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2023-06-19 00:49:18 +02:00
Tets a series of opt_einsum contraction paths to ensure the results are the same for different paths
import numpy as np
import pytest
from opt_einsum import contract, contract_expression, contract_path, helpers
from opt_einsum.paths import linear_to_ssa, ssa_to_linear
tests = [
# Test hadamard-like products
# Test index-transformations
# Test complex contractions
# Test collapse
# Test outer prodcuts
# Random test cases that have previously failed
# Inner products
# GEMM test cases
# Inner than dot
# Randomly build test caes
all_optimizers = [
'optimal', 'branch-all', 'branch-2', 'branch-1', 'greedy', 'random-greedy', 'random-greedy-128', 'dp', 'auto',
@pytest.mark.parametrize("string", tests)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("optimize", all_optimizers)
def test_compare(optimize, string):
views = helpers.build_views(string)
ein = contract(string, *views, optimize=False, use_blas=False)
opt = contract(string, *views, optimize=optimize, use_blas=False)
assert np.allclose(ein, opt)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("string", tests)
def test_drop_in_replacement(string):
views = helpers.build_views(string)
opt = contract(string, *views)
assert np.allclose(opt, np.einsum(string, *views))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("string", tests)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("optimize", all_optimizers)
def test_compare_greek(optimize, string):
views = helpers.build_views(string)
ein = contract(string, *views, optimize=False, use_blas=False)
# convert to greek
string = ''.join(chr(ord(c) + 848) if c not in ',->.' else c for c in string)
opt = contract(string, *views, optimize=optimize, use_blas=False)
assert np.allclose(ein, opt)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("string", tests)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("optimize", all_optimizers)
def test_compare_blas(optimize, string):
views = helpers.build_views(string)
ein = contract(string, *views, optimize=False)
opt = contract(string, *views, optimize=optimize)
assert np.allclose(ein, opt)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("string", tests)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("optimize", all_optimizers)
def test_compare_blas_greek(optimize, string):
views = helpers.build_views(string)
ein = contract(string, *views, optimize=False)
# convert to greek
string = ''.join(chr(ord(c) + 848) if c not in ',->.' else c for c in string)
opt = contract(string, *views, optimize=optimize)
assert np.allclose(ein, opt)
def test_some_non_alphabet_maintains_order():
# 'c beta a' should automatically go to -> 'a c beta'
string = 'c' + chr(ord('b') + 848) + 'a'
# but beta will be temporarily replaced with 'b' for which 'cba->abc'
# so check manual output kicks in:
x = np.random.rand(2, 3, 4)
assert np.allclose(contract(string, x), contract('cxa', x))
def test_printing():
string = "bbd,bda,fc,db->acf"
views = helpers.build_views(string)
ein = contract_path(string, *views)
assert len(str(ein[1])) == 728
@pytest.mark.parametrize("string", tests)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("optimize", all_optimizers)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("use_blas", [False, True])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("out_spec", [False, True])
def test_contract_expressions(string, optimize, use_blas, out_spec):
views = helpers.build_views(string)
shapes = [view.shape for view in views]
expected = contract(string, *views, optimize=False, use_blas=False)
expr = contract_expression(string, *shapes, optimize=optimize, use_blas=use_blas)
if out_spec and ("->" in string) and (string[-2:] != "->"):
out, = helpers.build_views(string.split('->')[1])
expr(*views, out=out)
out = expr(*views)
assert np.allclose(out, expected)
# check representations
assert string in expr.__repr__()
assert string in expr.__str__()
def test_contract_expression_interleaved_input():
x, y, z = (np.random.randn(2, 2) for _ in 'xyz')
expected = np.einsum(x, [0, 1], y, [1, 2], z, [2, 3], [3, 0])
xshp, yshp, zshp = ((2, 2) for _ in 'xyz')
expr = contract_expression(xshp, [0, 1], yshp, [1, 2], zshp, [2, 3], [3, 0])
out = expr(x, y, z)
assert np.allclose(out, expected)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("string,constants", [
('hbc,bdef,cdkj,ji,ikeh,lfo', [1, 2, 3, 4]),
('bdef,cdkj,ji,ikeh,hbc,lfo', [0, 1, 2, 3]),
('hbc,bdef,cdkj,ji,ikeh,lfo', [1, 2, 3, 4]),
('hbc,bdef,cdkj,ji,ikeh,lfo', [1, 2, 3, 4]),
('ijab,acd,bce,df,ef->ji', [1, 2, 3, 4]),
('ab,cd,ad,cb', [1, 3]),
('ab,bc,cd', [0, 1]),
def test_contract_expression_with_constants(string, constants):
views = helpers.build_views(string)
expected = contract(string, *views, optimize=False, use_blas=False)
shapes = [view.shape for view in views]
expr_args = []
ctrc_args = []
for i, (shape, view) in enumerate(zip(shapes, views)):
if i in constants:
expr = contract_expression(string, *expr_args, constants=constants)
out = expr(*ctrc_args)
assert np.allclose(expected, out)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("optimize", ['greedy', 'optimal'])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("n", [4, 5])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("reg", [2, 3])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("n_out", [0, 2, 4])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("global_dim", [False, True])
def test_rand_equation(optimize, n, reg, n_out, global_dim):
eq, _, size_dict = helpers.rand_equation(n, reg, n_out, d_min=2, d_max=5, seed=42, return_size_dict=True)
views = helpers.build_views(eq, size_dict)
expected = contract(eq, *views, optimize=False)
actual = contract(eq, *views, optimize=optimize)
assert np.allclose(expected, actual)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('equation', tests)
def test_linear_vs_ssa(equation):
views = helpers.build_views(equation)
linear_path, _ = contract_path(equation, *views)
ssa_path = linear_to_ssa(linear_path)
linear_path2 = ssa_to_linear(ssa_path)
assert linear_path2 == linear_path
def test_contract_path_supply_shapes():
eq = 'ab,bc,cd'
shps = [(2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5)]
contract_path(eq, *shps, shapes=True)