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2023-06-19 00:49:18 +02:00
# This file is part of h5py, a Python interface to the HDF5 library.
# Copyright 2008-2013 Andrew Collette and contributors
# License: Standard 3-clause BSD; see "license.txt" for full license terms
# and contributor agreement.
High-level interface for creating HDF5 virtual datasets
from copy import deepcopy as copy
from collections import namedtuple
import numpy as np
from .compat import filename_encode
from .datatype import Datatype
from .selections import SimpleSelection, select
from .. import h5d, h5p, h5s, h5t, h5
from .. import version
class VDSmap(namedtuple('VDSmap', ('vspace', 'file_name',
'dset_name', 'src_space'))):
'''Defines a region in a virtual dataset mapping to part of a source dataset
vds_support = False
hdf5_version = version.hdf5_version_tuple[0:3]
if hdf5_version >= h5.get_config().vds_min_hdf5_version:
vds_support = True
def _convert_space_for_key(space, key):
Converts the space with the given key. Mainly used to allow unlimited
dimensions in virtual space selection.
key = key if isinstance(key, tuple) else (key,)
type_code = space.get_select_type()
# check for unlimited selections in case where selection is regular
# hyperslab, which is the only allowed case for h5s.UNLIMITED to be
# in the selection
if type_code == h5s.SEL_HYPERSLABS and space.is_regular_hyperslab():
rank = space.get_simple_extent_ndims()
nargs = len(key)
idx_offset = 0
start, stride, count, block = space.get_regular_hyperslab()
# iterate through keys. we ignore numeral indices. if we get a
# slice, we check for an h5s.UNLIMITED value as the stop
# if we get an ellipsis, we offset index by (rank - nargs)
for i, sl in enumerate(key):
if isinstance(sl, slice):
if sl.stop == h5s.UNLIMITED:
counts = list(count)
idx = i + idx_offset
counts[idx] = h5s.UNLIMITED
count = tuple(counts)
elif sl is Ellipsis:
idx_offset = rank - nargs
space.select_hyperslab(start, count, stride, block)
class VirtualSource:
"""Source definition for virtual data sets.
Instantiate this class to represent an entire source dataset, and then
slice it to indicate which regions should be used in the virtual dataset.
The path to a file, or an h5py dataset. If a dataset is given,
no other parameters are allowed, as the relevant values are taken from
the dataset instead.
The name of the source dataset within the file.
A tuple giving the shape of the dataset.
Numpy dtype or string.
The source dataset is resizable up to this shape. Use None for
axes you want to be unlimited.
def __init__(self, path_or_dataset, name=None,
shape=None, dtype=None, maxshape=None):
from .dataset import Dataset
if isinstance(path_or_dataset, Dataset):
failed = {k: v
for k, v in
{'name': name, 'shape': shape,
'dtype': dtype, 'maxshape': maxshape}.items()
if v is not None}
if failed:
raise TypeError("If a Dataset is passed as the first argument "
"then no other arguments may be passed. You "
"passed {failed}".format(failed=failed))
ds = path_or_dataset
path = ds.file.filename
name =
shape = ds.shape
dtype = ds.dtype
maxshape = ds.maxshape
path = path_or_dataset
if name is None:
raise TypeError("The name parameter is required when "
"specifying a source by path")
if shape is None:
raise TypeError("The shape parameter is required when "
"specifying a source by path")
elif isinstance(shape, int):
shape = (shape,)
if isinstance(maxshape, int):
maxshape = (maxshape,)
self.path = path = name
self.dtype = dtype
if maxshape is None:
self.maxshape = shape
self.maxshape = tuple([h5s.UNLIMITED if ix is None else ix
for ix in maxshape])
self.sel = SimpleSelection(shape)
def shape(self):
return self.sel.array_shape
def __getitem__(self, key):
tmp = copy(self)
tmp.sel = select(self.shape, key, dataset=None)
_convert_space_for_key(, key)
return tmp
class VirtualLayout:
"""Object for building a virtual dataset.
Instantiate this class to define a virtual dataset, assign to slices of it
(using VirtualSource objects), and then pass it to
group.create_virtual_dataset() to add the virtual dataset to a file.
This class does not allow access to the data; the virtual dataset must
be created in a file before it can be used.
A tuple giving the shape of the dataset.
Numpy dtype or string.
The virtual dataset is resizable up to this shape. Use None for
axes you want to be unlimited.
The name of the destination file, if known in advance. Mappings from
data in the same file will be stored with filename '.', allowing the
file to be renamed later.
def __init__(self, shape, dtype, maxshape=None, filename=None):
self.shape = (shape,) if isinstance(shape, int) else shape
self.dtype = dtype
self.maxshape = (maxshape,) if isinstance(maxshape, int) else maxshape
self._filename = filename
self._src_filenames = set()
self.dcpl = h5p.create(h5p.DATASET_CREATE)
def __setitem__(self, key, source):
sel = select(self.shape, key, dataset=None)
_convert_space_for_key(, key)
src_filename = self._source_file_name(source.path, self._filename)
self.dcpl.set_virtual(, src_filename,'utf-8'),
if self._filename is None:
def _source_file_name(src_filename, dst_filename) -> bytes:
src_filename = filename_encode(src_filename)
if dst_filename and (src_filename == filename_encode(dst_filename)):
# use relative path if the source dataset is in the same
# file, in order to keep the virtual dataset valid in case
# the file is renamed.
return b'.'
return filename_encode(src_filename)
def _get_dcpl(self, dst_filename):
"""Get the property list containing virtual dataset mappings
If the destination filename wasn't known when the VirtualLayout was
created, it is handled here.
dst_filename = filename_encode(dst_filename)
if self._filename is not None:
# filename was known in advance; check dst_filename matches
if dst_filename != filename_encode(self._filename):
raise Exception(f"{dst_filename!r} != {self._filename!r}")
return self.dcpl
# destination file not known in advance
if dst_filename in self._src_filenames:
# At least 1 source file is the same as the destination file,
# but we didn't know this when making the mapping. Copy the mappings
# to a new property list, replacing the dest filename with '.'
new_dcpl = h5p.create(h5p.DATASET_CREATE)
for i in range(self.dcpl.get_virtual_count()):
src_filename = self.dcpl.get_virtual_filename(i)
self._source_file_name(src_filename, dst_filename),
return new_dcpl
return self.dcpl # Mappings are all from other files
def make_dataset(self, parent, name, fillvalue=None):
""" Return a new low-level dataset identifier for a virtual dataset """
dcpl = self._get_dcpl(parent.file.filename)
if fillvalue is not None:
maxshape = self.maxshape
if maxshape is not None:
maxshape = tuple(m if m is not None else h5s.UNLIMITED for m in maxshape)
virt_dspace = h5s.create_simple(self.shape, maxshape)
if isinstance(self.dtype, Datatype):
# Named types are used as-is
tid =
dtype = np.dtype(self.dtype)
tid = h5t.py_create(dtype, logical=1)
return h5d.create(, name=name, tid=tid, space=virt_dspace,