""" Cython optimize zeros API ========================= The underlying C functions for the following root finders can be accessed directly using Cython: - `~scipy.optimize.bisect` - `~scipy.optimize.ridder` - `~scipy.optimize.brenth` - `~scipy.optimize.brentq` The Cython API for the zeros functions is similar except there is no ``disp`` argument. Import the zeros functions using ``cimport`` from `scipy.optimize.cython_optimize`. :: from scipy.optimize.cython_optimize cimport bisect, ridder, brentq, brenth Callback signature ------------------ The zeros functions in `~scipy.optimize.cython_optimize` expect a callback that takes a double for the scalar independent variable as the 1st argument and a user defined ``struct`` with any extra parameters as the 2nd argument. :: double (*callback_type)(double, void*) Examples -------- Usage of `~scipy.optimize.cython_optimize` requires Cython to write callbacks that are compiled into C. For more information on compiling Cython, see the `Cython Documentation `_. These are the basic steps: 1. Create a Cython ``.pyx`` file, for example: ``myexample.pyx``. 2. Import the desired root finder from `~scipy.optimize.cython_optimize`. 3. Write the callback function, and call the selected zeros function passing the callback, any extra arguments, and the other solver parameters. :: from scipy.optimize.cython_optimize cimport brentq # import math from Cython from libc cimport math myargs = {'C0': 1.0, 'C1': 0.7} # a dictionary of extra arguments XLO, XHI = 0.5, 1.0 # lower and upper search boundaries XTOL, RTOL, MITR = 1e-3, 1e-3, 10 # other solver parameters # user-defined struct for extra parameters ctypedef struct test_params: double C0 double C1 # user-defined callback cdef double f(double x, void *args): cdef test_params *myargs = args return myargs.C0 - math.exp(-(x - myargs.C1)) # Cython wrapper function cdef double brentq_wrapper_example(dict args, double xa, double xb, double xtol, double rtol, int mitr): # Cython automatically casts dictionary to struct cdef test_params myargs = args return brentq( f, xa, xb, &myargs, xtol, rtol, mitr, NULL) # Python function def brentq_example(args=myargs, xa=XLO, xb=XHI, xtol=XTOL, rtol=RTOL, mitr=MITR): '''Calls Cython wrapper from Python.''' return brentq_wrapper_example(args, xa, xb, xtol, rtol, mitr) 4. If you want to call your function from Python, create a Cython wrapper, and a Python function that calls the wrapper, or use ``cpdef``. Then, in Python, you can import and run the example. :: from myexample import brentq_example x = brentq_example() # 0.6999942848231314 5. Create a Cython ``.pxd`` file if you need to export any Cython functions. Full output ----------- The functions in `~scipy.optimize.cython_optimize` can also copy the full output from the solver to a C ``struct`` that is passed as its last argument. If you don't want the full output, just pass ``NULL``. The full output ``struct`` must be type ``zeros_full_output``, which is defined in `scipy.optimize.cython_optimize` with the following fields: - ``int funcalls``: number of function calls - ``int iterations``: number of iterations - ``int error_num``: error number - ``double root``: root of function The root is copied by `~scipy.optimize.cython_optimize` to the full output ``struct``. An error number of -1 means a sign error, -2 means a convergence error, and 0 means the solver converged. Continuing from the previous example:: from scipy.optimize.cython_optimize cimport zeros_full_output # cython brentq solver with full output cdef zeros_full_output brentq_full_output_wrapper_example( dict args, double xa, double xb, double xtol, double rtol, int mitr): cdef test_params myargs = args cdef zeros_full_output my_full_output # use my_full_output instead of NULL brentq(f, xa, xb, &myargs, xtol, rtol, mitr, &my_full_output) return my_full_output # Python function def brent_full_output_example(args=myargs, xa=XLO, xb=XHI, xtol=XTOL, rtol=RTOL, mitr=MITR): '''Returns full output''' return brentq_full_output_wrapper_example(args, xa, xb, xtol, rtol, mitr) result = brent_full_output_example() # {'error_num': 0, # 'funcalls': 6, # 'iterations': 5, # 'root': 0.6999942848231314} """