# Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. 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This function attempts to determine whether a valid snapshot exists at the `path`, and reads from the snapshot if so. If not, it will run the preprocessing pipeline as usual, and write out a snapshot of the data processed for future use. Args: path: A directory where we want to save our snapshots and/or read from a previously saved snapshot. compression: The type of compression to apply to the Dataset. Currently supports "GZIP" or None. Defaults to None (no compression). reader_path_prefix: A prefix to add to the path when reading from snapshots. Defaults to None. writer_path_prefix: A prefix to add to the path when writing to snapshots. Defaults to None. shard_size_bytes: The size of each shard to be written by the snapshot dataset op. Defaults to 10 GiB. pending_snapshot_expiry_seconds: How long to wait (in seconds) before the snapshot op considers a previously unfinished snapshot to be stale. num_reader_threads: Number of threads to parallelize reading from snapshot. Especially useful if compression is turned on since the decompression operation tends to be intensive. Defaults to 1. If > 1, then this might introduce non-determinism i.e. the order in which the elements are read from the snapshot are different from the order they're written. reader_buffer_size: Maximum number of elements we can prefetch reading from the snapshot. Defaults to 1. Increasing this might improve performance but will increase memory consumption. num_writer_threads: Number of threads to parallelize writing from snapshot. We'll open up `num_writer_threads` files and write to them in parallel. Especially useful if compression is turned on since the compression operation tends to be intensive. Defaults to 1. If > 1, then this might introduce non-determinism i.e. the order in which the elements are read from the upstream iterator are different from the order they're written. writer_buffer_size: Maximum number of pipeline elements to fill up the buffer before writing them out using `num_writer_threads`. shuffle_on_read: If this is True, then the order in which examples are produced when reading from a snapshot will be random. Defaults to False. shuffle_seed: Optional. If shuffle_seed is set, the random number generator used for shuffling (when shuffle_on_read is turned on) is seeded by the given seed. Otherwise, it is seeded by a random seed that differs for every run. mode: The mode at which snapshot should operate. Valid options are "auto", "read", "write", and "passthrough". The default mode is "auto", where the snapshot op will automatically determine what mode to operate in. snapshot_name: If set, use the supplied string as a named snapshot name instead of introspecting the data pipeline and automatically generating a unique identifier for the snapshot. Returns: A `Dataset` transformation function, which can be passed to `tf.data.Dataset.apply`. """ def _apply_fn(dataset): return _LegacySnapshotDataset( input_dataset=dataset, path=path, compression=compression, reader_path_prefix=reader_path_prefix, writer_path_prefix=writer_path_prefix, shard_size_bytes=shard_size_bytes, pending_snapshot_expiry_seconds=pending_snapshot_expiry_seconds, num_reader_threads=num_reader_threads, reader_buffer_size=reader_buffer_size, num_writer_threads=num_writer_threads, writer_buffer_size=writer_buffer_size, shuffle_on_read=shuffle_on_read, shuffle_seed=shuffle_seed, mode=mode, snapshot_name=snapshot_name) return _apply_fn @deprecation.deprecated(None, "Use `tf.data.Dataset.snapshot(...)`.") @tf_export("data.experimental.snapshot") def snapshot(path, compression="AUTO", reader_func=None, shard_func=None): """API to persist the output of the input dataset. The snapshot API allows users to transparently persist the output of their preprocessing pipeline to disk, and materialize the pre-processed data on a different training run. This API enables repeated preprocessing steps to be consolidated, and allows re-use of already processed data, trading off disk storage and network bandwidth for freeing up more valuable CPU resources and accelerator compute time. https://github.com/tensorflow/community/blob/master/rfcs/20200107-tf-data-snapshot.md has detailed design documentation of this feature. Users can specify various options to control the behavior of snapshot, including how snapshots are read from and written to by passing in user-defined functions to the `reader_func` and `shard_func` parameters. `shard_func` is a user specified function that maps input elements to snapshot shards. Users may want to specify this function to control how snapshot files should be written to disk. Below is an example of how a potential shard_func could be written. ```python dataset = ... dataset = dataset.enumerate() dataset = dataset.apply(tf.data.Dataset.shapshot("/path/to/snapshot/dir", shard_func=lambda x, y: x % NUM_SHARDS, ...)) dataset = dataset.map(lambda x, y: y) ``` `reader_func` is a user specified function that accepts a single argument: (1) a Dataset of Datasets, each representing a "split" of elements of the original dataset. The cardinality of the input dataset matches the number of the shards specified in the `shard_func` (see above). The function should return a Dataset of elements of the original dataset. Users may want specify this function to control how snapshot files should be read from disk, including the amount of shuffling and parallelism. Here is an example of a standard reader function a user can define. This function enables both dataset shuffling and parallel reading of datasets: ```python def user_reader_func(datasets): # shuffle the datasets splits datasets = datasets.shuffle(NUM_CORES) # read datasets in parallel and interleave their elements return datasets.interleave(lambda x: x, num_parallel_calls=AUTOTUNE) dataset = dataset.apply(tf.data.Dataset.shapshot("/path/to/snapshot/dir", reader_func=user_reader_func)) ``` By default, snapshot parallelizes reads by the number of cores available on the system, but will not attempt to shuffle the data. Args: path: Required. A directory to use for storing / loading the snapshot to / from. compression: Optional. The type of compression to apply to the snapshot written to disk. Supported options are `GZIP`, `SNAPPY`, `AUTO` or None. Defaults to AUTO, which attempts to pick an appropriate compression algorithm for the dataset. reader_func: Optional. A function to control how to read data from snapshot shards. shard_func: Optional. A function to control how to shard data when writing a snapshot. Returns: A `Dataset` transformation function, which can be passed to `tf.data.Dataset.apply`. """ def _apply_fn(dataset): """Actual dataset transformation.""" return dataset.snapshot( path=path, compression=compression, reader_func=reader_func, shard_func=shard_func) return _apply_fn