# Copyright 2021 The JAX Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ANN (Approximate Nearest Neighbor) computes top-k with a configurable recall rate. This package only optimizes the TPU backend. For other device types it fallbacks to sort and slice. Usage:: import functools import jax # MIPS := maximal inner product search # Inputs: # qy: f32[qy_size, feature_dim] # db: f32[db_size, feature_dim] # # Returns: # (f32[qy_size, k], i32[qy_size, k]) @functools.partial(jax.jit, static_argnames=["k", "recall_target"]) def mips(qy, db, k=10, recall_target=0.95): dists = jax.lax.dot(qy, db.transpose()) # Computes max_k along the last dimension # returns (f32[qy_size, k], i32[qy_size, k]) return jax.lax.approx_max_k(dists, k=k, recall_target=recall_target) # Multi-core example # Inputs: # qy: f32[num_devices, qy_size, feature_dim] # db: f32[num_devices, per_device_db_size, feature_dim] # db_offset: i32[num_devices] # db_size = num_devices * per_device_db_size # # Returns: # (f32[qy_size, num_devices, k], i32[qy_size, num_devices, k]) @functools.partial( jax.pmap, # static args: db_size, k, recall_target static_broadcasted_argnums=[3, 4, 5], out_axes=(1, 1)) def pmap_mips(qy, db, db_offset, db_size, k, recall_target): dists = jax.lax.dot(qy, db.transpose()) dists, neighbors = jax.lax.approx_max_k( dists, k=k, recall_target=recall_target, reduction_input_size_override=db_size) return (dists, neighbors + db_offset) # i32[qy_size, num_devices, k] pmap_neighbors = pmap_mips(qy, db, db_offset, db_size, 10, 0.95)[1] # i32[qy_size, num_devices * k] neighbors = jax.lax.collapse(pmap_neighbors, start_dimension=1, stop_dimension=3) Todos:: * On host top-k aggregation * Inaccurate but fast differentiation """ from functools import partial from typing import (Any, Tuple) import numpy as np from jax._src import ad_util from jax._src import core from jax._src import dispatch from jax._src import dtypes from jax._src.interpreters import ad from jax._src.interpreters import batching from jax._src.interpreters import xla from jax._src.lax import lax from jax._src.lib import xla_client as xc from jax._src.lib.mlir import ir from jax._src.lib.mlir.dialects import func from jax._src.lib.mlir.dialects import hlo from jax.interpreters import mlir Array = Any def approx_max_k(operand: Array, k: int, reduction_dimension: int = -1, recall_target: float = 0.95, reduction_input_size_override: int = -1, aggregate_to_topk: bool = True) -> Tuple[Array, Array]: """Returns max ``k`` values and their indices of the ``operand`` in an approximate manner. See https://arxiv.org/abs/2206.14286 for the algorithm details. Args: operand : Array to search for max-k. Must be a floating number type. k : Specifies the number of max-k. reduction_dimension : Integer dimension along which to search. Default: -1. recall_target : Recall target for the approximation. reduction_input_size_override : When set to a positive value, it overrides the size determined by ``operand[reduction_dim]`` for evaluating the recall. This option is useful when the given ``operand`` is only a subset of the overall computation in SPMD or distributed pipelines, where the true input size cannot be deferred by the operand shape. aggregate_to_topk : When true, aggregates approximate results to the top-k in sorted order. When false, returns the approximate results unsorted. In this case, the number of the approximate results is implementation defined and is greater or equal to the specified ``k``. Returns: Tuple of two arrays. The arrays are the max ``k`` values and the corresponding indices along the ``reduction_dimension`` of the input ``operand``. The arrays' dimensions are the same as the input ``operand`` except for the ``reduction_dimension``: when ``aggregate_to_topk`` is true, the reduction dimension is ``k``; otherwise, it is greater equals to ``k`` where the size is implementation-defined. We encourage users to wrap ``approx_max_k`` with jit. See the following example for maximal inner production search (MIPS): >>> import functools >>> import jax >>> import numpy as np >>> @functools.partial(jax.jit, static_argnames=["k", "recall_target"]) ... def mips(qy, db, k=10, recall_target=0.95): ... dists = jax.lax.dot(qy, db.transpose()) ... # returns (f32[qy_size, k], i32[qy_size, k]) ... return jax.lax.approx_max_k(dists, k=k, recall_target=recall_target) >>> >>> qy = jax.numpy.array(np.random.rand(50, 64)) >>> db = jax.numpy.array(np.random.rand(1024, 64)) >>> dot_products, neighbors = mips(qy, db, k=10) """ return approx_top_k_p.bind( operand, k=k, reduction_dimension=reduction_dimension, recall_target=recall_target, is_max_k=True, reduction_input_size_override=reduction_input_size_override, aggregate_to_topk=aggregate_to_topk) def approx_min_k(operand: Array, k: int, reduction_dimension: int = -1, recall_target: float = 0.95, reduction_input_size_override: int = -1, aggregate_to_topk: bool = True) -> Tuple[Array, Array]: """Returns min ``k`` values and their indices of the ``operand`` in an approximate manner. See https://arxiv.org/abs/2206.14286 for the algorithm details. Args: operand : Array to search for min-k. Must be a floating number type. k : Specifies the number of min-k. reduction_dimension: Integer dimension along which to search. Default: -1. recall_target: Recall target for the approximation. reduction_input_size_override : When set to a positive value, it overrides the size determined by ``operand[reduction_dim]`` for evaluating the recall. This option is useful when the given operand is only a subset of the overall computation in SPMD or distributed pipelines, where the true input size cannot be deferred by the ``operand`` shape. aggregate_to_topk : When true, aggregates approximate results to the top-k in sorted order. When false, returns the approximate results unsorted. In this case, the number of the approximate results is implementation defined and is greater or equal to the specified ``k``. Returns: Tuple of two arrays. The arrays are the least ``k`` values and the corresponding indices along the ``reduction_dimension`` of the input ``operand``. The arrays' dimensions are the same as the input ``operand`` except for the ``reduction_dimension``: when ``aggregate_to_topk`` is true, the reduction dimension is ``k``; otherwise, it is greater equals to ``k`` where the size is implementation-defined. We encourage users to wrap ``approx_min_k`` with jit. See the following example for nearest neighbor search over the squared l2 distance: >>> import functools >>> import jax >>> import numpy as np >>> @functools.partial(jax.jit, static_argnames=["k", "recall_target"]) ... def l2_ann(qy, db, half_db_norms, k=10, recall_target=0.95): ... dists = half_db_norms - jax.lax.dot(qy, db.transpose()) ... return jax.lax.approx_min_k(dists, k=k, recall_target=recall_target) >>> >>> qy = jax.numpy.array(np.random.rand(50, 64)) >>> db = jax.numpy.array(np.random.rand(1024, 64)) >>> half_db_norm_sq = jax.numpy.linalg.norm(db, axis=1)**2 / 2 >>> dists, neighbors = l2_ann(qy, db, half_db_norm_sq, k=10) In the example above, we compute ``db^2/2 - dot(qy, db^T)`` instead of ``qy^2 - 2 dot(qy, db^T) + db^2`` for performance reason. The former uses less arithmetics and produces the same set of neighbors. """ return approx_top_k_p.bind( operand, k=k, reduction_dimension=reduction_dimension, recall_target=recall_target, is_max_k=False, reduction_input_size_override=reduction_input_size_override, aggregate_to_topk=aggregate_to_topk) def _approx_top_k_abstract_eval(operand, *, k, reduction_dimension, recall_target, is_max_k, reduction_input_size_override, aggregate_to_topk): if k <= 0: raise ValueError(f'k must be positive, got {k}') if len(operand.shape) == 0: raise TypeError('approx_top_k operand must have >= 1 dimension, got {}'.format( operand.shape)) dims = list(operand.shape) if dims[reduction_dimension] < k: raise ValueError( 'k must be smaller than the size of reduction_dim {}, got {}'.format( dims[reduction_dimension], k)) if not dtypes.issubdtype(operand.dtype, np.floating): raise ValueError('operand must be a floating type') reduction_input_size = dims[reduction_dimension] dims[reduction_dimension] = xc.ops.ApproxTopKReductionOutputSize( reduction_input_size, len(dims), k, recall_target, aggregate_to_topk, reduction_input_size_override)[0] return (operand.update( shape=dims, dtype=operand.dtype, weak_type=operand.weak_type), operand.update(shape=dims, dtype=np.dtype(np.int32))) def _comparator_builder(op_type, is_max_k): c = xc.XlaBuilder( 'top_k_{}_comparator'.format('gt' if is_max_k else 'lt')) p0 = xla.parameter(c, 0, xc.Shape.scalar_shape(op_type)) p1 = xla.parameter(c, 1, xc.Shape.scalar_shape(op_type)) xla.parameter(c, 2, xc.Shape.scalar_shape(np.dtype(np.int32))) xla.parameter(c, 3, xc.Shape.scalar_shape(np.dtype(np.int32))) if is_max_k: cmp_result = xc.ops.Gt(p0, p1) else: cmp_result = xc.ops.Lt(p0, p1) return c.build(cmp_result) def _get_init_val_literal(op_type, is_max_k): return np.array(np.NINF if is_max_k else np.Inf, dtype=op_type) def _approx_top_k_tpu_translation(ctx, avals_in, avals_out, operand, *, k, reduction_dimension, recall_target, is_max_k, reduction_input_size_override, aggregate_to_topk): c = ctx.builder op_shape = c.get_shape(operand) if not op_shape.is_array(): raise ValueError(f'operand must be an array, but was {op_shape}') op_dims = op_shape.dimensions() op_type = op_shape.element_type() if reduction_dimension < 0: reduction_dimension = len(op_dims) + reduction_dimension comparator = _comparator_builder(op_type, is_max_k) init_val_literal = _get_init_val_literal(op_type, is_max_k) iota = xc.ops.Iota(c, xc.Shape.array_shape(np.dtype(np.int32), op_dims), reduction_dimension) init_val = xc.ops.Constant(c, init_val_literal) init_arg = xc.ops.Constant(c, np.int32(-1)) out = xc.ops.ApproxTopK(c, [operand, iota], [init_val, init_arg], k, reduction_dimension, comparator, recall_target, aggregate_to_topk, reduction_input_size_override) return xla.xla_destructure(c, out) def _comparator_builder_mlir(ctx, op_type, is_max_k): scalar = ir.RankedTensorType.get([], op_type) index = ir.RankedTensorType.get([], ir.IntegerType.get_signless(32)) ir_types = [scalar, scalar, index, index] result_types = [ir.RankedTensorType.get([], ir.IntegerType.get_signless(1))] comparator_type = ir.FunctionType.get(ir_types, result_types) with ir.InsertionPoint.at_block_begin(ctx.module_context.module.body): comparator = func.FuncOp( "top_k_{}_{}_comparator".format('gt' if is_max_k else 'lt', op_type), comparator_type) ctx.module_context.symbol_table.insert(comparator) entry_block = comparator.add_entry_block() with ir.InsertionPoint(entry_block): p0, p1, _, _ = entry_block.arguments direction = hlo.ComparisonDirectionAttr.get('GT' if is_max_k else 'LT') cmp_result = hlo.CompareOp(p0, p1, comparison_direction=direction) hlo.ReturnOp(cmp_result) return comparator def _approx_top_k_lowering(ctx, operand, *, k, reduction_dimension, recall_target, is_max_k, reduction_input_size_override, aggregate_to_topk, fallback=False): assert ctx.avals_in assert all(isinstance(x, core.ShapedArray) for x in ctx.avals_in) op_shape = ctx.avals_in[0].shape if len(op_shape) == 0: raise ValueError(f'operand must be an array, but was {op_shape}') op_dims = op_shape op_type = mlir.dtype_to_ir_type(ctx.avals_in[0].dtype) index_type = ir.IntegerType.get_signless(32) recall_type = ir.F32Type.get() if reduction_dimension < 0: reduction_dimension = len(op_dims) + reduction_dimension comparator = _comparator_builder_mlir(ctx, op_type, is_max_k) iota = hlo.IotaOp(ir.RankedTensorType.get(op_dims, index_type), reduction_dimension) init_arg = hlo.ConstantOp(ir.DenseElementsAttr.get(np.int32(-1))) # Can't write bf16 literals, so we write a f64 literal and convert it. init_val_literal = _get_init_val_literal(np.float64, is_max_k) init_val_array = np.array(init_val_literal, dtype=np.float64).reshape(()) init_val = mlir.ir_constant(init_val_array) init_val = hlo.ConvertOp(ir.RankedTensorType.get([], mlir.dtype_to_ir_type(ctx.avals_in[0].dtype)), init_val) backend_config = { "top_k" : mlir.i64_attr(k), "reduction_dim" : mlir.i64_attr(reduction_dimension), "recall_target" : mlir.ir.FloatAttr.get(recall_type, recall_target), "aggregate_to_topk" : mlir.ir.BoolAttr.get(aggregate_to_topk), "reduction_input_size_override" : mlir.i64_attr(reduction_input_size_override)} if fallback: backend_config["is_fallback"] = mlir.ir.BoolAttr.get(fallback) out = hlo.CustomCallOp([mlir.aval_to_ir_type(aval) for aval in ctx.avals_out], [operand, iota, init_val, init_arg], call_target_name=b"ApproxTopK", called_computations=mlir.ir.ArrayAttr.get( [mlir.ir.FlatSymbolRefAttr.get(comparator.name.value)])) backend_config_attr = mlir.ir.DictAttr.get(backend_config, ctx.module_context.context) out.operation.attributes["mhlo.backend_config"] = backend_config_attr return out.results def _approx_top_k_fallback_translation(ctx, avals_in, avals_out, operand, *, k, reduction_dimension, recall_target, is_max_k, reduction_input_size_override, aggregate_to_topk): c = ctx.builder op_shape = c.get_shape(operand) if not op_shape.is_array(): raise ValueError(f'operand must be an array, but was {op_shape}') op_dims = op_shape.dimensions() op_type = op_shape.element_type() if reduction_dimension < 0: reduction_dimension = len(op_dims) + reduction_dimension comparator = _comparator_builder(op_type, is_max_k) iota = xc.ops.Iota(c, xc.Shape.array_shape(np.dtype(np.int32), op_dims), reduction_dimension) init_val_literal = _get_init_val_literal(op_type, is_max_k) init_val = xc.ops.Constant(c, init_val_literal) init_arg = xc.ops.Constant(c, np.int32(-1)) out = xc.ops.ApproxTopKFallback(c, [operand, iota], [init_val, init_arg], k, reduction_dimension, comparator, recall_target, aggregate_to_topk, reduction_input_size_override) return xla.xla_destructure(c, out) def _approx_top_k_batch_rule(batch_operands, batch_axes, *, k, reduction_dimension, recall_target, is_max_k, reduction_input_size_override, aggregate_to_topk): assert len(batch_operands) == 1 assert len(batch_axes) == 1 operand, = batch_operands batch_axis, = batch_axes dim_map = [d for d in range(operand.ndim) if d is not batch_axis] reduction_dimension = dim_map[reduction_dimension] return approx_top_k_p.bind( operand, k=k, reduction_dimension=reduction_dimension, recall_target=recall_target, is_max_k=is_max_k, reduction_input_size_override=reduction_input_size_override, aggregate_to_topk=aggregate_to_topk), (batch_axis, batch_axis) # Slow jvp implementation using gather. # # TODO(fchern): Some optimization ideas # 1. ApproxTopK is internally a variadic reduce, so we can simply call # ApproxTopK(operand, tangent, iota) for jvp. # 2. vjp cannot benefit from the algorithm above. We must run scatter to # distribute the output cotangent to input cotangent. A reasonable way to do # this is to run it on CPU. def _approx_top_k_jvp(primals, tangents, *, k, reduction_dimension, recall_target, is_max_k, reduction_input_size_override, aggregate_to_topk): operand, = primals tangent, = tangents if is_max_k: val_out, arg_out = approx_max_k(operand, k, reduction_dimension, recall_target, reduction_input_size_override, aggregate_to_topk) else: val_out, arg_out = approx_min_k(operand, k, reduction_dimension, recall_target, reduction_input_size_override, aggregate_to_topk) if type(tangent) is ad_util.Zero: tangent_out = ad_util.Zero.from_value(val_out) else: arg_shape = arg_out.shape rank = len(arg_shape) if reduction_dimension < 0: reduction_dimension += rank iotas = [ lax.broadcasted_iota(arg_out.dtype, arg_shape, i) for i in range(rank) ] idx = tuple( arg_out if i == reduction_dimension else iotas[i] for i in range(rank)) tangent_out = tangent[idx] return (val_out, arg_out), (tangent_out, ad_util.Zero.from_value(arg_out)) approx_top_k_p = core.Primitive('approx_top_k') approx_top_k_p.multiple_results = True approx_top_k_p.def_impl(partial(dispatch.apply_primitive, approx_top_k_p)) approx_top_k_p.def_abstract_eval(_approx_top_k_abstract_eval) mlir.register_lowering(approx_top_k_p, partial(_approx_top_k_lowering, fallback=True)) mlir.register_lowering(approx_top_k_p, _approx_top_k_lowering, platform='tpu') batching.primitive_batchers[approx_top_k_p] = _approx_top_k_batch_rule ad.primitive_jvps[approx_top_k_p] = _approx_top_k_jvp