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2023-06-19 00:49:18 +02:00
# Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# ==============================================================================
"""Wraps the base_plugin.TBContext to stores additional data shared across API
handlers for the HParams plugin backend."""
import collections
import os
from tensorboard.plugins.hparams import api_pb2
from tensorboard.plugins.hparams import metadata
from google.protobuf import json_format
from tensorboard.plugins.scalar import metadata as scalar_metadata
class Context:
"""Wraps the base_plugin.TBContext to stores additional data shared across
API handlers for the HParams plugin backend.
Before adding fields to this class, carefully consider whether the
field truelly needs to be accessible to all API handlers or if it
can be passed separately to the handler constructor. We want to
avoid this class becoming a magic container of variables that have
no better place. See
def __init__(self, tb_context, max_domain_discrete_len=10):
"""Instantiates a context.
tb_context: base_plugin.TBContext. The "base" context we extend.
max_domain_discrete_len: int. Only used when computing the experiment
from the session runs. The maximum number of disticnt values a string
hyperparameter can have for us to populate its 'domain_discrete' field.
Typically, only tests should specify a value for this parameter.
self._tb_context = tb_context
self._max_domain_discrete_len = max_domain_discrete_len
def experiment_from_metadata(
self, ctx, experiment_id, hparams_run_to_tag_to_content
"""Returns the experiment protobuffer defining the experiment.
Accepts a dict containing the plugin contents for all summary tags
associated with the hparams plugin, as an optimization for callers
who already have this information available, so that this function
can minimize its calls to the underlying `DataProvider`.
This method first attempts to find a metadata.EXPERIMENT_TAG tag and
retrieve the associated protobuffer. If no such tag is found, the method
will attempt to build a minimal experiment protobuffer by scanning for
all metadata.SESSION_START_INFO_TAG tags (to compute the hparam_infos
field of the experiment) and for all scalar tags (to compute the
metric_infos field of the experiment).
The experiment protobuffer. If no tags are found from which an experiment
protobuffer can be built (possibly, because the event data has not been
completely loaded yet), returns an entirely empty experiment.
experiment = self._find_experiment_tag(hparams_run_to_tag_to_content)
if experiment:
return experiment
return self._compute_experiment_from_runs(
ctx, experiment_id, hparams_run_to_tag_to_content
def tb_context(self):
return self._tb_context
def _convert_plugin_metadata(self, data_provider_output):
return {
run: {
tag: time_series.plugin_content
for (tag, time_series) in tag_to_time_series.items()
for (run, tag_to_time_series) in data_provider_output.items()
def hparams_metadata(self, ctx, experiment_id, run_tag_filter=None):
"""Reads summary metadata for all hparams time series.
experiment_id: String, from `plugin_util.experiment_id`.
run_tag_filter: Optional `data.provider.RunTagFilter`, with
the semantics as in `list_tensors`.
A dict `d` such that `d[run][tag]` is a `bytes` value with the
summary metadata content for the keyed time series.
return self._convert_plugin_metadata(
def scalars_metadata(self, ctx, experiment_id):
"""Reads summary metadata for all scalar time series.
experiment_id: String, from `plugin_util.experiment_id`.
A dict `d` such that `d[run][tag]` is a `bytes` value with the
summary metadata content for the keyed time series.
return self._convert_plugin_metadata(
def read_last_scalars(self, ctx, experiment_id, run_tag_filter):
"""Reads the most recent values from scalar time series.
experiment_id: String.
run_tag_filter: Required `data.provider.RunTagFilter`, with
the semantics as in `read_scalars`.
A dict `d` such that `d[run][tag]` is a `provider.ScalarDatum`
value, with keys only for runs and tags that actually had
data, which may be a subset of what was requested.
data_provider_output = self._tb_context.data_provider.read_scalars(
# TODO(#3436): We assume that downsampling always includes
# the most recent datum, which holds for all implementations
# of interest but is not yet required by the interface.
return {
run: {tag: data[-1] for (tag, data) in tag_to_data.items()}
for (run, tag_to_data) in data_provider_output.items()
def _find_experiment_tag(self, hparams_run_to_tag_to_content):
"""Finds the experiment associcated with the metadata.EXPERIMENT_TAG
The experiment or None if no such experiment is found.
# We expect only one run to have an `EXPERIMENT_TAG`; look
# through all of them and arbitrarily pick the first one.
for tags in hparams_run_to_tag_to_content.values():
maybe_content = tags.get(metadata.EXPERIMENT_TAG)
if maybe_content is not None:
return metadata.parse_experiment_plugin_data(maybe_content)
return None
def _compute_experiment_from_runs(
self, ctx, experiment_id, hparams_run_to_tag_to_content
"""Computes a minimal Experiment protocol buffer by scanning the runs.
Returns an empty Experiment if there are no hparam infos logged.
hparam_infos = self._compute_hparam_infos(hparams_run_to_tag_to_content)
if hparam_infos:
metric_infos = self._compute_metric_infos(
ctx, experiment_id, hparams_run_to_tag_to_content
metric_infos = []
return api_pb2.Experiment(
hparam_infos=hparam_infos, metric_infos=metric_infos
def _compute_hparam_infos(self, hparams_run_to_tag_to_content):
"""Computes a list of api_pb2.HParamInfo from the current run, tag
Finds all the SessionStartInfo messages and collects the hparams values
appearing in each one. For each hparam attempts to deduce a type that fits
all its values. Finally, sets the 'domain' of the resulting HParamInfo
to be discrete if the type is string and the number of distinct values is
small enough.
A list of api_pb2.HParamInfo messages.
# Construct a dict mapping an hparam name to its list of values.
hparams = collections.defaultdict(list)
for tag_to_content in hparams_run_to_tag_to_content.values():
if metadata.SESSION_START_INFO_TAG not in tag_to_content:
start_info = metadata.parse_session_start_info_plugin_data(
for (name, value) in start_info.hparams.items():
# Try to construct an HParamInfo for each hparam from its name and list
# of values.
result = []
for (name, values) in hparams.items():
hparam_info = self._compute_hparam_info_from_values(name, values)
if hparam_info is not None:
return result
def _compute_hparam_info_from_values(self, name, values):
"""Builds an HParamInfo message from the hparam name and list of
name: string. The hparam name.
values: list of google.protobuf.Value messages. The list of values for the
An api_pb2.HParamInfo message.
# Figure out the type from the values.
# Ignore values whose type is not listed in api_pb2.DataType
# If all values have the same type, then that is the type used.
# Otherwise, the returned type is DATA_TYPE_STRING.
result = api_pb2.HParamInfo(name=name, type=api_pb2.DATA_TYPE_UNSET)
distinct_values = set(
for v in values
if _protobuf_value_type(v)
for v in values:
v_type = _protobuf_value_type(v)
if not v_type:
if result.type == api_pb2.DATA_TYPE_UNSET:
result.type = v_type
elif result.type != v_type:
result.type = api_pb2.DATA_TYPE_STRING
if result.type == api_pb2.DATA_TYPE_STRING:
# A string result.type does not change, so we can exit the loop.
# If we couldn't figure out a type, then we can't compute the hparam_info.
if result.type == api_pb2.DATA_TYPE_UNSET:
return None
# If the result is a string, set the domain to be the distinct values if
# there aren't too many of them.
if (
result.type == api_pb2.DATA_TYPE_STRING
and len(distinct_values) <= self._max_domain_discrete_len
return result
def _compute_metric_infos(
self, ctx, experiment_id, hparams_run_to_tag_to_content
return (
api_pb2.MetricInfo(name=api_pb2.MetricName(group=group, tag=tag))
for tag, group in self._compute_metric_names(
ctx, experiment_id, hparams_run_to_tag_to_content
def _compute_metric_names(
self, ctx, experiment_id, hparams_run_to_tag_to_content
"""Computes the list of metric names from all the scalar (run, tag)
The return value is a list of (tag, group) pairs representing the metric
names. The list is sorted in Python tuple-order (lexicographical).
For example, if the scalar (run, tag) pairs are:
("exp/session1", "loss")
("exp/session2", "loss")
("exp/session2/eval", "loss")
("exp/session2/validation", "accuracy")
("exp/no-session", "loss_2"),
and the runs corresponding to sessions are "exp/session1", "exp/session2",
this method will return [("loss", ""), ("loss", "/eval"), ("accuracy",
More precisely, each scalar (run, tag) pair is converted to a (tag, group)
metric name, where group is the suffix of run formed by removing the
longest prefix which is a session run. If no session run is a prefix of
'run', the pair is skipped.
A python list containing pairs. Each pair is a (tag, group) pair
representing a metric name used in some session.
session_runs = set(
for run, tags in hparams_run_to_tag_to_content.items()
if metadata.SESSION_START_INFO_TAG in tags
metric_names_set = set()
scalars_run_to_tag_to_content = self.scalars_metadata(
ctx, experiment_id
for run, tags in scalars_run_to_tag_to_content.items():
session = _find_longest_parent_path(session_runs, run)
if not session:
group = os.path.relpath(run, session)
# relpath() returns "." for the 'session' directory, we use an empty
# string.
if group == ".":
group = ""
metric_names_set.update((tag, group) for tag in tags)
metric_names_list = list(metric_names_set)
# Sort metrics for determinism.
return metric_names_list
def _find_longest_parent_path(path_set, path):
"""Finds the longest "parent-path" of 'path' in 'path_set'.
This function takes and returns "path-like" strings which are strings
made of strings separated by os.sep. No file access is performed here, so
these strings need not correspond to actual files in some file-system..
This function returns the longest ancestor path
For example, for path_set=["/foo/bar", "/foo", "/bar/foo"] and
path="/foo/bar/sub_dir", returns "/foo/bar".
path_set: set of path-like strings -- e.g. a list of strings separated by
os.sep. No actual disk-access is performed here, so these need not
correspond to actual files.
path: a path-like string.
The element in path_set which is the longest parent directory of 'path'.
# This could likely be more efficiently implemented with a trie
# data-structure, but we don't want to add an extra dependency for that.
while path not in path_set:
if not path:
return None
path = os.path.dirname(path)
return path
def _protobuf_value_type(value):
"""Returns the type of the google.protobuf.Value message as an
Returns None if the type of 'value' is not one of the types supported in
value: google.protobuf.Value message.
if value.HasField("number_value"):
return api_pb2.DATA_TYPE_FLOAT64
if value.HasField("string_value"):
return api_pb2.DATA_TYPE_STRING
if value.HasField("bool_value"):
return api_pb2.DATA_TYPE_BOOL
return None
def _protobuf_value_to_string(value):
"""Returns a string representation of given google.protobuf.Value message.
value: google.protobuf.Value message. Assumed to be of type 'number',
'string' or 'bool'.
value_in_json = json_format.MessageToJson(value)
if value.HasField("string_value"):
# Remove the quotations.
return value_in_json[1:-1]
return value_in_json