# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Operators specific to data structures: list append, subscripts, etc.""" import collections from tensorflow.python.framework import constant_op from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_util from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import control_flow_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import list_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import tensor_array_ops # TODO(mdan): Once control flow supports objects, repackage as a class. def new_list(iterable=None): """The list constructor. Args: iterable: Optional elements to fill the list with. Returns: A list-like object. The exact return value depends on the initial elements. """ if iterable: elements = tuple(iterable) else: elements = () if elements: # When the list contains elements, it is assumed to be a "Python" lvalue # list. return _py_list_new(elements) return tf_tensor_list_new(elements) def tf_tensor_array_new(elements, element_dtype=None, element_shape=None): """Overload of new_list that stages a Tensor list creation.""" elements = tuple(ops.convert_to_tensor(el) for el in elements) all_dtypes = set(el.dtype for el in elements) if len(all_dtypes) == 1: inferred_dtype, = tuple(all_dtypes) if element_dtype is not None and element_dtype != inferred_dtype: raise ValueError( 'incompatible dtype; specified: {}, inferred from {}: {}'.format( element_dtype, elements, inferred_dtype)) elif len(all_dtypes) > 1: raise ValueError( 'TensorArray requires all elements to have the same dtype:' ' {}'.format(elements)) else: if element_dtype is None: raise ValueError('dtype is required to create an empty TensorArray') all_shapes = set(tuple(el.shape.as_list()) for el in elements) if len(all_shapes) == 1: inferred_shape, = tuple(all_shapes) if element_shape is not None and element_shape != inferred_shape: raise ValueError( 'incompatible shape; specified: {}, inferred from {}: {}'.format( element_shape, elements, inferred_shape)) elif len(all_shapes) > 1: raise ValueError( 'TensorArray requires all elements to have the same shape:' ' {}'.format(elements)) # TODO(mdan): We may want to allow different shapes with infer_shape=False. else: inferred_shape = None if element_dtype is None: element_dtype = inferred_dtype if element_shape is None: element_shape = inferred_shape l = tensor_array_ops.TensorArray( dtype=element_dtype, size=len(elements), dynamic_size=True, infer_shape=(element_shape is None), element_shape=element_shape) for i, el in enumerate(elements): l = l.write(i, el) return l def tf_tensor_list_new(elements, element_dtype=None, element_shape=None): """Overload of new_list that stages a Tensor list creation.""" if tensor_util.is_tf_type(elements): if element_shape is not None: raise ValueError( 'element shape may not be specified when creating list from tensor') element_shape = array_ops.shape(elements)[1:] l = list_ops.tensor_list_from_tensor(elements, element_shape=element_shape) return l elements = tuple(ops.convert_to_tensor(el) for el in elements) all_dtypes = set(el.dtype for el in elements) if len(all_dtypes) == 1: inferred_dtype = tuple(all_dtypes)[0] if element_dtype is not None and element_dtype != inferred_dtype: raise ValueError( 'incompatible dtype; specified: {}, inferred from {}: {}'.format( element_dtype, elements, inferred_dtype)) elif all_dtypes: # Heterogeneous lists are ok. if element_dtype is not None: raise ValueError( 'specified dtype {} is inconsistent with that of elements {}'.format( element_dtype, elements)) inferred_dtype = dtypes.variant else: inferred_dtype = dtypes.variant all_shapes = set(tuple(el.shape.as_list()) for el in elements) if len(all_shapes) == 1: inferred_shape = array_ops.shape(elements[0]) if element_shape is not None and element_shape != inferred_shape: raise ValueError( 'incompatible shape; specified: {}, inferred from {}: {}'.format( element_shape, elements, inferred_shape)) elif all_shapes: # Heterogeneous lists are ok. if element_shape is not None: raise ValueError( 'specified shape {} is inconsistent with that of elements {}'.format( element_shape, elements)) inferred_shape = constant_op.constant(-1) # unknown shape, by convention else: inferred_shape = constant_op.constant(-1) # unknown shape, by convention if element_dtype is None: element_dtype = inferred_dtype if element_shape is None: element_shape = inferred_shape element_shape = ops.convert_to_tensor(element_shape, dtype=dtypes.int32) l = list_ops.empty_tensor_list( element_shape=element_shape, element_dtype=element_dtype) for el in elements: l = list_ops.tensor_list_push_back(l, el) return l def _py_list_new(elements): """Overload of new_list that creates a Python list.""" return list(elements) def list_append(list_, x): """The list append function. Note: it is unspecified where list_ will be mutated or not. If list_ is a TensorFlow entity, it will not be typically mutated. If list_ is a plain list, it will be. In general, if the list is mutated then the return value should point to the original entity. Args: list_: An entity that supports append semantics. x: The element to append. Returns: Same as list_, after the append was performed. Raises: ValueError: if list_ is not of a known list-like type. """ if isinstance(list_, tensor_array_ops.TensorArray): return _tf_tensorarray_append(list_, x) elif tensor_util.is_tf_type(list_): if list_.dtype == dtypes.variant: return _tf_tensor_list_append(list_, x) else: raise ValueError( 'tensor lists are expected to be Tensors with dtype=tf.variant,' ' instead found %s' % list_) else: return _py_list_append(list_, x) def _tf_tensor_list_append(list_, x): """Overload of list_append that stages a Tensor list write.""" def empty_list_of_elements_like_x(): tensor_x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x) return list_ops.empty_tensor_list( element_shape=array_ops.shape(tensor_x), element_dtype=tensor_x.dtype) list_ = control_flow_ops.cond( list_ops.tensor_list_length(list_) > 0, lambda: list_, empty_list_of_elements_like_x, ) return list_ops.tensor_list_push_back(list_, x) def _tf_tensorarray_append(list_, x): """Overload of list_append that stages a TensorArray write.""" return list_.write(list_.size(), x) def _py_list_append(list_, x): """Overload of list_append that executes a Python list append.""" # Revert to the original call. list_.append(x) return list_ class ListPopOpts( collections.namedtuple('ListPopOpts', ('element_dtype', 'element_shape'))): pass def list_pop(list_, i, opts): """The list pop function. Note: it is unspecified where list_ will be mutated or not. If list_ is a TensorFlow entity, it will not be typically mutated. If list_ is a plain list, it will be. In general, if the list is mutated then the return value should point to the original entity. Args: list_: An entity that supports pop semantics. i: Optional index to pop from. May be None. opts: A ListPopOpts. Returns: Tuple (x, out_list_): out_list_: same as list_, after the removal was performed. x: the removed element value. Raises: ValueError: if list_ is not of a known list-like type or the operation is not supported for that type. """ assert isinstance(opts, ListPopOpts) if isinstance(list_, tensor_array_ops.TensorArray): raise ValueError('TensorArray does not support item removal') elif tensor_util.is_tf_type(list_): if list_.dtype == dtypes.variant: return _tf_tensor_list_pop(list_, i, opts) else: raise ValueError( 'tensor lists are expected to be Tensors with dtype=tf.variant,' ' instead found %s' % list_) else: return _py_list_pop(list_, i) def _tf_tensor_list_pop(list_, i, opts): """Overload of list_pop that stages a Tensor list pop.""" if i is not None: raise NotImplementedError('tensor lists only support removing from the end') if opts.element_dtype is None: raise ValueError('cannot pop from a list without knowing its element ' 'type; use set_element_type to annotate it') if opts.element_shape is None: raise ValueError('cannot pop from a list without knowing its element ' 'shape; use set_element_type to annotate it') list_out, x = list_ops.tensor_list_pop_back( list_, element_dtype=opts.element_dtype) x.set_shape(opts.element_shape) return list_out, x def _py_list_pop(list_, i): """Overload of list_pop that executes a Python list append.""" if i is None: x = list_.pop() else: x = list_.pop(i) return list_, x # TODO(mdan): Look into reducing duplication between all these containers. class ListStackOpts( collections.namedtuple('ListStackOpts', ('element_dtype', 'original_call'))): pass def list_stack(list_, opts): """The list stack function. This does not have a direct correspondent in Python. The closest idiom to this is tf.append or np.stack. It's different from those in the sense that it accepts a Tensor list, rather than a list of tensors. It can also accept TensorArray. When the target is anything else, the dispatcher will rely on ctx.original_call for fallback. Args: list_: An entity that supports append semantics. opts: A ListStackOpts object. Returns: The output of the stack operation, typically a Tensor. """ assert isinstance(opts, ListStackOpts) if isinstance(list_, tensor_array_ops.TensorArray): return _tf_tensorarray_stack(list_) elif tensor_util.is_tf_type(list_): if list_.dtype == dtypes.variant: return _tf_tensor_list_stack(list_, opts) else: # No-op for primitive Tensor arguments. return list_ else: return _py_list_stack(list_, opts) def _tf_tensorarray_stack(list_): """Overload of list_stack that stages a TensorArray stack.""" return list_.stack() def _tf_tensor_list_stack(list_, opts): """Overload of list_stack that stages a Tensor list write.""" if opts.element_dtype is None: raise ValueError('cannot stack a list without knowing its element type;' ' use set_element_type to annotate it') return list_ops.tensor_list_stack(list_, element_dtype=opts.element_dtype) def _py_list_stack(list_, opts): """Overload of list_stack that executes a Python list append.""" # Revert to the original call. return opts.original_call(list_)