from abc import abstractmethod import numpy as np from typing import List from scipy.sparse import isspmatrix_csr from .._dist_metrics import BOOL_METRICS, METRIC_MAPPING from ._base import _sqeuclidean_row_norms32, _sqeuclidean_row_norms64 from ._argkmin import ( ArgKmin64, ArgKmin32, ) from ._radius_neighbors import ( RadiusNeighbors64, RadiusNeighbors32, ) from ... import get_config def sqeuclidean_row_norms(X, num_threads): """Compute the squared euclidean norm of the rows of X in parallel. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray or CSR matrix of shape (n_samples, n_features) Input data. Must be c-contiguous. num_threads : int The number of OpenMP threads to use. Returns ------- sqeuclidean_row_norms : ndarray of shape (n_samples,) Arrays containing the squared euclidean norm of each row of X. """ if X.dtype == np.float64: return np.asarray(_sqeuclidean_row_norms64(X, num_threads)) if X.dtype == np.float32: return np.asarray(_sqeuclidean_row_norms32(X, num_threads)) raise ValueError( "Only float64 or float32 datasets are supported at this time, " f"got: X.dtype={X.dtype}." ) class BaseDistancesReductionDispatcher: """Abstract base dispatcher for pairwise distance computation & reduction. Each dispatcher extending the base :class:`BaseDistancesReductionDispatcher` dispatcher must implement the :meth:`compute` classmethod. """ @classmethod def valid_metrics(cls) -> List[str]: excluded = { # PyFunc cannot be supported because it necessitates interacting with # the CPython interpreter to call user defined functions. "pyfunc", "mahalanobis", # is numerically unstable # In order to support discrete distance metrics, we need to have a # stable simultaneous sort which preserves the order of the indices # because there generally is a lot of occurrences for a given values # of distances in this case. # TODO: implement a stable simultaneous_sort. "hamming", *BOOL_METRICS, } return sorted(({"sqeuclidean"} | set(METRIC_MAPPING.keys())) - excluded) @classmethod def is_usable_for(cls, X, Y, metric) -> bool: """Return True if the dispatcher can be used for the given parameters. Parameters ---------- X : {ndarray, sparse matrix} of shape (n_samples_X, n_features) Input data. Y : {ndarray, sparse matrix} of shape (n_samples_Y, n_features) Input data. metric : str, default='euclidean' The distance metric to use. For a list of available metrics, see the documentation of :class:`~sklearn.metrics.DistanceMetric`. Returns ------- True if the dispatcher can be used, else False. """ def is_numpy_c_ordered(X): return hasattr(X, "flags") and X.flags.c_contiguous def is_valid_sparse_matrix(X): return ( isspmatrix_csr(X) and # TODO: support CSR matrices without non-zeros elements X.nnz > 0 and # TODO: support CSR matrices with int64 indices and indptr # See: X.indices.dtype == X.indptr.dtype == np.int32 ) is_usable = ( get_config().get("enable_cython_pairwise_dist", True) and (is_numpy_c_ordered(X) or is_valid_sparse_matrix(X)) and (is_numpy_c_ordered(Y) or is_valid_sparse_matrix(Y)) and X.dtype == Y.dtype and X.dtype in (np.float32, np.float64) and metric in cls.valid_metrics() ) # The other joblib-based back-end might be more efficient on fused sparse-dense # datasets' pairs on metric="(sq)euclidean" for some configurations because it # uses the Squared Euclidean matrix decomposition, i.e.: # # ||X_c_i - Y_c_j||² = ||X_c_i||² - 2 X_c_i.Y_c_j^T + ||Y_c_j||² # # calling efficient sparse-dense routines for matrix and vectors multiplication # implemented in SciPy we do not use yet here. # See: # noqa # TODO: implement specialisation for (sq)euclidean on fused sparse-dense # using sparse-dense routines for matrix-vector multiplications. # Currently, only dense-dense and sparse-sparse are optimized for # the Euclidean case. fused_sparse_dense_euclidean_case_guard = not ( (is_valid_sparse_matrix(X) ^ is_valid_sparse_matrix(Y)) # "^" is XOR and isinstance(metric, str) and "euclidean" in metric ) return is_usable and fused_sparse_dense_euclidean_case_guard @classmethod @abstractmethod def compute( cls, X, Y, **kwargs, ): """Compute the reduction. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray or CSR matrix of shape (n_samples_X, n_features) Input data. Y : ndarray or CSR matrix of shape (n_samples_Y, n_features) Input data. **kwargs : additional parameters for the reduction Notes ----- This method is an abstract class method: it has to be implemented for all subclasses. """ class ArgKmin(BaseDistancesReductionDispatcher): """Compute the argkmin of row vectors of X on the ones of Y. For each row vector of X, computes the indices of k first the rows vectors of Y with the smallest distances. ArgKmin is typically used to perform bruteforce k-nearest neighbors queries. This class is not meant to be instanciated, one should only use its :meth:`compute` classmethod which handles allocation and deallocation consistently. """ @classmethod def compute( cls, X, Y, k, metric="euclidean", chunk_size=None, metric_kwargs=None, strategy=None, return_distance=False, ): """Compute the argkmin reduction. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray or CSR matrix of shape (n_samples_X, n_features) Input data. Y : ndarray or CSR matrix of shape (n_samples_Y, n_features) Input data. k : int The k for the argkmin reduction. metric : str, default='euclidean' The distance metric to use for argkmin. For a list of available metrics, see the documentation of :class:`~sklearn.metrics.DistanceMetric`. chunk_size : int, default=None, The number of vectors per chunk. If None (default) looks-up in scikit-learn configuration for `pairwise_dist_chunk_size`, and use 256 if it is not set. metric_kwargs : dict, default=None Keyword arguments to pass to specified metric function. strategy : str, {'auto', 'parallel_on_X', 'parallel_on_Y'}, default=None The chunking strategy defining which dataset parallelization are made on. For both strategies the computations happens with two nested loops, respectively on chunks of X and chunks of Y. Strategies differs on which loop (outer or inner) is made to run in parallel with the Cython `prange` construct: - 'parallel_on_X' dispatches chunks of X uniformly on threads. Each thread then iterates on all the chunks of Y. This strategy is embarrassingly parallel and comes with no datastructures synchronisation. - 'parallel_on_Y' dispatches chunks of Y uniformly on threads. Each thread processes all the chunks of X in turn. This strategy is a sequence of embarrassingly parallel subtasks (the inner loop on Y chunks) with intermediate datastructures synchronisation at each iteration of the sequential outer loop on X chunks. - 'auto' relies on a simple heuristic to choose between 'parallel_on_X' and 'parallel_on_Y': when `X.shape[0]` is large enough, 'parallel_on_X' is usually the most efficient strategy. When `X.shape[0]` is small but `Y.shape[0]` is large, 'parallel_on_Y' brings more opportunity for parallelism and is therefore more efficient - None (default) looks-up in scikit-learn configuration for `pairwise_dist_parallel_strategy`, and use 'auto' if it is not set. return_distance : boolean, default=False Return distances between each X vector and its argkmin if set to True. Returns ------- If return_distance=False: - argkmin_indices : ndarray of shape (n_samples_X, k) Indices of the argkmin for each vector in X. If return_distance=True: - argkmin_distances : ndarray of shape (n_samples_X, k) Distances to the argkmin for each vector in X. - argkmin_indices : ndarray of shape (n_samples_X, k) Indices of the argkmin for each vector in X. Notes ----- This classmethod inspects the arguments values to dispatch to the dtype-specialized implementation of :class:`ArgKmin`. This allows decoupling the API entirely from the implementation details whilst maintaining RAII: all temporarily allocated datastructures necessary for the concrete implementation are therefore freed when this classmethod returns. """ if X.dtype == Y.dtype == np.float64: return ArgKmin64.compute( X=X, Y=Y, k=k, metric=metric, chunk_size=chunk_size, metric_kwargs=metric_kwargs, strategy=strategy, return_distance=return_distance, ) if X.dtype == Y.dtype == np.float32: return ArgKmin32.compute( X=X, Y=Y, k=k, metric=metric, chunk_size=chunk_size, metric_kwargs=metric_kwargs, strategy=strategy, return_distance=return_distance, ) raise ValueError( "Only float64 or float32 datasets pairs are supported at this time, " f"got: X.dtype={X.dtype} and Y.dtype={Y.dtype}." ) class RadiusNeighbors(BaseDistancesReductionDispatcher): """Compute radius-based neighbors for two sets of vectors. For each row-vector X[i] of the queries X, find all the indices j of row-vectors in Y such that: dist(X[i], Y[j]) <= radius The distance function `dist` depends on the values of the `metric` and `metric_kwargs` parameters. This class is not meant to be instanciated, one should only use its :meth:`compute` classmethod which handles allocation and deallocation consistently. """ @classmethod def compute( cls, X, Y, radius, metric="euclidean", chunk_size=None, metric_kwargs=None, strategy=None, return_distance=False, sort_results=False, ): """Return the results of the reduction for the given arguments. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray or CSR matrix of shape (n_samples_X, n_features) Input data. Y : ndarray or CSR matrix of shape (n_samples_Y, n_features) Input data. radius : float The radius defining the neighborhood. metric : str, default='euclidean' The distance metric to use. For a list of available metrics, see the documentation of :class:`~sklearn.metrics.DistanceMetric`. chunk_size : int, default=None, The number of vectors per chunk. If None (default) looks-up in scikit-learn configuration for `pairwise_dist_chunk_size`, and use 256 if it is not set. metric_kwargs : dict, default=None Keyword arguments to pass to specified metric function. strategy : str, {'auto', 'parallel_on_X', 'parallel_on_Y'}, default=None The chunking strategy defining which dataset parallelization are made on. For both strategies the computations happens with two nested loops, respectively on chunks of X and chunks of Y. Strategies differs on which loop (outer or inner) is made to run in parallel with the Cython `prange` construct: - 'parallel_on_X' dispatches chunks of X uniformly on threads. Each thread then iterates on all the chunks of Y. This strategy is embarrassingly parallel and comes with no datastructures synchronisation. - 'parallel_on_Y' dispatches chunks of Y uniformly on threads. Each thread processes all the chunks of X in turn. This strategy is a sequence of embarrassingly parallel subtasks (the inner loop on Y chunks) with intermediate datastructures synchronisation at each iteration of the sequential outer loop on X chunks. - 'auto' relies on a simple heuristic to choose between 'parallel_on_X' and 'parallel_on_Y': when `X.shape[0]` is large enough, 'parallel_on_X' is usually the most efficient strategy. When `X.shape[0]` is small but `Y.shape[0]` is large, 'parallel_on_Y' brings more opportunity for parallelism and is therefore more efficient despite the synchronization step at each iteration of the outer loop on chunks of `X`. - None (default) looks-up in scikit-learn configuration for `pairwise_dist_parallel_strategy`, and use 'auto' if it is not set. return_distance : boolean, default=False Return distances between each X vector and its neighbors if set to True. sort_results : boolean, default=False Sort results with respect to distances between each X vector and its neighbors if set to True. Returns ------- If return_distance=False: - neighbors_indices : ndarray of n_samples_X ndarray Indices of the neighbors for each vector in X. If return_distance=True: - neighbors_indices : ndarray of n_samples_X ndarray Indices of the neighbors for each vector in X. - neighbors_distances : ndarray of n_samples_X ndarray Distances to the neighbors for each vector in X. Notes ----- This classmethod inspects the arguments values to dispatch to the dtype-specialized implementation of :class:`RadiusNeighbors`. This allows decoupling the API entirely from the implementation details whilst maintaining RAII: all temporarily allocated datastructures necessary for the concrete implementation are therefore freed when this classmethod returns. """ if X.dtype == Y.dtype == np.float64: return RadiusNeighbors64.compute( X=X, Y=Y, radius=radius, metric=metric, chunk_size=chunk_size, metric_kwargs=metric_kwargs, strategy=strategy, sort_results=sort_results, return_distance=return_distance, ) if X.dtype == Y.dtype == np.float32: return RadiusNeighbors32.compute( X=X, Y=Y, radius=radius, metric=metric, chunk_size=chunk_size, metric_kwargs=metric_kwargs, strategy=strategy, sort_results=sort_results, return_distance=return_distance, ) raise ValueError( "Only float64 or float32 datasets pairs are supported at this time, " f"got: X.dtype={X.dtype} and Y.dtype={Y.dtype}." )