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2023-06-19 00:49:18 +02:00
# Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
"""Class to hold a library of OpDefs and use it to create Brain operations."""
from google.protobuf import text_format
from tensorflow.core.config import flags
from tensorflow.core.framework import attr_value_pb2
from tensorflow.core.framework import tensor_pb2
from tensorflow.core.framework import tensor_shape_pb2
from tensorflow.core.framework import types_pb2
from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes
from tensorflow.python.framework import op_callbacks
from tensorflow.python.framework import op_def_library_pybind
from tensorflow.python.framework import op_def_registry
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_shape
from tensorflow.python.platform import tf_logging as logging
from tensorflow.python.util import _pywrap_utils
from tensorflow.python.util import compat
from tensorflow.python.util import tf_contextlib
def _Attr(op_def, name):
for attr in op_def.attr:
if == name:
return attr
raise TypeError(f"Inconsistent OpDef for '{}', missing attr "
def _AttrValue(attr_protos, name, op_type_name):
if name in attr_protos:
return attr_protos[name]
raise TypeError(f"Inconsistent OpDef for '{op_type_name}', missing attr "
f"'{name}' from '{attr_protos}'.")
def _SatisfiesTypeConstraint(dtype, attr_def, param_name):
if attr_def.HasField("allowed_values"):
allowed_list = attr_def.allowed_values.list.type
allowed_values = ", ".join(dtypes.as_dtype(x).name for x in allowed_list)
if dtype not in allowed_list:
raise TypeError(
f"Value passed to parameter '{param_name}' has DataType "
f"{dtypes.as_dtype(dtype).name} not in list of allowed values: "
def _SatisfiesLengthConstraint(length, attr_def, param_name, op_type_name):
if attr_def.has_minimum and length < attr_def.minimum:
raise ValueError(f"Attr '{param_name}' of '{op_type_name}' Op passed list "
f"of length {length} less than minimum "
def _SatisfiesAllowedStringsConstraint(value, attr_def, arg_name, op_type_name):
if value not in attr_def.allowed_values.list.s:
allowed_values = '", "'.join(
map(compat.as_text, attr_def.allowed_values.list.s))
raise ValueError(f"Attr '{arg_name}' of '{op_type_name}' Op passed string "
f"'{compat.as_text(value)}' not in: \"{allowed_values}\".")
def _SatisfiesIntMinimumConstraint(value, attr_def, arg_name, op_type_name):
if value < attr_def.minimum:
raise ValueError(f"Attr '{arg_name}' of '{op_type_name}' Op passed {value} "
f"less than minimum {attr_def.minimum}.")
def _IsListParameter(arg):
if arg.number_attr:
return True
elif arg.type_list_attr:
return True
return False
def _NumTypeFields(arg):
num = 0
if arg.type != types_pb2.DT_INVALID: num += 1
if arg.type_attr: num += 1
if arg.type_list_attr: num += 1
return num
def _IsListValue(v):
return isinstance(v, (list, tuple))
def _Flatten(l):
"""Converts [1, 2, [3, 4], [5]] to [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]."""
# [1, 2, [3, 4], [5]] -> [[1], [2], [3, 4], [5]]
l_of_l = [x if _IsListValue(x) else [x] for x in l]
# [[1], [2], [3, 4], [5]] -> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
return [item for sublist in l_of_l for item in sublist]
def _Restructure(l, structure):
"""Returns the elements of list l structured according to the given structure.
A structure is represented by a list whose elements are either
`None` or a non-negative integer. `None` corresponds to a single
element in the output list, and an integer N corresponds to a nested
list of length N.
The function returns a data structure whose shape is given by
`structure`, and whose elements are taken from `l`. If `structure`
is a singleton, the function returns the single data structure
implied by the 0th element of `structure`. For example:
_Restructure(["foo", "bar", "baz", "qux"], [None, 2, None])
-> ["foo", ["bar", "baz"], "qux"]
_Restructure(["foo"], [None]) -> "foo"
_Restructure(["foo"], [1]) -> ["foo"]
_Restructure([], [0]) -> []
l: A list.
structure: A list whose elements are either `None` or a non-negative
The elements of `l`, restructured according to `structure`. If
`structure` is a list of length 1, this function returns the
single data structure implied by `structure[0]`.
result = []
current_index = 0
for element in structure:
if element is None:
current_index += 1
current_index += element
if len(result) == 1:
return result[0]
return tuple(result)
def _MakeFloat(v, arg_name):
if not isinstance(v, compat.real_types):
raise TypeError(f"Expected float for argument '{arg_name}' not {repr(v)}.")
return float(v)
def _MakeInt(v, arg_name):
if isinstance(v, str):
raise TypeError(f"Expected int for argument '{arg_name}' not {repr(v)}.")
return int(v)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
raise TypeError(f"Expected int for argument '{arg_name}' not {repr(v)}.")
def _MakeStr(v, arg_name):
if not isinstance(v, compat.bytes_or_text_types):
raise TypeError(f"Expected string for argument '{arg_name}' not {repr(v)}.")
return compat.as_bytes(v) # Convert unicode strings to bytes.
def _MakeBool(v, arg_name):
if not isinstance(v, bool):
raise TypeError(f"Expected bool for argument '{arg_name}' not {repr(v)}.")
return v
def _MakeType(v, arg_name):
v = dtypes.as_dtype(v).base_dtype
except TypeError:
raise TypeError(f"Expected DataType for argument '{arg_name}' not "
return v.as_datatype_enum
def _MakeShape(v, arg_name):
"""Convert v into a TensorShapeProto."""
# Args:
# v: A TensorShapeProto, a list of ints, or a tensor_shape.TensorShape.
# arg_name: String, for error messages.
# Returns:
# A TensorShapeProto.
if isinstance(v, tensor_shape_pb2.TensorShapeProto):
for d in v.dim:
logging.warning("Warning: TensorShapeProto with a named dimension: %s",
return v
return tensor_shape.as_shape(v).as_proto()
except TypeError as e:
raise TypeError(f"Error converting {repr(v)} (arg name = {arg_name}) to a "
f"TensorShape: {e}")
except ValueError as e:
raise TypeError(f"Error converting {repr(v)} (arg name = {arg_name}) to a "
f"TensorShape: {e}")
def _MakeTensor(v, arg_name):
"""Ensure v is a TensorProto."""
if isinstance(v, tensor_pb2.TensorProto):
return v
raise TypeError(
f"Don't know how to convert {repr(v)} to a TensorProto for argument "
def _MakeFunc(v, arg_name):
"""Ensure v is a func."""
if isinstance(v, attr_value_pb2.NameAttrList):
return v
if isinstance(v, compat.bytes_or_text_types):
fn_attr = attr_value_pb2.NameAttrList(name=v)
elif hasattr(v, "add_to_graph"):
if hasattr(v, "_as_name_attr_list"):
fn_attr = v._as_name_attr_list # pylint: disable=protected-access
fn_attr = attr_value_pb2.NameAttrList(
raise TypeError(f"Don't know how to convert {repr(v)} to a func for "
f"argument {arg_name}")
return fn_attr
# pylint: disable=g-doc-return-or-yield
def _MaybeColocateWith(inputs):
"""A context manager for (maybe) colocating with a list of input tensors.
inputs: A list of `Tensor` or `Operation` objects.
A context manager.
if not inputs:
# NOTE(mrry): The `ops.colocate_with()` function accepts only a single
# op or tensor, so we create one context manager per element in the list.
with ops.colocate_with(inputs[0]), _MaybeColocateWith(inputs[1:]):
# pylint: enable=g-doc-return-or-yield
def apply_op(op_type_name, name=None, **keywords): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Add a node invoking a registered Op to a graph.
Example usage:
# input1 and input2 can be Tensors or anything ops.convert_to_tensor()
# will convert to a Tensor.
op_def_library.apply_op("op", input1=input1, input2=input2)
# Can specify a node name.
op_def_library.apply_op("op", input1=input1, name="node_name")
# Must use keyword arguments, with the names specified in the OpDef.
op_def_library.apply_op("op", input_name=input, attr_name=attr)
All attrs must either be inferred from an input or specified.
(If inferred, the attr must not be specified.) If an attr has a default
value specified in the Op's OpDef, then you may pass None as the value
of that attr to get the default.
op_type_name: string. Must match the name field of a registered Op.
name: string. Optional name of the created op.
**keywords: input Tensor and attr arguments specified by name, and optional
parameters to pass when constructing the Operation.
The Tensor(s) representing the output of the operation, or the Operation
itself if there are no outputs.
RuntimeError: On some errors.
TypeError: On some errors.
ValueError: On some errors.
output_structure, is_stateful, op, outputs = _apply_op_helper(
op_type_name, name, **keywords)
if output_structure:
res = _Restructure(ops.convert_n_to_tensor(outputs), output_structure)
if isinstance(res, list) and not res and is_stateful:
return op
return res
return op
# This is temporary Python/C++ code duplication until all of it can be ported
# over to C++.
# LINT.IfChange
def _ExtractAttrProto(op_type_name, op_def, attrs, attr_protos):
"""Extracts `attr_protos`. For use in _apply_op_helper."""
for attr_def in op_def.attr:
key =
value = attrs[key]
if attr_def.HasField("default_value") and value is None:
attr_value = attr_value_pb2.AttrValue()
attr_protos[key] = attr_value
attr_value = value_to_attr_value(value, attr_def.type, key)
if attr_def.type.startswith("list("):
_SatisfiesLengthConstraint(len(value), attr_def, key, op_type_name)
if attr_def.HasField("allowed_values"):
if attr_def.type == "string":
_SatisfiesAllowedStringsConstraint(attr_value.s, attr_def, key,
elif attr_def.type == "list(string)":
for value in attr_value.list.s:
_SatisfiesAllowedStringsConstraint(value, attr_def, key, op_type_name)
if attr_def.has_minimum and attr_def.type == "int":
_SatisfiesIntMinimumConstraint(attr_value.i, attr_def, key, op_type_name)
if attr_def.type == "type":
_SatisfiesTypeConstraint(attr_value.type, attr_def, key)
if attr_def.type == "list(type)":
for value in attr_value.list.type:
_SatisfiesTypeConstraint(value, attr_def, key)
attr_protos[key] = attr_value
def _ExtractOutputStructure(op_type_name, op_def, attr_protos,
"""Extracts `output_structure`. For use in _apply_op_helper."""
for arg in op_def.output_arg:
if arg.number_attr:
n = _AttrValue(attr_protos, arg.number_attr, op_type_name).i
elif arg.type_attr:
t = _AttrValue(attr_protos, arg.type_attr, op_type_name)
elif arg.type_list_attr:
t = _AttrValue(attr_protos, arg.type_list_attr, op_type_name)
def _CanExtractAttrsFastPath(op_def, keywords):
"""Check if the fast path for _apply_op_helper is applicable."""
# Check if all inputs are already tf.Tensor
for input_arg in op_def.input_arg:
value = keywords.get(, None)
if not isinstance(value, ops.Tensor):
return False
# Check that attrs are not `func` or `list(func)` type.
for attr_def in op_def.attr:
if attr_def.type == "func" or attr_def.type == "list(func)":
return False
return True
def _CheckOpDeprecation(op_type_name, op_def, producer):
"""Checks if the op is deprecated."""
deprecation_version = op_def.deprecation.version
if deprecation_version and producer >= deprecation_version:
raise NotImplementedError(
f"Op {op_type_name} is not available in GraphDef version {producer}. "
f"It has been removed in version {deprecation_version}. "
def _ExtractDefaultTypesAndAllowedTypes(op_def, default_type_attr_map,
"""Extracts the `default_type_attr_map` and `allowed_list_attr_map`."""
# TODO(b/31302892): Currently the defaults don't work in the right
# way if you have two inputs, one of whose type resolution depends
# on the other. Handling this will require restructuring this code
# significantly.
for attr_def in op_def.attr:
if attr_def.type != "type":
key =
if attr_def.HasField("default_value"):
default_type_attr_map[key] = dtypes.as_dtype(
if attr_def.HasField("allowed_values"):
allowed_list_attr_map[key] = attr_def.allowed_values.list.type
def _ExtractInputsAndAttrs(op_type_name, op_def, allowed_list_attr_map,
keywords, default_type_attr_map, attrs, inputs,
"""Extracts `attrs`, `inputs`, and `input_types` in _apply_op_helper."""
inferred_from = {}
for input_arg in op_def.input_arg:
input_name =
if input_name in keywords:
values = keywords.pop(input_name)
elif input_name + "_" in keywords:
# Handle the case where the name is a keyword or built-in
# for Python so we use the name + _ instead.
input_name += "_"
values = keywords.pop(input_name)
raise TypeError(f"No argument for input {input_name} found in {op_def}")
# Goals:
# * Convert values to Tensors if it contains constants.
# * Verify that values is a list if that matches the input_arg's
# type.
# * If the input_arg's type is determined by attrs, either set
# those attrs and validate those attr values are legal (if
# they have not yet been set) or validate the input matches
# the type indicated by the attrs (if they have already been
# inferred via an earlier input).
# * If the input_arg has an explicit type, make sure the input
# conforms.
if _IsListParameter(input_arg):
if not _IsListValue(values):
raise TypeError(
f"Expected list for '{input_name}' argument to '{op_type_name}' "
f"Op, not {values}.")
# In cases where we expect all elements of the list to have the
# same dtype, try to cast non-Tensor elements to that type.
dtype = None
default_dtype = None
if input_arg.type != types_pb2.DT_INVALID:
dtype = input_arg.type
elif input_arg.number_attr:
if input_arg.type_attr in attrs:
dtype = attrs[input_arg.type_attr]
for t in values:
if isinstance(t, ops.Tensor):
dtype = t.dtype
# dtype still not found, prefer using the default dtype
# from the attr.
if dtype is None and input_arg.type_attr in default_type_attr_map:
default_dtype = default_type_attr_map[input_arg.type_attr]
if not input_arg.is_ref and dtype:
dtype = dtypes.as_dtype(dtype).base_dtype
values = ops.internal_convert_n_to_tensor(
dtype=dtype if dtype else None,
all_types = set(v.dtype.base_dtype for v in values)
if input_arg.number_attr and len(all_types) > 1:
# All types should match.
raise TypeError(f"Not all types matched for {} for "
f"{op_type_name}. Got {all_types}")
except (TypeError, ValueError):
# What types does the conversion function think values have?
observed_types = []
for value in values:
converted_value = ops.convert_to_tensor(
value, as_ref=input_arg.is_ref)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
observed_types.append("<NOT CONVERTIBLE TO TENSOR>")
observed = ", ".join(observed_types)
prefix = ("Tensors in list passed to '%s' of '%s' Op have types [%s]" %
(input_name, op_type_name, observed))
if input_arg.number_attr:
if input_arg.type != types_pb2.DT_INVALID:
raise TypeError(f"{prefix} that do not match expected type "
elif input_arg.type_attr in attrs:
raise TypeError(f"{prefix} that do not match type {} "
"inferred from earlier arguments.")
raise TypeError(f"{prefix} that don't all match.")
raise TypeError(f"{prefix} that are invalid. Tensors: {values}")
types = [x.dtype for x in values]
# In cases where we have an expected type, try to convert non-Tensor
# arguments to that type.
dtype = None
default_dtype = None
allowed_list = None
if input_arg.type != types_pb2.DT_INVALID:
dtype = input_arg.type
elif input_arg.type_attr in attrs:
dtype = attrs[input_arg.type_attr]
elif input_arg.type_attr in default_type_attr_map:
# The dtype could not be inferred solely from the inputs,
# so we prefer the attr's default, so code that adds a new attr
# with a default is backwards compatible.
default_dtype = default_type_attr_map[input_arg.type_attr]
allowed_list = allowed_list_attr_map.get(input_arg.type_attr)
# First see if we can get a valid dtype with the default conversion
# and see if it matches an allowed dtypes. Some ops like ConcatV2 may
# not list allowed dtypes, in which case we should skip this.
if dtype is None and allowed_list:
inferred = None
inferred = ops.convert_to_tensor(
values,, as_ref=input_arg.is_ref)
except TypeError as err:
# When converting a python object such as a list of Dimensions, we
# need a dtype to be specified, thus tensor conversion may throw
# an exception which we will ignore and try again below.
# If we did not match an allowed dtype, try again with the default
# dtype. This could be because we have an empty tensor and thus we
# picked the wrong type.
if inferred is not None and inferred.dtype in allowed_list:
values = inferred
values = ops.convert_to_tensor(
values = ops.convert_to_tensor(
except TypeError as err:
if dtype is None:
raise err
raise TypeError(
f"Expected {dtypes.as_dtype(dtype).name} passed to parameter "
f"'{}' of op '{op_type_name}', got "
f"{repr(values)} of type '{type(values).__name__}' instead. "
f"Error: {err}")
except ValueError:
# What type does convert_to_tensor think it has?
observed = ops.convert_to_tensor(
values, as_ref=input_arg.is_ref)
except ValueError as err:
raise ValueError(
f"Tried to convert '{input_name}' to a tensor and failed. "
f"Error: {err}")
prefix = ("Input '%s' of '%s' Op has type %s that does not match" %
(input_name, op_type_name, observed))
if input_arg.type != types_pb2.DT_INVALID:
raise TypeError(f"{prefix} expected type of "
# Update the maps with the default, if needed.
k = input_arg.type_attr
if k in default_type_attr_map:
if k not in attrs:
attrs[k] = default_type_attr_map[k]
if k not in inferred_from:
inferred_from[k] = "Default in OpDef"
raise TypeError(
f"{prefix} type "
f"{dtypes.as_dtype(attrs[input_arg.type_attr]).name} of "
f"argument '{inferred_from[input_arg.type_attr]}'.")
types = [values.dtype]
base_types = [x.base_dtype for x in types]
if input_arg.number_attr:
# <number-attr> * <type> or <number-attr> * <type-attr>
if input_arg.number_attr in attrs:
if len(values) != attrs[input_arg.number_attr]:
raise ValueError(
f"List argument '{input_name}' to '{op_type_name}' Op with "
f"length {len(values)} must match length "
f"{attrs[input_arg.number_attr]} of argument "
attrs[input_arg.number_attr] = len(values)
inferred_from[input_arg.number_attr] = input_name
num_attr = _Attr(op_def, input_arg.number_attr)
if num_attr.has_minimum and len(values) < num_attr.minimum:
raise ValueError(
f"List argument '{input_name}' to '{op_type_name}' Op with "
f"length {len(values)} shorter than minimum length "
# All tensors must have the same base type.
if any(bt != base_types[0] for bt in base_types):
raise TypeError(
f"All tensors passed to '{input_name}' of '{op_type_name}' Op "
f"must have the same type. Got {base_types} instead.")
if input_arg.type != types_pb2.DT_INVALID:
# <number-attr> * <type> case
if base_types and base_types[0] != input_arg.type:
assert False, "Unreachable"
elif input_arg.type_attr in attrs:
# <number-attr> * <type-attr> case, where <type-attr> already
# has an inferred value.
if base_types and base_types[0] != attrs[input_arg.type_attr]:
assert False, "Unreachable"
# <number-attr> * <type-attr> case, where we are now setting
# the <type-attr> based on this input
if not base_types:
# If it's in default_type_attr_map, then wait to set it
# (in "process remaining attrs", below).
if input_arg.type_attr not in default_type_attr_map:
raise TypeError(
"Don't know how to infer type variable from empty input "
f"list passed to input '{input_name}' of '{op_type_name}' "
attrs[input_arg.type_attr] = base_types[0]
inferred_from[input_arg.type_attr] = input_name
type_attr = _Attr(op_def, input_arg.type_attr)
base_types[0], type_attr, param_name=input_name)
elif input_arg.type_attr:
# <type-attr>
attr_value = base_types[0]
if input_arg.type_attr in attrs:
if attrs[input_arg.type_attr] != attr_value:
raise TypeError(
f"Input '{input_name}' of '{op_type_name}' Op has type "
f"{dtypes.as_dtype(attr_value).name} that does not match type "
f"{dtypes.as_dtype(attrs[input_arg.type_attr]).name} of "
f"argument '{inferred_from[input_arg.type_attr]}'.")
for base_type in base_types:
_Attr(op_def, input_arg.type_attr),
attrs[input_arg.type_attr] = attr_value
inferred_from[input_arg.type_attr] = input_name
elif input_arg.type_list_attr:
# <type-list-attr>
attr_value = base_types
if input_arg.type_list_attr in attrs:
if attrs[input_arg.type_list_attr] != attr_value:
actual_types = ", ".join(dtypes.as_dtype(x).name for x in attr_value)
expected_types = ", ".join(
dtypes.as_dtype(x).name for x in attrs[input_arg.type_list_attr])
raise TypeError(
f"Input '{input_name}' of '{op_type_name}' Op has type list of "
f"{actual_types} that does not match type list {expected_types}"
f" of argument '{inferred_from[input_arg.type_list_attr]}'.")
for base_type in base_types:
_Attr(op_def, input_arg.type_list_attr),
attrs[input_arg.type_list_attr] = attr_value
inferred_from[input_arg.type_list_attr] = input_name
# single Tensor with specified type
if base_types[0] != input_arg.type:
assert False, "Unreachable"
if input_arg.is_ref:
if not all(x._is_ref_dtype for x in types): # pylint: disable=protected-access
raise TypeError(
f"'{op_type_name}' Op requires that input '{input_name}' be a "
"mutable tensor (e.g.: a tf.Variable)")
def _ExtractRemainingAttrs(op_type_name, op_def, keywords,
default_type_attr_map, attrs):
"""Extracts the remaining attributes into `attrs` in _apply_op_helper."""
for attr in op_def.attr:
# Skip attrs that have already had their values inferred
if in attrs:
if in keywords:
raise TypeError(
f"Should not specify value for inferred attr '{}' for "
if in keywords:
attrs[] = keywords.pop(
elif + "_" in keywords:
# Attrs whose names match Python keywords have an extra '_'
# appended, so we must check for that as well.
attrs[] = keywords.pop( + "_")
elif in default_type_attr_map:
attrs[] = default_type_attr_map[]
raise TypeError(f"No argument found for attr {} for "
def _GetOpDef(op_type_name, keywords):
"""Returns the OpDef, Graph and Producer. For use in _apply_op_helper."""
op_def = op_def_registry.get(op_type_name)
if op_def is None:
raise RuntimeError(f"Unrecognized Op name {op_type_name}")
# Determine the graph context.
# Need to flatten all the arguments into a list.
# pylint: disable=protected-access
g = ops._get_graph_from_inputs(_Flatten(keywords.values()))
producer = g.graph_def_versions.producer
# pylint: enable=protected-access
except AssertionError as e:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Cannot determine graph for Op '{op_type_name}' due to: {e.message}")
return op_def, g, producer
def _CheckAllInputsUsed(op_type_name, keywords):
"""Ensures all inputs passed into _apply_op_helper were used."""
if keywords:
all_keywords = ", ".join(sorted(keywords.keys()))
raise TypeError(f"{op_type_name} got unexpected keyword arguments: "
def _apply_op_helper(op_type_name, name=None, **keywords): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Implementation of apply_op that returns output_structure, op."""
op_def, g, producer = _GetOpDef(op_type_name, keywords)
name = name if name else op_type_name
attrs, attr_protos = {}, {}
default_type_attr_map, allowed_list_attr_map = {}, {}
inputs, input_types, output_structure = [], [], []
fallback = True
if (_CanExtractAttrsFastPath(op_def, keywords) and
fallback = False
attr_protos, inputs, input_types, output_structure = (
op_def_library_pybind.process_inputs(op_type_name, producer, keywords))
if fallback:
_CheckOpDeprecation(op_type_name, op_def, producer)
_ExtractDefaultTypesAndAllowedTypes(op_def, default_type_attr_map,
# Requires that op_def has passed validation (using the C++
# ValidateOpDef() from ../framework/op_def_util.h).
with g.as_default(), ops.name_scope(name) as scope:
if fallback:
_ExtractInputsAndAttrs(op_type_name, op_def, allowed_list_attr_map,
keywords, default_type_attr_map, attrs, inputs,
_ExtractRemainingAttrs(op_type_name, op_def, keywords,
default_type_attr_map, attrs)
_ExtractAttrProto(op_type_name, op_def, attrs, attr_protos)
del attrs # attrs is no longer authoritative, use attr_protos instead
_ExtractOutputStructure(op_type_name, op_def, attr_protos,
_CheckAllInputsUsed(op_type_name, keywords)
# NOTE(mrry): We add an explicit colocation constraint between
# the newly created op and any of its reference-typed inputs.
must_colocate_inputs = [val for arg, val in zip(op_def.input_arg, inputs)
if arg.is_ref]
with _MaybeColocateWith(must_colocate_inputs):
# Add Op to graph
# pylint: disable=protected-access
op = g._create_op_internal(op_type_name, inputs, dtypes=None,
name=scope, input_types=input_types,
attrs=attr_protos, op_def=op_def)
# `outputs` is returned as a separate return value so that the output
# tensors can the `op` per se can be decoupled so that the
# `op_callbacks` can function properly. See framework/
# for more details.
outputs = op.outputs
# Conditionally invoke tfdbg v2's op callback(s).
if op_callbacks.should_invoke_op_callbacks():
callback_outputs = op_callbacks.invoke_op_callbacks(
op.node_def.op, tuple(op.inputs), attr_protos, tuple(outputs),, graph=g)
if callback_outputs is not None:
outputs = callback_outputs
return output_structure, op_def.is_stateful, op, outputs
def value_to_attr_value(value, attr_type, arg_name): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Encodes a Python value as an `AttrValue` proto message.
value: The value to convert.
attr_type: The value type (string) -- see the AttrValue proto definition for
valid strings.
arg_name: Argument name (for error messages).
An AttrValue proto message that encodes `value`.
attr_value = attr_value_pb2.AttrValue()
if attr_type.startswith("list("):
if not _IsListValue(value):
raise TypeError(f"Expected list for attr {arg_name}, obtained "
f"{type(value).__name__} instead.")
if attr_type == "string":
attr_value.s = _MakeStr(value, arg_name)
elif attr_type == "list(string)":
attr_value.list.s.extend([_MakeStr(x, arg_name) for x in value])
elif attr_type == "int":
attr_value.i = _MakeInt(value, arg_name)
elif attr_type == "list(int)":
attr_value.list.i.extend([_MakeInt(x, arg_name) for x in value])
elif attr_type == "float":
attr_value.f = _MakeFloat(value, arg_name)
elif attr_type == "list(float)":
attr_value.list.f.extend([_MakeFloat(x, arg_name) for x in value])
elif attr_type == "bool":
attr_value.b = _MakeBool(value, arg_name)
elif attr_type == "list(bool)":
attr_value.list.b.extend([_MakeBool(x, arg_name) for x in value])
elif attr_type == "type":
attr_value.type = _MakeType(value, arg_name)
elif attr_type == "list(type)":
attr_value.list.type.extend([_MakeType(x, arg_name) for x in value])
elif attr_type == "shape":
attr_value.shape.CopyFrom(_MakeShape(value, arg_name))
elif attr_type == "list(shape)":
attr_value.list.shape.extend([_MakeShape(x, arg_name) for x in value])
elif attr_type == "tensor":
attr_value.tensor.CopyFrom(_MakeTensor(value, arg_name))
elif attr_type == "list(tensor)":
attr_value.list.tensor.extend([_MakeTensor(x, arg_name) for x in value])
elif attr_type == "func":
attr_value.func.CopyFrom(_MakeFunc(value, arg_name))
elif attr_type == "list(func)":
attr_value.list.func.extend([_MakeFunc(x, arg_name) for x in value])
raise TypeError(f"Unrecognized Attr type {attr_type} for {arg_name}.")
return attr_value
# LINT.ThenChange(//tensorflow/python/framework/
# The following symbols are used by
_pywrap_utils.RegisterPyObject("tf.dtypes.DType", dtypes.DType)
_pywrap_utils.RegisterPyObject("tf.dtypes.as_dtype", dtypes.as_dtype)
_pywrap_utils.RegisterPyObject("tf.TensorShape", tensor_shape.TensorShape)
_pywrap_utils.RegisterPyObject("tf.as_shape", tensor_shape.as_shape)
_pywrap_utils.RegisterPyObject("tf.TensorProto", tensor_pb2.TensorProto)
_pywrap_utils.RegisterPyObject("text_format.Parse", text_format.Parse)
_pywrap_utils.RegisterPyObject("tf.convert_to_tensor", ops.convert_to_tensor)