for y in range(0, 768, TILE_SIZE): self.SCREEN.blit(self.BACKGROUND,(x,y)) self.rect = pygame.Rect(x, y, TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE) pygame.draw.rect(self.SCREEN, BLACK, self.rect, 1) self.all_sprites.draw(self.SCREEN) self.rock_sprites.draw(self.SCREEN) self.grass_sprites.draw(self.SCREEN) self.SCREEN.blit(self.LVL_ICON, (340 ,780)) pygame.display.update() def main(self): self.update() grass_cells = [] cols, rows = 13,12 def get_circle(x,y): return (x * TILE_SIZE + TILE_SIZE//2, y* TILE_SIZE + TILE_SIZE//2), TILE_SIZE//4 def get_rect(x,y): return x*TILE_SIZE +1, y* TILE_SIZE +1, TILE_SIZE -2, TILE_SIZE -2 ''' def get_next_nodes(x,y): check_next_node = lambda x, y:True if 0<= x < cols and 0<=y < rows else False ways =[-1,0],[0,-1],[1,0],[0,1] return [(grid[y + dy][x + dx], (x + dx, y + dy)) for dx, dy in ways if check_next_node(x + dx, y + dy)] ''' def get_neighbours(x, y): check_neighbour = lambda x, y: True if 0 <= x < cols and 0 <= y < rows else False ways = [-1, 0], [0, -1], [1, 0], [0, 1] return [(grid[y + dy][x + dx], (x + dx, y + dy)) for dx, dy in ways if check_neighbour(x + dx, y + dy)] def heuristic(a, b): return abs(a[0] - b[0]) + abs(a[1] - b[1]) def dijkstra(start, goal, graph): queue = [] heappush(queue, (0, start)) cost_visited = {start: 0} visited = {start: None} while queue: cur_cost, cur_node = heappop(queue) if cur_node == goal: break neighbours = graph[cur_node] for neighbour in neighbours: neigh_cost, neigh_node = neighbour new_cost = cost_visited[cur_node] + neigh_cost if neigh_node not in cost_visited or new_cost < cost_visited[neigh_node]: priority = new_cost + heuristic(neigh_node, goal) heappush(queue, (priority, neigh_node)) cost_visited[neigh_node] = new_cost visited[neigh_node] = cur_node return visited grid =['2229222222222', '2229222222222', '9929222222222', '9929222222222', '9929222222222', '2222222222222', '2222222222222', '2222222222222', '2222222222222', '2222222222222', '2222222222222', '2222222222222' ] grid = [[int(char) for char in string ] for string in grid] graph ={} for y, row in enumerate(grid): for x, col in enumerate(row): graph[(x, y)] = graph.get((x, y), []) + get_neighbours(x, y) #print("graph 2 0",graph[(2,0)]) start = (1,1) goal =(0,5) queue =[] heappush(queue, (0,start)) cost_visited = {start:0} visited = {start: None} goall=1 while goall==1: if queue: visited=dijkstra(start,goal,graph) goall=0 path=[] path_head, path_segment = goal, goal while path_segment: # print("path_segment: ",path_segment) path_segment =visited[path_segment] path.append(path_segment) #print("path_head",path_head) path.pop(len(path)-1) path.reverse() path_true=[] bfss =Bfs(Game) for i in path: z=str(i) #print("Z:",z) x=z[1] y=z[4] x=int(x)*64 y=int(y)*64 a=bfss.get_cell_number(x,y) path_true.append(a) #print("path:",path) #print("path_true:",path_true) #bfss.move_agent(path_true) g = Game() while g.running: g.main()