# Copyright 2022 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Pluggable Credentials. Pluggable Credentials are initialized using external_account arguments which are typically loaded from third-party executables. Unlike other credentials that can be initialized with a list of explicit arguments, secrets or credentials, external account clients use the environment and hints/guidelines provided by the external_account JSON file to retrieve credentials and exchange them for Google access tokens. Example credential_source for pluggable credential: { "executable": { "command": "/path/to/get/credentials.sh --arg1=value1 --arg2=value2", "timeout_millis": 5000, "output_file": "/path/to/generated/cached/credentials" } } """ try: from collections.abc import Mapping # Python 2.7 compatibility except ImportError: # pragma: NO COVER from collections import Mapping import json import os import subprocess import sys import time from google.auth import _helpers from google.auth import exceptions from google.auth import external_account # The max supported executable spec version. EXECUTABLE_SUPPORTED_MAX_VERSION = 1 EXECUTABLE_TIMEOUT_MILLIS_DEFAULT = 30 * 1000 # 30 seconds EXECUTABLE_TIMEOUT_MILLIS_LOWER_BOUND = 5 * 1000 # 5 seconds EXECUTABLE_TIMEOUT_MILLIS_UPPER_BOUND = 120 * 1000 # 2 minutes EXECUTABLE_INTERACTIVE_TIMEOUT_MILLIS_LOWER_BOUND = 30 * 1000 # 30 seconds EXECUTABLE_INTERACTIVE_TIMEOUT_MILLIS_UPPER_BOUND = 30 * 60 * 1000 # 30 minutes class Credentials(external_account.Credentials): """External account credentials sourced from executables.""" def __init__( self, audience, subject_token_type, token_url, credential_source, *args, **kwargs ): """Instantiates an external account credentials object from a executables. Args: audience (str): The STS audience field. subject_token_type (str): The subject token type. token_url (str): The STS endpoint URL. credential_source (Mapping): The credential source dictionary used to provide instructions on how to retrieve external credential to be exchanged for Google access tokens. Example credential_source for pluggable credential: { "executable": { "command": "/path/to/get/credentials.sh --arg1=value1 --arg2=value2", "timeout_millis": 5000, "output_file": "/path/to/generated/cached/credentials" } } args (List): Optional positional arguments passed into the underlying :meth:`~external_account.Credentials.__init__` method. kwargs (Mapping): Optional keyword arguments passed into the underlying :meth:`~external_account.Credentials.__init__` method. Raises: google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError: If an error is encountered during access token retrieval logic. google.auth.exceptions.InvalidValue: For invalid parameters. google.auth.exceptions.MalformedError: For invalid parameters. .. note:: Typically one of the helper constructors :meth:`from_file` or :meth:`from_info` are used instead of calling the constructor directly. """ self.interactive = kwargs.pop("interactive", False) super(Credentials, self).__init__( audience=audience, subject_token_type=subject_token_type, token_url=token_url, credential_source=credential_source, *args, **kwargs ) if not isinstance(credential_source, Mapping): self._credential_source_executable = None raise exceptions.MalformedError( "Missing credential_source. The credential_source is not a dict." ) self._credential_source_executable = credential_source.get("executable") if not self._credential_source_executable: raise exceptions.MalformedError( "Missing credential_source. An 'executable' must be provided." ) self._credential_source_executable_command = self._credential_source_executable.get( "command" ) self._credential_source_executable_timeout_millis = self._credential_source_executable.get( "timeout_millis" ) self._credential_source_executable_interactive_timeout_millis = self._credential_source_executable.get( "interactive_timeout_millis" ) self._credential_source_executable_output_file = self._credential_source_executable.get( "output_file" ) # Dummy value. This variable is only used via injection, not exposed to ctor self._tokeninfo_username = "" if not self._credential_source_executable_command: raise exceptions.MalformedError( "Missing command field. Executable command must be provided." ) if not self._credential_source_executable_timeout_millis: self._credential_source_executable_timeout_millis = ( EXECUTABLE_TIMEOUT_MILLIS_DEFAULT ) elif ( self._credential_source_executable_timeout_millis < EXECUTABLE_TIMEOUT_MILLIS_LOWER_BOUND or self._credential_source_executable_timeout_millis > EXECUTABLE_TIMEOUT_MILLIS_UPPER_BOUND ): raise exceptions.InvalidValue("Timeout must be between 5 and 120 seconds.") if self._credential_source_executable_interactive_timeout_millis: if ( self._credential_source_executable_interactive_timeout_millis < EXECUTABLE_INTERACTIVE_TIMEOUT_MILLIS_LOWER_BOUND or self._credential_source_executable_interactive_timeout_millis > EXECUTABLE_INTERACTIVE_TIMEOUT_MILLIS_UPPER_BOUND ): raise exceptions.InvalidValue( "Interactive timeout must be between 30 seconds and 30 minutes." ) @_helpers.copy_docstring(external_account.Credentials) def retrieve_subject_token(self, request): self._validate_running_mode() # Check output file. if self._credential_source_executable_output_file is not None: try: with open( self._credential_source_executable_output_file, encoding="utf-8" ) as output_file: response = json.load(output_file) except Exception: pass else: try: # If the cached response is expired, _parse_subject_token will raise an error which will be ignored and we will call the executable again. subject_token = self._parse_subject_token(response) if ( "expiration_time" not in response ): # Always treat missing expiration_time as expired and proceed to executable run. raise exceptions.RefreshError except (exceptions.MalformedError, exceptions.InvalidValue): raise except exceptions.RefreshError: pass else: return subject_token if not _helpers.is_python_3(): raise exceptions.RefreshError( "Pluggable auth is only supported for python 3.6+" ) # Inject env vars. env = os.environ.copy() self._inject_env_variables(env) env["GOOGLE_EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT_REVOKE"] = "0" # Run executable. exe_timeout = ( self._credential_source_executable_interactive_timeout_millis / 1000 if self.interactive else self._credential_source_executable_timeout_millis / 1000 ) exe_stdin = sys.stdin if self.interactive else None exe_stdout = sys.stdout if self.interactive else subprocess.PIPE exe_stderr = sys.stdout if self.interactive else subprocess.STDOUT result = subprocess.run( self._credential_source_executable_command.split(), timeout=exe_timeout, stdin=exe_stdin, stdout=exe_stdout, stderr=exe_stderr, env=env, ) if result.returncode != 0: raise exceptions.RefreshError( "Executable exited with non-zero return code {}. Error: {}".format( result.returncode, result.stdout ) ) # Handle executable output. response = json.loads(result.stdout.decode("utf-8")) if result.stdout else None if not response and self._credential_source_executable_output_file is not None: response = json.load( open(self._credential_source_executable_output_file, encoding="utf-8") ) subject_token = self._parse_subject_token(response) return subject_token def revoke(self, request): """Revokes the subject token using the credential_source object. Args: request (google.auth.transport.Request): A callable used to make HTTP requests. Raises: google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError: If the executable revocation not properly executed. """ if not self.interactive: raise exceptions.InvalidValue( "Revoke is only enabled under interactive mode." ) self._validate_running_mode() if not _helpers.is_python_3(): raise exceptions.RefreshError( "Pluggable auth is only supported for python 3.6+" ) # Inject variables env = os.environ.copy() self._inject_env_variables(env) env["GOOGLE_EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT_REVOKE"] = "1" # Run executable result = subprocess.run( self._credential_source_executable_command.split(), timeout=self._credential_source_executable_interactive_timeout_millis / 1000, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env, ) if result.returncode != 0: raise exceptions.RefreshError( "Auth revoke failed on executable. Exit with non-zero return code {}. Error: {}".format( result.returncode, result.stdout ) ) response = json.loads(result.stdout.decode("utf-8")) self._validate_revoke_response(response) @property def external_account_id(self): """Returns the external account identifier. When service account impersonation is used the identifier is the service account email. Without service account impersonation, this returns None, unless it is being used by the Google Cloud CLI which populates this field. """ return self.service_account_email or self._tokeninfo_username @classmethod def from_info(cls, info, **kwargs): """Creates a Pluggable Credentials instance from parsed external account info. Args: info (Mapping[str, str]): The Pluggable external account info in Google format. kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. Returns: google.auth.pluggable.Credentials: The constructed credentials. Raises: google.auth.exceptions.InvalidValue: For invalid parameters. google.auth.exceptions.MalformedError: For invalid parameters. """ return super(Credentials, cls).from_info(info, **kwargs) @classmethod def from_file(cls, filename, **kwargs): """Creates an Pluggable Credentials instance from an external account json file. Args: filename (str): The path to the Pluggable external account json file. kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. Returns: google.auth.pluggable.Credentials: The constructed credentials. """ return super(Credentials, cls).from_file(filename, **kwargs) def _inject_env_variables(self, env): env["GOOGLE_EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT_AUDIENCE"] = self._audience env["GOOGLE_EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT_TOKEN_TYPE"] = self._subject_token_type env["GOOGLE_EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT_ID"] = self.external_account_id env["GOOGLE_EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT_INTERACTIVE"] = "1" if self.interactive else "0" if self._service_account_impersonation_url is not None: env[ "GOOGLE_EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT_IMPERSONATED_EMAIL" ] = self.service_account_email if self._credential_source_executable_output_file is not None: env[ "GOOGLE_EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT_OUTPUT_FILE" ] = self._credential_source_executable_output_file def _parse_subject_token(self, response): self._validate_response_schema(response) if not response["success"]: if "code" not in response or "message" not in response: raise exceptions.MalformedError( "Error code and message fields are required in the response." ) raise exceptions.RefreshError( "Executable returned unsuccessful response: code: {}, message: {}.".format( response["code"], response["message"] ) ) if "expiration_time" in response and response["expiration_time"] < time.time(): raise exceptions.RefreshError( "The token returned by the executable is expired." ) if "token_type" not in response: raise exceptions.MalformedError( "The executable response is missing the token_type field." ) if ( response["token_type"] == "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt" or response["token_type"] == "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:id_token" ): # OIDC return response["id_token"] elif response["token_type"] == "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:saml2": # SAML return response["saml_response"] else: raise exceptions.RefreshError("Executable returned unsupported token type.") def _validate_revoke_response(self, response): self._validate_response_schema(response) if not response["success"]: raise exceptions.RefreshError("Revoke failed with unsuccessful response.") def _validate_response_schema(self, response): if "version" not in response: raise exceptions.MalformedError( "The executable response is missing the version field." ) if response["version"] > EXECUTABLE_SUPPORTED_MAX_VERSION: raise exceptions.RefreshError( "Executable returned unsupported version {}.".format( response["version"] ) ) if "success" not in response: raise exceptions.MalformedError( "The executable response is missing the success field." ) def _validate_running_mode(self): env_allow_executables = os.environ.get( "GOOGLE_EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT_ALLOW_EXECUTABLES" ) if env_allow_executables != "1": raise exceptions.MalformedError( "Executables need to be explicitly allowed (set GOOGLE_EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT_ALLOW_EXECUTABLES to '1') to run." ) if self.interactive and not self._credential_source_executable_output_file: raise exceptions.MalformedError( "An output_file must be specified in the credential configuration for interactive mode." ) if ( self.interactive and not self._credential_source_executable_interactive_timeout_millis ): raise exceptions.InvalidOperation( "Interactive mode cannot run without an interactive timeout." ) if self.interactive and not self.is_workforce_pool: raise exceptions.InvalidValue( "Interactive mode is only enabled for workforce pool." )