""" This module contains the TreePredictor class which is used for prediction. """ # Author: Nicolas Hug import numpy as np from .common import Y_DTYPE from ._predictor import _predict_from_raw_data from ._predictor import _predict_from_binned_data from ._predictor import _compute_partial_dependence class TreePredictor: """Tree class used for predictions. Parameters ---------- nodes : ndarray of PREDICTOR_RECORD_DTYPE The nodes of the tree. binned_left_cat_bitsets : ndarray of shape (n_categorical_splits, 8), \ dtype=uint32 Array of bitsets for binned categories used in predict_binned when a split is categorical. raw_left_cat_bitsets : ndarray of shape (n_categorical_splits, 8), \ dtype=uint32 Array of bitsets for raw categories used in predict when a split is categorical. """ def __init__(self, nodes, binned_left_cat_bitsets, raw_left_cat_bitsets): self.nodes = nodes self.binned_left_cat_bitsets = binned_left_cat_bitsets self.raw_left_cat_bitsets = raw_left_cat_bitsets def get_n_leaf_nodes(self): """Return number of leaves.""" return int(self.nodes["is_leaf"].sum()) def get_max_depth(self): """Return maximum depth among all leaves.""" return int(self.nodes["depth"].max()) def predict(self, X, known_cat_bitsets, f_idx_map, n_threads): """Predict raw values for non-binned data. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray, shape (n_samples, n_features) The input samples. known_cat_bitsets : ndarray of shape (n_categorical_features, 8) Array of bitsets of known categories, for each categorical feature. f_idx_map : ndarray of shape (n_features,) Map from original feature index to the corresponding index in the known_cat_bitsets array. n_threads : int Number of OpenMP threads to use. Returns ------- y : ndarray, shape (n_samples,) The raw predicted values. """ out = np.empty(X.shape[0], dtype=Y_DTYPE) _predict_from_raw_data( self.nodes, X, self.raw_left_cat_bitsets, known_cat_bitsets, f_idx_map, n_threads, out, ) return out def predict_binned(self, X, missing_values_bin_idx, n_threads): """Predict raw values for binned data. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray, shape (n_samples, n_features) The input samples. missing_values_bin_idx : uint8 Index of the bin that is used for missing values. This is the index of the last bin and is always equal to max_bins (as passed to the GBDT classes), or equivalently to n_bins - 1. n_threads : int Number of OpenMP threads to use. Returns ------- y : ndarray, shape (n_samples,) The raw predicted values. """ out = np.empty(X.shape[0], dtype=Y_DTYPE) _predict_from_binned_data( self.nodes, X, self.binned_left_cat_bitsets, missing_values_bin_idx, n_threads, out, ) return out def compute_partial_dependence(self, grid, target_features, out): """Fast partial dependence computation. Parameters ---------- grid : ndarray, shape (n_samples, n_target_features) The grid points on which the partial dependence should be evaluated. target_features : ndarray, shape (n_target_features) The set of target features for which the partial dependence should be evaluated. out : ndarray, shape (n_samples) The value of the partial dependence function on each grid point. """ _compute_partial_dependence(self.nodes, grid, target_features, out)