# Copyright 2018 The JAX Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import jax import inspect from typing import Optional from jax._src import core from jax import tree_util from jax._src import linear_util as lu from jax._src import sharding_impls from jax.errors import UnexpectedTracerError from jax._src import mesh as mesh_lib from jax._src.lib.mlir.dialects import hlo from jax._src.lib.mlir import ir from jax._src.interpreters import mlir from jax._src.interpreters import partial_eval as pe from jax._src import custom_api_util from jax._src.lib import xla_client as xc from jax._src.api_util import flatten_fun_nokwargs from jax._src.api_util import argnums_partial import weakref def _resolve_kwargs(fun, args, kwargs): ba = inspect.signature(fun).bind(*args, **kwargs) ba.apply_defaults() if ba.kwargs: raise TypeError("keyword arguments could not be resolved to positions") else: return ba.args class _ShardingCallbackInfo: def __init__(self, propagate_user_sharding, partition, to_mesh_pspec_sharding, in_tree, out_tree, infer_sharding_from_operands, module_context, mesh, static_args): self.propagate_user_sharding = propagate_user_sharding self.partition = partition self.to_mesh_pspec_sharding = to_mesh_pspec_sharding self.in_tree = in_tree self.out_tree = out_tree self.infer_sharding_from_operands = infer_sharding_from_operands self.module_context = module_context self.mesh = mesh self.static_args = static_args def unflatten_arg_shapes(self, arg_shapes, arg_shardings): return self.in_tree.unflatten( [ _to_jax_sharded_shape(s, self.to_mesh_pspec_sharding(sharding)) for s, sharding in zip(arg_shapes, arg_shardings) ] ) _sharding_callbacks = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() # type: ignore _CUSTOM_PARTITIONING_CALL_NAME = "CustomSPMDPartitioning" def _to_jax_shape(s): return core.ShapedArray(s.dimensions(), s.numpy_dtype()) def _to_jax_sharded_shape(s, sharding): return jax.ShapeDtypeStruct( s.dimensions(), s.numpy_dtype(), sharding=sharding ) def _pack_result_sharding(shape, result_shardings): if shape.is_tuple(): return xc.HloSharding.tuple_sharding(shape, result_shardings) else: return result_shardings[0] def _flatten_sharding(tree, shardings, shapes): return [ _to_hlo_sharding(sharding, len(shape.dimensions())) for sharding, shape in zip( tree.flatten_up_to(shardings), shapes ) ] def _custom_partitioning_propagate_user_sharding(user_sharding, shape, backend_string): info = _sharding_callbacks[backend_string] if info.propagate_user_sharding is None: return user_sharding if shape.is_tuple(): user_shapes = shape.tuple_shapes() user_shardings = user_sharding.tuple_elements() else: user_shapes = (shape,) user_shardings = (user_sharding,) user_shape = info.out_tree.unflatten( [ _to_jax_sharded_shape(s, info.to_mesh_pspec_sharding(sharding)) for s, sharding in zip(user_shapes, user_shardings) ] ) result_sharding = info.propagate_user_sharding(*info.static_args, user_shape) result_shardings = _flatten_sharding( info.out_tree, result_sharding, user_shapes) return _pack_result_sharding(shape, result_shardings) def _to_hlo_sharding(sharding, num_dimensions): if not isinstance(sharding, jax.sharding.XLACompatibleSharding): raise ValueError( "Custom Partitioning rules must return XLACompatibleShardings." ) return sharding._to_xla_hlo_sharding(num_dimensions) def _custom_partitioning_partition(arg_shapes, arg_shardings, result_shape, result_sharding, backend_string): info = _sharding_callbacks[backend_string] if result_shape.is_tuple(): result_shapes = result_shape.tuple_shapes() result_shardings = result_sharding.tuple_elements() else: result_shapes = (result_shape,) result_shardings = (result_sharding,) lower_fn, result_sharding, arg_shardings = info.partition( *info.static_args, info.unflatten_arg_shapes(arg_shapes, arg_shardings), info.out_tree.unflatten( [ _to_jax_sharded_shape(s, info.to_mesh_pspec_sharding(sharding)) for s, sharding in zip(result_shapes, result_shardings) ] ) ) module_context = info.module_context result_shardings = _flatten_sharding( info.out_tree, result_sharding, result_shapes) arg_shardings = _flatten_sharding(info.in_tree, arg_shardings, arg_shapes) tiled_args = [ _to_jax_shape(sharding.tile(s)) for sharding, s in zip(arg_shardings, arg_shapes) ] tiled_results = [ _to_jax_shape(sharding.tile(s)) for sharding, s in zip(result_shardings, result_shapes) ] closed_jaxpr = jax.make_jaxpr( lower_fn, axis_env=list(info.mesh.shape.items()))(*tiled_args) if closed_jaxpr.out_avals != tiled_results: raise ValueError( "Mismatch in result shapes. %s vs %s" % (repr(closed_jaxpr.out_avals), repr(tiled_results)) ) axis_context = sharding_impls.SPMDAxisContext(info.mesh) built = mlir.build_xla_computation_helper( closed_jaxpr, name="tmp_xla_computation", platform=module_context.platform, backend_or_name=module_context.backend_or_name, axis_context=axis_context.extend_manual(frozenset(info.mesh.axis_names))) result_sharding = _pack_result_sharding(result_shape, result_shardings) return built, arg_shardings, result_sharding def _custom_partitioning_infer_sharding_from_operands(arg_shapes, arg_shardings, result_shape, backend_string): info = _sharding_callbacks[backend_string] if result_shape.is_tuple(): result_shapes = result_shape.tuple_shapes() else: result_shapes = (result_shape,) result_sharding = info.infer_sharding_from_operands( *info.static_args, info.unflatten_arg_shapes(arg_shapes, arg_shardings), info.out_tree.unflatten([_to_jax_shape(s) for s in result_shapes]), ) result_shardings = _flatten_sharding( info.out_tree, result_sharding, result_shapes) return _pack_result_sharding(result_shape, result_shardings) custom_partitioning_p = core.Primitive("custom_partitioning") custom_partitioning_p.multiple_results = True def _custom_partitioning_abstract_eval(*avals, call, in_tree, out_tree, propagate_user_sharding, partition, infer_sharding_from_operands, decode_shardings, static_args): del in_tree, out_tree, propagate_user_sharding, partition del infer_sharding_from_operands, decode_shardings, static_args return call.out_avals def _custom_partitioning_impl(*args, call, in_tree, out_tree, propagate_user_sharding, partition, infer_sharding_from_operands, decode_shardings, static_args): del in_tree, out_tree, propagate_user_sharding, partition del infer_sharding_from_operands, decode_shardings, static_args return core.jaxpr_as_fun(call)(*args) custom_partitioning_p.def_abstract_eval(_custom_partitioning_abstract_eval) custom_partitioning_p.def_impl(_custom_partitioning_impl) def _check_for_tracers(x): for leaf in tree_util.tree_leaves(x): if isinstance(x, core.Tracer): msg = ( "Found a JAX Tracer object passed as an argument to a" "custom_partitioning function in a position indicated as static by" "static_argnums. " ) raise UnexpectedTracerError(msg) @custom_api_util.register_custom_decorator_type class custom_partitioning: """Inserts a CustomCallOp into the XLA graph with custom SPMD lowering rules. .. code-block:: python @custom_partitioning def f(*args): return ... def propagate_user_sharding(user_shape): '''Update the sharding of the op from a user's shape.sharding.''' user_sharding = jax.tree_map(lambda x: x.sharding, user_shape) def partition(arg_shapes, result_shape): def lower_fn(*args): ... builds computation on per-device shapes ... result_shardings = jax.tree_map(lambda x: x.sharding, result_shape) arg_shardings = jax.tree_map(lambda x: x.sharding, arg_shapes) # result_sharding and arg_shardings may optionally be modified and the # partitioner will insert collectives to reshape. return lower_fn, result_sharding, arg_shardings def infer_sharding_from_operands(arg_shapes, shape): '''Compute the result sharding from the sharding of the operands.''' arg_shardings = jax.tree_map(lambda x: x.sharding, arg_shapes) f.def_partition(partition, propagate_user_sharding, infer_sharding_from_operands) The args to ``def_partition`` are as follows: * ``propagate_user_sharding``: Callable which takes the sharding of a user (in the dag) and returns a suggestion for a new `NamedSharding`. The default implementation is just to return the suggested sharding. * ``partition``: Callable which takes the SPMD suggested partition shapes and partition specs and returns a per-shard lowering function and the final input and output sharding specs (the SPMD partitioner will repartition the inputs to match). * ``infer_sharding_from_operands``: Callable which computes an output ``NamedSharding`` from the ``NamedSharding`` chosen for each argument. * ``decode_shardings``: When set to True, convert input ``GSPMDSharding``s to ``NamedSharding`` if possible. This may not be possible if the user does not provide a contextual mesh. Positional arguments can be specified as static using static_argnums. JAX uses :code:`inspect.signature(fun)` to resolve these positional arguments. Example: As an example, assume we want to enhance the existing ``jax.numpy.fft.fft``. This function computes the discrete Fourier transform of an N-dimensional input along the last dimension, and is batched along the first N-1 dimensions. By default, however, it will ignore the sharding of the input and gather the input on all devices. However, since ``jax.numpy.fft.fft`` is batched along the first N-1 dimensions, this is unnecessary. We will create a new ``my_fft`` op that, instead, does not alter the sharding along the first `N-1` dimensions, and only gathers the input along the last dimension if needed. .. code-block:: python import jax from jax.sharding import NamedSharding from jax.experimental.custom_partitioning import custom_partitioning from jax.experimental.pjit import pjit from jax.sharding import PartitionSpec as P from jax.sharding import Mesh from jax.numpy.fft import fft import regex as re import numpy as np # Pattern to detect all-gather or dynamic-slice in the generated HLO _PATTERN = '(dynamic-slice|all-gather)' # For an N-D input, keeps sharding along the first N-1 dimensions # but replicate along the last dimension def supported_sharding(sharding, shape): rank = len(shape.shape) max_shared_dims = min(len(sharding.spec), rank-1) names = tuple(sharding.spec[:max_shared_dims]) + tuple(None for _ in range(rank - max_shared_dims)) return NamedSharding(sharding.mesh, P(*names)) def partition(arg_shapes, result_shape): result_shardings = jax.tree_map(lambda x: x.sharding, result_shape) arg_shardings = jax.tree_map(lambda x: x.sharding, arg_shapes) return fft, \ supported_sharding(arg_shardings[0], arg_shapes[0]), \ (supported_sharding(arg_shardings[0], arg_shapes[0]),) def infer_sharding_from_operands(arg_shapes, result_shape): arg_shardings = jax.tree_map(lambda x: x.sharding, arg_shapes) return supported_sharding(arg_shardings[0], arg_shapes[0]) @custom_partitioning def my_fft(x): return fft(x) my_fft.def_partition( infer_sharding_from_operands=infer_sharding_from_operands, partition=partition) Now create a 2D array sharded along the first axis, pass it through ``my_fft`` and notice how it is still sharded as expected, and identical to the output of ``fft``. However, inspecting the HLO (using ``lower(x).compile().runtime_executable().hlo_modules()``) reveals that ``my_fft`` does not create any all-gather or dynamic-slice, while ``fft`` does. .. code-block:: with Mesh(np.array(jax.devices()), ('x',)): x = np.asarray(np.random.randn(32*1024, 1024), dtype=np.complex64) y = pjit(lambda x: x, in_shardings=None, out_shardings=P('x'))(x) pjit_my_fft = pjit(my_fft, in_shardings=P('x'), out_shardings=P('x')) pjit_fft = pjit(fft, in_shardings=P('x'), out_shardings=P('x')) print(pjit_my_fft(y)) print(pjit_fft(y)) # dynamic-slice or all-gather are not present in the HLO for my_fft, because x is a 2D array assert(re.search(_PATTERN, pjit_my_fft.lower(x).compile().runtime_executable().hlo_modules()[0].to_string()) is None) # dynamic-slice or all-gather are present in the HLO for fft assert(re.search(_PATTERN, pjit_fft.lower(x).compile().runtime_executable().hlo_modules()[0].to_string()) is not None) .. code-block:: # my_fft [[-38.840824 +0.j -40.649452 +11.845365j ... -1.6937828 +0.8402481j 15.999859 -4.0156755j]] # jax.numpy.fft.fft [[-38.840824 +0.j -40.649452 +11.845365j ... -1.6937828 +0.8402481j 15.999859 -4.0156755j]] Because of the logic in ``supported_sharding``, ``my_fft`` also works on 1-dimensional arrays. However, in this case, the HLO of ``my_fft`` does show a a dynamic-slice, since the last dimension is the dimension along which FFTs are calculated and needs to be replicated on all devices before the computation can be done. .. code-block:: with Mesh(np.array(jax.devices()), ('x',)): x = np.asarray(np.random.randn(32*1024*1024), dtype=np.complex64) y = pjit(lambda x: x, in_shardings=None, out_shardings=P('x'))(x) pjit_my_fft = pjit(my_fft, in_shardings=P('x'), out_shardings=P('x')) pjit_fft = pjit(fft, in_shardings=P('x'), out_shardings=P('x')) print(pjit_my_fft(y)) print(pjit_fft(y)) # dynamic-slice or all-gather are present in the HLO for my_fft, because x is a 1D array assert(re.search(_PATTERN, pjit_my_fft.lower(x).compile().runtime_executable().hlo_modules()[0].to_string()) is None) # dynamic-slice or all-gather are present in the HLO for fft assert(re.search(_PATTERN, pjit_fft.lower(x).compile().runtime_executable().hlo_modules()[0].to_string()) is not None) .. code-block:: # my_fft [ 7.217285 +0.j -3012.4937 +4287.635j -405.83594 +3042.984j ... 1422.4502 +7271.4297j -405.84033 -3042.983j -3012.4963 -4287.6343j] # jax.numpy.fft.fft [ 7.217285 +0.j -3012.4937 +4287.635j -405.83594 +3042.984j ... 1422.4502 +7271.4297j -405.84033 -3042.983j -3012.4963 -4287.6343j] """ def __init__(self, fun, static_argnums=()): self.fun = fun self.partition = None self.static_argnums = static_argnums self.propagate_user_sharding = None self.infer_sharding_from_operands = None __getattr__ = custom_api_util.forward_attr def def_partition(self, partition, infer_sharding_from_operands, propagate_user_sharding=None, decode_shardings=True): self.partition = partition self.propagate_user_sharding = propagate_user_sharding self.infer_sharding_from_operands = infer_sharding_from_operands self.decode_shardings = decode_shardings return partition def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): args = _resolve_kwargs(self.fun, args, kwargs) if self.static_argnums: static_argnums = set(self.static_argnums) args = tuple(x if i in static_argnums else x for i, x in enumerate(args)) dyn_argnums = [i for i in range(len(args)) if i not in static_argnums] f_, dyn_args = argnums_partial( lu.wrap_init(self.fun), dyn_argnums, args, require_static_args_hashable=False, ) static_args = [args[i] for i in self.static_argnums] _check_for_tracers(static_args) else: static_args = [] f_, dyn_args = lu.wrap_init(self.fun), args args_flat, in_tree = tree_util.tree_flatten(dyn_args) flat_fun, out_tree = flatten_fun_nokwargs(f_, in_tree) in_avals = [core.raise_to_shaped(core.get_aval(x)) for x in args_flat] debug = pe.debug_info(self.fun, in_tree, out_tree, False, "custom_partitioning") jaxpr, _, consts = pe.trace_to_jaxpr_dynamic(flat_fun, in_avals, debug) assert not len(consts) closed_call = core.ClosedJaxpr(pe.convert_constvars_jaxpr(jaxpr), ()) out_flat = custom_partitioning_p.bind( *consts, *args_flat, call=closed_call, partition=self.partition, propagate_user_sharding=self.propagate_user_sharding, infer_sharding_from_operands=self.infer_sharding_from_operands, decode_shardings=self.decode_shardings, in_tree=in_tree, out_tree=out_tree(), static_args=static_args ) return tree_util.tree_unflatten(out_tree(), out_flat) def _custom_partitioning_lowering_rule(ctx: mlir.LoweringRuleContext, *values, call, in_tree, out_tree, propagate_user_sharding, partition, infer_sharding_from_operands, decode_shardings, static_args): mesh = mesh_lib.thread_resources.env.physical_mesh axis_context = ctx.module_context.axis_context if isinstance(axis_context, sharding_impls.ShardingContext): devices = axis_context.device_assignment elif isinstance(axis_context, sharding_impls.SPMDAxisContext): devices = list(axis_context.mesh.devices.flat) else: devices = None if not devices or len(devices) == 1: return mlir.lower_fun( core.jaxpr_as_fun(call), multiple_results=True)(ctx, *values) def to_mesh_pspec_sharding(op_sharding: Optional[xc.OpSharding]): if op_sharding is None: return op_sharding if mesh.empty or not decode_shardings: from jax._src.sharding_impls import GSPMDSharding assert devices is not None return GSPMDSharding(devices, op_sharding.to_proto()) pspec = sharding_impls.parse_flatten_op_sharding( op_sharding.to_proto(), mesh)[0].get_partition_spec() return jax.sharding.NamedSharding(mesh, pspec) sharding_callback_info = _ShardingCallbackInfo(propagate_user_sharding, partition, to_mesh_pspec_sharding, in_tree, out_tree, infer_sharding_from_operands, ctx.module_context, mesh, static_args) key = str(id(sharding_callback_info)) _sharding_callbacks[key] = sharding_callback_info # We need to make sure `sharding_callback_info` is still alive when the SPMD # partitioner runs so we keep it alive by attaching it to the executable. ctx.module_context.add_keepalive(sharding_callback_info) result_types = [mlir.aval_to_ir_type(s) for s in call.out_avals] out = hlo.CustomCallOp( result_types, list(values), call_target_name=ir.StringAttr.get(_CUSTOM_PARTITIONING_CALL_NAME), has_side_effect=ir.BoolAttr.get(False), api_version=mlir.i32_attr(2), called_computations=ir.ArrayAttr.get([]), backend_config=ir.StringAttr.get(key), operand_layouts=None, result_layouts=None) return out.results mlir.register_lowering(custom_partitioning_p, _custom_partitioning_lowering_rule) xc.register_custom_call_partitioner( # pytype: disable=module-attr _CUSTOM_PARTITIONING_CALL_NAME, _custom_partitioning_propagate_user_sharding, _custom_partitioning_partition, _custom_partitioning_infer_sharding_from_operands, True)