# Copyright 2020 The JAX Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from functools import partial import math import operator from typing import Callable, Optional, Tuple, Union, Sequence import warnings import numpy as np import scipy.signal as osp_signal from scipy.fft import next_fast_len as osp_fft_next_fast_len import jax import jax.numpy.fft import jax.numpy as jnp from jax import lax from jax._src.api_util import _ensure_index_tuple from jax._src import dtypes from jax._src.lax.lax import PrecisionLike from jax._src.numpy import linalg from jax._src.numpy.util import ( check_arraylike, _wraps, promote_dtypes_inexact, promote_dtypes_complex) from jax._src.third_party.scipy import signal_helper from jax._src.typing import Array, ArrayLike from jax._src.util import canonicalize_axis, tuple_delete, tuple_insert @_wraps(osp_signal.fftconvolve) def fftconvolve(in1: ArrayLike, in2: ArrayLike, mode: str = "full", axes: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None) -> Array: check_arraylike('fftconvolve', in1, in2) in1, in2 = promote_dtypes_inexact(in1, in2) if in1.ndim != in2.ndim: raise ValueError("in1 and in2 should have the same dimensionality") if mode not in ["same", "full", "valid"]: raise ValueError("mode must be one of ['same', 'full', 'valid']") _fftconvolve = partial(_fftconvolve_unbatched, mode=mode) if axes is None: return _fftconvolve(in1, in2) axes = _ensure_index_tuple(axes) axes = tuple(canonicalize_axis(ax, in1.ndim) for ax in axes) mapped_axes = set(range(in1.ndim)) - set(axes) if any(in1.shape[i] != in2.shape[i] for i in mapped_axes): raise ValueError(f"mapped axes must have same shape; got {in1.shape=} {in2.shape=} {axes=}") for ax in sorted(mapped_axes): _fftconvolve = jax.vmap(_fftconvolve, in_axes=ax, out_axes=ax) return _fftconvolve(in1, in2) def _fftconvolve_unbatched(in1: Array, in2: Array, mode: str) -> Array: full_shape = tuple(s1 + s2 - 1 for s1, s2 in zip(in1.shape, in2.shape)) fft_shape = tuple(osp_fft_next_fast_len(s) for s in full_shape) if mode == 'valid': no_swap = all(s1 >= s2 for s1, s2 in zip(in1.shape, in2.shape)) swap = all(s1 <= s2 for s1, s2 in zip(in1.shape, in2.shape)) if not (no_swap or swap): raise ValueError("For 'valid' mode, One input must be at least as " "large as the other in every dimension.") if swap: in1, in2 = in2, in1 if jnp.iscomplexobj(in1): fft, ifft = jnp.fft.fftn, jnp.fft.ifftn else: fft, ifft = jnp.fft.rfftn, jnp.fft.irfftn sp1 = fft(in1, fft_shape) sp2 = fft(in2, fft_shape) conv = ifft(sp1 * sp2, fft_shape) if mode == "full": out_shape = full_shape elif mode == "same": out_shape = in1.shape elif mode == "valid": out_shape = tuple(s1 - s2 + 1 for s1, s2 in zip(in1.shape, in2.shape)) else: raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized {mode=}") start_indices = tuple((full_size - out_size) // 2 for full_size, out_size in zip(full_shape, out_shape)) return lax.dynamic_slice(conv, start_indices, out_shape) # Note: we do not re-use the code from jax.numpy.convolve here, because the handling # of padding differs slightly between the two implementations (particularly for # mode='same'). def _convolve_nd(in1: Array, in2: Array, mode: str, *, precision: PrecisionLike) -> Array: if mode not in ["full", "same", "valid"]: raise ValueError("mode must be one of ['full', 'same', 'valid']") if in1.ndim != in2.ndim: raise ValueError("in1 and in2 must have the same number of dimensions") if in1.size == 0 or in2.size == 0: raise ValueError(f"zero-size arrays not supported in convolutions, got shapes {in1.shape} and {in2.shape}.") in1, in2 = promote_dtypes_inexact(in1, in2) no_swap = all(s1 >= s2 for s1, s2 in zip(in1.shape, in2.shape)) swap = all(s1 <= s2 for s1, s2 in zip(in1.shape, in2.shape)) if not (no_swap or swap): raise ValueError("One input must be smaller than the other in every dimension.") shape_o = in2.shape if swap: in1, in2 = in2, in1 shape = in2.shape in2 = jnp.flip(in2) if mode == 'valid': padding = [(0, 0) for s in shape] elif mode == 'same': padding = [(s - 1 - (s_o - 1) // 2, s - s_o + (s_o - 1) // 2) for (s, s_o) in zip(shape, shape_o)] elif mode == 'full': padding = [(s - 1, s - 1) for s in shape] strides = tuple(1 for s in shape) result = lax.conv_general_dilated(in1[None, None], in2[None, None], strides, padding, precision=precision) return result[0, 0] @_wraps(osp_signal.convolve) def convolve(in1: Array, in2: Array, mode: str = 'full', method: str = 'auto', precision: PrecisionLike = None) -> Array: if method == 'fft': return fftconvolve(in1, in2, mode=mode) elif method in ['direct', 'auto']: return _convolve_nd(in1, in2, mode, precision=precision) else: raise ValueError(f"Got {method=}; expected 'auto', 'fft', or 'direct'.") @_wraps(osp_signal.convolve2d) def convolve2d(in1: Array, in2: Array, mode: str = 'full', boundary: str = 'fill', fillvalue: float = 0, precision: PrecisionLike = None) -> Array: if boundary != 'fill' or fillvalue != 0: raise NotImplementedError("convolve2d() only supports boundary='fill', fillvalue=0") if jnp.ndim(in1) != 2 or jnp.ndim(in2) != 2: raise ValueError("convolve2d() only supports 2-dimensional inputs.") return _convolve_nd(in1, in2, mode, precision=precision) @_wraps(osp_signal.correlate) def correlate(in1: Array, in2: Array, mode: str = 'full', method: str = 'auto', precision: PrecisionLike = None) -> Array: return convolve(in1, jnp.flip(in2.conj()), mode, precision=precision, method=method) @_wraps(osp_signal.correlate2d) def correlate2d(in1: Array, in2: Array, mode: str = 'full', boundary: str = 'fill', fillvalue: float = 0, precision: PrecisionLike = None) -> Array: if boundary != 'fill' or fillvalue != 0: raise NotImplementedError("correlate2d() only supports boundary='fill', fillvalue=0") if jnp.ndim(in1) != 2 or jnp.ndim(in2) != 2: raise ValueError("correlate2d() only supports 2-dimensional inputs.") swap = all(s1 <= s2 for s1, s2 in zip(in1.shape, in2.shape)) same_shape = all(s1 == s2 for s1, s2 in zip(in1.shape, in2.shape)) if mode == "same": in1, in2 = jnp.flip(in1), in2.conj() result = jnp.flip(_convolve_nd(in1, in2, mode, precision=precision)) elif mode == "valid": if swap and not same_shape: in1, in2 = jnp.flip(in2), in1.conj() result = _convolve_nd(in1, in2, mode, precision=precision) else: in1, in2 = jnp.flip(in1), in2.conj() result = jnp.flip(_convolve_nd(in1, in2, mode, precision=precision)) else: if swap: in1, in2 = jnp.flip(in2), in1.conj() result = _convolve_nd(in1, in2, mode, precision=precision).conj() else: in1, in2 = jnp.flip(in1), in2.conj() result = jnp.flip(_convolve_nd(in1, in2, mode, precision=precision)) return result @_wraps(osp_signal.detrend) def detrend(data: ArrayLike, axis: int = -1, type: str = 'linear', bp: int = 0, overwrite_data: None = None) -> Array: if overwrite_data is not None: raise NotImplementedError("overwrite_data argument not implemented.") if type not in ['constant', 'linear']: raise ValueError("Trend type must be 'linear' or 'constant'.") data_arr, = promote_dtypes_inexact(jnp.asarray(data)) if type == 'constant': return data_arr - data_arr.mean(axis, keepdims=True) else: N = data_arr.shape[axis] # bp is static, so we use np operations to avoid pushing to device. bp_arr = np.sort(np.unique(np.r_[0, bp, N])) if bp_arr[0] < 0 or bp_arr[-1] > N: raise ValueError("Breakpoints must be non-negative and less than length of data along given axis.") data_arr = jnp.moveaxis(data_arr, axis, 0) shape = data_arr.shape data_arr = data_arr.reshape(N, -1) for m in range(len(bp_arr) - 1): Npts = bp_arr[m + 1] - bp_arr[m] A = jnp.vstack([ jnp.ones(Npts, dtype=data_arr.dtype), jnp.arange(1, Npts + 1, dtype=data_arr.dtype) / Npts.astype(data_arr.dtype) ]).T sl = slice(bp_arr[m], bp_arr[m + 1]) coef, *_ = linalg.lstsq(A, data_arr[sl]) data_arr = data_arr.at[sl].add(-jnp.matmul(A, coef, precision=lax.Precision.HIGHEST)) return jnp.moveaxis(data_arr.reshape(shape), 0, axis) def _fft_helper(x: Array, win: Array, detrend_func: Callable[[Array], Array], nperseg: int, noverlap: int, nfft: Optional[int], sides: str) -> Array: """Calculate windowed FFT in the same way the original SciPy does. """ if x.dtype.kind == 'i': x = x.astype(win.dtype) *batch_shape, signal_length = x.shape # Created strided array of data segments if nperseg == 1 and noverlap == 0: result = x[..., np.newaxis] else: step = nperseg - noverlap batch_shape = list(batch_shape) x = x.reshape((math.prod(batch_shape), signal_length, 1)) result = jax.lax.conv_general_dilated_patches( x, (nperseg,), (step,), 'VALID', dimension_numbers=('NTC', 'OIT', 'NTC')) result = result.reshape(*batch_shape, *result.shape[-2:]) # Detrend each data segment individually result = detrend_func(result) # Apply window by multiplication if jnp.iscomplexobj(win): result, = promote_dtypes_complex(result) result = win.reshape((1,) * len(batch_shape) + (1, nperseg)) * result # Perform the fft on last axis. Zero-pads automatically if sides == 'twosided': return jax.numpy.fft.fft(result, n=nfft) else: return jax.numpy.fft.rfft(result.real, n=nfft) def odd_ext(x: Array, n: int, axis: int = -1) -> Array: """Extends `x` along with `axis` by odd-extension. This function was previously a part of "scipy.signal.signaltools" but is no longer exposed. Args: x : input array n : the number of points to be added to the both end axis: the axis to be extended """ if n < 1: return x if n > x.shape[axis] - 1: raise ValueError( f"The extension length n ({n}) is too big. " f"It must not exceed x.shape[axis]-1, which is {x.shape[axis] - 1}.") left_end = lax.slice_in_dim(x, 0, 1, axis=axis) left_ext = jnp.flip(lax.slice_in_dim(x, 1, n + 1, axis=axis), axis=axis) right_end = lax.slice_in_dim(x, -1, None, axis=axis) right_ext = jnp.flip(lax.slice_in_dim(x, -(n + 1), -1, axis=axis), axis=axis) ext = jnp.concatenate((2 * left_end - left_ext, x, 2 * right_end - right_ext), axis=axis) return ext def _spectral_helper(x: Array, y: Optional[ArrayLike], fs: ArrayLike = 1.0, window: str = 'hann', nperseg: Optional[int] = None, noverlap: Optional[int] = None, nfft: Optional[int] = None, detrend_type: Union[bool, str, Callable[[Array], Array]] = 'constant', return_onesided: bool = True, scaling: str = 'density', axis: int = -1, mode: str = 'psd', boundary: Optional[str] = None, padded: bool = False) -> Tuple[Array, Array, Array]: """LAX-backend implementation of `scipy.signal._spectral_helper`. Unlike the original helper function, `y` can be None for explicitly indicating auto-spectral (non cross-spectral) computation. In addition to this, `detrend` argument is renamed to `detrend_type` for avoiding internal name overlap. """ if mode not in ('psd', 'stft'): raise ValueError(f"Unknown value for mode {mode}, " "must be one of: ('psd', 'stft')") def make_pad(mode, **kwargs): def pad(x, n, axis=-1): pad_width = [(0, 0) for unused_n in range(x.ndim)] pad_width[axis] = (n, n) return jnp.pad(x, pad_width, mode, **kwargs) return pad boundary_funcs = { 'even': make_pad('reflect'), 'odd': odd_ext, 'constant': make_pad('edge'), 'zeros': make_pad('constant', constant_values=0.0), None: lambda x, *args, **kwargs: x } # Check/ normalize inputs if boundary not in boundary_funcs: raise ValueError( f"Unknown boundary option '{boundary}', " f"must be one of: {list(boundary_funcs.keys())}") axis = jax.core.concrete_or_error(operator.index, axis, "axis of windowed-FFT") axis = canonicalize_axis(axis, x.ndim) if y is None: check_arraylike('spectral_helper', x) x, = promote_dtypes_inexact(x) y_arr = x # place-holder for type checking outershape = tuple_delete(x.shape, axis) else: if mode != 'psd': raise ValueError("two-argument mode is available only when mode=='psd'") check_arraylike('spectral_helper', x, y) x, y_arr = promote_dtypes_inexact(x, y) if x.ndim != y_arr.ndim: raise ValueError("two-arguments must have the same rank ({x.ndim} vs {y.ndim}).") # Check if we can broadcast the outer axes together try: outershape = jnp.broadcast_shapes(tuple_delete(x.shape, axis), tuple_delete(y_arr.shape, axis)) except ValueError as err: raise ValueError('x and y cannot be broadcast together.') from err result_dtype = dtypes.to_complex_dtype(x.dtype) freq_dtype = np.finfo(result_dtype).dtype nperseg_int: int = 0 nfft_int: int = 0 noverlap_int: int = 0 if nperseg is not None: # if specified by user nperseg_int = jax.core.concrete_or_error(int, nperseg, "nperseg of windowed-FFT") if nperseg_int < 1: # type: ignore[operator] raise ValueError('nperseg must be a positive integer') # parse window; if array like, then set nperseg = win.shape win, nperseg_int = signal_helper._triage_segments( window, nperseg if nperseg is None else nperseg_int, input_length=x.shape[axis], dtype=x.dtype) if noverlap is None: noverlap_int = nperseg_int // 2 # type: ignore[operator] else: noverlap_int = jax.core.concrete_or_error(int, noverlap, "noverlap of windowed-FFT") if nfft is None: nfft_int = nperseg_int else: nfft_int = jax.core.concrete_or_error(int, nfft, "nfft of windowed-FFT") # Special cases for size == 0 if y is None: if x.size == 0: return jnp.zeros(x.shape, freq_dtype), jnp.zeros(x.shape, freq_dtype), jnp.zeros(x.shape, result_dtype) else: if x.size == 0 or y_arr.size == 0: shape = tuple_insert(outershape, min([x.shape[axis], y_arr.shape[axis]]), axis) return jnp.zeros(shape, freq_dtype), jnp.zeros(shape, freq_dtype), jnp.zeros(shape, result_dtype) # Move time-axis to the end x = jnp.moveaxis(x, axis, -1) if y is not None and y_arr.ndim > 1: y_arr = jnp.moveaxis(y_arr, axis, -1) # Check if x and y are the same length, zero-pad if necessary if y is not None and x.shape[-1] != y_arr.shape[-1]: if x.shape[-1] < y_arr.shape[-1]: pad_shape = list(x.shape) pad_shape[-1] = y_arr.shape[-1] - x.shape[-1] x = jnp.concatenate((x, jnp.zeros_like(x, shape=pad_shape)), -1) else: pad_shape = list(y_arr.shape) pad_shape[-1] = x.shape[-1] - y_arr.shape[-1] y_arr = jnp.concatenate((y_arr, jnp.zeros_like(x, shape=pad_shape)), -1) if nfft_int < nperseg_int: raise ValueError('nfft must be greater than or equal to nperseg.') if noverlap_int >= nperseg_int: raise ValueError('noverlap must be less than nperseg.') nstep = nperseg_int - noverlap_int # Apply paddings if boundary is not None: ext_func = boundary_funcs[boundary] x = ext_func(x, nperseg_int // 2, axis=-1) if y is not None: y_arr = ext_func(y_arr, nperseg_int // 2, axis=-1) if padded: # Pad to integer number of windowed segments # I.e make x.shape[-1] = nperseg + (nseg-1)*nstep, with integer nseg nadd = (-(x.shape[-1]-nperseg_int) % nstep) % nperseg_int x = jnp.concatenate((x, jnp.zeros_like(x, shape=(*x.shape[:-1], nadd))), axis=-1) if y is not None: y_arr = jnp.concatenate((y_arr, jnp.zeros_like(x, shape=(*y_arr.shape[:-1], nadd))), axis=-1) # Handle detrending and window functions if not detrend_type: detrend_func = lambda d: d elif not callable(detrend_type): detrend_func = partial(detrend, type=detrend_type, axis=-1) elif axis != -1: # Wrap this function so that it receives a shape that it could # reasonably expect to receive. def detrend_func(d): d = jnp.moveaxis(d, axis, -1) d = detrend_type(d) return jnp.moveaxis(d, -1, axis) else: detrend_func = detrend_type # Determine scale if scaling == 'density': scale = 1.0 / (fs * (win * win).sum()) elif scaling == 'spectrum': scale = 1.0 / win.sum()**2 else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown scaling: {scaling}') if mode == 'stft': scale = jnp.sqrt(scale) scale, = promote_dtypes_complex(scale) # Determine onesided/ two-sided if return_onesided: sides = 'onesided' if jnp.iscomplexobj(x) or jnp.iscomplexobj(y): sides = 'twosided' warnings.warn('Input data is complex, switching to ' 'return_onesided=False') else: sides = 'twosided' if sides == 'twosided': freqs = jax.numpy.fft.fftfreq(nfft_int, 1/fs, dtype=freq_dtype) elif sides == 'onesided': freqs = jax.numpy.fft.rfftfreq(nfft_int, 1/fs, dtype=freq_dtype) # Perform the windowed FFTs result = _fft_helper(x, win, detrend_func, nperseg_int, noverlap_int, nfft_int, sides) if y is not None: # All the same operations on the y data result_y = _fft_helper(y_arr, win, detrend_func, nperseg_int, noverlap_int, nfft_int, sides) result = jnp.conjugate(result) * result_y elif mode == 'psd': result = jnp.conjugate(result) * result result *= scale if sides == 'onesided' and mode == 'psd': end = None if nfft_int % 2 else -1 result = result.at[..., 1:end].mul(2) time = jnp.arange(nperseg_int / 2, x.shape[-1] - nperseg_int / 2 + 1, nperseg_int - noverlap_int, dtype=freq_dtype) / fs if boundary is not None: time -= (nperseg_int / 2) / fs result = result.astype(result_dtype) # All imaginary parts are zero anyways if y is None and mode != 'stft': result = result.real # Move frequency axis back to axis where the data came from result = jnp.moveaxis(result, -1, axis) return freqs, time, result @_wraps(osp_signal.stft) def stft(x: Array, fs: ArrayLike = 1.0, window: str = 'hann', nperseg: int = 256, noverlap: Optional[int] = None, nfft: Optional[int] = None, detrend: bool = False, return_onesided: bool = True, boundary: Optional[str] = 'zeros', padded: bool = True, axis: int = -1) -> Tuple[Array, Array, Array]: return _spectral_helper(x, None, fs, window, nperseg, noverlap, nfft, detrend, return_onesided, scaling='spectrum', axis=axis, mode='stft', boundary=boundary, padded=padded) _csd_description = """ The original SciPy function exhibits slightly different behavior between ``csd(x, x)``` and ```csd(x, x.copy())```. The LAX-backend version is designed to follow the latter behavior. For using the former behavior, call this function as `csd(x, None)`.""" @_wraps(osp_signal.csd, lax_description=_csd_description) def csd(x: Array, y: Optional[ArrayLike], fs: ArrayLike = 1.0, window: str = 'hann', nperseg: Optional[int] = None, noverlap: Optional[int] = None, nfft: Optional[int] = None, detrend: str = 'constant', return_onesided: bool = True, scaling: str = 'density', axis: int = -1, average: str = 'mean') -> Tuple[Array, Array]: freqs, _, Pxy = _spectral_helper(x, y, fs, window, nperseg, noverlap, nfft, detrend, return_onesided, scaling, axis, mode='psd') if y is not None: Pxy = Pxy + 0j # Ensure complex output when x is not y # Average over windows. if Pxy.ndim >= 2 and Pxy.size > 0: if Pxy.shape[-1] > 1: if average == 'median': bias = signal_helper._median_bias(Pxy.shape[-1]).astype(Pxy.dtype) if jnp.iscomplexobj(Pxy): Pxy = (jnp.median(jnp.real(Pxy), axis=-1) + 1j * jnp.median(jnp.imag(Pxy), axis=-1)) else: Pxy = jnp.median(Pxy, axis=-1) Pxy /= bias elif average == 'mean': Pxy = Pxy.mean(axis=-1) else: raise ValueError(f'average must be "median" or "mean", got {average}') else: Pxy = jnp.reshape(Pxy, Pxy.shape[:-1]) return freqs, Pxy @_wraps(osp_signal.welch) def welch(x: Array, fs: ArrayLike = 1.0, window: str = 'hann', nperseg: Optional[int] = None, noverlap: Optional[int] = None, nfft: Optional[int] = None, detrend: str = 'constant', return_onesided: bool = True, scaling: str = 'density', axis: int = -1, average: str = 'mean') -> Tuple[Array, Array]: freqs, Pxx = csd(x, None, fs=fs, window=window, nperseg=nperseg, noverlap=noverlap, nfft=nfft, detrend=detrend, return_onesided=return_onesided, scaling=scaling, axis=axis, average=average) return freqs, Pxx.real def _overlap_and_add(x: Array, step_size: int) -> Array: """Utility function compatible with tf.signal.overlap_and_add. Args: x: An array with `(..., frames, frame_length)`-shape. step_size: An integer denoting overlap offsets. Must be less than `frame_length`. Returns: An array with `(..., output_size)`-shape containing overlapped signal. """ check_arraylike("_overlap_and_add", x) step_size = jax.core.concrete_or_error(int, step_size, "step_size for overlap_and_add") if x.ndim < 2: raise ValueError('Input must have (..., frames, frame_length) shape.') *batch_shape, nframes, segment_len = x.shape flat_batchsize = math.prod(batch_shape) x = x.reshape((flat_batchsize, nframes, segment_len)) output_size = step_size * (nframes - 1) + segment_len nstep_per_segment = 1 + (segment_len - 1) // step_size # Here, we use shorter notation for axes. # B: batch_size, N: nframes, S: nstep_per_segment, # T: segment_len divided by S padded_segment_len = nstep_per_segment * step_size x = jnp.pad(x, ((0, 0), (0, 0), (0, padded_segment_len - segment_len))) x = x.reshape((flat_batchsize, nframes, nstep_per_segment, step_size)) # For obtaining shifted signals, this routine reinterprets flattened array # with a shrinked axis. With appropriate truncation/ padding, this operation # pushes the last padded elements of the previous row to the head of the # current row. # See implementation of `overlap_and_add` in Tensorflow for details. x = x.transpose((0, 2, 1, 3)) # x: (B, S, N, T) x = jnp.pad(x, ((0, 0), (0, 0), (0, nframes), (0, 0))) # x: (B, S, N*2, T) shrinked = x.shape[2] - 1 x = x.reshape((flat_batchsize, -1)) x = x[:, :(nstep_per_segment * shrinked * step_size)] x = x.reshape((flat_batchsize, nstep_per_segment, shrinked * step_size)) # Finally, sum shifted segments, and truncate results to the output_size. x = x.sum(axis=1)[:, :output_size] return x.reshape(tuple(batch_shape) + (-1,)) @_wraps(osp_signal.istft) def istft(Zxx: Array, fs: ArrayLike = 1.0, window: str = 'hann', nperseg: Optional[int] = None, noverlap: Optional[int] = None, nfft: Optional[int] = None, input_onesided: bool = True, boundary: bool = True, time_axis: int = -1, freq_axis: int = -2) -> Tuple[Array, Array]: # Input validation check_arraylike("istft", Zxx) if Zxx.ndim < 2: raise ValueError('Input stft must be at least 2d!') freq_axis = canonicalize_axis(freq_axis, Zxx.ndim) time_axis = canonicalize_axis(time_axis, Zxx.ndim) if freq_axis == time_axis: raise ValueError('Must specify differing time and frequency axes!') Zxx = jnp.asarray(Zxx, dtype=jax.dtypes.canonicalize_dtype( np.result_type(Zxx, np.complex64))) n_default = (2 * (Zxx.shape[freq_axis] - 1) if input_onesided else Zxx.shape[freq_axis]) nperseg_int = jax.core.concrete_or_error(int, nperseg or n_default, "nperseg: segment length of STFT") if nperseg_int < 1: raise ValueError('nperseg must be a positive integer') nfft_int: int = 0 if nfft is None: nfft_int = n_default if input_onesided and nperseg_int == n_default + 1: nfft_int += 1 # Odd nperseg, no FFT padding else: nfft_int = jax.core.concrete_or_error(int, nfft, "nfft of STFT") if nfft_int < nperseg_int: raise ValueError( f'FFT length ({nfft_int}) must be longer than nperseg ({nperseg_int}).') noverlap_int = jax.core.concrete_or_error(int, noverlap or nperseg_int // 2, "noverlap of STFT") if noverlap_int >= nperseg_int: raise ValueError('noverlap must be less than nperseg.') nstep = nperseg_int - noverlap_int # Rearrange axes if necessary if time_axis != Zxx.ndim - 1 or freq_axis != Zxx.ndim - 2: outer_idxs = tuple( idx for idx in range(Zxx.ndim) if idx not in {time_axis, freq_axis}) Zxx = jnp.transpose(Zxx, outer_idxs + (freq_axis, time_axis)) # Perform IFFT ifunc = jax.numpy.fft.irfft if input_onesided else jax.numpy.fft.ifft # xsubs: [..., T, N], N is the number of frames, T is the frame length. xsubs = ifunc(Zxx, axis=-2, n=nfft)[..., :nperseg_int, :] # Get window as array if isinstance(window, (str, tuple)): win = osp_signal.get_window(window, nperseg_int) win = jnp.asarray(win, dtype=xsubs.dtype) else: win = jnp.asarray(window) if len(win.shape) != 1: raise ValueError('window must be 1-D') if win.shape[0] != nperseg_int: raise ValueError(f'window must have length of {nperseg_int}') xsubs *= win.sum() # This takes care of the 'spectrum' scaling # make win broadcastable over xsubs win = win.reshape((1, ) * (xsubs.ndim - 2) + win.shape + (1,)) x = _overlap_and_add((xsubs * win).swapaxes(-2, -1), nstep) win_squared = jnp.repeat((win * win), xsubs.shape[-1], axis=-1) norm = _overlap_and_add(win_squared.swapaxes(-2, -1), nstep) # Remove extension points if boundary: x = x[..., nperseg_int//2:-(nperseg_int//2)] norm = norm[..., nperseg_int//2:-(nperseg_int//2)] x /= jnp.where(norm > 1e-10, norm, 1.0) # Put axes back if x.ndim > 1: if time_axis != Zxx.ndim - 1: if freq_axis < time_axis: time_axis -= 1 x = jnp.moveaxis(x, -1, time_axis) time = jnp.arange(x.shape[0], dtype=np.finfo(x.dtype).dtype) / fs return time, x