# Copyright 2021 The JAX Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import functools import operator from typing import Callable, Optional from jax import lax from jax._src import api from jax._src import core from jax._src import custom_api_util from jax._src import linear_util as lu from jax._src import source_info_util from jax._src import traceback_util from jax._src import tree_util from jax._src import util from jax._src.api_util import flatten_fun_nokwargs from jax._src.interpreters import ad from jax._src.interpreters import batching from jax._src.interpreters.batching import not_mapped from jax._src.interpreters import mlir from jax._src.interpreters import partial_eval as pe from jax._src.interpreters import xla from jax._src.tree_util import (tree_flatten, tree_map, tree_structure, tree_unflatten, treedef_tuple) source_info_util.register_exclusion(__file__) traceback_util.register_exclusion(__file__) map, unsafe_map = util.safe_map, map zip, unsafe_zip = util.safe_zip, zip @custom_api_util.register_custom_decorator_type class custom_vmap: fun: Callable vmap_rule: Optional[Callable] def __init__(self, fun: Callable): functools.update_wrapper(self, fun) self.fun = fun # type: ignore[assignment] self.vmap_rule = None __getattr__ = custom_api_util.forward_attr def def_vmap(self, vmap_rule: Callable) -> Callable: self.vmap_rule = vmap_rule return vmap_rule @traceback_util.api_boundary def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): assert not kwargs args_flat, in_tree = tree_flatten(args) flat_fun, out_tree = flatten_fun_nokwargs(lu.wrap_init(self.fun), in_tree) in_avals = [core.raise_to_shaped(core.get_aval(x)) for x in args_flat] debug = pe.debug_info(self.fun, in_tree, out_tree, False, "custom_vmap") jaxpr, _, consts = pe.trace_to_jaxpr_dynamic(flat_fun, in_avals, debug) closed_call = core.ClosedJaxpr(pe.convert_constvars_jaxpr(jaxpr), ()) in_tree = treedef_tuple((tree_structure(consts), in_tree)) assert self.vmap_rule is not None out_flat = custom_vmap_p.bind(*consts, *args_flat, call=closed_call, rule=ClosedRule(self.vmap_rule), in_tree=in_tree, out_tree=out_tree()) return tree_unflatten(out_tree(), out_flat) ### utils # Define a class, instead of making a function closing over `rule`, so # that we can override __str__ class ClosedRule: def __init__(self, rule): functools.update_wrapper(self, rule) self.rule = rule def __call__(self, axis_size, all_in_batched, *all_args): _, args = all_args consts_batched, in_batched = all_in_batched assert not any(tree_util.tree_leaves(consts_batched)), consts_batched return call_rule(self.rule, axis_size, in_batched, args) def __str__(self): return str(self.rule) def ensure_list(xs): return xs if type(xs) is list else list(xs) def rule_name(rule): return getattr(rule, '__name__', '') def call_rule(rule, axis_size, in_batched, args): return rule(axis_size, ensure_list(in_batched), *args) def check_vmap_rule_trees(rule, original_out_tree, out_tree, out_batched_tree): if out_tree != out_batched_tree: raise ValueError( 'structure of output value and output batching specification returned ' f'by custom vmap rule ({rule_name(rule)}) do not match.\n' f'Output values: {out_tree}\n' f'Batching spec: {out_batched_tree}') if out_tree != original_out_tree: raise ValueError( f'structure of output returned by custom vmap rule ({rule_name(rule)}) ' 'does not match that of original custom-vmapped function.\n' f'Original output: {original_out_tree}\n' f'Rule output: {out_tree}') # Like batching.bdim_at_front, but doesn't broadcast if not mapped def maybe_bdim_at_front(x, bdim): if bdim is not_mapped: return x else: return util.moveaxis(x, bdim, 0) # Like batching.batch except (a) not curried and (b) returns inferred output # axes instead of accepting and matching a given spec of output axes. Assumes # `f` is pytree-flattened def vmap_unrestricted(f: lu.WrappedFun, *args, in_axes, axis_name, axis_size): f, out_axes = batching.batch_subtrace(f) f = batching._batch_outer(f, axis_name, axis_size, in_axes, batching.BatchTrace, None) outs = f.call_wrapped(*args) return outs, out_axes() ### custom_vmap_p rules def custom_vmap_impl(*args, call, rule, in_tree, out_tree): del rule, in_tree, out_tree return core.jaxpr_as_fun(call)(*args) def custom_vmap_batching(args_flat, dims, *, call, rule, in_tree, out_tree): del call axis_size, = {x.shape[d] for x, d in zip(args_flat, dims) if d is not None} args_flat = map(maybe_bdim_at_front, args_flat, dims) flat_in_batched = [d is not not_mapped for d in dims] args = tree_unflatten(in_tree, args_flat) in_batched = tree_unflatten(in_tree, flat_in_batched) out, out_batched = call_rule(rule, axis_size, in_batched, args) flat_outs, tree1 = tree_flatten(out) flat_out_batched, tree2 = tree_flatten(out_batched) check_vmap_rule_trees(rule, out_tree, tree1, tree2) flat_out_dims = [0 if b else not_mapped for b in flat_out_batched] return flat_outs, flat_out_dims def custom_vmap_abstract_eval(*in_avals, call, **_): return call.out_avals def custom_vmap_jvp(primals, tangents, *, call, rule, in_tree, out_tree): def jvp_of_rule_rule(axis_size, in_batched, primals, tangents): in_batched_ps, in_batched_ts = in_batched mutually_batched = tree_map(operator.and_, in_batched_ps, in_batched_ts) extra_batched_ps = tree_map(lambda pb, tb: 0 if pb and not tb else None, in_batched_ps, in_batched_ts) extra_batched_ts = tree_map(lambda pb, tb: 0 if tb and not pb else None, in_batched_ps, in_batched_ts) out_mutually_batched = lu.Store() flat_ps_ts, tree_ps_ts = tree_flatten((primals, tangents)) flat_extra_batched_ps_ts, tree_ps_ts2 = tree_flatten( (extra_batched_ps, extra_batched_ts), is_leaf=lambda x: x is None) # TODO(frostig): assert these also equal: # treedef_tuple((in_tree, in_tree)) # once https://github.com/google/jax/issues/9066 is fixed assert tree_ps_ts == tree_ps_ts2 del tree_ps_ts2 def to_jvp(*primals): out, out_batched = call_rule(rule, axis_size, mutually_batched, primals) check_vmap_rule_trees( rule, out_tree, tree_structure(out), tree_structure(out_batched)) out_mutually_batched.store(out_batched) return out def to_vmap_over_extra_batched_dims(primals, tangents): return api.jvp(to_jvp, primals, tangents) to_vmap_over_extra_batched_dims_flat, out_tree2 = flatten_fun_nokwargs( lu.wrap_init(to_vmap_over_extra_batched_dims), tree_ps_ts) flat_out_ps_ts, flat_out_axes = vmap_unrestricted( to_vmap_over_extra_batched_dims_flat, *flat_ps_ts, in_axes=flat_extra_batched_ps_ts, axis_name=core.no_axis_name, axis_size=axis_size) n, ragged = divmod(len(flat_out_ps_ts), 2) assert not ragged flat_out_ps, flat_out_ts = flat_out_ps_ts[:n], flat_out_ps_ts[n:] flat_out_axes_p, flat_out_axes_t = flat_out_axes[:n], flat_out_axes[n:] flat_out_ps = map(maybe_bdim_at_front, flat_out_ps, flat_out_axes_p) flat_out_extra_batched_ps = [d is not not_mapped for d in flat_out_axes_p] flat_out_ts = map(maybe_bdim_at_front, flat_out_ts, flat_out_axes_t) flat_out_extra_batched_ts = [d is not not_mapped for d in flat_out_axes_t] out_ps, out_ts = tree_unflatten( out_tree2(), [*flat_out_ps, *flat_out_ts]) out_extra_batched_ps, out_extra_batched_ts = tree_unflatten( out_tree2(), [*flat_out_extra_batched_ps, *flat_out_extra_batched_ts]) out_batched_ps = tree_map( operator.or_, out_mutually_batched.val, out_extra_batched_ps) out_batched_ts = tree_map( operator.or_, out_mutually_batched.val, out_extra_batched_ts) return (out_ps, out_ts), (out_batched_ps, out_batched_ts) tangents = map(ad.instantiate_zeros, tangents) jvp_call, _ = ad.jvp_jaxpr(call, [True] * len(primals), True) jvp_in_tree = treedef_tuple((in_tree, in_tree)) jvp_out_tree = treedef_tuple((out_tree, out_tree)) outs = custom_vmap_p.bind( *primals, *tangents, call=jvp_call, rule=jvp_of_rule_rule, in_tree=jvp_in_tree, out_tree=jvp_out_tree) assert len(outs) % 2 == 0, len(outs) out_primals, out_tangents = util.split_list(outs, [len(outs) // 2]) return out_primals, out_tangents custom_vmap_p = core.Primitive('custom_vmap_call') custom_vmap_p.multiple_results = True custom_vmap_p.def_impl(custom_vmap_impl) custom_vmap_p.def_abstract_eval(custom_vmap_abstract_eval) batching.primitive_batchers[custom_vmap_p] = custom_vmap_batching ad.primitive_jvps[custom_vmap_p] = custom_vmap_jvp xla.register_initial_style_primitive(custom_vmap_p) mlir.register_lowering(custom_vmap_p, mlir.lower_fun( custom_vmap_impl, multiple_results=True)) # -- custom vmap applications def tree_split(mask, tree): lhs = tree_map(lambda l, x: x if l else None, mask, tree) rhs = tree_map(lambda l, x: None if l else x, mask, tree) return lhs, rhs def tree_merge(mask, lhs_tree, rhs_tree): return tree_map(lambda l, x_l, x_r: x_l if l else x_r, mask, lhs_tree, rhs_tree) def sequential_vmap(f): f = custom_vmap(f) @f.def_vmap def rule(axis_size, in_batched, *args): del axis_size def to_map(mapped_args): args = tree_merge(in_batched, mapped_args, bcast_args) return f(*args) mapped_args, bcast_args = tree_split(in_batched, list(args)) out = lax.map(to_map, mapped_args) out_batched = tree_map(lambda _: True, out) return out, out_batched return f