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# Copyright 2021 The JAX Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""COO (coordinate format) matrix object and associated primitives."""
from __future__ import annotations
from functools import partial
import operator
from typing import Any, Dict, NamedTuple, Optional, Sequence, Tuple
import warnings
import numpy as np
import jax
from jax import lax
from jax.interpreters import mlir
from jax.experimental.sparse._base import JAXSparse
from jax.experimental.sparse.util import _coo_extract, CuSparseEfficiencyWarning
from jax import tree_util
from jax._src import core
from jax._src import dispatch
from jax._src.interpreters import ad
from jax._src.lax.lax import _const
from jax._src.lib.mlir.dialects import hlo
from jax._src.lib import gpu_sparse
from jax._src.numpy.util import promote_dtypes
from jax._src.typing import Array, ArrayLike, DTypeLike
import jax.numpy as jnp
Dtype = Any
Shape = Tuple[int, ...]
class COOInfo(NamedTuple):
shape: Shape
rows_sorted: bool = False
cols_sorted: bool = False
class COO(JAXSparse):
"""Experimental COO matrix implemented in JAX.
Note: this class has minimal compatibility with JAX transforms such as
grad and autodiff, and offers very little functionality. In general you
should prefer :class:`jax.experimental.sparse.BCOO`.
Additionally, there are known failures in the case that `nse` is larger
than the true number of nonzeros in the represented matrix. This situation
is better handled in BCOO.
data: jax.Array
row: jax.Array
col: jax.Array
shape: Tuple[int, int]
nse = property(lambda self: self.data.size)
dtype = property(lambda self: self.data.dtype)
_info = property(lambda self: COOInfo(
shape=self.shape, rows_sorted=self._rows_sorted,
_bufs = property(lambda self: (self.data, self.row, self.col))
_rows_sorted: bool
_cols_sorted: bool
def __init__(self, args: Tuple[Array, Array, Array], *, shape: Shape,
rows_sorted: bool = False, cols_sorted: bool = False):
self.data, self.row, self.col = map(jnp.asarray, args)
self._rows_sorted = rows_sorted
self._cols_sorted = cols_sorted
super().__init__(args, shape=shape)
def fromdense(cls, mat: Array, *, nse: Optional[int] = None, index_dtype: DTypeLike = np.int32) -> COO:
return coo_fromdense(mat, nse=nse, index_dtype=index_dtype)
def _sort_indices(self) -> COO:
"""Return a copy of the COO matrix with sorted indices.
The matrix is sorted by row indices and column indices per row.
If self._rows_sorted is True, this returns ``self`` without a copy.
# TODO(jakevdp): would be benefit from lowering this to cusparse sort_rows utility?
if self._rows_sorted:
return self
row, col, data = lax.sort((self.row, self.col, self.data), num_keys=2)
return self.__class__((data, row, col), shape=self.shape,
def _empty(cls, shape: Sequence[int], *, dtype: Optional[DTypeLike] = None,
index_dtype: DTypeLike = 'int32') -> COO:
"""Create an empty COO instance. Public method is sparse.empty()."""
shape = tuple(shape)
if len(shape) != 2:
raise ValueError(f"COO must have ndim=2; got {shape=}")
data = jnp.empty(0, dtype)
row = col = jnp.empty(0, index_dtype)
return cls((data, row, col), shape=shape, rows_sorted=True,
def _eye(cls, N: int, M: int, k: int, *, dtype: Optional[DTypeLike] = None,
index_dtype: DTypeLike = 'int32') -> COO:
if k > 0:
diag_size = min(N, M - k)
diag_size = min(N + k, M)
if diag_size <= 0:
# if k is out of range, return an empty matrix.
return cls._empty((N, M), dtype=dtype, index_dtype=index_dtype)
data = jnp.ones(diag_size, dtype=dtype)
idx = jnp.arange(diag_size, dtype=index_dtype)
zero = _const(idx, 0)
k = _const(idx, k)
row = lax.sub(idx, lax.cond(k >= 0, lambda: zero, lambda: k))
col = lax.add(idx, lax.cond(k <= 0, lambda: zero, lambda: k))
return cls((data, row, col), shape=(N, M), rows_sorted=True, cols_sorted=True)
def todense(self) -> Array:
return coo_todense(self)
def transpose(self, axes: Optional[Tuple[int, ...]] = None) -> COO:
if axes is not None:
raise NotImplementedError("axes argument to transpose()")
return COO((self.data, self.col, self.row), shape=self.shape[::-1],
rows_sorted=self._cols_sorted, cols_sorted=self._rows_sorted)
def tree_flatten(self) -> Tuple[Tuple[Array, Array, Array], Dict[str, Any]]:
return (self.data, self.row, self.col), self._info._asdict()
def tree_unflatten(cls, aux_data, children):
obj = object.__new__(cls)
obj.data, obj.row, obj.col = children
if aux_data.keys() != {'shape', 'rows_sorted', 'cols_sorted'}:
raise ValueError(f"COO.tree_unflatten: invalid {aux_data=}")
obj.shape = aux_data['shape']
obj._rows_sorted = aux_data['rows_sorted']
obj._cols_sorted = aux_data['cols_sorted']
return obj
def __matmul__(self, other: ArrayLike) -> Array:
if isinstance(other, JAXSparse):
raise NotImplementedError("matmul between two sparse objects.")
other = jnp.asarray(other)
data, other = promote_dtypes(self.data, other)
self_promoted = COO((data, self.row, self.col), **self._info._asdict())
if other.ndim == 1:
return coo_matvec(self_promoted, other)
elif other.ndim == 2:
return coo_matmat(self_promoted, other)
raise NotImplementedError(f"matmul with object of shape {other.shape}")
# coo_todense
coo_todense_p = core.Primitive('coo_todense')
def coo_todense(mat: COO) -> Array:
"""Convert a COO-format sparse matrix to a dense matrix.
mat : COO matrix
mat_dense: dense version of ``mat``
return _coo_todense(mat.data, mat.row, mat.col, spinfo=mat._info)
def _coo_todense(data: Array, row: Array, col: Array, *, spinfo: COOInfo) -> Array:
"""Convert CSR-format sparse matrix to a dense matrix.
data : array of shape ``(nse,)``.
row : array of shape ``(nse,)``
col : array of shape ``(nse,)`` and dtype ``row.dtype``
spinfo : COOInfo object containing matrix metadata
mat : array with specified shape and dtype matching ``data``
return coo_todense_p.bind(data, row, col, spinfo=spinfo)
def _coo_todense_impl(data, row, col, *, spinfo):
return jnp.zeros(spinfo.shape, data.dtype).at[row, col].add(data)
def _coo_todense_abstract_eval(data, row, col, *, spinfo):
return core.ShapedArray(spinfo.shape, data.dtype)
_coo_todense_lowering = mlir.lower_fun(
_coo_todense_impl, multiple_results=False)
def _coo_todense_gpu_lowering(coo_todense_hlo, ctx, data, row, col, *, spinfo):
data_aval, row_aval, _ = ctx.avals_in
dtype = data_aval.dtype
if not (np.issubdtype(dtype, np.floating) or np.issubdtype(dtype, np.complexfloating)):
warnings.warn(f"coo_todense cusparse/hipsparse lowering not available for {dtype=}. "
"Falling back to default implementation.", CuSparseEfficiencyWarning)
return _coo_todense_lowering(ctx, data, row, col, spinfo=spinfo)
if spinfo.rows_sorted:
shape = spinfo.shape
transpose = False
elif spinfo.cols_sorted:
row, col = col, row
transpose = True
shape = spinfo.shape[::-1]
warnings.warn("coo_todense GPU lowering requires matrices with sorted rows or sorted cols. "
"To sort the rows in your matrix, use e.g. mat = mat._sort_indices(). Falling "
"back to the default implementation.", CuSparseEfficiencyWarning)
return _coo_todense_lowering(ctx, data, row, col, spinfo=spinfo)
result = coo_todense_hlo(
data, row, col, shape=shape, data_dtype=dtype, index_dtype=row_aval.dtype)
return (
[hlo.TransposeOp(result, mlir.dense_int_elements([1, 0])).result]
if transpose else [result])
def _coo_todense_jvp(data_dot, data, row, col, *, spinfo):
return _coo_todense(data_dot, row, col, spinfo=spinfo)
def _coo_todense_transpose(ct, data, row, col, *, spinfo):
# Note: we assume that transpose has the same sparsity pattern.
# Can we check this?
assert ad.is_undefined_primal(data)
if ad.is_undefined_primal(row) or ad.is_undefined_primal(col):
raise ValueError("Cannot transpose with respect to sparse indices")
assert ct.shape == spinfo.shape
assert row.aval.dtype == col.aval.dtype
assert ct.dtype == data.aval.dtype
return _coo_extract(row, col, ct), row, col
ad.defjvp(coo_todense_p, _coo_todense_jvp, None, None)
ad.primitive_transposes[coo_todense_p] = _coo_todense_transpose
mlir.register_lowering(coo_todense_p, _coo_todense_lowering)
if gpu_sparse.cuda_is_supported:
partial(_coo_todense_gpu_lowering, gpu_sparse.cuda_coo_todense),
if gpu_sparse.rocm_is_supported:
partial(_coo_todense_gpu_lowering, gpu_sparse.rocm_coo_todense),
# coo_fromdense
coo_fromdense_p = core.Primitive('coo_fromdense')
coo_fromdense_p.multiple_results = True
def coo_fromdense(mat: Array, *, nse: Optional[int] = None, index_dtype: DTypeLike = jnp.int32) -> COO:
"""Create a COO-format sparse matrix from a dense matrix.
mat : array to be converted to COO.
nse : number of specified entries in ``mat``. If not specified,
it will be computed from the input matrix.
index_dtype : dtype of sparse indices
mat_coo : COO representation of the matrix.
if nse is None:
nse = int((mat != 0).sum())
nse_int = core.concrete_or_error(operator.index, nse, "coo_fromdense nse argument")
return COO(_coo_fromdense(mat, nse=nse_int, index_dtype=index_dtype),
shape=mat.shape, rows_sorted=True)
def _coo_fromdense(mat: Array, *, nse: int, index_dtype: DTypeLike = jnp.int32) -> Tuple[Array, Array, Array]:
"""Create COO-format sparse matrix from a dense matrix.
mat : array to be converted to COO.
nse : number of specified entries in ``mat``
index_dtype : dtype of sparse indices
data : array of shape ``(nse,)`` and dtype ``mat.dtype``
row : array of shape ``(nse,)`` and dtype ``index_dtype``
col : array of shape ``(nse,)`` and dtype ``index_dtype``
mat = jnp.asarray(mat)
nse = core.concrete_or_error(operator.index, nse, "nse argument of coo_fromdense()")
return coo_fromdense_p.bind(mat, nse=nse, index_dtype=index_dtype)
def _coo_fromdense_impl(mat, *, nse, index_dtype):
mat = jnp.asarray(mat)
assert mat.ndim == 2
row, col = jnp.nonzero(mat, size=nse)
data = mat[row, col]
true_nonzeros = jnp.arange(nse) < (mat != 0).sum()
data = jnp.where(true_nonzeros, data, 0)
return data, row.astype(index_dtype), col.astype(index_dtype)
def _coo_fromdense_abstract_eval(mat, *, nse, index_dtype):
data = core.ShapedArray((nse,), mat.dtype)
row = col = core.ShapedArray((nse,), index_dtype)
return data, row, col
_coo_fromdense_lowering = mlir.lower_fun(
_coo_fromdense_impl, multiple_results=True)
def _coo_fromdense_gpu_lowering(coo_fromdense_hlo, ctx, mat, *, nse,
dtype = ctx.avals_in[0].dtype
if not (np.issubdtype(dtype, np.floating) or np.issubdtype(dtype, np.complexfloating)):
warnings.warn(f"coo_fromdense cusparse/hipsparse lowering not available for {dtype=}. "
"Falling back to default implementation.", CuSparseEfficiencyWarning)
return _coo_fromdense_lowering(ctx, mat, nse=nse, index_dtype=index_dtype)
data, row, col = coo_fromdense_hlo(
mat, nnz=nse,
return [data, row, col]
def _coo_fromdense_jvp(primals, tangents, *, nse, index_dtype):
M, = primals
Mdot, = tangents
primals_out = _coo_fromdense(M, nse=nse, index_dtype=index_dtype)
data, row, col = primals_out
if type(Mdot) is ad.Zero:
data_dot = ad.Zero.from_value(data)
data_dot = _coo_extract(row, col, Mdot)
tangents_out = (data_dot, ad.Zero.from_value(row), ad.Zero.from_value(col))
return primals_out, tangents_out
def _coo_fromdense_transpose(ct, M, *, nse, index_dtype):
data, row, col = ct
assert len(data) == nse
assert row.dtype == col.dtype == index_dtype
if isinstance(row, ad.Zero) or isinstance(col, ad.Zero):
raise ValueError("Cannot transpose with respect to sparse indices")
assert ad.is_undefined_primal(M)
return _coo_todense(data, row, col, spinfo=COOInfo(shape=M.aval.shape))
ad.primitive_jvps[coo_fromdense_p] = _coo_fromdense_jvp
ad.primitive_transposes[coo_fromdense_p] = _coo_fromdense_transpose
mlir.register_lowering(coo_fromdense_p, _coo_fromdense_lowering)
if gpu_sparse.cuda_is_supported:
partial(_coo_fromdense_gpu_lowering, gpu_sparse.cuda_coo_fromdense),
if gpu_sparse.rocm_is_supported:
partial(_coo_fromdense_gpu_lowering, gpu_sparse.rocm_coo_fromdense),
# coo_matvec
coo_matvec_p = core.Primitive('coo_matvec')
def coo_matvec(mat: COO, v: Array, transpose: bool = False) -> Array:
"""Product of COO sparse matrix and a dense vector.
mat : COO matrix
v : one-dimensional array of size ``(shape[0] if transpose else shape[1],)`` and
dtype ``mat.dtype``
transpose : boolean specifying whether to transpose the sparse matrix
before computing.
y : array of shape ``(mat.shape[1] if transpose else mat.shape[0],)`` representing
the matrix vector product.
data, row, col = mat._bufs
return _coo_matvec(data, row, col, v, spinfo=mat._info, transpose=transpose)
def _coo_matvec(data: Array, row: Array, col: Array, v: Array, *, spinfo: COOInfo, transpose: bool = False) -> Array:
"""Product of COO sparse matrix and a dense vector.
data : array of shape ``(nse,)``.
row : array of shape ``(nse,)``
col : array of shape ``(nse,)`` and dtype ``row.dtype``
v : array of shape ``(shape[0] if transpose else shape[1],)`` and
dtype ``data.dtype``
shape : length-2 tuple representing the matrix shape
transpose : boolean specifying whether to transpose the sparse matrix
before computing.
y : array of shape ``(shape[1] if transpose else shape[0],)`` representing
the matrix vector product.
return coo_matvec_p.bind(data, row, col, v, spinfo=spinfo, transpose=transpose)
def _coo_matvec_impl(data, row, col, v, *, spinfo, transpose):
v = jnp.asarray(v)
if transpose:
row, col = col, row
out_shape = spinfo.shape[1] if transpose else spinfo.shape[0]
dv = data * v[col]
return jnp.zeros(out_shape, dv.dtype).at[row].add(dv)
def _coo_matvec_abstract_eval(data, row, col, v, *, spinfo, transpose):
assert data.shape == row.shape == col.shape
assert data.dtype == v.dtype
assert row.dtype == col.dtype
assert len(spinfo.shape) == 2
assert v.ndim == 1
assert v.shape[0] == (spinfo.shape[0] if transpose else spinfo.shape[1])
out_shape = spinfo.shape[1] if transpose else spinfo.shape[0]
return core.ShapedArray((out_shape,), data.dtype)
_coo_matvec_lowering = mlir.lower_fun(
_coo_matvec_impl, multiple_results=False)
def _coo_matvec_gpu_lowering(coo_matvec_hlo, ctx, data, row, col, v, *, spinfo,
data_aval, row_aval, _, x_aval = ctx.avals_in
dtype = data_aval.dtype
if dtype not in [np.float32, np.float64, np.complex64, np.complex128]:
warnings.warn(f"coo_matvec cusparse/hipsparse lowering not available for {dtype=}. "
"Falling back to default implementation.", CuSparseEfficiencyWarning)
return _coo_matvec_lowering(ctx, data, row, col, v, spinfo=spinfo, transpose=transpose)
if spinfo.rows_sorted:
shape = spinfo.shape
elif spinfo.cols_sorted:
row, col = col, row
transpose = not transpose
shape = spinfo.shape[::-1]
warnings.warn("coo_matvec GPU lowering requires matrices with sorted rows or sorted cols. "
"To sort the rows in your matrix, use e.g. mat = mat._sort_indices(). Falling "
"back to the default implementation.", CuSparseEfficiencyWarning)
return _coo_matvec_lowering(ctx, data, row, col, v, spinfo=spinfo,
return [coo_matvec_hlo(
data, row, col, v, shape=shape, transpose=transpose,
index_dtype=row_aval.dtype, data_dtype=dtype, x_dtype=x_aval.dtype)]
def _coo_matvec_jvp_mat(data_dot, data, row, col, v, *, spinfo, transpose):
return _coo_matvec(data_dot, row, col, v, spinfo=spinfo, transpose=transpose)
def _coo_matvec_jvp_vec(v_dot, data, row, col, v, *, spinfo, transpose):
return _coo_matvec(data, row, col, v_dot, spinfo=spinfo, transpose=transpose)
def _coo_matvec_transpose(ct, data, row, col, v, *, spinfo, transpose):
assert not ad.is_undefined_primal(row)
assert not ad.is_undefined_primal(col)
if ad.is_undefined_primal(v):
return data, row, col, _coo_matvec(data, row, col, ct, spinfo=spinfo, transpose=not transpose)
v = jnp.asarray(v)
# The following line does this, but more efficiently:
# return _coo_extract(row, col, jnp.outer(ct, v)), row, col, v
return ct[row] * v[col], row, col, v
ad.defjvp(coo_matvec_p, _coo_matvec_jvp_mat, None, None, _coo_matvec_jvp_vec)
ad.primitive_transposes[coo_matvec_p] = _coo_matvec_transpose
mlir.register_lowering(coo_matvec_p, _coo_matvec_lowering)
if gpu_sparse.cuda_is_supported:
partial(_coo_matvec_gpu_lowering, gpu_sparse.cuda_coo_matvec),
if gpu_sparse.rocm_is_supported:
partial(_coo_matvec_gpu_lowering, gpu_sparse.rocm_coo_matvec),
# coo_matmat
coo_matmat_p = core.Primitive('coo_matmat')
def coo_matmat(mat: COO, B: Array, *, transpose: bool = False) -> Array:
"""Product of COO sparse matrix and a dense matrix.
mat : COO matrix
B : array of shape ``(mat.shape[0] if transpose else mat.shape[1], cols)`` and
dtype ``mat.dtype``
transpose : boolean specifying whether to transpose the sparse matrix
before computing.
C : array of shape ``(mat.shape[1] if transpose else mat.shape[0], cols)``
representing the matrix vector product.
data, row, col = mat._bufs
return _coo_matmat(data, row, col, B, spinfo=mat._info, transpose=transpose)
def _coo_matmat(data: Array, row: Array, col: Array, B: Array, *, spinfo: COOInfo, transpose: bool = False) -> Array:
"""Product of COO sparse matrix and a dense matrix.
data : array of shape ``(nse,)``.
row : array of shape ``(nse,)``
col : array of shape ``(nse,)`` and dtype ``row.dtype``
B : array of shape ``(shape[0] if transpose else shape[1], cols)`` and
dtype ``data.dtype``
shape : length-2 tuple representing the matrix shape
transpose : boolean specifying whether to transpose the sparse matrix
before computing.
C : array of shape ``(shape[1] if transpose else shape[0], cols)``
representing the matrix vector product.
return coo_matmat_p.bind(data, row, col, B, spinfo=spinfo, transpose=transpose)
def _coo_matmat_impl(data, row, col, B, *, spinfo, transpose):
B = jnp.asarray(B)
if transpose:
row, col = col, row
out_shape = spinfo.shape[1] if transpose else spinfo.shape[0]
dB = data[:, None] * B[col]
return jnp.zeros((out_shape, B.shape[1]), dB.dtype).at[row].add(dB)
def _coo_matmat_abstract_eval(data, row, col, B, *, spinfo, transpose):
assert data.shape == row.shape == col.shape
assert data.dtype == B.dtype
assert B.ndim == 2
assert len(spinfo.shape) == 2
assert B.shape[0] == (spinfo.shape[0] if transpose else spinfo.shape[1])
out_shape = spinfo.shape[1] if transpose else spinfo.shape[0]
return core.ShapedArray((out_shape, B.shape[1]), data.dtype)
_coo_matmat_lowering = mlir.lower_fun(_coo_matmat_impl, multiple_results=False)
def _coo_matmat_gpu_lowering(coo_matmat_hlo, ctx, data, row, col, B, *, spinfo,
data_aval, row_aval, _, B_aval = ctx.avals_in
dtype = data_aval.dtype
if dtype not in [np.float32, np.float64, np.complex64, np.complex128]:
warnings.warn(f"coo_matmat cusparse/hipsprse lowering not available for {dtype=}. "
"Falling back to default implementation.", CuSparseEfficiencyWarning)
return _coo_matmat_lowering(ctx, data, row, col, B, spinfo=spinfo, transpose=transpose)
if spinfo.rows_sorted:
shape = spinfo.shape
elif spinfo.cols_sorted:
row, col = col, row
transpose = not transpose
shape = spinfo.shape[::-1]
warnings.warn("coo_matmat GPU lowering requires matrices with sorted rows or sorted cols. "
"To sort the rows in your matrix, use e.g. mat = mat._sort_indices(). Falling "
"back to the default implementation.", CuSparseEfficiencyWarning)
return _coo_matmat_lowering(ctx, data, row, col, B, spinfo=spinfo,
return [coo_matmat_hlo(data, row, col, B, shape=shape,
transpose=transpose, x_dtype=B_aval.dtype,
def _coo_matmat_jvp_left(data_dot, data, row, col, B, *, spinfo, transpose):
return _coo_matmat(data_dot, row, col, B, spinfo=spinfo, transpose=transpose)
def _coo_matmat_jvp_right(B_dot, data, row, col, B, *, spinfo, transpose):
return _coo_matmat(data, row, col, B_dot, spinfo=spinfo, transpose=transpose)
def _coo_matmat_transpose(ct, data, row, col, B, *, spinfo, transpose):
assert not ad.is_undefined_primal(row)
assert not ad.is_undefined_primal(col)
if ad.is_undefined_primal(B):
return data, row, col, _coo_matmat(data, row, col, ct, spinfo=spinfo, transpose=not transpose)
B = jnp.asarray(B)
return (ct[row] * B[col]).sum(1), row, col, B
ad.defjvp(coo_matmat_p, _coo_matmat_jvp_left, None, None, _coo_matmat_jvp_right)
ad.primitive_transposes[coo_matmat_p] = _coo_matmat_transpose
mlir.register_lowering(coo_matmat_p, _coo_matmat_lowering)
if gpu_sparse.cuda_is_supported:
partial(_coo_matmat_gpu_lowering, gpu_sparse.cuda_coo_matmat),
if gpu_sparse.rocm_is_supported:
partial(_coo_matmat_gpu_lowering, gpu_sparse.rocm_coo_matmat),