# Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================= """Utility to convert a Graph to a FunctionDef.""" import re from tensorflow.core.framework import function_pb2 from tensorflow.core.framework import op_def_pb2 from tensorflow.python.framework import op_def_registry def _make_argname_from_tensor_name(name): return re.sub(":0$", "", name).replace(":", "_o") def _tensor_to_argdef(t, name=None, used_names=None): """Convert tensor t to an argdef, with a specified name or a unique name.""" arg = op_def_pb2.OpDef.ArgDef() if name is None: arg.name = _make_argname_from_tensor_name(t.name) if used_names is not None: if arg.name in used_names: i = 0 while True: new_name = "%s_U%d" % (arg.name, i) if new_name not in used_names: arg.name = new_name break i += 1 used_names.add(arg.name) else: arg.name = name arg.type = t.dtype.as_datatype_enum return arg def _is_in_placeholders(op, func_arg_placeholders): """Checks whether any output of this op is in func_arg_placeholders.""" return op.values() and any(x.name in func_arg_placeholders for x in op.values()) def _get_node_def(op): return op.node_def # pylint: disable=protected-access def _get_op_def(op): return op.op_def or op_def_registry.get(op.type) def _create_input_dict(function_graph, func_arg_placeholders, initial_value=None): """Create a mapping from graph tensor names to function tensor names.""" if initial_value is None: input_dict = {} else: input_dict = dict(initial_value) for op in function_graph.get_operations(): if _is_in_placeholders(op, func_arg_placeholders): input_dict[op.name] = op.name else: op_def = _get_op_def(op) attrs = _get_node_def(op).attr o = 0 for arg_def in op_def.output_arg: if arg_def.number_attr: num = attrs[arg_def.number_attr].i elif arg_def.type_list_attr: num = len(attrs[arg_def.type_list_attr].list.type) else: num = 1 for i in range(num): result = "%s:%s:%d" % (op.name, arg_def.name, i) input_dict[op.values()[o].name] = result if o == 0: input_dict[op.name] = result o += 1 return input_dict def _add_op_node(op, func, input_dict): """Converts an op to a function def node and add it to `func`.""" # Add an entry in func.node_def # Note that extend() makes a copy in this case, see: # https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/reference/python-generated#repeated-message-fields func.node_def.extend([_get_node_def(op)]) node_def = func.node_def[-1] for i in range(len(node_def.input)): if not node_def.input[i].startswith("^"): assert node_def.input[i] in input_dict, ("%s missing from %s" % (node_def.input[i], input_dict.items())) node_def.input[i] = input_dict[node_def.input[i]] # The function is stateful if any of its operations are stateful. # NOTE(mrry): The "Const" node typically does not have an `OpDef` associated # with it, so we assume any nodes without an `OpDef` are stateless. # TODO(skyewm): Remove the `is not None` test after we transition to the C # API. if op.op_def is not None and op.op_def.is_stateful: func.signature.is_stateful = True def graph_to_function_def(graph, operations, inputs, outputs, out_names=None): """Returns `graph` as a `FunctionDef` protocol buffer. This method creates a [`FunctionDef`]( https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/core/framework/function.proto) protocol buffer that contains all the ops in `operations`. The operations become the body of the function. The arguments `inputs` and `outputs` will be listed as the inputs and outputs tensors of the function. They must be lists of tensors present in the graph. The lists can optionally be empty. Args: graph: Graph. operations: the operations to put in the function. Must be a subset of the operations in the graph. inputs: List of tensors. Inputs to the function. outputs: List of tensors. Outputs of the function. out_names: Optional list of string names for the outputs. Returns: A FunctionDef protocol buffer. Raises: ValueError: if out_names is specified and the wrong length. """ func = function_pb2.FunctionDef() func.signature.name = "_" used_names = set() func.signature.input_arg.extend( [_tensor_to_argdef(i, used_names=used_names) for i in inputs]) # Initializes the input map with all placeholder input tensors. initial_dict = {} for o, m in zip(inputs, func.signature.input_arg): initial_dict[o.name] = m.name if out_names is None: used_names = set() func.signature.output_arg.extend( [_tensor_to_argdef(o, used_names=used_names) for o in outputs]) elif len(outputs) != len(out_names): raise ValueError( f"out_names must be either empty or equal in size to outputs. " f"len(out_names) = {len(out_names)} len(outputs) = {len(outputs)}") elif len(out_names) != len(set(out_names)): raise ValueError( f"Must not have duplicates in out_names. Received: {out_names}") else: func.signature.output_arg.extend( [_tensor_to_argdef(o, name=n) for o, n in zip(outputs, out_names)]) func_arg_placeholders = set(i.name for i in inputs) input_dict = _create_input_dict(graph, func_arg_placeholders, initial_value=initial_dict) for op in operations: if _is_in_placeholders(op, func_arg_placeholders): continue _add_op_node(op, func, input_dict) if out_names is None: for index, o in enumerate(outputs): k = func.signature.output_arg[index].name func.ret[k] = input_dict[o.name] else: for o, n in zip(outputs, out_names): func.ret[n] = input_dict[o.name] return func