# Copyright 2018 The JAX Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This module is largely a wrapper around `jaxlib` that performs version # checking on import. import gc import pathlib import re from typing import Optional, Tuple try: import jaxlib as jaxlib except ModuleNotFoundError as err: raise ModuleNotFoundError( 'jax requires jaxlib to be installed. See ' 'https://github.com/google/jax#installation for installation instructions.' ) from err import jax.version from jax.version import _minimum_jaxlib_version as _minimum_jaxlib_version_str try: import jaxlib.version except Exception as err: # jaxlib is too old to have version number. msg = f'This version of jax requires jaxlib version >= {_minimum_jaxlib_version_str}.' raise ImportError(msg) from err # Checks the jaxlib version before importing anything else from jaxlib. # Returns the jaxlib version string. def check_jaxlib_version(jax_version: str, jaxlib_version: str, minimum_jaxlib_version: str) -> Tuple[int, ...]: # Regex to match a dotted version prefix of a PEP440 version. # PEP440 allows a number of non-numeric suffixes, which we allow also. # We currently do not allow an epoch. version_regex = re.compile(r"[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)*") def _parse_version(v: str) -> Tuple[int, ...]: m = version_regex.match(v) if m is None: raise ValueError(f"Unable to parse jaxlib version '{v}'") return tuple(int(x) for x in m.group(0).split('.')) _jax_version = _parse_version(jax_version) _minimum_jaxlib_version = _parse_version(minimum_jaxlib_version) _jaxlib_version = _parse_version(jaxlib_version) if _jaxlib_version < _minimum_jaxlib_version: msg = (f'jaxlib is version {jaxlib_version}, but this version ' f'of jax requires version >= {minimum_jaxlib_version}.') raise RuntimeError(msg) if _jaxlib_version > _jax_version: msg = (f'jaxlib version {jaxlib_version} is newer than and ' f'incompatible with jax version {jax_version}. Please ' 'update your jax and/or jaxlib packages.') raise RuntimeError(msg) return _jaxlib_version version_str = jaxlib.version.__version__ version = check_jaxlib_version( jax_version=jax.version.__version__, jaxlib_version=jaxlib.version.__version__, minimum_jaxlib_version=jax.version._minimum_jaxlib_version) # Before importing any C compiled modules from jaxlib, first import the CPU # feature guard module to verify that jaxlib was compiled in a way that only # uses instructions that are present on this machine. import jaxlib.cpu_feature_guard as cpu_feature_guard cpu_feature_guard.check_cpu_features() # TODO(phawkins): remove after minimium jaxlib version is 0.4.9 or newer. try: import jaxlib.utils as utils except ImportError: utils = None import jaxlib.xla_client as xla_client import jaxlib.lapack as lapack import jaxlib.ducc_fft as ducc_fft xla_extension = xla_client._xla pytree = xla_client._xla.pytree jax_jit = xla_client._xla.jax_jit pmap_lib = xla_client._xla.pmap_lib # XLA garbage collection: see https://github.com/google/jax/issues/14882 def _xla_gc_callback(*args): xla_client._xla.collect_garbage() gc.callbacks.append(_xla_gc_callback) import jaxlib.gpu_solver as gpu_solver # pytype: disable=import-error import jaxlib.gpu_sparse as gpu_sparse # pytype: disable=import-error import jaxlib.gpu_prng as gpu_prng # pytype: disable=import-error import jaxlib.gpu_linalg as gpu_linalg # pytype: disable=import-error # Jaxlib code is split between the Jax and the Tensorflow repositories. # Only for the internal usage of the JAX developers, we expose a version # number that can be used to perform changes without breaking the main # branch on the Jax github. xla_extension_version: int = getattr(xla_client, '_version', 0) import jaxlib.gpu_rnn as gpu_rnn # pytype: disable=import-error import jaxlib.gpu_triton as gpu_triton # pytype: disable=import-error # Version number for MLIR:Python APIs, provided by jaxlib. mlir_api_version = xla_client.mlir_api_version # TODO(rocm): check if we need the same for rocm. def _cuda_path() -> Optional[str]: _jaxlib_path = pathlib.Path(jaxlib.__file__).parent # If the pip package nvidia-cuda-nvcc-cu11 is installed, it should have # both of the things XLA looks for in the cuda path, namely bin/ptxas and # nvvm/libdevice/libdevice.10.bc path = _jaxlib_path.parent / "nvidia" / "cuda_nvcc" if path.is_dir(): return str(path) # Failing that, we use the copy of libdevice.10.bc we include with jaxlib and # hope that the user has ptxas in their PATH. path = _jaxlib_path / "cuda" if path.is_dir(): return str(path) return None cuda_path = _cuda_path() transfer_guard_lib = xla_client._xla.transfer_guard_lib