"""global_random_seed fixture The goal of this fixture is to prevent tests that use it to be sensitive to a specific seed value while still being deterministic by default. See the documentation for the SKLEARN_TESTS_GLOBAL_RANDOM_SEED variable for insrtuctions on how to use this fixture. https://scikit-learn.org/dev/computing/parallelism.html#sklearn-tests-global-random-seed """ import pytest from os import environ from random import Random # Passes the main worker's random seeds to workers class XDistHooks: def pytest_configure_node(self, node) -> None: random_seeds = node.config.getoption("random_seeds") node.workerinput["random_seeds"] = random_seeds def pytest_configure(config): if config.pluginmanager.hasplugin("xdist"): config.pluginmanager.register(XDistHooks()) RANDOM_SEED_RANGE = list(range(100)) # All seeds in [0, 99] should be valid. random_seed_var = environ.get("SKLEARN_TESTS_GLOBAL_RANDOM_SEED") if hasattr(config, "workerinput") and "random_seeds" in config.workerinput: # Set worker random seed from seed generated from main process random_seeds = config.workerinput["random_seeds"] elif random_seed_var is None: # This is the way. random_seeds = [42] elif random_seed_var == "any": # Pick-up one seed at random in the range of admissible random seeds. random_seeds = [Random().choice(RANDOM_SEED_RANGE)] elif random_seed_var == "all": random_seeds = RANDOM_SEED_RANGE else: if "-" in random_seed_var: start, stop = random_seed_var.split("-") random_seeds = list(range(int(start), int(stop) + 1)) else: random_seeds = [int(random_seed_var)] if min(random_seeds) < 0 or max(random_seeds) > 99: raise ValueError( "The value(s) of the environment variable " "SKLEARN_TESTS_GLOBAL_RANDOM_SEED must be in the range [0, 99] " f"(or 'any' or 'all'), got: {random_seed_var}" ) config.option.random_seeds = random_seeds class GlobalRandomSeedPlugin: @pytest.fixture(params=random_seeds) def global_random_seed(self, request): """Fixture to ask for a random yet controllable random seed. All tests that use this fixture accept the contract that they should deterministically pass for any seed value from 0 to 99 included. See the documentation for the SKLEARN_TESTS_GLOBAL_RANDOM_SEED variable for insrtuctions on how to use this fixture. https://scikit-learn.org/dev/computing/parallelism.html#sklearn-tests-global-random-seed """ yield request.param config.pluginmanager.register(GlobalRandomSeedPlugin()) def pytest_report_header(config): random_seed_var = environ.get("SKLEARN_TESTS_GLOBAL_RANDOM_SEED") if random_seed_var == "any": return [ "To reproduce this test run, set the following environment variable:", f' SKLEARN_TESTS_GLOBAL_RANDOM_SEED="{config.option.random_seeds[0]}"', "See: https://scikit-learn.org/dev/computing/parallelism.html" "#sklearn-tests-global-random-seed", ]