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2023-06-19 00:49:18 +02:00
# Copyright 2020 The JAX Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import functools
import os
import traceback
import types
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Optional, TypeVar, cast
from jax._src.config import config
from jax._src.lib import xla_extension
from jax._src import util
C = TypeVar("C", bound=Callable[..., Any])
_exclude_paths: List[str] = [__file__, util.__file__]
def register_exclusion(path: str):
_jax_message_append = (
'The stack trace below excludes JAX-internal frames.\n'
'The preceding is the original exception that occurred, unmodified.\n'
def _path_starts_with(path: str, path_prefix: str) -> bool:
path = os.path.abspath(path)
path_prefix = os.path.abspath(path_prefix)
common = os.path.commonpath([path, path_prefix])
except ValueError:
# path and path_prefix are both absolute, the only case will raise a
# ValueError is different drives.
return False
return common == path_prefix or os.path.samefile(common, path_prefix)
except OSError:
# One of the paths may not exist.
return False
def include_frame(f: types.FrameType) -> bool:
return not any(_path_starts_with(f.f_code.co_filename, path)
for path in _exclude_paths)
# When scanning stack traces, we might encounter frames from cpython that are
# removed from printed stack traces, such as frames from parts of importlib. We
# ignore these frames heuristically based on source and name match.
def _ignore_known_hidden_frame(f: types.FrameType) -> bool:
return 'importlib._bootstrap' in f.f_code.co_filename
def _add_tracebackhide_to_hidden_frames(tb: types.TracebackType):
for f, _lineno in traceback.walk_tb(tb):
if not include_frame(f):
f.f_locals["__tracebackhide__"] = True
def filter_traceback(tb: types.TracebackType) -> Optional[types.TracebackType]:
out = None
# Scan the traceback and collect relevant frames.
frames = list(traceback.walk_tb(tb))
for f, lineno in reversed(frames):
if include_frame(f):
out = types.TracebackType(out, f, f.f_lasti, lineno)
return out
def _add_call_stack_frames(tb: types.TracebackType) -> types.TracebackType:
# Continue up the call stack.
# We would like to avoid stepping too far up, e.g. past the exec/eval point of
# a REPL such as IPython. To that end, we stop past the first contiguous bunch
# of module-level frames, if we reach any such frames at all. This is a
# heuristic that might stop in advance of the REPL boundary. For example, if
# the call stack includes module-level frames from the current module A, and
# the current module A was imported from within a function F elsewhere, then
# the stack trace we produce will be truncated at F's frame.
out = tb
reached_module_level = False
for f, lineno in traceback.walk_stack(tb.tb_frame):
if _ignore_known_hidden_frame(f):
if reached_module_level and f.f_code.co_name != '<module>':
if include_frame(f):
out = types.TracebackType(out, f, f.f_lasti, lineno)
if f.f_code.co_name == '<module>':
reached_module_level = True
return out
def _is_reraiser_frame(f: traceback.FrameSummary) -> bool:
return (f.filename == __file__ and == 'reraise_with_filtered_traceback')
def _is_under_reraiser(e: BaseException) -> bool:
if e.__traceback__ is None:
return False
tb = traceback.extract_stack(e.__traceback__.tb_frame)
return any(_is_reraiser_frame(f) for f in tb[:-1])
def format_exception_only(e: BaseException) -> str:
return ''.join(traceback.format_exception_only(type(e), e)).strip()
class UnfilteredStackTrace(Exception): pass
def _running_under_ipython() -> bool:
"""Returns true if we appear to be in an IPython session."""
get_ipython() # type: ignore
return True
except NameError:
return False
def _ipython_supports_tracebackhide() -> bool:
"""Returns true if the IPython version supports __tracebackhide__."""
import IPython # type: ignore
return IPython.version_info[:2] >= (7, 17)
def _filtering_mode() -> str:
mode = config.jax_traceback_filtering
if mode is None or mode == "auto":
if (_running_under_ipython() and _ipython_supports_tracebackhide()):
mode = "tracebackhide"
mode = "remove_frames"
return mode
def api_boundary(fun: C) -> C:
'''Wraps ``fun`` to form a boundary for filtering exception tracebacks.
When an exception occurs below ``fun``, this appends to it a custom
``__cause__`` that carries a filtered traceback. The traceback imitates the
stack trace of the original exception, but with JAX-internal frames removed.
This boundary annotation works in composition with itself. The topmost frame
corresponding to an :func:`~api_boundary` is the one below which stack traces
are filtered. In other words, if ``api_boundary(f)`` calls
``api_boundary(g)``, directly or indirectly, the filtered stack trace provided
is the same as if ``api_boundary(f)`` were to simply call ``g`` instead.
This annotation is primarily useful in wrapping functions output by JAX's
transformations. For example, consider ``g = jax.jit(f)``. When ``g`` is
called, JAX's JIT compilation machinery is invoked, which in turn calls ``f``
in order to trace and translate it. If the function ``f`` raises an exception,
the stack unwinds through JAX's JIT internals up to the original call site of
``g``. Because the function returned by :func:`~jax.jit` is annotated as an
:func:`~api_boundary`, such an exception is accompanied by an additional
traceback that excludes the frames specific to JAX's implementation.
def reraise_with_filtered_traceback(*args, **kwargs):
__tracebackhide__ = True
return fun(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
mode = _filtering_mode()
if _is_under_reraiser(e) or mode == "off":
if mode == "tracebackhide":
assert mode == "remove_frames", mode
filtered_tb, unfiltered, mode = None, None, None
filtered_tb = filter_traceback(e.__traceback__)
msg = format_exception_only(e)
msg = f'{msg}\n\n{_jax_message_append}'
unfiltered = UnfilteredStackTrace(msg)
unfiltered.__context__ = e.__context__
unfiltered.__cause__ = e.__cause__
unfiltered.__suppress_context__ = e.__suppress_context__
e.__context__ = None
e.__cause__ = unfiltered
e.__traceback__ = filtered_tb
# In Python < 3.11, there seems to be no way to alter the currently
# raised exception traceback, except via the C API. The interpreter
# keeps a copy of the traceback (exc_traceback) that is separate to the
# __traceback__ of exc_value. Python 3.11 removes exc_traceback and
# just setting __traceback__ is enough. Since it is no longer needed,
# the XLA extension no longer defines a traceback-replacing method at
# Python 3.11 and onward.
if hasattr(xla_extension, "replace_thread_exc_traceback"):
del filtered_tb
del unfiltered
del mode
return cast(C, reraise_with_filtered_traceback)