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2023-06-19 00:49:18 +02:00
# Copyright 2020 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
"""Keras index lookup preprocessing layer."""
import collections
import numpy as np
import tensorflow.compat.v2 as tf
from keras import backend
from keras.engine import base_layer_utils
from keras.engine import base_preprocessing_layer
from keras.layers.preprocessing import preprocessing_utils as utils
from keras.saving.legacy.saved_model import layer_serialization
from keras.utils import layer_utils
from keras.utils import tf_utils
# isort: off
from tensorflow.python.platform import tf_logging as logging
INT = utils.INT
TF_IDF = utils.TF_IDF
_VOCAB_NAME = "vocab"
_IDF_WEIGHTS_NAME = "idf_weights"
class NullInitializer(tf.lookup.KeyValueTensorInitializer):
"""A placeholder initializer for restoring this layer from a SavedModel."""
def __init__(self, key_dtype, value_dtype):
"""Construct a table initializer object.
key_dtype: Type of the table keys.
value_dtype: Type of the table values.
self._key_dtype = key_dtype
self._value_dtype = value_dtype
def key_dtype(self):
"""The expected table key dtype."""
return self._key_dtype
def value_dtype(self):
"""The expected table value dtype."""
return self._value_dtype
def initialize(self, table):
"""Returns the table initialization op."""
class VocabWeightHandler(base_layer_utils.TrackableWeightHandler):
"""Adds the vocabulary as a layer weight during serialization."""
def __init__(self, lookup_layer):
# Note that this class doesn't call super().__init__() in order to
# have customized behavior. The fileds like '_dtype' and
# '_distribute_strategy' are required by the parent class, as well as
# tf.distribute. See `strategy.extended.variable_created_in_scope`
self._layer = lookup_layer
self._dtype = lookup_layer.vocabulary_dtype
self._distribute_strategy = tf.distribute.get_strategy()
def num_tensors(self):
return 1
def set_weights(self, weights):
tokens = tf.convert_to_tensor(weights[0], self._dtype)
self._layer.lookup_table = self._layer._lookup_table_from_tokens(tokens)
def get_tensors(self):
# Just save the non-config part of the vocab (no special tokens).
tokens = self._layer.get_vocabulary(include_special_tokens=False)
tokens = tf.convert_to_tensor(tokens, self._dtype)
return [tokens]
class IndexLookup(base_preprocessing_layer.PreprocessingLayer):
"""Maps values from a vocabulary to integer indices.
This layer translates a set of arbitrary hashables into an integer output
via a table-based lookup, with optional out-of-vocabulary handling. This is
the basis layer for both IntegerLookup and StringLookup; it holds the common
logic but is not intended to be exported as part of the Keras API.
max_tokens: The maximum size of the vocabulary for this layer. If None,
there is no cap on the size of the vocabulary. Note that this size
includes the OOV and mask tokens.
num_oov_indices: The number of out-of-vocabulary tokens to use. If this
value is more than 1, OOV inputs are hashed to determine their OOV
value. If this value is 0, OOV inputs will cause an error when calling
the layer.
mask_token: A token that represents masked inputs. When `output_mode` is
`"int"`, the token is included in vocabulary and mapped to index 0. In
other output modes, the token will not appear in the vocabulary and
instances of the mask token in the input will be dropped. If set to
None, no mask term will be added.
oov_token: Only used when `invert` is True. The token to return for OOV
vocabulary: Optional. Either an array or a string path to a text file. If
passing an array, can pass a tuple, list, 1D numpy array, or 1D tensor
containing the vocbulary terms. If passing a file path, the file should
contain one line per term in the vocabulary. If this argument is set,
there is no need to `adapt` the layer.
vocabulary_dtype: The dtype of the vocabulary terms. For example,
`"int64"` or `"string"`.
idf_weights: Only valid when `output_mode` is `"tf_idf"`. A tuple, list,
1D numpy array, or 1D tensor or the same length as the vocabulary,
containing the floating point inverse document frequency weights, which
will be multiplied by per sample term counts for the final `tf_idf`
weight. If the `vocabulary` argument is set, and `output_mode` is
`"tf_idf"`, this argument must be supplied.
invert: Only valid when `output_mode` is `"int"`. If True, this layer will
map indices to vocabulary items instead of mapping vocabulary items to
indices. Default to False.
output_mode: Specification for the output of the layer. Defaults to
`"int"`. Values can be `"int"`, `"one_hot"`, `"multi_hot"`, `"count"`,
or `"tf_idf"` configuring the layer as follows:
- `"int"`: Return the raw integer indices of the input tokens.
- `"one_hot"`: Encodes each individual element in the input into an
array the same size as the vocabulary, containing a 1 at the element
index. If the last dimension is size 1, will encode on that
dimension. If the last dimension is not size 1, will append a new
dimension for the encoded output.
- `"multi_hot"`: Encodes each sample in the input into a single array
the same size as the vocabulary, containing a 1 for each vocabulary
term present in the sample. Treats the last dimension as the sample
dimension, if input shape is (..., sample_length), output shape will
be (..., num_tokens).
- `"count"`: As `"multi_hot"`, but the int array contains a count of
the number of times the token at that index appeared in the sample.
- `"tf_idf"`: As `"multi_hot"`, but the TF-IDF algorithm is applied to
find the value in each token slot.
pad_to_max_tokens: Only valid when `output_mode` is `"multi_hot"`,
`"count"`, or `"tf_idf"`. If True, the output will have its feature axis
padded to `max_tokens` even if the number of unique tokens in the
vocabulary is less than max_tokens, resulting in a tensor of shape
[batch_size, max_tokens] regardless of vocabulary size. Defaults to
sparse: Boolean. Only applicable to `"one_hot"`, `"multi_hot"`, `"count"`
and `"tf-idf"` output modes. If True, returns a `SparseTensor` instead
of a dense `Tensor`. Defaults to False.
def __init__(
# If max_tokens is set, the value must be greater than 1 - otherwise we
# are creating a 0-element vocab, which doesn't make sense.
if max_tokens is not None and max_tokens <= 1:
raise ValueError(
"If set, `max_tokens` must be greater than 1. "
f"Received: max_tokens={max_tokens}"
if pad_to_max_tokens and max_tokens is None:
raise ValueError(
"If pad_to_max_tokens is True, must set `max_tokens`. "
f"Received: max_tokens={max_tokens}"
if num_oov_indices < 0:
raise ValueError(
"`num_oov_indices` must be greater than or equal to 0. "
f"Received: num_oov_indices={num_oov_indices}"
# Support deprecated names for output_modes.
if output_mode == "binary":
output_mode = MULTI_HOT
if output_mode == "tf-idf":
output_mode = TF_IDF
# 'output_mode' must be one of (INT, ONE_HOT, MULTI_HOT, COUNT, TF_IDF)
allowable_strings=(INT, ONE_HOT, MULTI_HOT, COUNT, TF_IDF),
if invert and output_mode != INT:
raise ValueError(
"`output_mode` must be `'int'` when `invert` is true. "
f"Received: output_mode={output_mode}"
if sparse and output_mode == INT:
raise ValueError(
"`sparse` may only be true if `output_mode` is "
"`'one_hot'`, `'multi_hot'`, `'count'` or `'tf_idf'`. "
f"Received: sparse={sparse} and "
if idf_weights is not None and output_mode != TF_IDF:
raise ValueError(
"`idf_weights` should only be set if `output_mode` is "
f"`'tf_idf'`. Received: idf_weights={idf_weights} and "
self.invert = invert
self.max_tokens = max_tokens
self.num_oov_indices = num_oov_indices
self.mask_token = mask_token
self.oov_token = oov_token
self.output_mode = output_mode
self.sparse = sparse
self.pad_to_max_tokens = pad_to_max_tokens
self.vocabulary_dtype = vocabulary_dtype
self._frozen_vocab_size = kwargs.pop("vocabulary_size", None)
self.input_vocabulary = vocabulary
self.input_idf_weights = idf_weights
# VocabularySavedModelSaver will clear the config vocabulary to restore
# the lookup table ops directly. We persist this hidden option to
# persist the fact that we have have a non-adaptable layer with a
# manually set vocab.
self._has_input_vocabulary = kwargs.pop(
"has_input_vocabulary", (vocabulary is not None)
# Drop deprecated config options.
kwargs.pop("has_static_table", None)
# By default, output int64 when output_mode='int' and floats otherwise.
if "dtype" not in kwargs:
kwargs["dtype"] = (
tf.int64 if output_mode == INT else backend.floatx()
# Check dtype only after base layer parses it; dtype parsing is complex.
if (
output_mode == INT
and not tf.as_dtype(self.compute_dtype).is_integer
input_dtype = kwargs["dtype"]
raise ValueError(
"When `output_mode='int'`, `dtype` should be an integer "
f"type. Received: dtype={input_dtype}"
if invert:
self._key_dtype = self.dtype if output_mode == INT else tf.int64
self._value_dtype = tf.as_dtype(self.vocabulary_dtype)
mask_key = 0
mask_value = mask_token
self._default_value = self.oov_token
self._key_dtype = tf.as_dtype(self.vocabulary_dtype)
self._value_dtype = self.dtype if output_mode == INT else tf.int64
mask_key = mask_token
# Masks should map to 0 for int output and be dropped otherwise. Max
# ints will be dropped from the bincount op.
mask_value = 0 if self.output_mode == INT else self._value_dtype.max
if self.num_oov_indices == 0:
# If there are no OOV indices, we map OOV tokens to -1 and error
# out during call if we find a negative index.
self._default_value = -1
elif self.num_oov_indices == 1:
# If there is only one OOV index, we can set that index as the
# default value of the index_lookup table.
self._default_value = self._oov_start_index()
# If we have multiple OOV values, we need to do a further
# hashing step; to make this easier, we set the OOV value to -1.
# (This lets us do a vectorized add and cast to boolean to
# determine locations where we need to do extra hashing.)
self._default_value = -1
if self.mask_token is not None:
self._mask_key = tf.convert_to_tensor(mask_key, self._key_dtype)
self._mask_value = tf.convert_to_tensor(
mask_value, self._value_dtype
if self.output_mode == TF_IDF:
self.idf_weights = tf.Variable(
[0] * self._token_start_index(),
self.idf_weights_const = self.idf_weights.value()
if vocabulary is not None:
self.set_vocabulary(vocabulary, idf_weights)
# When restoring from a keras SavedModel, the loading code will
# expect to find and restore a lookup_table attribute on the layer.
# This table needs to be uninitialized as a StaticHashTable cannot
# be initialized twice.
self.lookup_table = self._uninitialized_lookup_table()
# Only set up adapt state if we did not receive a vocab on construction.
if not self._has_input_vocabulary:
# Add custom weight handler to return the layer's vocab as a weight.
self._add_trackable(VocabWeightHandler(self), False)
# Set adapt state.
self.token_counts = tf.lookup.experimental.MutableHashTable(
if self.output_mode == TF_IDF:
self.token_document_counts = (
self.num_documents = tf.Variable(
0, dtype=tf.int64, trainable=False
def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape):
if self.output_mode == INT:
return input_shape
depth = (
if self.pad_to_max_tokens
else self._frozen_vocab_size
return tf.TensorShape([input_shape[0], depth])
def compute_output_signature(self, input_spec):
output_shape = self.compute_output_shape(input_spec.shape.as_list())
output_dtype = (
self.vocabulary_dtype if self.invert else self.compute_dtype
return tf.TensorSpec(shape=output_shape, dtype=output_dtype)
def get_vocabulary(self, include_special_tokens=True):
"""Returns the current vocabulary of the layer.
include_special_tokens: If True, the returned vocabulary will include
mask and OOV tokens, and a term's index in the vocabulary will equal
the term's index when calling the layer. If False, the returned
vocabulary will not include any mask or OOV tokens.
# The lookup table data will not be sorted, so we will create a inverted
# lookup here, and use that to lookup a range of indices [0,
# vocab_size).
if self.lookup_table.size() == 0:
vocab, indices = [], []
keys, values = self.lookup_table.export()
vocab, indices = (values, keys) if self.invert else (keys, values)
vocab, indices = (
lookup = collections.defaultdict(
lambda: self.oov_token, zip(indices, vocab)
vocab = [lookup[x] for x in range(self.vocabulary_size())]
if self.mask_token is not None and self.output_mode == INT:
vocab[0] = self.mask_token
if not include_special_tokens:
vocab = vocab[self._token_start_index() :]
return vocab
def vocabulary_size(self):
"""Gets the current size of the layer's vocabulary.
The integer size of the vocabulary, including optional mask and oov
if tf.executing_eagerly():
return (
+ self._token_start_index()
return self.lookup_table.size() + self._token_start_index()
def vocab_size(self):
logging.warning("vocab_size is deprecated, please use vocabulary_size.")
return self.vocabulary_size()
def get_config(self):
config = {
"invert": self.invert,
"max_tokens": self.max_tokens,
"num_oov_indices": self.num_oov_indices,
"oov_token": self.oov_token,
"mask_token": self.mask_token,
"output_mode": self.output_mode,
"sparse": self.sparse,
"pad_to_max_tokens": self.pad_to_max_tokens,
"vocabulary_dtype": self.vocabulary_dtype,
"idf_weights": utils.listify_tensors(self.input_idf_weights),
"vocabulary": utils.listify_tensors(self.input_vocabulary),
"vocabulary_size": self._frozen_vocab_size,
base_config = super().get_config()
return dict(list(base_config.items()) + list(config.items()))
def _record_vocabulary_size(self):
with tf.init_scope():
self._frozen_vocab_size = self.vocabulary_size()
def set_vocabulary(self, vocabulary, idf_weights=None):
"""Sets vocabulary (and optionally document frequency) for this layer.
This method sets the vocabulary and idf weights for this layer directly,
instead of analyzing a dataset through `adapt`. It should be used
whenever the vocab (and optionally document frequency) information is
already known. If vocabulary data is already present in the layer, this
method will replace it.
vocabulary: Either an array or a string path to a text file. If
passing an array, can pass a tuple, list, 1D numpy array, or 1D
tensor containing the vocbulary terms. If passing a file path, the
file should contain one line per term in the vocabulary.
idf_weights: A tuple, list, 1D numpy array, or 1D tensor of inverse
document frequency weights with equal length to vocabulary. Must be
set if `output_mode` is `"tf_idf"`. Should not be set otherwise.
ValueError: If there are too many inputs, the inputs do not match, or
input data is missing.
RuntimeError: If the vocabulary cannot be set when this function is
called. This happens when `"multi_hot"`, `"count"`, and `"tf_idf"`
modes, if `pad_to_max_tokens` is False and the layer itself has
already been called.
RuntimeError: If a tensor vocabulary is passed outside of eager
if self.output_mode == TF_IDF:
if idf_weights is None:
raise ValueError(
"`idf_weights` must be set if output_mode is TF_IDF"
elif idf_weights is not None:
raise ValueError(
"`idf_weights` should only be set if output_mode is "
f"`'tf_idf'`. Received: output_mode={self.output_mode} "
f"and idf_weights={idf_weights}"
if isinstance(vocabulary, str):
if not
raise ValueError(
f"Vocabulary file {vocabulary} does not exist."
if self.output_mode == TF_IDF:
raise ValueError(
"output_mode `'tf_idf'` does not support loading a "
"vocabulary from file."
self.lookup_table = self._lookup_table_from_file(vocabulary)
if not tf.executing_eagerly() and (
tf.is_tensor(vocabulary) or tf.is_tensor(idf_weights)
raise RuntimeError(
"Cannot set a tensor vocabulary on {} layer {} when not "
"executing eagerly. Create this layer or call `set_vocabulary` "
"outside of any `tf.function`s and with eager execution "
# TODO(mattdangerw): for better performance we should rewrite this
# entire function to operate on tensors and convert vocabulary to a
# tensor here.
if tf.is_tensor(vocabulary):
vocabulary = self._tensor_vocab_to_numpy(vocabulary)
elif isinstance(vocabulary, (list, tuple)):
vocabulary = np.array(vocabulary)
if tf.is_tensor(idf_weights):
idf_weights = idf_weights.numpy()
elif isinstance(idf_weights, (list, tuple)):
idf_weights = np.array(idf_weights)
if vocabulary.size == 0:
raise ValueError(
f"Cannot set an empty vocabulary, you passed {vocabulary}."
oov_start = self._oov_start_index()
token_start = self._token_start_index()
special_tokens = [self.mask_token] * oov_start + [
] * self.num_oov_indices
found_special_tokens = np.array_equal(
special_tokens, vocabulary[:token_start]
if found_special_tokens:
tokens = vocabulary[token_start:]
tokens = vocabulary
repeated_tokens = self._find_repeated_tokens(tokens)
if repeated_tokens:
raise ValueError(
"The passed vocabulary has at least one repeated "
"term. Please uniquify your dataset. The repeated terms "
"are {}".format(repeated_tokens)
if self.mask_token is not None and self.mask_token in tokens:
mask_index = np.argwhere(vocabulary == self.mask_token)[-1]
raise ValueError(
"Found reserved mask token at unexpected location in "
"`vocabulary`. Note that passed `vocabulary` does not need to "
"include the OOV and mask tokens. Either remove all mask and "
"OOV tokens, or include them only at the start of the "
f"vocabulary in precisely this order: {special_tokens}. "
f"Received: mask_token={self.mask_token} at "
f"vocabulary index {mask_index}"
# Only error out for oov_token when invert=True. When invert=False,
# oov_token is unused during lookup.
if (
self.oov_token is not None
and self.invert
and self.oov_token in tokens
oov_index = np.argwhere(vocabulary == self.oov_token)[-1]
raise ValueError(
"Found reserved OOV token at unexpected location in "
"`vocabulary`. Note that passed `vocabulary` does not need to "
"include the OOV and mask tokens. Either remove all mask and "
"OOV tokens, or include them only at the start of the "
f"vocabulary in precisely this order: {special_tokens}. "
f"Received: oov_token={self.oov_token} at "
f"vocabulary index {oov_index}"
new_vocab_size = token_start + len(tokens)
if self.max_tokens is not None and (new_vocab_size > self.max_tokens):
raise ValueError(
"Attempted to set a vocabulary larger than the maximum vocab "
"size. Passed vocab size is {}, max vocab size is {}.".format(
new_vocab_size, self.max_tokens
self.lookup_table = self._lookup_table_from_tokens(tokens)
if self.output_mode == TF_IDF and idf_weights is not False:
if len(vocabulary) != len(idf_weights):
raise ValueError(
"`idf_weights` must be the same length as vocabulary. "
"len(idf_weights) is {}, len(vocabulary) is {}".format(
len(vocabulary), len(idf_weights)
idf_weights = self._convert_to_ndarray(idf_weights)
if idf_weights.ndim != 1:
raise ValueError(
"TF-IDF data must be a 1-index array, "
"but received {}".format(type(idf_weights))
# If the passed vocabulary has no special tokens, we need to pad the
# front of idf_weights. We don't have real document frequencies for
# these tokens so we will use an average of all idf_weights passed
# in as a reasonable default.
if found_special_tokens:
front_padding = 0
front_padding_value = 0
front_padding = token_start
front_padding_value = np.average(idf_weights)
# If pad_to_max_tokens is true, and max_tokens is greater than our
# total vocab size, we need to pad the back of idf_weights with
# zeros as well.
back_padding_value = 0
if self.pad_to_max_tokens and self.max_tokens is not None:
back_padding = (
self.max_tokens - front_padding - len(idf_weights)
back_padding = 0
weights = np.pad(
(front_padding, back_padding),
constant_values=(front_padding_value, back_padding_value),
weights = tf.convert_to_tensor(weights, dtype=self.compute_dtype)
self.idf_weights_const = self.idf_weights.value()
def update_state(self, data):
if self._has_input_vocabulary:
raise ValueError(
"Cannot adapt {} layer after setting a static vocabulary via "
"init argument "
"or `set_vocabulary`.".format(self.__class__.__name__)
data = utils.ensure_tensor(data, dtype=self.vocabulary_dtype)
if data.shape.rank == 0:
data = tf.expand_dims(data, 0)
if data.shape.rank == 1:
# Expand dims on axis 0 for tf-idf. A 1-d tensor is a single
# document.
data = tf.expand_dims(data, 0)
tokens, counts = self._num_tokens(data)
tokens, counts + self.token_counts.lookup(tokens)
if self.output_mode == TF_IDF:
# Dedupe each row of our dataset.
deduped_doc_data = tf.map_fn(lambda x: tf.unique(x)[0], data)
# Flatten and count tokens.
tokens, doc_counts = self._num_tokens(deduped_doc_data)
tokens, doc_counts + self.token_document_counts.lookup(tokens)
if tf_utils.is_ragged(data):
tf.shape(data, out_type=tf.int64)[0]
def finalize_state(self):
if self._has_input_vocabulary or tf.equal(self.token_counts.size(), 0):
# Finalize idf_weights to a const for call even if we don't need to
# compute a new vocabulary.
if self.output_mode == TF_IDF:
self.idf_weights_const = self.idf_weights.value()
# Remove special tokens from our counts.
if self.mask_token is not None:
tf.convert_to_tensor([self.mask_token], self.vocabulary_dtype)
if self.oov_token is not None:
tf.convert_to_tensor([self.oov_token], self.vocabulary_dtype)
tokens, counts = self.token_counts.export()
# To keep vocabs deterministic, we sort our tokens by count and break
# ties by sorting the tokens themselves. Tensorflow has no ops for
# sorting strings, so we need to use numpy for the sort.
sorted_indices = np.lexsort((tokens.numpy(), counts.numpy()))[::-1]
token_start = self._token_start_index()
if self.max_tokens:
max_learned_tokens = self.max_tokens - token_start
sorted_indices = sorted_indices[:max_learned_tokens]
tokens = tf.gather(tokens, sorted_indices)
self.lookup_table = self._lookup_table_from_tokens(tokens)
if self.output_mode == TF_IDF:
token_document_counts = self.token_document_counts.lookup(tokens)
idf_weights = self._inverse_document_frequency(
token_document_counts, self.num_documents
idf_weights = tf.cast(idf_weights, self.compute_dtype)
# Pad the front of idf_weights with the average idf weight for OOV
# tokens. We cannot compute the real idf weight of OOV in a single
# pass.
idf_weights = tf.pad(
[[self._token_start_index(), 0]],
if self.pad_to_max_tokens and self.max_tokens is not None:
# Pad the back of idf_weights with zeros.
idf_weights = tf.pad(
[[0, self.max_tokens - tf.size(idf_weights)]],
self.idf_weights_const = self.idf_weights.value()
# We call this here to save memory, now that we've built our vocabulary,
# we don't want to keep every token we've seen in separate lookup
# tables.
def reset_state(self):
if self._has_input_vocabulary:
if self.output_mode == TF_IDF:
def call(self, inputs):
inputs = utils.ensure_tensor(inputs, dtype=self._key_dtype)
original_shape = inputs.shape
# Some ops will not handle scalar input, so uprank to rank 1.
if inputs.shape.rank == 0:
inputs = self._expand_dims(inputs, -1)
if tf_utils.is_sparse(inputs):
lookups = tf.SparseTensor(
elif tf_utils.is_ragged(inputs):
lookups = tf.ragged.map_flat_values(self._lookup_dense, inputs)
lookups = self._lookup_dense(inputs)
if self.output_mode == INT:
# If we received a scalar input, downrank back to a scalar.
if original_shape.rank == 0:
lookups = tf.squeeze(lookups, -1)
return lookups
depth = (
if self.pad_to_max_tokens
else self._frozen_vocab_size
idf_weights = (
self.idf_weights_const if self.output_mode == TF_IDF else None
return utils.encode_categorical_inputs(
def _lookup_dense(self, inputs):
"""Lookup table values for a dense Tensor, handling masking and OOV."""
# When executing eagerly and tracing keras.Input objects,
# do not call lookup.
# This is critical for restoring SavedModel, which will first trace
# and then attempt to restore the table. We need the table to
# be uninitialized for the restore to work, but calling the table
# uninitialized would error.
if tf.executing_eagerly() and backend.is_keras_tensor(inputs):
lookups = tf.zeros_like(inputs, dtype=self._value_dtype)
lookups = self.lookup_table.lookup(inputs)
if self.mask_token is not None:
mask_locations = tf.equal(inputs, self._mask_key)
lookups = tf.where(mask_locations, self._mask_value, lookups)
if self.invert:
return lookups
lookup_checks = []
if self.num_oov_indices == 0:
# If we have zero oov indices, we need to check for oov inputs.
oov_indices = tf.where(tf.equal(lookups, -1))
oov_inputs = tf.gather_nd(inputs, oov_indices)
msg = tf.strings.format(
"When `num_oov_indices=0` all inputs should be in vocabulary, "
"found OOV values {}, consider setting `num_oov_indices=1`.",
assertion = tf.Assert(tf.equal(tf.size(oov_indices), 0), [msg])
elif self.num_oov_indices > 1:
# If we have multiple oov indices, we need a further hashing step.
if self._key_dtype.is_integer:
oov_indices = tf.math.floormod(inputs, self.num_oov_indices)
oov_indices = tf.strings.to_hash_bucket_fast(
inputs, num_buckets=self.num_oov_indices
oov_indices = oov_indices + self._oov_start_index()
oov_locations = tf.equal(lookups, self._default_value)
lookups = tf.where(oov_locations, oov_indices, lookups)
with tf.control_dependencies(lookup_checks):
return tf.identity(lookups)
def _save_own_variables(self, store):
if self.output_mode == TF_IDF:
store["idf_weights"] = self.idf_weights_const.numpy()
def _load_own_variables(self, store):
if self.output_mode == TF_IDF:
self.idf_weights_const = self.idf_weights.value()
def _save_assets(self, dir_path):
if self.input_vocabulary:
# Vocab saved in config.
# TODO: consider unifying both paths.
vocabulary = self.get_vocabulary(include_special_tokens=True)
vocabulary_filepath =, "vocabulary.txt")
with open(vocabulary_filepath, "w") as f:
f.write("\n".join([str(w) for w in vocabulary]))
def _load_assets(self, dir_path):
if self.input_vocabulary:
# Vocab saved in config.
# TODO: consider unifying both paths.
vocabulary_filepath =, "vocabulary.txt")
# TODO: fix bug with include_special_tokens and set reload from file.
with open(vocabulary_filepath, "r") as f:
lines ="\n")
if tf.as_dtype(self.vocabulary_dtype) == tf.string:
values = [str(line) for line in lines]
values = [int(line) for line in lines]
if self.output_mode == TF_IDF:
self.set_vocabulary(values, idf_weights=False)
def _uninitialized_lookup_table(self):
with tf.init_scope():
initializer = NullInitializer(self._key_dtype, self._value_dtype)
return tf.lookup.StaticHashTable(initializer, self._default_value)
def _lookup_table_from_tokens(self, tokens):
with tf.init_scope():
token_start = self._token_start_index()
token_end = token_start + tf.size(tokens)
indices_dtype = (
self._key_dtype if self.invert else self._value_dtype
indices = tf.range(token_start, token_end, dtype=indices_dtype)
keys, values = (
(indices, tokens) if self.invert else (tokens, indices)
initializer = tf.lookup.KeyValueTensorInitializer(
keys, values, self._key_dtype, self._value_dtype
return tf.lookup.StaticHashTable(initializer, self._default_value)
def _lookup_table_from_file(self, filename):
if self.invert:
key_index = tf.lookup.TextFileIndex.LINE_NUMBER
value_index = tf.lookup.TextFileIndex.WHOLE_LINE
key_index = tf.lookup.TextFileIndex.WHOLE_LINE
value_index = tf.lookup.TextFileIndex.LINE_NUMBER
with tf.init_scope():
initializer = tf.lookup.TextFileInitializer(
return tf.lookup.StaticHashTable(initializer, self._default_value)
def _convert_to_ndarray(self, x):
return np.array(x) if isinstance(x, (list, tuple)) else x
def _expand_dims(self, inputs, axis):
if tf_utils.is_sparse(inputs):
return tf.sparse.expand_dims(inputs, axis)
return tf.expand_dims(inputs, axis)
def _oov_start_index(self):
return (
1 if self.mask_token is not None and self.output_mode == INT else 0
def _token_start_index(self):
return self._oov_start_index() + self.num_oov_indices
def _ensure_known_vocab_size(self):
if self.output_mode == INT or self.pad_to_max_tokens:
if self._frozen_vocab_size is None:
raise RuntimeError(
f"When using `output_mode={self.output_mode}` "
"and `pad_to_max_tokens=False`, "
"you must set the layer's vocabulary before calling it. Either "
"pass a `vocabulary` argument to the layer, or call `adapt` "
"with some sample data.".format(self.output_mode)
def _ensure_vocab_size_unchanged(self):
if self.output_mode == INT or self.pad_to_max_tokens:
with tf.init_scope():
new_vocab_size = self.vocabulary_size()
if (
self._frozen_vocab_size is not None
and new_vocab_size != self._frozen_vocab_size
raise RuntimeError(
f"When using `output_mode={self.output_mode}` "
"and `pad_to_max_tokens=False`, "
"the vocabulary size cannot be changed after the layer is "
f"called. Old vocab size is {self._frozen_vocab_size}, "
f"new vocab size is {new_vocab_size}"
def _find_repeated_tokens(self, vocabulary):
"""Return all repeated tokens in a vocabulary."""
vocabulary_set = set(vocabulary)
if len(vocabulary) != len(vocabulary_set):
return [
for item, count in collections.Counter(vocabulary).items()
if count > 1
return []
def _num_tokens(self, data):
"""Count the number of tokens in a ragged, sparse or dense tensor."""
if tf_utils.is_sparse(data):
flat_values = data.values
elif tf_utils.is_ragged(data):
flat_values = data.flat_values
flat_values = tf.reshape(data, [-1])
tokens, _, counts = tf.unique_with_counts(flat_values, out_idx=tf.int64)
return tokens, counts
def _inverse_document_frequency(self, token_document_counts, num_documents):
"""Computes the inverse-document-frequency (IDF) component of "tf_idf".
Uses the default weighting scheme described in
token_document_counts: An array of the # of documents each token
appears in.
num_documents: An int representing the total number of documents
An array of "inverse document frequency" weights.
return tf.math.log(1 + num_documents / (1 + token_document_counts))
def _trackable_saved_model_saver(self):
return layer_serialization.VocabularySavedModelSaver(self)
# Override points for IntegerLookup and StringLookup.
def _tensor_vocab_to_numpy(self, vocabulary):
"""Converts a tensor vocabulary to a numpy vocabulary."""
return vocabulary.numpy()