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2023-06-19 00:49:18 +02:00
# Copyright 2023 The JAX Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# pytype: skip-file
# mypy: disable-error-code=has-type
"""Define methods which are dynamically added to JAX's Arrays and Tracers.
This is done dynamically in order to avoid circular imports.
__all__ = ['register_jax_array_methods']
import abc
from functools import partial, wraps
import inspect
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import warnings
import numpy as np
import jax
from jax import lax
from jax._src import core
from jax._src import dtypes
from jax._src.api_util import _ensure_index_tuple
from jax._src.array import ArrayImpl
from jax._src.lax import lax as lax_internal
from jax._src.numpy import lax_numpy
from jax._src.numpy import reductions
from jax._src.numpy import ufuncs
from jax._src.numpy import util
from jax._src.ops import scatter
from jax._src.typing import Array, ArrayLike, DimSize, DTypeLike, Shape
from jax._src.util import safe_zip, safe_map
map, unsafe_map = safe_map, map
zip, unsafe_zip = safe_zip, zip
### add method and operator overloads to arraylike classes
# We add operator overloads to DeviceArray and ShapedArray. These method and
# operator overloads mainly just forward calls to the corresponding lax_numpy
# functions, which can themselves handle instances from any of these classes.
def _astype(arr: ArrayLike, dtype: DTypeLike) -> Array:
"""Copy the array and cast to a specified dtype.
This is implemeted via :func:`jax.lax.convert_element_type`, which may
have slightly different behavior than :meth:`numpy.ndarray.astype` in
some cases. In particular, the details of float-to-int and int-to-float
casts are implementation dependent.
if dtype is None:
dtype = dtypes.canonicalize_dtype(lax_numpy.float_)
dtypes.check_user_dtype_supported(dtype, "astype")
return lax.convert_element_type(arr, dtype)
def _nbytes(arr: ArrayLike) -> int:
"""Total bytes consumed by the elements of the array."""
return np.size(arr) * dtypes.dtype(arr, canonicalize=True).itemsize
def _item(a: Array) -> Any:
"""Copy an element of an array to a standard Python scalar and return it."""
if dtypes.issubdtype(a.dtype, np.complexfloating):
return complex(a)
elif dtypes.issubdtype(a.dtype, np.floating):
return float(a)
elif dtypes.issubdtype(a.dtype, np.integer):
return int(a)
elif dtypes.issubdtype(a.dtype, np.bool_):
return bool(a)
raise TypeError(a.dtype)
def _itemsize(arr: ArrayLike) -> int:
"""Length of one array element in bytes."""
return dtypes.dtype(arr, canonicalize=True).itemsize
def _clip(number: ArrayLike,
min: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, max: Optional[ArrayLike] = None,
out: None = None) -> Array:
"""Return an array whose values are limited to a specified range.
Refer to :func:`jax.numpy.clip` for full documentation."""
return lax_numpy.clip(number, a_min=min, a_max=max, out=out)
def _transpose(a: Array, *args: Any) -> Array:
"""Returns a view of the array with axes transposed.
Refer to :func:`jax.numpy.transpose` for full documentation.
if not args:
axis = None
elif len(args) == 1:
axis = args[0] if args[0] is None else _ensure_index_tuple(args[0])
axis = _ensure_index_tuple(args)
return lax_numpy.transpose(a, axis)
def _compute_newshape(a: ArrayLike, newshape: Union[DimSize, Shape]) -> Shape:
"""Fixes a -1 value in newshape, if present."""
# other errors, like having more than one -1, are caught downstream, in
# reshape_shape_rule.
iter(newshape) # type: ignore[arg-type]
newshape = [newshape]
newshape = core.canonicalize_shape(newshape) # type: ignore[arg-type]
neg1s = [i for i, d in enumerate(newshape) if type(d) is int and d == -1]
if len(neg1s) == 1:
i, = neg1s
sz = core.cancel_divide_tracers(np.shape(a), (*newshape[:i], *newshape[i+1:]))
if sz is not None:
return (*newshape[:i], sz, *newshape[i+1:])
return tuple(-core.divide_shape_sizes(np.shape(a), newshape)
if core.symbolic_equal_dim(d, -1) else d
for d in newshape)
def _reshape(a: Array, *args: Any, order: str = "C") -> Array:
"""Returns an array containing the same data with a new shape.
Refer to :func:`jax.numpy.reshape` for full documentation.
newshape = _compute_newshape(a, args[0] if len(args) == 1 else args)
if order == "C":
return lax.reshape(a, newshape, None)
elif order == "F":
dims = list(range(a.ndim)[::-1])
return lax.reshape(a, newshape[::-1], dims).T
elif order == "A":
raise NotImplementedError("np.reshape order=A is not implemented.")
raise ValueError(f"Unexpected value for 'order' argument: {order}.")
def _view(arr: Array, dtype: DTypeLike = None, type: None = None) -> Array:
"""Return a bitwise copy of the array, viewed as a new dtype.
This is fuller-featured wrapper around :func:`jax.lax.bitcast_convert_type`.
If the source and target dtype have the same bitwidth, the result has the same
shape as the input array. If the bitwidth of the target dtype is different
from the source, the size of the last axis of the result is adjusted
>>> jnp.zeros([1,2,3], dtype=jnp.int16).view(jnp.int8).shape
(1, 2, 6)
>>> jnp.zeros([1,2,4], dtype=jnp.int8).view(jnp.int16).shape
(1, 2, 2)
Conversions involving booleans are not well-defined in all situations. With
regards to the shape of result as explained above, booleans are treated as
having a bitwidth of 8. However, when converting to a boolean array, the input
should only contain 0 or 1 bytes. Otherwise, results may be unpredictable or
may change depending on how the result is used.
This conversion is guaranteed and safe:
>>> jnp.array([1, 0, 1], dtype=jnp.int8).view(jnp.bool_)
Array([ True, False, True], dtype=bool)
However, there are no guarantees about the results of any expression involving
a view such as this: `jnp.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=jnp.int8).view(jnp.bool_)`.
In particular, the results may change between JAX releases and depending on
the platform. To safely convert such an array to a boolean array, compare it
with `0`:
>>> jnp.array([1, 2, 0], dtype=jnp.int8) != 0
Array([ True, True, False], dtype=bool)
if type is not None:
raise NotImplementedError("`type` argument of array.view() is not supported.")
util.check_arraylike("view", arr)
arr = lax_numpy.asarray(arr)
dtypes.check_user_dtype_supported(dtype, "view")
dtype = dtypes.canonicalize_dtype(dtype)
if arr.ndim == 0:
if arr.dtype.itemsize != dtype.itemsize:
raise ValueError("view() of a 0d array is only supported if the itemsize is unchanged.")
return _view(lax.expand_dims(arr, (0,)), dtype).squeeze()
if (arr.shape[-1] * arr.dtype.itemsize) % dtype.itemsize != 0:
raise ValueError("When changing to a larger dtype, its size must be a divisor "
"of the total size in bytes of the last axis of the array.")
if arr.dtype == dtype:
return arr
# lax.bitcast_convert_type does not support bool or complex; in these cases we
# cast to a compatible type and recursively call _view for simplicity.
if arr.dtype == bool:
return _view(arr.astype('uint8'), dtype)
if lax_numpy.issubdtype(arr.dtype, np.complexfloating):
new_shape = (*arr.shape[:-1], arr.shape[-1] * 2)
new_dtype = lax_numpy.finfo(arr.dtype).dtype
arr = (lax_numpy.zeros(new_shape, new_dtype)
.at[..., 0::2].set(arr.real)
.at[..., 1::2].set(arr.imag))
return _view(arr, dtype)
if dtype == bool:
return _view(arr, np.uint8).astype(bool)
if lax_numpy.issubdtype(dtype, np.complexfloating):
out = _view(arr, lax_numpy.finfo(dtype).dtype).astype(dtype)
return out[..., 0::2] + 1j * out[..., 1::2]
# lax.bitcast_convert_type adds or subtracts dimensions depending on the
# relative bitwidths of the dtypes; we account for that with reshapes.
if arr.dtype.itemsize < dtype.itemsize:
factor = dtype.itemsize // arr.dtype.itemsize
arr = arr.reshape(*arr.shape[:-1], arr.shape[-1] // factor, factor)
return lax.bitcast_convert_type(arr, dtype)
if arr.dtype.itemsize > dtype.itemsize:
out = lax.bitcast_convert_type(arr, dtype)
return out.reshape(*out.shape[:-2], out.shape[-2] * out.shape[-1])
return lax.bitcast_convert_type(arr, dtype)
def _notimplemented_flat(self):
raise NotImplementedError("JAX DeviceArrays do not implement the arr.flat property: "
"consider arr.flatten() instead.")
_accepted_binop_types = (int, float, complex, np.generic, np.ndarray, Array)
_rejected_binop_types = (list, tuple, set, dict)
def _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(opchar, binary_op, swap=False):
# Ensure that other array types have the chance to override arithmetic.
def deferring_binary_op(self, other):
if hasattr(other, '__jax_array__'):
other = other.__jax_array__()
args = (other, self) if swap else (self, other)
if isinstance(other, _accepted_binop_types):
return binary_op(*args)
if isinstance(other, _rejected_binop_types):
raise TypeError(f"unsupported operand type(s) for {opchar}: "
f"{type(args[0]).__name__!r} and {type(args[1]).__name__!r}")
return NotImplemented
return deferring_binary_op
def _unimplemented_setitem(self, i, x):
msg = ("'{}' object does not support item assignment. JAX arrays are "
"immutable. Instead of ``x[idx] = y``, use ``x =[idx].set(y)`` "
"or another .at[] method: "
raise TypeError(msg.format(type(self)))
def _operator_round(number: ArrayLike, ndigits: Optional[int] = None) -> Array:
out = lax_numpy.round(number, decimals=ndigits or 0)
# If `ndigits` is None, for a builtin float round(7.5) returns an integer.
return out.astype(int) if ndigits is None else out
def _copy(self: Array) -> Array:
return self.copy()
def _deepcopy(self: Array, memo: Any) -> Array:
del memo # unused
return self.copy()
# Experimental support for NumPy's module dispatch with NEP-37.
# Currently requires
_JAX_ARRAY_TYPES = (core.Tracer, ArrayImpl)
def __array_module__(self, types):
if all(issubclass(t, _HANDLED_ARRAY_TYPES) for t in types):
return jax.numpy
return NotImplemented
def _compress_method(a: ArrayLike, condition: ArrayLike,
axis: Optional[int] = None, out: None = None) -> Array:
"""Return selected slices of this array along given axis.
Refer to :func:`jax.numpy.compress` for full documentation."""
return lax_numpy.jaxcompress(condition, a, axis, out)
@util._wraps(lax.broadcast, lax_description="""
Deprecated. Use :func:`jax.lax.broadcast` instead.
def _deprecated_broadcast(*args, **kwargs):
"The arr.broadcast() method is deprecated. Use jax.lax.broadcast instead.",
return lax.broadcast(*args, **kwargs)
@util._wraps(lax.broadcast, lax_description="""
Deprecated. Use :func:`jax.lax.broadcast_in_dim` instead.
def _deprecated_broadcast_in_dim(*args, **kwargs):
"The arr.broadcast_in_dim() method is deprecated. Use jax.lax.broadcast_in_dim instead.",
return lax.broadcast_in_dim(*args, **kwargs)
@util._wraps(lax.broadcast, lax_description="""
Deprecated. Use :func:`jax.numpy.split` instead.
def _deprecated_split(*args, **kwargs):
"The arr.split() method is deprecated. Use jax.numpy.split instead.",
return lax_numpy.split(*args, **kwargs)
@partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(1,2,3))
def _multi_slice(arr: ArrayLike,
start_indices: Tuple[Tuple[int, ...]],
limit_indices: Tuple[Tuple[int, ...]],
removed_dims: Tuple[Tuple[int, ...]]) -> List[Array]:
"""Extracts multiple slices from `arr`.
This is used to shard DeviceArray arguments to pmap. It's implemented as a
DeviceArray method here to avoid circular imports.
results: List[Array] = []
for starts, limits, removed in zip(start_indices, limit_indices, removed_dims):
sliced = lax.slice(arr, starts, limits)
if removed:
sliced = lax.squeeze(sliced, removed)
return results
# The next two functions are related to iter(device_array), implemented here to
# avoid circular imports.
def _unstack(x: Array) -> List[Array]:
return [lax.index_in_dim(x, i, keepdims=False) for i in range(x.shape[0])]
def _chunk_iter(x, size):
if size > x.shape[0]:
yield x
num_chunks, tail = ufuncs.divmod(x.shape[0], size)
for i in range(num_chunks):
yield lax.dynamic_slice_in_dim(x, i * size, size)
if tail:
yield lax.dynamic_slice_in_dim(x, num_chunks * size, tail)
# Syntactic sugar for scatter operations.
class _IndexUpdateHelper:
# Note: this docstring will appear as the docstring for the `at` property.
"""Helper property for index update functionality.
The ``at`` property provides a functionally pure equivalent of in-place
array modificatons.
In particular:
============================== ================================
Alternate syntax Equivalent In-place expression
============================== ================================
``x =[idx].set(y)`` ``x[idx] = y``
``x =[idx].add(y)`` ``x[idx] += y``
``x =[idx].multiply(y)`` ``x[idx] *= y``
``x =[idx].divide(y)`` ``x[idx] /= y``
``x =[idx].power(y)`` ``x[idx] **= y``
``x =[idx].min(y)`` ``x[idx] = minimum(x[idx], y)``
``x =[idx].max(y)`` ``x[idx] = maximum(x[idx], y)``
``x =[idx].apply(ufunc)`` ``, idx)``
``x =[idx].get()`` ``x = x[idx]``
============================== ================================
None of the ```` expressions modify the original ``x``; instead they return
a modified copy of ``x``. However, inside a :py:func:`~jax.jit` compiled function,
expressions like :code:`x =[idx].set(y)` are guaranteed to be applied in-place.
Unlike NumPy in-place operations such as :code:`x[idx] += y`, if multiple
indices refer to the same location, all updates will be applied (NumPy would
only apply the last update, rather than applying all updates.) The order
in which conflicting updates are applied is implementation-defined and may be
nondeterministic (e.g., due to concurrency on some hardware platforms).
By default, JAX assumes that all indices are in-bounds. Alternative out-of-bound
index semantics can be specified via the ``mode`` parameter (see below).
mode : str
Specify out-of-bound indexing mode. Options are:
- ``"promise_in_bounds"``: (default) The user promises that indices are in bounds.
No additional checking will be performed. In practice, this means that
out-of-bounds indices in ``get()`` will be clipped, and out-of-bounds indices
in ``set()``, ``add()``, etc. will be dropped.
- ``"clip"``: clamp out of bounds indices into valid range.
- ``"drop"``: ignore out-of-bound indices.
- ``"fill"``: alias for ``"drop"``. For `get()`, the optional ``fill_value``
argument specifies the value that will be returned.
See :class:`jax.lax.GatherScatterMode` for more details.
indices_are_sorted : bool
If True, the implementation will assume that the indices passed to ``at[]``
are sorted in ascending order, which can lead to more efficient execution
on some backends.
unique_indices : bool
If True, the implementation will assume that the indices passed to ``at[]``
are unique, which can result in more efficient execution on some backends.
fill_value : Any
Only applies to the ``get()`` method: the fill value to return for out-of-bounds
slices when `mode` is ``'fill'``. Ignored otherwise. Defaults to ``NaN`` for
inexact types, the largest negative value for signed types, the largest positive
value for unsigned types, and ``True`` for booleans.
>>> x = jnp.arange(5.0)
>>> x
Array([0., 1., 2., 3., 4.], dtype=float32)
Array([ 0., 1., 12., 3., 4.], dtype=float32)
>>>[10].add(10) # out-of-bounds indices are ignored
Array([0., 1., 2., 3., 4.], dtype=float32)
>>>[20].add(10, mode='clip')
Array([ 0., 1., 2., 3., 14.], dtype=float32)
Array(2., dtype=float32)
>>>[20].get() # out-of-bounds indices clipped
Array(4., dtype=float32)
>>>[20].get(mode='fill') # out-of-bounds indices filled with NaN
Array(nan, dtype=float32)
>>>[20].get(mode='fill', fill_value=-1) # custom fill value
Array(-1., dtype=float32)
__slots__ = ("array",)
def __init__(self, array):
self.array = array
def __getitem__(self, index):
return _IndexUpdateRef(self.array, index)
def __repr__(self):
return f"_IndexUpdateHelper({repr(self.array)})"
# TODO(jakevdp): remove these deprecation warnings after June 2023
def allow_pass_by_position_with_warning(f):
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
sig = inspect.signature(f)
sig.bind(*args, **kwargs)
except TypeError:
argspec = inspect.getfullargspec(f)
n_positional = len(argspec.args)
keywords = argspec.kwonlyargs[:len(args) - n_positional]
f"[...].{f.__name__}: Passing '{keywords[0]}' by position is deprecated. "
f"Pass by keyword instead", category=FutureWarning, stacklevel=2)
converted_kwargs = dict(unsafe_zip(keywords, args[n_positional:]))
return f(*args[:n_positional], **converted_kwargs, **kwargs)
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapped
class _IndexUpdateRef:
"""Helper object to call indexed update functions for an (advanced) index.
This object references a source array and a specific indexer into that array.
Methods on this object return copies of the source array that have been
modified at the positions specified by the indexer.
__slots__ = ("array", "index")
def __init__(self, array, index):
self.array = array
self.index = index
def __repr__(self):
return f"_IndexUpdateRef({repr(self.array)}, {repr(self.index)})"
def get(self, *, indices_are_sorted=False, unique_indices=False,
mode=None, fill_value=None):
"""Equivalent to ``x[idx]``.
Returns the value of ``x`` that would result from the NumPy-style
:mod:indexing <numpy.doc.indexing>` ``x[idx]``. This function differs from
the usual array indexing syntax in that it allows additional keyword
arguments ``indices_are_sorted`` and ``unique_indices`` to be passed.
See :mod:`jax.ops` for details.
return lax_numpy._rewriting_take(self.array, self.index,
unique_indices=unique_indices, mode=mode,
def set(self, values, *, indices_are_sorted=False, unique_indices=False,
"""Pure equivalent of ``x[idx] = y``.
Returns the value of ``x`` that would result from the NumPy-style
:mod:`indexed assignment <numpy.doc.indexing>` ``x[idx] = y``.
See :mod:`jax.ops` for details.
return scatter._scatter_update(self.array, self.index, values, lax.scatter,
unique_indices=unique_indices, mode=mode)
def apply(self, func, *, indices_are_sorted=False, unique_indices=False,
"""Pure equivalent of ``, idx)`` for a unary ufunc ``func``.
Returns the value of ``x`` that would result from applying the unary
function ``func`` to ``x`` at the given indices. This is similar to
``[idx].set(func(x[idx]))``, but differs in the case of repeated indices:
in ``[idx].apply(func)``, repeated indices result in the function being
applied multiple times.
Note that in the current implementation, ``scatter_apply`` is not compatible
with automatic differentiation.
See :mod:`jax.ops` for details.
def _scatter_apply(x, indices, y, dims, **kwargs):
return lax.scatter_apply(x, indices, func, dims, update_shape=y.shape, **kwargs)
return scatter._scatter_update(self.array, self.index,
unique_indices=unique_indices, mode=mode)
def add(self, values, *, indices_are_sorted=False, unique_indices=False,
"""Pure equivalent of ``x[idx] += y``.
Returns the value of ``x`` that would result from the NumPy-style
:mod:indexed assignment <numpy.doc.indexing>` ``x[idx] += y``.
See :mod:`jax.ops` for details.
return scatter._scatter_update(self.array, self.index, values,
unique_indices=unique_indices, mode=mode)
def multiply(self, values, *, indices_are_sorted=False, unique_indices=False,
"""Pure equivalent of ``x[idx] *= y``.
Returns the value of ``x`` that would result from the NumPy-style
:mod:indexed assignment <numpy.doc.indexing>` ``x[idx] *= y``.
See :mod:`jax.ops` for details.
return scatter._scatter_update(self.array, self.index, values,
mul = multiply
def divide(self, values, *, indices_are_sorted=False, unique_indices=False,
"""Pure equivalent of ``x[idx] /= y``.
Returns the value of ``x`` that would result from the NumPy-style
:mod:indexed assignment <numpy.doc.indexing>` ``x[idx] /= y``.
See :mod:`jax.ops` for details.
return ufuncs.divide(
scatter._scatter_update(lax_numpy.ones_like(self.array), self.index, values,
unique_indices=unique_indices, mode=mode))
def power(self, values, *, indices_are_sorted=False, unique_indices=False,
"""Pure equivalent of ``x[idx] **= y``.
Returns the value of ``x`` that would result from the NumPy-style
:mod:indexed assignment <numpy.doc.indexing>` ``x[idx] **= y``.
See :mod:`jax.ops` for details.
return ufuncs.power(
scatter._scatter_update(lax_numpy.ones_like(self.array), self.index, values,
unique_indices=unique_indices, mode=mode))
def min(self, values, *, indices_are_sorted=False, unique_indices=False,
"""Pure equivalent of ``x[idx] = minimum(x[idx], y)``.
Returns the value of ``x`` that would result from the NumPy-style
:mod:indexed assignment <numpy.doc.indexing>`
``x[idx] = minimum(x[idx], y)``.
See :mod:`jax.ops` for details.
return scatter._scatter_update(self.array, self.index, values,
unique_indices=unique_indices, mode=mode)
def max(self, values, *, indices_are_sorted=False, unique_indices=False,
"""Pure equivalent of ``x[idx] = maximum(x[idx], y)``.
Returns the value of ``x`` that would result from the NumPy-style
:mod:indexed assignment <numpy.doc.indexing>`
``x[idx] = maximum(x[idx], y)``.
See :mod:`jax.ops` for details.
return scatter._scatter_update(self.array, self.index, values,
unique_indices=unique_indices, mode=mode)
_array_operators = {
"getitem": lax_numpy._rewriting_take,
"setitem": _unimplemented_setitem,
"copy": _copy,
"deepcopy": _deepcopy,
"neg": ufuncs.negative,
"pos": ufuncs.positive,
"eq": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg("==", ufuncs.equal),
"ne": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg("!=", ufuncs.not_equal),
"lt": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg("<", ufuncs.less),
"le": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg("<=", ufuncs.less_equal),
"gt": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(">", ufuncs.greater),
"ge": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(">=", ufuncs.greater_equal),
"abs": ufuncs.abs,
"add": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg("+", ufuncs.add),
"radd": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg("+", ufuncs.add, swap=True),
"sub": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg("-", ufuncs.subtract),
"rsub": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg("-", ufuncs.subtract, swap=True),
"mul": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg("*", ufuncs.multiply),
"rmul": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg("*", ufuncs.multiply, swap=True),
"div": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg("/", ufuncs.divide),
"rdiv": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg("/", ufuncs.divide, swap=True),
"truediv": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg("/", ufuncs.true_divide),
"rtruediv": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg("/", ufuncs.true_divide, swap=True),
"floordiv": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg("//", ufuncs.floor_divide),
"rfloordiv": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg("//", ufuncs.floor_divide, swap=True),
"divmod": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg("divmod", ufuncs.divmod),
"rdivmod": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg("divmod", ufuncs.divmod, swap=True),
"mod": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg("%", ufuncs.mod),
"rmod": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg("%", ufuncs.mod, swap=True),
"pow": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg("**", ufuncs.power),
"rpow": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg("**", ufuncs.power, swap=True),
"matmul": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg("@", lax_numpy.matmul),
"rmatmul": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg("@", lax_numpy.matmul, swap=True),
"and": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg("&", ufuncs.bitwise_and),
"rand": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg("&", ufuncs.bitwise_and, swap=True),
"or": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg("|", ufuncs.bitwise_or),
"ror": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg("|", ufuncs.bitwise_or, swap=True),
"xor": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg("^", ufuncs.bitwise_xor),
"rxor": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg("^", ufuncs.bitwise_xor, swap=True),
"invert": ufuncs.bitwise_not,
"lshift": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg("<<", ufuncs.left_shift),
"rshift": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(">>", ufuncs.right_shift),
"rlshift": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg("<<", ufuncs.left_shift, swap=True),
"rrshift": _defer_to_unrecognized_arg(">>", ufuncs.right_shift, swap=True),
"round": _operator_round,
_array_methods = {
"all": reductions.all,
"any": reductions.any,
"argmax": lax_numpy.argmax,
"argmin": lax_numpy.argmin,
"argpartition": lax_numpy.argpartition,
"argsort": lax_numpy.argsort,
"astype": _astype,
"choose": lax_numpy.choose,
"clip": _clip,
"conj": ufuncs.conj,
"conjugate": ufuncs.conjugate,
"compress": _compress_method,
"copy": lax_numpy.copy,
"cumprod": reductions.cumprod,
"cumsum": reductions.cumsum,
"diagonal": lax_numpy.diagonal,
"flatten": lax_numpy.ravel,
"item": _item,
"max": reductions.max,
"mean": reductions.mean,
"min": reductions.min,
"nonzero": lax_numpy.nonzero,
"ptp": reductions.ptp,
"ravel": lax_numpy.ravel,
"repeat": lax_numpy.repeat,
"reshape": _reshape,
"round": lax_numpy.round,
"searchsorted": lax_numpy.searchsorted,
"sort": lax_numpy.sort,
"squeeze": lax_numpy.squeeze,
"std": reductions.std,
"sum": reductions.sum,
"swapaxes": lax_numpy.swapaxes,
"take": lax_numpy.take,
"trace": lax_numpy.trace,
"transpose": _transpose,
"var": reductions.var,
"view": _view,
# Methods exposed in order to avoid circular imports
"_split": lax_numpy.split, # used in jacfwd/jacrev
"_multi_slice": _multi_slice, # used in pxla for sharding
# Deprecated methods.
# TODO(jakevdp): remove these after June 2023
"broadcast": _deprecated_broadcast,
"broadcast_in_dim": _deprecated_broadcast_in_dim,
"split": _deprecated_split,
_impl_only_array_methods = {
"_chunk_iter": _chunk_iter,
"_unstack": _unstack,
_array_properties = {
"flat": _notimplemented_flat,
"T": lax_numpy.transpose,
"mT": lax_numpy.matrix_transpose,
"real": ufuncs.real,
"imag": ufuncs.imag,
"nbytes": _nbytes,
"itemsize": _itemsize,
"at": _IndexUpdateHelper,
def _set_shaped_array_attributes(shaped_array):
# Set up operator, method, and property forwarding on Tracer instances
# containing
# ShapedArray avals by following the forwarding conventions for Tracer.
# Forward operators using a single-underscore-prefix naming convention:
for operator_name, function in _array_operators.items():
setattr(shaped_array, f"_{operator_name}", staticmethod(function))
# Forward methods and properties using core.{aval_method, aval_property}:
for method_name, method in _array_methods.items():
setattr(shaped_array, method_name, core.aval_method(method))
for prop_name, prop in _array_properties.items():
setattr(shaped_array, prop_name, core.aval_property(prop))
setattr(shaped_array, "_array_module", staticmethod(__array_module__))
def _forward_operator_to_aval(name):
def op(self, *args):
return getattr(self.aval, f"_{name}")(self, *args)
return op
def _forward_method_to_aval(name):
def meth(self, *args, **kwargs):
return getattr(self.aval, name).fun(self, *args, **kwargs)
return meth
def _forward_property_to_aval(name):
def prop(self):
return getattr(self.aval, name).fget(self)
return prop
def _set_tracer_aval_forwarding(tracer, exclude=()):
for operator_name in _array_operators:
if operator_name not in exclude:
setattr(tracer, f"__{operator_name}__", _forward_operator_to_aval(operator_name))
for method_name in _array_methods:
if method_name not in exclude:
setattr(tracer, method_name, _forward_method_to_aval(method_name))
for prop_name in _array_properties:
if prop_name not in exclude:
setattr(tracer, prop_name, _forward_property_to_aval(prop_name))
def _set_array_base_attributes(device_array, include=None, exclude=None):
# Forward operators, methods, and properties on DeviceArray to lax_numpy
# functions (with no Tracers involved; this forwarding is direct)
def maybe_setattr(attr_name, target):
if exclude is not None and attr_name in exclude:
if not include or attr_name in include:
setattr(device_array, attr_name, target)
for operator_name, function in _array_operators.items():
maybe_setattr(f"__{operator_name}__", function)
for method_name, method in _array_methods.items():
maybe_setattr(method_name, method)
for prop_name, prop in _array_properties.items():
maybe_setattr(prop_name, property(prop))
for name, func in _impl_only_array_methods.items():
setattr(device_array, name, func)
def _set_array_attributes(device_array):
setattr(device_array, "__array_module__", __array_module__)
def _make_abstract_method(name, func):
def method(*args, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError(f"Cannot call abstract method {name}")
return method
def _set_array_abstract_methods(basearray):
for operator_name, function in _array_operators.items():
setattr(basearray, f"__{operator_name}__",
_make_abstract_method(f"__{operator_name}__", function))
for method_name, method in _array_methods.items():
setattr(basearray, method_name,
_make_abstract_method(method_name, method))
for prop_name, prop in _array_properties.items():
setattr(basearray, prop_name,
property(_make_abstract_method(prop_name, prop)))
def register_jax_array_methods():
"""Call this function once to register methods of JAX arrays"""
_set_array_base_attributes(ArrayImpl, exclude={'__getitem__'})
_set_tracer_aval_forwarding(core.Tracer, exclude={*_impl_only_array_methods, "at"})
_set_array_abstract_methods(Array) = _IndexUpdateHelper.__doc__