from functools import wraps from scipy.sparse import issparse from . import check_pandas_support from .._config import get_config from ._available_if import available_if def _wrap_in_pandas_container( data_to_wrap, *, columns, index=None, ): """Create a Pandas DataFrame. If `data_to_wrap` is a DataFrame, then the `columns` and `index` will be changed inplace. If `data_to_wrap` is a ndarray, then a new DataFrame is created with `columns` and `index`. Parameters ---------- data_to_wrap : {ndarray, dataframe} Data to be wrapped as pandas dataframe. columns : callable, ndarray, or None The column names or a callable that returns the column names. The callable is useful if the column names require some computation. If `columns` is a callable that raises an error, `columns` will have the same semantics as `None`. If `None` and `data_to_wrap` is already a dataframe, then the column names are not changed. If `None` and `data_to_wrap` is **not** a dataframe, then columns are `range(n_features)`. index : array-like, default=None Index for data. `index` is ignored if `data_to_wrap` is already a DataFrame. Returns ------- dataframe : DataFrame Container with column names or unchanged `output`. """ if issparse(data_to_wrap): raise ValueError("Pandas output does not support sparse data.") if callable(columns): try: columns = columns() except Exception: columns = None pd = check_pandas_support("Setting output container to 'pandas'") if isinstance(data_to_wrap, pd.DataFrame): if columns is not None: data_to_wrap.columns = columns return data_to_wrap return pd.DataFrame(data_to_wrap, index=index, columns=columns) def _get_output_config(method, estimator=None): """Get output config based on estimator and global configuration. Parameters ---------- method : {"transform"} Estimator's method for which the output container is looked up. estimator : estimator instance or None Estimator to get the output configuration from. If `None`, check global configuration is used. Returns ------- config : dict Dictionary with keys: - "dense": specifies the dense container for `method`. This can be `"default"` or `"pandas"`. """ est_sklearn_output_config = getattr(estimator, "_sklearn_output_config", {}) if method in est_sklearn_output_config: dense_config = est_sklearn_output_config[method] else: dense_config = get_config()[f"{method}_output"] if dense_config not in {"default", "pandas"}: raise ValueError( f"output config must be 'default' or 'pandas' got {dense_config}" ) return {"dense": dense_config} def _wrap_data_with_container(method, data_to_wrap, original_input, estimator): """Wrap output with container based on an estimator's or global config. Parameters ---------- method : {"transform"} Estimator's method to get container output for. data_to_wrap : {ndarray, dataframe} Data to wrap with container. original_input : {ndarray, dataframe} Original input of function. estimator : estimator instance Estimator with to get the output configuration from. Returns ------- output : {ndarray, dataframe} If the output config is "default" or the estimator is not configured for wrapping return `data_to_wrap` unchanged. If the output config is "pandas", return `data_to_wrap` as a pandas DataFrame. """ output_config = _get_output_config(method, estimator) if output_config["dense"] == "default" or not _auto_wrap_is_configured(estimator): return data_to_wrap # dense_config == "pandas" return _wrap_in_pandas_container( data_to_wrap=data_to_wrap, index=getattr(original_input, "index", None), columns=estimator.get_feature_names_out, ) def _wrap_method_output(f, method): """Wrapper used by `_SetOutputMixin` to automatically wrap methods.""" @wraps(f) def wrapped(self, X, *args, **kwargs): data_to_wrap = f(self, X, *args, **kwargs) if isinstance(data_to_wrap, tuple): # only wrap the first output for cross decomposition return ( _wrap_data_with_container(method, data_to_wrap[0], X, self), *data_to_wrap[1:], ) return _wrap_data_with_container(method, data_to_wrap, X, self) return wrapped def _auto_wrap_is_configured(estimator): """Return True if estimator is configured for auto-wrapping the transform method. `_SetOutputMixin` sets `_sklearn_auto_wrap_output_keys` to `set()` if auto wrapping is manually disabled. """ auto_wrap_output_keys = getattr(estimator, "_sklearn_auto_wrap_output_keys", set()) return ( hasattr(estimator, "get_feature_names_out") and "transform" in auto_wrap_output_keys ) class _SetOutputMixin: """Mixin that dynamically wraps methods to return container based on config. Currently `_SetOutputMixin` wraps `transform` and `fit_transform` and configures it based on `set_output` of the global configuration. `set_output` is only defined if `get_feature_names_out` is defined and `auto_wrap_output_keys` is the default value. """ def __init_subclass__(cls, auto_wrap_output_keys=("transform",), **kwargs): super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) # Dynamically wraps `transform` and `fit_transform` and configure it's # output based on `set_output`. if not ( isinstance(auto_wrap_output_keys, tuple) or auto_wrap_output_keys is None ): raise ValueError("auto_wrap_output_keys must be None or a tuple of keys.") if auto_wrap_output_keys is None: cls._sklearn_auto_wrap_output_keys = set() return # Mapping from method to key in configurations method_to_key = { "transform": "transform", "fit_transform": "transform", } cls._sklearn_auto_wrap_output_keys = set() for method, key in method_to_key.items(): if not hasattr(cls, method) or key not in auto_wrap_output_keys: continue cls._sklearn_auto_wrap_output_keys.add(key) # Only wrap methods defined by cls itself if method not in cls.__dict__: continue wrapped_method = _wrap_method_output(getattr(cls, method), key) setattr(cls, method, wrapped_method) @available_if(_auto_wrap_is_configured) def set_output(self, *, transform=None): """Set output container. See :ref:`` for an example on how to use the API. Parameters ---------- transform : {"default", "pandas"}, default=None Configure output of `transform` and `fit_transform`. - `"default"`: Default output format of a transformer - `"pandas"`: DataFrame output - `None`: Transform configuration is unchanged Returns ------- self : estimator instance Estimator instance. """ if transform is None: return self if not hasattr(self, "_sklearn_output_config"): self._sklearn_output_config = {} self._sklearn_output_config["transform"] = transform return self def _safe_set_output(estimator, *, transform=None): """Safely call estimator.set_output and error if it not available. This is used by meta-estimators to set the output for child estimators. Parameters ---------- estimator : estimator instance Estimator instance. transform : {"default", "pandas"}, default=None Configure output of the following estimator's methods: - `"transform"` - `"fit_transform"` If `None`, this operation is a no-op. Returns ------- estimator : estimator instance Estimator instance. """ set_output_for_transform = ( hasattr(estimator, "transform") or hasattr(estimator, "fit_transform") and transform is not None ) if not set_output_for_transform: # If estimator can not transform, then `set_output` does not need to be # called. return if not hasattr(estimator, "set_output"): raise ValueError( f"Unable to configure output for {estimator} because `set_output` " "is not available." ) return estimator.set_output(transform=transform)