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2023-06-19 00:49:18 +02:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import warnings
from functools import partial
import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize
from scipy import integrate
from scipy.integrate._quadrature import _builtincoeffs
from scipy import interpolate
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline
import scipy.special as sc
from scipy._lib._util import _lazywhere
from .._distn_infrastructure import rv_continuous, _ShapeInfo
from .._continuous_distns import uniform, expon, _norm_pdf, _norm_cdf
from .levyst import Nolan
from scipy._lib.doccer import inherit_docstring_from
__all__ = ["levy_stable", "levy_stable_gen", "pdf_from_cf_with_fft"]
# Stable distributions are known for various parameterisations
# some being advantageous for numerical considerations and others
# useful due to their location/scale awareness.
# Here we follow [NO] convention (see the references in the docstring
# for levy_stable_gen below).
# S0 / Z0 / x0 (aka Zoleterav's M)
# S1 / Z1 / x1
# Where S* denotes parameterisation, Z* denotes standardized
# version where gamma = 1, delta = 0 and x* denotes variable.
# Scipy's original Stable was a random variate generator. It
# uses S1 and unfortunately is not a location/scale aware.
# default numerical integration tolerance
# used for epsrel in piecewise and both epsrel and epsabs in dni
# (epsabs needed in dni since weighted quad requires epsabs > 0)
_QUAD_EPS = 1.2e-14
def _Phi_Z0(alpha, t):
return (
-np.tan(np.pi * alpha / 2) * (np.abs(t) ** (1 - alpha) - 1)
if alpha != 1
else -2.0 * np.log(np.abs(t)) / np.pi
def _Phi_Z1(alpha, t):
return (
np.tan(np.pi * alpha / 2)
if alpha != 1
else -2.0 * np.log(np.abs(t)) / np.pi
def _cf(Phi, t, alpha, beta):
"""Characteristic function."""
return np.exp(
-(np.abs(t) ** alpha) * (1 - 1j * beta * np.sign(t) * Phi(alpha, t))
_cf_Z0 = partial(_cf, _Phi_Z0)
_cf_Z1 = partial(_cf, _Phi_Z1)
def _pdf_single_value_cf_integrate(Phi, x, alpha, beta, **kwds):
"""To improve DNI accuracy convert characteristic function in to real
valued integral using Euler's formula, then exploit cosine symmetry to
change limits to [0, inf). Finally use cosine addition formula to split
into two parts that can be handled by weighted quad pack.
quad_eps = kwds.get("quad_eps", _QUAD_EPS)
def integrand1(t):
if t == 0:
return 0
return np.exp(-(t ** alpha)) * (
np.cos(beta * (t ** alpha) * Phi(alpha, t))
def integrand2(t):
if t == 0:
return 0
return np.exp(-(t ** alpha)) * (
np.sin(beta * (t ** alpha) * Phi(alpha, t))
with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"):
int1, *ret1 = integrate.quad(
int2, *ret2 = integrate.quad(
return (int1 + int2) / np.pi
_pdf_single_value_cf_integrate_Z0 = partial(
_pdf_single_value_cf_integrate, _Phi_Z0
_pdf_single_value_cf_integrate_Z1 = partial(
_pdf_single_value_cf_integrate, _Phi_Z1
def _nolan_round_difficult_input(
x0, alpha, beta, zeta, x_tol_near_zeta, alpha_tol_near_one
"""Round difficult input values for Nolan's method in [NO]."""
# following Nolan's STABLE,
# "1. When 0 < |alpha-1| < 0.005, the program has numerical problems
# evaluating the pdf and cdf. The current version of the program sets
# alpha=1 in these cases. This approximation is not bad in the S0
# parameterization."
if np.abs(alpha - 1) < alpha_tol_near_one:
alpha = 1.0
# "2. When alpha=1 and |beta| < 0.005, the program has numerical
# problems. The current version sets beta=0."
# We seem to have addressed this through re-expression of g(theta) here
# "8. When |x0-beta*tan(pi*alpha/2)| is small, the
# computations of the density and cumulative have numerical problems.
# The program works around this by setting
# z = beta*tan(pi*alpha/2) when
# |z-beta*tan(pi*alpha/2)| < tol(5)*alpha**(1/alpha).
# (The bound on the right is ad hoc, to get reasonable behavior
# when alpha is small)."
# where tol(5) = 0.5e-2 by default.
# We seem to have partially addressed this through re-expression of
# g(theta) here, but it still needs to be used in some extreme cases.
# Perhaps tol(5) = 0.5e-2 could be reduced for our implementation.
if np.abs(x0 - zeta) < x_tol_near_zeta * alpha ** (1 / alpha):
x0 = zeta
return x0, alpha, beta
def _pdf_single_value_piecewise_Z1(x, alpha, beta, **kwds):
# convert from Nolan's S_1 (aka S) to S_0 (aka Zolaterev M)
# parameterization
zeta = -beta * np.tan(np.pi * alpha / 2.0)
x0 = x + zeta if alpha != 1 else x
return _pdf_single_value_piecewise_Z0(x0, alpha, beta, **kwds)
def _pdf_single_value_piecewise_Z0(x0, alpha, beta, **kwds):
quad_eps = kwds.get("quad_eps", _QUAD_EPS)
x_tol_near_zeta = kwds.get("piecewise_x_tol_near_zeta", 0.005)
alpha_tol_near_one = kwds.get("piecewise_alpha_tol_near_one", 0.005)
zeta = -beta * np.tan(np.pi * alpha / 2.0)
x0, alpha, beta = _nolan_round_difficult_input(
x0, alpha, beta, zeta, x_tol_near_zeta, alpha_tol_near_one
# some other known distribution pdfs / analytical cases
# TODO: add more where possible with test coverage,
# eg
if alpha == 2.0:
# normal
return _norm_pdf(x0 / np.sqrt(2)) / np.sqrt(2)
elif alpha == 0.5 and beta == 1.0:
# levy
# since S(1/2, 1, gamma, delta; <x>) ==
# S(1/2, 1, gamma, gamma + delta; <x0>).
_x = x0 + 1
if _x <= 0:
return 0
return 1 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * _x) / _x * np.exp(-1 / (2 * _x))
elif alpha == 0.5 and beta == 0.0 and x0 != 0:
# analytical solution [HO]
S, C = sc.fresnel([1 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * np.abs(x0))])
arg = 1 / (4 * np.abs(x0))
return (
np.sin(arg) * (0.5 - S[0]) + np.cos(arg) * (0.5 - C[0])
) / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * np.abs(x0) ** 3)
elif alpha == 1.0 and beta == 0.0:
# cauchy
return 1 / (1 + x0 ** 2) / np.pi
return _pdf_single_value_piecewise_post_rounding_Z0(
x0, alpha, beta, quad_eps
def _pdf_single_value_piecewise_post_rounding_Z0(x0, alpha, beta, quad_eps):
"""Calculate pdf using Nolan's methods as detailed in [NO].
_nolan = Nolan(alpha, beta, x0)
zeta = _nolan.zeta
xi = _nolan.xi
c2 = _nolan.c2
g = _nolan.g
# handle Nolan's initial case logic
if x0 == zeta:
return (
sc.gamma(1 + 1 / alpha)
* np.cos(xi)
/ np.pi
/ ((1 + zeta ** 2) ** (1 / alpha / 2))
elif x0 < zeta:
return _pdf_single_value_piecewise_post_rounding_Z0(
-x0, alpha, -beta, quad_eps
# following Nolan, we may now assume
# x0 > zeta when alpha != 1
# beta != 0 when alpha == 1
# spare calculating integral on null set
# use isclose as macos has fp differences
if np.isclose(-xi, np.pi / 2, rtol=1e-014, atol=1e-014):
return 0.0
def integrand(theta):
# limit any numerical issues leading to g_1 < 0 near theta limits
g_1 = g(theta)
if not np.isfinite(g_1) or g_1 < 0:
g_1 = 0
return g_1 * np.exp(-g_1)
with np.errstate(all="ignore"):
peak = optimize.bisect(
lambda t: g(t) - 1, -xi, np.pi / 2, xtol=quad_eps
# this integrand can be very peaked, so we need to force
# QUADPACK to evaluate the function inside its support
# lastly, we add additional samples at
# ~exp(-100), ~exp(-10), ~exp(-5), ~exp(-1)
# to improve QUADPACK's detection of rapidly descending tail behavior
# (this choice is fairly ad hoc)
tail_points = [
optimize.bisect(lambda t: g(t) - exp_height, -xi, np.pi / 2)
for exp_height in [100, 10, 5]
# exp_height = 1 is handled by peak
intg_points = [0, peak] + tail_points
intg, *ret = integrate.quad(
np.pi / 2,
return c2 * intg
def _cdf_single_value_piecewise_Z1(x, alpha, beta, **kwds):
# convert from Nolan's S_1 (aka S) to S_0 (aka Zolaterev M)
# parameterization
zeta = -beta * np.tan(np.pi * alpha / 2.0)
x0 = x + zeta if alpha != 1 else x
return _cdf_single_value_piecewise_Z0(x0, alpha, beta, **kwds)
def _cdf_single_value_piecewise_Z0(x0, alpha, beta, **kwds):
quad_eps = kwds.get("quad_eps", _QUAD_EPS)
x_tol_near_zeta = kwds.get("piecewise_x_tol_near_zeta", 0.005)
alpha_tol_near_one = kwds.get("piecewise_alpha_tol_near_one", 0.005)
zeta = -beta * np.tan(np.pi * alpha / 2.0)
x0, alpha, beta = _nolan_round_difficult_input(
x0, alpha, beta, zeta, x_tol_near_zeta, alpha_tol_near_one
# some other known distribution cdfs / analytical cases
# TODO: add more where possible with test coverage,
# eg
if alpha == 2.0:
# normal
return _norm_cdf(x0 / np.sqrt(2))
elif alpha == 0.5 and beta == 1.0:
# levy
# since S(1/2, 1, gamma, delta; <x>) ==
# S(1/2, 1, gamma, gamma + delta; <x0>).
_x = x0 + 1
if _x <= 0:
return 0
return sc.erfc(np.sqrt(0.5 / _x))
elif alpha == 1.0 and beta == 0.0:
# cauchy
return 0.5 + np.arctan(x0) / np.pi
return _cdf_single_value_piecewise_post_rounding_Z0(
x0, alpha, beta, quad_eps
def _cdf_single_value_piecewise_post_rounding_Z0(x0, alpha, beta, quad_eps):
"""Calculate cdf using Nolan's methods as detailed in [NO].
_nolan = Nolan(alpha, beta, x0)
zeta = _nolan.zeta
xi = _nolan.xi
c1 = _nolan.c1
# c2 = _nolan.c2
c3 = _nolan.c3
g = _nolan.g
# handle Nolan's initial case logic
if (alpha == 1 and beta < 0) or x0 < zeta:
# NOTE: Nolan's paper has a typo here!
# He states F(x) = 1 - F(x, alpha, -beta), but this is clearly
# incorrect since F(-infty) would be 1.0 in this case
# Indeed, the alpha != 1, x0 < zeta case is correct here.
return 1 - _cdf_single_value_piecewise_post_rounding_Z0(
-x0, alpha, -beta, quad_eps
elif x0 == zeta:
return 0.5 - xi / np.pi
# following Nolan, we may now assume
# x0 > zeta when alpha != 1
# beta > 0 when alpha == 1
# spare calculating integral on null set
# use isclose as macos has fp differences
if np.isclose(-xi, np.pi / 2, rtol=1e-014, atol=1e-014):
return c1
def integrand(theta):
g_1 = g(theta)
return np.exp(-g_1)
with np.errstate(all="ignore"):
# shrink supports where required
left_support = -xi
right_support = np.pi / 2
if alpha > 1:
# integrand(t) monotonic 0 to 1
if integrand(-xi) != 0.0:
res = optimize.minimize(
bounds=[(-xi, np.pi / 2)],
left_support = res.x[0]
# integrand(t) monotonic 1 to 0
if integrand(np.pi / 2) != 0.0:
res = optimize.minimize(
(np.pi / 2,),
bounds=[(-xi, np.pi / 2)],
right_support = res.x[0]
intg, *ret = integrate.quad(
points=[left_support, right_support],
return c1 + c3 * intg
def _rvs_Z1(alpha, beta, size=None, random_state=None):
"""Simulate random variables using Nolan's methods as detailed in [NO].
def alpha1func(alpha, beta, TH, aTH, bTH, cosTH, tanTH, W):
return (
/ np.pi
* (
(np.pi / 2 + bTH) * tanTH
- beta * np.log((np.pi / 2 * W * cosTH) / (np.pi / 2 + bTH))
def beta0func(alpha, beta, TH, aTH, bTH, cosTH, tanTH, W):
return (
/ (cosTH / np.tan(aTH) + np.sin(TH))
* ((np.cos(aTH) + np.sin(aTH) * tanTH) / W) ** (1.0 / alpha)
def otherwise(alpha, beta, TH, aTH, bTH, cosTH, tanTH, W):
# alpha is not 1 and beta is not 0
val0 = beta * np.tan(np.pi * alpha / 2)
th0 = np.arctan(val0) / alpha
val3 = W / (cosTH / np.tan(alpha * (th0 + TH)) + np.sin(TH))
res3 = val3 * (
+ np.sin(aTH) * tanTH
- val0 * (np.sin(aTH) - np.cos(aTH) * tanTH)
/ W
) ** (1.0 / alpha)
return res3
def alphanot1func(alpha, beta, TH, aTH, bTH, cosTH, tanTH, W):
res = _lazywhere(
beta == 0,
(alpha, beta, TH, aTH, bTH, cosTH, tanTH, W),
return res
alpha = np.broadcast_to(alpha, size)
beta = np.broadcast_to(beta, size)
TH = uniform.rvs(
loc=-np.pi / 2.0, scale=np.pi, size=size, random_state=random_state
W = expon.rvs(size=size, random_state=random_state)
aTH = alpha * TH
bTH = beta * TH
cosTH = np.cos(TH)
tanTH = np.tan(TH)
res = _lazywhere(
alpha == 1,
(alpha, beta, TH, aTH, bTH, cosTH, tanTH, W),
return res
def _fitstart_S0(data):
alpha, beta, delta1, gamma = _fitstart_S1(data)
# Formulas for mapping parameters in S1 parameterization to
# those in S0 parameterization can be found in [NO]. Note that
# only delta changes.
if alpha != 1:
delta0 = delta1 + beta * gamma * np.tan(np.pi * alpha / 2.0)
delta0 = delta1 + 2 * beta * gamma * np.log(gamma) / np.pi
return alpha, beta, delta0, gamma
def _fitstart_S1(data):
# We follow McCullock 1986 method - Simple Consistent Estimators
# of Stable Distribution Parameters
# fmt: off
# Table III and IV
nu_alpha_range = [2.439, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 3, 3.2, 3.5, 4,
5, 6, 8, 10, 15, 25]
nu_beta_range = [0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1]
# table III - alpha = psi_1(nu_alpha, nu_beta)
alpha_table = np.array([
[2.000, 2.000, 2.000, 2.000, 2.000, 2.000, 2.000],
[1.916, 1.924, 1.924, 1.924, 1.924, 1.924, 1.924],
[1.808, 1.813, 1.829, 1.829, 1.829, 1.829, 1.829],
[1.729, 1.730, 1.737, 1.745, 1.745, 1.745, 1.745],
[1.664, 1.663, 1.663, 1.668, 1.676, 1.676, 1.676],
[1.563, 1.560, 1.553, 1.548, 1.547, 1.547, 1.547],
[1.484, 1.480, 1.471, 1.460, 1.448, 1.438, 1.438],
[1.391, 1.386, 1.378, 1.364, 1.337, 1.318, 1.318],
[1.279, 1.273, 1.266, 1.250, 1.210, 1.184, 1.150],
[1.128, 1.121, 1.114, 1.101, 1.067, 1.027, 0.973],
[1.029, 1.021, 1.014, 1.004, 0.974, 0.935, 0.874],
[0.896, 0.892, 0.884, 0.883, 0.855, 0.823, 0.769],
[0.818, 0.812, 0.806, 0.801, 0.780, 0.756, 0.691],
[0.698, 0.695, 0.692, 0.689, 0.676, 0.656, 0.597],
[0.593, 0.590, 0.588, 0.586, 0.579, 0.563, 0.513]]).T
# transpose because interpolation with `RectBivariateSpline` is with
# `nu_beta` as `x` and `nu_alpha` as `y`
# table IV - beta = psi_2(nu_alpha, nu_beta)
beta_table = np.array([
[0, 2.160, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000],
[0, 1.592, 3.390, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000],
[0, 0.759, 1.800, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000],
[0, 0.482, 1.048, 1.694, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000],
[0, 0.360, 0.760, 1.232, 2.229, 1.000, 1.000],
[0, 0.253, 0.518, 0.823, 1.575, 1.000, 1.000],
[0, 0.203, 0.410, 0.632, 1.244, 1.906, 1.000],
[0, 0.165, 0.332, 0.499, 0.943, 1.560, 1.000],
[0, 0.136, 0.271, 0.404, 0.689, 1.230, 2.195],
[0, 0.109, 0.216, 0.323, 0.539, 0.827, 1.917],
[0, 0.096, 0.190, 0.284, 0.472, 0.693, 1.759],
[0, 0.082, 0.163, 0.243, 0.412, 0.601, 1.596],
[0, 0.074, 0.147, 0.220, 0.377, 0.546, 1.482],
[0, 0.064, 0.128, 0.191, 0.330, 0.478, 1.362],
[0, 0.056, 0.112, 0.167, 0.285, 0.428, 1.274]]).T
# Table V and VII
# These are ordered with decreasing `alpha_range`; so we will need to
# reverse them as required by RectBivariateSpline.
alpha_range = [2, 1.9, 1.8, 1.7, 1.6, 1.5, 1.4, 1.3, 1.2, 1.1,
1, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5][::-1]
beta_range = [0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1]
# Table V - nu_c = psi_3(alpha, beta)
nu_c_table = np.array([
[1.908, 1.908, 1.908, 1.908, 1.908],
[1.914, 1.915, 1.916, 1.918, 1.921],
[1.921, 1.922, 1.927, 1.936, 1.947],
[1.927, 1.930, 1.943, 1.961, 1.987],
[1.933, 1.940, 1.962, 1.997, 2.043],
[1.939, 1.952, 1.988, 2.045, 2.116],
[1.946, 1.967, 2.022, 2.106, 2.211],
[1.955, 1.984, 2.067, 2.188, 2.333],
[1.965, 2.007, 2.125, 2.294, 2.491],
[1.980, 2.040, 2.205, 2.435, 2.696],
[2.000, 2.085, 2.311, 2.624, 2.973],
[2.040, 2.149, 2.461, 2.886, 3.356],
[2.098, 2.244, 2.676, 3.265, 3.912],
[2.189, 2.392, 3.004, 3.844, 4.775],
[2.337, 2.634, 3.542, 4.808, 6.247],
[2.588, 3.073, 4.534, 6.636, 9.144]])[::-1].T
# transpose because interpolation with `RectBivariateSpline` is with
# `beta` as `x` and `alpha` as `y`
# Table VII - nu_zeta = psi_5(alpha, beta)
nu_zeta_table = np.array([
[0, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000],
[0, -0.017, -0.032, -0.049, -0.064],
[0, -0.030, -0.061, -0.092, -0.123],
[0, -0.043, -0.088, -0.132, -0.179],
[0, -0.056, -0.111, -0.170, -0.232],
[0, -0.066, -0.134, -0.206, -0.283],
[0, -0.075, -0.154, -0.241, -0.335],
[0, -0.084, -0.173, -0.276, -0.390],
[0, -0.090, -0.192, -0.310, -0.447],
[0, -0.095, -0.208, -0.346, -0.508],
[0, -0.098, -0.223, -0.380, -0.576],
[0, -0.099, -0.237, -0.424, -0.652],
[0, -0.096, -0.250, -0.469, -0.742],
[0, -0.089, -0.262, -0.520, -0.853],
[0, -0.078, -0.272, -0.581, -0.997],
[0, -0.061, -0.279, -0.659, -1.198]])[::-1].T
# fmt: on
psi_1 = RectBivariateSpline(nu_beta_range, nu_alpha_range,
alpha_table, kx=1, ky=1, s=0)
def psi_1_1(nu_beta, nu_alpha):
return psi_1(nu_beta, nu_alpha) \
if nu_beta > 0 else psi_1(-nu_beta, nu_alpha)
psi_2 = RectBivariateSpline(nu_beta_range, nu_alpha_range,
beta_table, kx=1, ky=1, s=0)
def psi_2_1(nu_beta, nu_alpha):
return psi_2(nu_beta, nu_alpha) \
if nu_beta > 0 else -psi_2(-nu_beta, nu_alpha)
phi_3 = RectBivariateSpline(beta_range, alpha_range, nu_c_table,
kx=1, ky=1, s=0)
def phi_3_1(beta, alpha):
return phi_3(beta, alpha) if beta > 0 else phi_3(-beta, alpha)
phi_5 = RectBivariateSpline(beta_range, alpha_range, nu_zeta_table,
kx=1, ky=1, s=0)
def phi_5_1(beta, alpha):
return phi_5(beta, alpha) if beta > 0 else -phi_5(-beta, alpha)
# quantiles
p05 = np.percentile(data, 5)
p50 = np.percentile(data, 50)
p95 = np.percentile(data, 95)
p25 = np.percentile(data, 25)
p75 = np.percentile(data, 75)
nu_alpha = (p95 - p05) / (p75 - p25)
nu_beta = (p95 + p05 - 2 * p50) / (p95 - p05)
if nu_alpha >= 2.439:
eps = np.finfo(float).eps
alpha = np.clip(psi_1_1(nu_beta, nu_alpha)[0, 0], eps, 2.)
beta = np.clip(psi_2_1(nu_beta, nu_alpha)[0, 0], -1.0, 1.0)
alpha = 2.0
beta = np.sign(nu_beta)
c = (p75 - p25) / phi_3_1(beta, alpha)[0, 0]
zeta = p50 + c * phi_5_1(beta, alpha)[0, 0]
delta = zeta-beta*c*np.tan(np.pi*alpha/2.) if alpha != 1. else zeta
return (alpha, beta, delta, c)
class levy_stable_gen(rv_continuous):
r"""A Levy-stable continuous random variable.
See Also
levy, levy_l, cauchy, norm
The distribution for `levy_stable` has characteristic function:
.. math::
\varphi(t, \alpha, \beta, c, \mu) =
e^{it\mu -|ct|^{\alpha}(1-i\beta\operatorname{sign}(t)\Phi(\alpha, t))}
where two different parameterizations are supported. The first :math:`S_1`:
.. math::
\Phi = \begin{cases}
\tan \left({\frac {\pi \alpha }{2}}\right)&\alpha \neq 1\\
-{\frac {2}{\pi }}\log |t|&\alpha =1
The second :math:`S_0`:
.. math::
\Phi = \begin{cases}
-\tan \left({\frac {\pi \alpha }{2}}\right)(|ct|^{1-\alpha}-1)
&\alpha \neq 1\\
-{\frac {2}{\pi }}\log |ct|&\alpha =1
The probability density function for `levy_stable` is:
.. math::
f(x) = \frac{1}{2\pi}\int_{-\infty}^\infty \varphi(t)e^{-ixt}\,dt
where :math:`-\infty < t < \infty`. This integral does not have a known
closed form.
`levy_stable` generalizes several distributions. Where possible, they
should be used instead. Specifically, when the shape parameters
assume the values in the table below, the corresponding equivalent
distribution should be used.
========= ======== ===========
``alpha`` ``beta`` Equivalent
========= ======== ===========
1/2 -1 `levy_l`
1/2 1 `levy`
1 0 `cauchy`
2 any `norm` (with ``scale=sqrt(2)``)
========= ======== ===========
Evaluation of the pdf uses Nolan's piecewise integration approach with the
Zolotarev :math:`M` parameterization by default. There is also the option
to use direct numerical integration of the standard parameterization of the
characteristic function or to evaluate by taking the FFT of the
characteristic function.
The default method can changed by setting the class variable
``levy_stable.pdf_default_method`` to one of 'piecewise' for Nolan's
approach, 'dni' for direct numerical integration, or 'fft-simpson' for the
FFT based approach. For the sake of backwards compatibility, the methods
'best' and 'zolotarev' are equivalent to 'piecewise' and the method
'quadrature' is equivalent to 'dni'.
The parameterization can be changed by setting the class variable
``levy_stable.parameterization`` to either 'S0' or 'S1'.
The default is 'S1'.
To improve performance of piecewise and direct numerical integration one
can specify ``levy_stable.quad_eps`` (defaults to 1.2e-14). This is used
as both the absolute and relative quadrature tolerance for direct numerical
integration and as the relative quadrature tolerance for the piecewise
method. One can also specify ``levy_stable.piecewise_x_tol_near_zeta``
(defaults to 0.005) for how close x is to zeta before it is considered the
same as x [NO]. The exact check is
``abs(x0 - zeta) < piecewise_x_tol_near_zeta*alpha**(1/alpha)``. One can
also specify ``levy_stable.piecewise_alpha_tol_near_one`` (defaults to
0.005) for how close alpha is to 1 before being considered equal to 1.
To increase accuracy of FFT calculation one can specify
``levy_stable.pdf_fft_grid_spacing`` (defaults to 0.001) and
``pdf_fft_n_points_two_power`` (defaults to None which means a value is
calculated that sufficiently covers the input range).
Further control over FFT calculation is available by setting
``pdf_fft_interpolation_degree`` (defaults to 3) for spline order and
``pdf_fft_interpolation_level`` for determining the number of points to use
in the Newton-Cotes formula when approximating the characteristic function
(considered experimental).
Evaluation of the cdf uses Nolan's piecewise integration approach with the
Zolatarev :math:`S_0` parameterization by default. There is also the option
to evaluate through integration of an interpolated spline of the pdf
calculated by means of the FFT method. The settings affecting FFT
calculation are the same as for pdf calculation. The default cdf method can
be changed by setting ``levy_stable.cdf_default_method`` to either
'piecewise' or 'fft-simpson'. For cdf calculations the Zolatarev method is
superior in accuracy, so FFT is disabled by default.
Fitting estimate uses quantile estimation method in [MC]. MLE estimation of
parameters in fit method uses this quantile estimate initially. Note that
MLE doesn't always converge if using FFT for pdf calculations; this will be
the case if alpha <= 1 where the FFT approach doesn't give good
Any non-missing value for the attribute
``levy_stable.pdf_fft_min_points_threshold`` will set
``levy_stable.pdf_default_method`` to 'fft-simpson' if a valid
default method is not otherwise set.
.. warning::
For pdf calculations FFT calculation is considered experimental.
For cdf calculations FFT calculation is considered experimental. Use
Zolatarev's method instead (default).
.. [MC] McCulloch, J., 1986. Simple consistent estimators of stable
distribution parameters. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and
Computation 15, 11091136.
.. [WZ] Wang, Li and Zhang, Ji-Hong, 2008. Simpson's rule based FFT method
to compute densities of stable distribution.
.. [NO] Nolan, J., 1997. Numerical Calculation of Stable Densities and
distributions Functions.
.. [HO] Hopcraft, K. I., Jakeman, E., Tanner, R. M. J., 1999. Lévy random
walks with fluctuating step number and multiscale behavior.
# Configurable options as class variables
# (accesible from self by attribute lookup).
parameterization = "S1"
pdf_default_method = "piecewise"
cdf_default_method = "piecewise"
quad_eps = _QUAD_EPS
piecewise_x_tol_near_zeta = 0.005
piecewise_alpha_tol_near_one = 0.005
pdf_fft_min_points_threshold = None
pdf_fft_grid_spacing = 0.001
pdf_fft_n_points_two_power = None
pdf_fft_interpolation_level = 3
pdf_fft_interpolation_degree = 3
def _argcheck(self, alpha, beta):
return (alpha > 0) & (alpha <= 2) & (beta <= 1) & (beta >= -1)
def _shape_info(self):
ialpha = _ShapeInfo("alpha", False, (0, 2), (False, True))
ibeta = _ShapeInfo("beta", False, (-1, 1), (True, True))
return [ialpha, ibeta]
def _parameterization(self):
allowed = ("S0", "S1")
pz = self.parameterization
if pz not in allowed:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Parameterization '{pz}' in supported list: {allowed}"
return pz
def rvs(self, *args, **kwds):
X1 = super().rvs(*args, **kwds)
discrete = kwds.pop("discrete", None) # noqa
rndm = kwds.pop("random_state", None) # noqa
(alpha, beta), delta, gamma, size = self._parse_args_rvs(*args, **kwds)
# shift location for this parameterisation (S1)
X1 = np.where(
alpha == 1.0, X1 + 2 * beta * gamma * np.log(gamma) / np.pi, X1
if self._parameterization() == "S0":
return np.where(
alpha == 1.0,
X1 - (beta * 2 * gamma * np.log(gamma) / np.pi),
X1 - gamma * beta * np.tan(np.pi * alpha / 2.0),
elif self._parameterization() == "S1":
return X1
def _rvs(self, alpha, beta, size=None, random_state=None):
return _rvs_Z1(alpha, beta, size, random_state)
def pdf(self, x, *args, **kwds):
# override base class version to correct
# location for S1 parameterization
if self._parameterization() == "S0":
return super().pdf(x, *args, **kwds)
elif self._parameterization() == "S1":
(alpha, beta), delta, gamma = self._parse_args(*args, **kwds)
if np.all(np.reshape(alpha, (1, -1))[0, :] != 1):
return super().pdf(x, *args, **kwds)
# correct location for this parameterisation
x = np.reshape(x, (1, -1))[0, :]
x, alpha, beta = np.broadcast_arrays(x, alpha, beta)
data_in = np.dstack((x, alpha, beta))[0]
data_out = np.empty(shape=(len(data_in), 1))
# group data in unique arrays of alpha, beta pairs
uniq_param_pairs = np.unique(data_in[:, 1:], axis=0)
for pair in uniq_param_pairs:
_alpha, _beta = pair
_delta = (
delta + 2 * _beta * gamma * np.log(gamma) / np.pi
if _alpha == 1.0
else delta
data_mask = np.all(data_in[:, 1:] == pair, axis=-1)
_x = data_in[data_mask, 0]
data_out[data_mask] = (
.pdf(_x, _alpha, _beta, loc=_delta, scale=gamma)
.reshape(len(_x), 1)
output = data_out.T[0]
if output.shape == (1,):
return output[0]
return output
def _pdf(self, x, alpha, beta):
if self._parameterization() == "S0":
_pdf_single_value_piecewise = _pdf_single_value_piecewise_Z0
_pdf_single_value_cf_integrate = _pdf_single_value_cf_integrate_Z0
_cf = _cf_Z0
elif self._parameterization() == "S1":
_pdf_single_value_piecewise = _pdf_single_value_piecewise_Z1
_pdf_single_value_cf_integrate = _pdf_single_value_cf_integrate_Z1
_cf = _cf_Z1
x = np.asarray(x).reshape(1, -1)[0, :]
x, alpha, beta = np.broadcast_arrays(x, alpha, beta)
data_in = np.dstack((x, alpha, beta))[0]
data_out = np.empty(shape=(len(data_in), 1))
pdf_default_method_name = levy_stable_gen.pdf_default_method
if pdf_default_method_name in ("piecewise", "best", "zolotarev"):
pdf_single_value_method = _pdf_single_value_piecewise
elif pdf_default_method_name in ("dni", "quadrature"):
pdf_single_value_method = _pdf_single_value_cf_integrate
elif (
pdf_default_method_name == "fft-simpson"
or self.pdf_fft_min_points_threshold is not None
pdf_single_value_method = None
pdf_single_value_kwds = {
"quad_eps": self.quad_eps,
"piecewise_x_tol_near_zeta": self.piecewise_x_tol_near_zeta,
"piecewise_alpha_tol_near_one": self.piecewise_alpha_tol_near_one,
fft_grid_spacing = self.pdf_fft_grid_spacing
fft_n_points_two_power = self.pdf_fft_n_points_two_power
fft_interpolation_level = self.pdf_fft_interpolation_level
fft_interpolation_degree = self.pdf_fft_interpolation_degree
# group data in unique arrays of alpha, beta pairs
uniq_param_pairs = np.unique(data_in[:, 1:], axis=0)
for pair in uniq_param_pairs:
data_mask = np.all(data_in[:, 1:] == pair, axis=-1)
data_subset = data_in[data_mask]
if pdf_single_value_method is not None:
data_out[data_mask] = np.array(
_x, _alpha, _beta, **pdf_single_value_kwds
for _x, _alpha, _beta in data_subset
).reshape(len(data_subset), 1)
"Density calculations experimental for FFT method."
+ " Use combination of piecewise and dni methods instead.",
_alpha, _beta = pair
_x = data_subset[:, (0,)]
if _alpha < 1.0:
raise RuntimeError(
"FFT method does not work well for alpha less than 1."
# need enough points to "cover" _x for interpolation
if fft_grid_spacing is None and fft_n_points_two_power is None:
raise ValueError(
"One of fft_grid_spacing or fft_n_points_two_power "
+ "needs to be set."
max_abs_x = np.max(np.abs(_x))
h = (
2 ** (3 - fft_n_points_two_power) * max_abs_x
if fft_grid_spacing is None
else fft_grid_spacing
q = (
np.ceil(np.log(2 * max_abs_x / h) / np.log(2)) + 2
if fft_n_points_two_power is None
else int(fft_n_points_two_power)
# for some parameters, the range of x can be quite
# large, let's choose an arbitrary cut off (8GB) to save on
# computer memory.
MAX_Q = 30
if q > MAX_Q:
raise RuntimeError(
"fft_n_points_two_power has a maximum "
+ f"value of {MAX_Q}"
density_x, density = pdf_from_cf_with_fft(
lambda t: _cf(t, _alpha, _beta),
f = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(
density_x, np.real(density), k=fft_interpolation_degree
) # patch FFT to use cubic
data_out[data_mask] = f(_x)
return data_out.T[0]
def cdf(self, x, *args, **kwds):
# override base class version to correct
# location for S1 parameterization
# NOTE: this is near identical to pdf() above
if self._parameterization() == "S0":
return super().cdf(x, *args, **kwds)
elif self._parameterization() == "S1":
(alpha, beta), delta, gamma = self._parse_args(*args, **kwds)
if np.all(np.reshape(alpha, (1, -1))[0, :] != 1):
return super().cdf(x, *args, **kwds)
# correct location for this parameterisation
x = np.reshape(x, (1, -1))[0, :]
x, alpha, beta = np.broadcast_arrays(x, alpha, beta)
data_in = np.dstack((x, alpha, beta))[0]
data_out = np.empty(shape=(len(data_in), 1))
# group data in unique arrays of alpha, beta pairs
uniq_param_pairs = np.unique(data_in[:, 1:], axis=0)
for pair in uniq_param_pairs:
_alpha, _beta = pair
_delta = (
delta + 2 * _beta * gamma * np.log(gamma) / np.pi
if _alpha == 1.0
else delta
data_mask = np.all(data_in[:, 1:] == pair, axis=-1)
_x = data_in[data_mask, 0]
data_out[data_mask] = (
.cdf(_x, _alpha, _beta, loc=_delta, scale=gamma)
.reshape(len(_x), 1)
output = data_out.T[0]
if output.shape == (1,):
return output[0]
return output
def _cdf(self, x, alpha, beta):
if self._parameterization() == "S0":
_cdf_single_value_piecewise = _cdf_single_value_piecewise_Z0
_cf = _cf_Z0
elif self._parameterization() == "S1":
_cdf_single_value_piecewise = _cdf_single_value_piecewise_Z1
_cf = _cf_Z1
x = np.asarray(x).reshape(1, -1)[0, :]
x, alpha, beta = np.broadcast_arrays(x, alpha, beta)
data_in = np.dstack((x, alpha, beta))[0]
data_out = np.empty(shape=(len(data_in), 1))
cdf_default_method_name = self.cdf_default_method
if cdf_default_method_name == "piecewise":
cdf_single_value_method = _cdf_single_value_piecewise
elif cdf_default_method_name == "fft-simpson":
cdf_single_value_method = None
cdf_single_value_kwds = {
"quad_eps": self.quad_eps,
"piecewise_x_tol_near_zeta": self.piecewise_x_tol_near_zeta,
"piecewise_alpha_tol_near_one": self.piecewise_alpha_tol_near_one,
fft_grid_spacing = self.pdf_fft_grid_spacing
fft_n_points_two_power = self.pdf_fft_n_points_two_power
fft_interpolation_level = self.pdf_fft_interpolation_level
fft_interpolation_degree = self.pdf_fft_interpolation_degree
# group data in unique arrays of alpha, beta pairs
uniq_param_pairs = np.unique(data_in[:, 1:], axis=0)
for pair in uniq_param_pairs:
data_mask = np.all(data_in[:, 1:] == pair, axis=-1)
data_subset = data_in[data_mask]
if cdf_single_value_method is not None:
data_out[data_mask] = np.array(
_x, _alpha, _beta, **cdf_single_value_kwds
for _x, _alpha, _beta in data_subset
).reshape(len(data_subset), 1)
"Cumulative density calculations experimental for FFT"
+ " method. Use piecewise method instead.",
_alpha, _beta = pair
_x = data_subset[:, (0,)]
# need enough points to "cover" _x for interpolation
if fft_grid_spacing is None and fft_n_points_two_power is None:
raise ValueError(
"One of fft_grid_spacing or fft_n_points_two_power "
+ "needs to be set."
max_abs_x = np.max(np.abs(_x))
h = (
2 ** (3 - fft_n_points_two_power) * max_abs_x
if fft_grid_spacing is None
else fft_grid_spacing
q = (
np.ceil(np.log(2 * max_abs_x / h) / np.log(2)) + 2
if fft_n_points_two_power is None
else int(fft_n_points_two_power)
density_x, density = pdf_from_cf_with_fft(
lambda t: _cf(t, _alpha, _beta),
f = interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(
density_x, np.real(density), k=fft_interpolation_degree
data_out[data_mask] = np.array(
[f.integral(self.a, x_1) for x_1 in _x]
return data_out.T[0]
def _fitstart(self, data):
if self._parameterization() == "S0":
_fitstart = _fitstart_S0
elif self._parameterization() == "S1":
_fitstart = _fitstart_S1
return _fitstart(data)
def _stats(self, alpha, beta):
mu = 0 if alpha > 1 else np.nan
mu2 = 2 if alpha == 2 else np.inf
g1 = 0.0 if alpha == 2.0 else np.NaN
g2 = 0.0 if alpha == 2.0 else np.NaN
return mu, mu2, g1, g2
# cotes numbers - see sequence from
Cotes_table = np.array(
[[], [1]] + [v[2] for v in _builtincoeffs.values()], dtype=object
Cotes = np.array(
np.pad(r, (0, len(Cotes_table) - 1 - len(r)), mode='constant')
for r in Cotes_table
def pdf_from_cf_with_fft(cf, h=0.01, q=9, level=3):
"""Calculates pdf from characteristic function.
Uses fast Fourier transform with Newton-Cotes integration following [WZ].
Defaults to using Simpson's method (3-point Newton-Cotes integration).
cf : callable
Single argument function from float -> complex expressing a
characteristic function for some distribution.
h : Optional[float]
Step size for Newton-Cotes integration. Default: 0.01
q : Optional[int]
Use 2**q steps when peforming Newton-Cotes integration.
The infinite integral in the inverse Fourier transform will then
be restricted to the interval [-2**q * h / 2, 2**q * h / 2]. Setting
the number of steps equal to a power of 2 allows the fft to be
calculated in O(n*log(n)) time rather than O(n**2).
Default: 9
level : Optional[int]
Calculate integral using n-point Newton-Cotes integration for
n = level. The 3-point Newton-Cotes formula corresponds to Simpson's
rule. Default: 3
x_l : ndarray
Array of points x at which pdf is estimated. 2**q equally spaced
points from -pi/h up to but not including pi/h.
density : ndarray
Estimated values of pdf corresponding to cf at points in x_l.
.. [WZ] Wang, Li and Zhang, Ji-Hong, 2008. Simpson's rule based FFT method
to compute densities of stable distribution.
n = level
N = 2**q
steps = np.arange(0, N)
L = N * h / 2
x_l = np.pi * (steps - N / 2) / L
if level > 1:
indices = np.arange(n).reshape(n, 1)
s1 = np.sum(
(-1) ** steps * Cotes[n, indices] * np.fft.fft(
(-1)**steps * cf(-L + h * steps + h * indices / (n - 1))
) * np.exp(
1j * np.pi * indices / (n - 1)
- 2 * 1j * np.pi * indices * steps /
(N * (n - 1))
s1 = (-1) ** steps * Cotes[n, 0] * np.fft.fft(
(-1) ** steps * cf(-L + h * steps)
density = h * s1 / (2 * np.pi * np.sum(Cotes[n]))
return (x_l, density)
levy_stable = levy_stable_gen(name="levy_stable")