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# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
"""TensorBoard HTTP utilities."""
import gzip
import io
import json
import re
import struct
import time
import wsgiref.handlers
import werkzeug
from tensorboard.backend import json_util
_DISALLOWED_CHAR_IN_DOMAIN = re.compile(r"\s")
# TODO(stephanwlee): Refactor this to not use the module variable but
# instead use a configurable via some kind of assets provider which would
# hold configurations for the CSP.
# @vaadin/vaadin-lumo-styles/font-icons(via vaadin-grid) uses data URI for
# loading font icons.
# numericjs (via projector) uses unsafe-eval :(.
_EXTRACT_MIMETYPE_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^[^;\s]*")
_EXTRACT_CHARSET_PATTERN = re.compile(r"charset=([-_0-9A-Za-z]+)")
# Allows *, gzip or x-gzip, but forbid gzip;q=0
# https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-5.3.4
_ALLOWS_GZIP_PATTERN = re.compile(
# Do not support xhtml for now.
_HTML_MIMETYPE = "text/html"
def Respond(
"""Construct a werkzeug Response.
Responses are transmitted to the browser with compression if: a) the browser
supports it; b) it's sane to compress the content_type in question; and c)
the content isn't already compressed, as indicated by the content_encoding
Browser and proxy caching is completely disabled by default. If the expires
parameter is greater than zero then the response will be able to be cached by
the browser for that many seconds; however, proxies are still forbidden from
caching so that developers can bypass the cache with Ctrl+Shift+R.
For textual content that isn't JSON, the encoding parameter is used as the
transmission charset which is automatically appended to the Content-Type
header. That is unless of course the content_type parameter contains a
charset parameter. If the two disagree, the characters in content will be
transcoded to the latter.
If content_type declares a JSON media type, then content MAY be a dict, list,
tuple, or set, in which case this function has an implicit composition with
json_util.Cleanse and json.dumps. The encoding parameter is used to decode
byte strings within the JSON object; therefore transmitting binary data
within JSON is not permitted. JSON is transmitted as ASCII unless the
content_type parameter explicitly defines a charset parameter, in which case
the serialized JSON bytes will use that instead of escape sequences.
request: A werkzeug Request object. Used mostly to check the
Accept-Encoding header.
content: Payload data as byte string, unicode string, or maybe JSON.
content_type: Media type and optionally an output charset.
code: Numeric HTTP status code to use.
expires: Second duration for browser caching.
content_encoding: Encoding if content is already encoded, e.g. 'gzip'.
encoding: Input charset if content parameter has byte strings.
csp_scripts_sha256s: List of base64 serialized sha256 of whitelisted script
elements for script-src of the Content-Security-Policy. If it is None, the
HTML will disallow any script to execute. It is only be used when the
content_type is text/html.
headers: Any additional headers to include on the response, as a
list of key-value tuples: e.g., `[("Allow", "GET")]`. In case of
conflict, these may be overridden with headers added by this function.
A werkzeug Response object (a WSGI application).
mimetype = _EXTRACT_MIMETYPE_PATTERN.search(content_type).group(0)
charset_match = _EXTRACT_CHARSET_PATTERN.search(content_type)
charset = charset_match.group(1) if charset_match else encoding
textual = charset_match or mimetype in _TEXTUAL_MIMETYPES
if mimetype in _JSON_MIMETYPES and isinstance(
content, (dict, list, set, tuple)
content = json.dumps(
json_util.Cleanse(content, encoding), ensure_ascii=not charset_match
# Ensure correct output encoding, transcoding if necessary.
if charset != encoding and isinstance(content, bytes):
content = content.decode(encoding)
if isinstance(content, str):
content = content.encode(charset)
if textual and not charset_match and mimetype not in _JSON_MIMETYPES:
content_type += "; charset=" + charset
gzip_accepted = _ALLOWS_GZIP_PATTERN.search(
request.headers.get("Accept-Encoding", "")
# Automatically gzip uncompressed text data if accepted.
if textual and not content_encoding and gzip_accepted:
out = io.BytesIO()
# Set mtime to zero to make payload for a given input deterministic.
with gzip.GzipFile(
fileobj=out, mode="wb", compresslevel=3, mtime=0
) as f:
content = out.getvalue()
content_encoding = "gzip"
content_length = len(content)
direct_passthrough = False
# Automatically streamwise-gunzip precompressed data if not accepted.
if content_encoding == "gzip" and not gzip_accepted:
gzip_file = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=io.BytesIO(content), mode="rb")
# Last 4 bytes of gzip formatted data (little-endian) store the original
# content length mod 2^32; we just assume it's the content length. That
# means we can't streamwise-gunzip >4 GB precompressed file; this is ok.
content_length = struct.unpack("<I", content[-4:])[0]
content = werkzeug.wsgi.wrap_file(request.environ, gzip_file)
content_encoding = None
direct_passthrough = True
headers = list(headers or [])
headers.append(("Content-Length", str(content_length)))
headers.append(("X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff"))
if content_encoding:
headers.append(("Content-Encoding", content_encoding))
if expires > 0:
e = wsgiref.handlers.format_date_time(time.time() + float(expires))
headers.append(("Expires", e))
headers.append(("Cache-Control", "private, max-age=%d" % expires))
headers.append(("Expires", "0"))
headers.append(("Cache-Control", "no-cache, must-revalidate"))
if mimetype == _HTML_MIMETYPE:
frags = (
+ [
"'self'" if _CSP_SCRIPT_SELF else "",
"'unsafe-eval'" if _CSP_SCRIPT_UNSAFE_EVAL else "",
+ [
for sha256 in (csp_scripts_sha256s or [])
script_srcs = _create_csp_string(*frags)
csp_string = ";".join(
"default-src 'self'",
"font-src %s"
% _create_csp_string("'self'", *_CSP_FONT_DOMAINS_WHITELIST),
# Dynamic plugins are rendered inside an iframe.
"frame-src %s"
% _create_csp_string("'self'", *_CSP_FRAME_DOMAINS_WHITELIST),
"img-src %s"
% _create_csp_string(
# used by favicon
# used by What-If tool for image sprites.
"object-src 'none'",
"style-src %s"
% _create_csp_string(
# used by google-chart
# inline styles: Polymer templates + d3 uses inline styles.
"connect-src %s"
% _create_csp_string("'self'", *_CSP_CONNECT_DOMAINS_WHITELIST),
"script-src %s" % script_srcs,
headers.append(("Content-Security-Policy", csp_string))
if request.method == "HEAD":
content = None
return werkzeug.wrappers.Response(
def _create_csp_string(*csp_fragments):
csp_string = " ".join([frag for frag in csp_fragments if frag])
return csp_string if csp_string else "'none'"